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1 //FAMOS headers
3 #include <array>
6  rCyl(0.), rCyl2(0.), zCyl(0.), bField(0), properDecayTime(1E99)
7 {;}
10  const RawParticle& myPart,double R, double Z, double B, double t ) :
11  particle_(myPart), rCyl(R), rCyl2(R*R), zCyl(Z), bField(B), properDecayTime(t)
12 {
13  init();
14 }
17  const RawParticle& myPart,double R, double Z, double B) :
18  particle_(myPart), rCyl(R), rCyl2(R*R), zCyl(Z), bField(B), properDecayTime(1E99)
19 {
20  init();
21 }
23 void
26  // The status of the propagation
27  success = 0;
28  // Propagate only for the first half-loop
29  firstLoop = true;
30  //
31  fiducial = true;
32  // The particle has not yet decayed
33  decayed = false;
34  // The proper time is set to zero
35  properTime = 0.;
36  // The propagation direction is along the momentum
37  propDir = 1;
38  //
39  debug = false;
41 }
43 bool
47  //
48  // Check that the particle is not already on the cylinder surface
49  //
50  double rPos2 = particle_.R2();
52  if ( onBarrel(rPos2) ) {
53  success = 1;
54  return true;
55  }
56  //
57  if ( onEndcap(rPos2) ) {
58  success = 2;
59  return true;
60  }
61  //
62  // Treat neutral particles (or no magnetic field) first
63  //
64  if ( fabs(particle_.charge()) < 1E-12 || bField < 1E-12 ) {
66  //
67  // First check that the particle crosses the cylinder
68  //
69  double pT2 = particle_.Perp2();
70  // double pT2 = pT*pT;
71  // double b2 = rCyl * pT;
72  double b2 = rCyl2 * pT2;
73  double ac = fabs ( particle_.X()*particle_.Py() - particle_.Y()*particle_.Px() );
74  double ac2 = ac*ac;
75  //
76  // The particle never crosses (or never crossed) the cylinder
77  //
78  // if ( ac > b2 ) return false;
79  if ( ac2 > b2 ) return false;
81  // double delta = std::sqrt(b2*b2 - ac*ac);
82  double delta = std::sqrt(b2 - ac2);
83  double tplus = -( particle_.X()*particle_.Px()+particle_.Y()*particle_.Py() ) + delta;
84  double tminus = -( particle_.X()*particle_.Px()+particle_.Y()*particle_.Py() ) - delta;
85  //
86  // Find the first (time-wise) intersection point with the cylinder
87  //
89  double solution = tminus < 0 ? tplus/pT2 : tminus/pT2;
90  if ( solution < 0. ) return false;
91  //
92  // Check that the particle does (did) not exit from the endcaps first.
93  //
94  double zProp = particle_.Z() + particle_.Pz() * solution;
95  if ( fabs(zProp) > zCyl ) {
96  tplus = ( zCyl - particle_.Z() ) / particle_.Pz();
97  tminus = (-zCyl - particle_.Z() ) / particle_.Pz();
98  solution = tminus < 0 ? tplus : tminus;
99  if ( solution < 0. ) return false;
100  zProp = particle_.Z() + particle_.Pz() * solution;
101  success = 2;
102  }
103  else {
104  success = 1;
105  }
107  //
108  // Check the decay time
109  //
110  double delTime = propDir * particle_.mass() * solution;
111  double factor = 1.;
112  properTime += delTime;
113  if ( properTime > properDecayTime ) {
114  factor = 1.-(properTime-properDecayTime)/delTime;
116  decayed = true;
117  }
119  //
120  // Compute the coordinates of the RawParticle after propagation
121  //
122  double xProp = particle_.X() + particle_.Px() * solution * factor;
123  double yProp = particle_.Y() + particle_.Py() * solution * factor;
124  zProp = particle_.Z() + particle_.Pz() * solution * factor;
125  double tProp = particle_.T() + particle_.E() * solution * factor;
127  //
128  // Last check : Although propagated to the endcaps, R could still be
129  // larger than rCyl because the cylinder was too short...
130  //
131  if ( success == 2 && xProp*xProp+yProp*yProp > rCyl2 ) {
132  success = -1;
133  return true;
134  }
136  //
137  // ... and update the particle with its propagated coordinates
138  //
139  particle_.setVertex( XYZTLorentzVector(xProp,yProp,zProp,tProp) );
141  return true;
142  }
143  //
144  // Treat charged particles with magnetic field next.
145  //
146  else {
147  //
148  // First check that the particle can cross the cylinder
149  //
150  double pT = particle_.Pt();
151  double radius = helixRadius(pT);
152  double phi0 = helixStartPhi();
153  double xC = helixCentreX(radius,phi0);
154  double yC = helixCentreY(radius,phi0);
155  double dist = helixCentreDistToAxis(xC,yC);
156  //
157  // The helix either is outside or includes the cylinder -> no intersection
158  //
159  if ( fabs ( fabs(radius) - dist ) > rCyl ) return false;
160  //
161  // The particle is already away from the endcaps, and will never come back
162  // Could be back-propagated, so warn the user that it is so.
163  //
164  if ( particle_.Z() * particle_.Pz() > zCyl * fabs(particle_.Pz()) ) {
165  success = -2;
166  return true;
167  }
169  double pZ = particle_.Pz();
170  double phiProp, zProp;
171  //
172  // Does the helix cross the cylinder barrel ? If not, do the first half-loop
173  //
174  double rProp = std::min(fabs(radius)+dist-0.000001, rCyl);
176  // Check for rounding errors in the ArcSin.
177  double sinPhiProp =
178  (rProp*rProp-radius*radius-dist*dist)/( 2.*dist*radius);
180  //
181  double deltaPhi = 1E99;
183  // Taylor development up to third order for large momenta
184  if ( 1.-fabs(sinPhiProp) < 1E-9 ) {
186  double cphi0 = std::cos(phi0);
187  double sphi0 = std::sin(phi0);
188  double r0 = (particle_.X()*cphi0 + particle_.Y()*sphi0)/radius;
189  double q0 = (particle_.X()*sphi0 - particle_.Y()*cphi0)/radius;
190  double rcyl2 = (rCyl2 - particle_.X()*particle_.X() - particle_.Y()*particle_.Y())/(radius*radius);
191  double delta = r0*r0 + rcyl2*(1.-q0);
193  // This is a solution of a second order equation, assuming phi = phi0 + epsilon
194  // and epsilon is small.
195  deltaPhi = radius > 0 ?
196  ( -r0 + std::sqrt(delta ) ) / (1.-q0) :
197  ( -r0 - std::sqrt(delta ) ) / (1.-q0);
199  }
201  // Use complete calculation otherwise, or if the delta phi is large anyway.
202  if ( fabs(deltaPhi) > 1E-3 ) {
204  // phiProp = fabs(sinPhiProp) < 0.99999999 ?
205  // std::asin(sinPhiProp) : M_PI/2. * sinPhiProp;
206  phiProp = std::asin(sinPhiProp);
208  //
209  // Compute phi after propagation (two solutions, but the asin definition
210  // (between -pi/2 and +pi/2) takes care of the wrong one.
211  //
212  phiProp = helixCentrePhi(xC,yC) +
213  ( inside(rPos2) || onSurface(rPos2) ? phiProp : M_PI-phiProp );
215  //
216  // Solve the obvious two-pi ambiguities: more than one turn!
217  //
218  if ( fabs(phiProp - phi0) > 2.*M_PI )
219  phiProp += ( phiProp > phi0 ? -2.*M_PI : +2.*M_PI );
221  //
222  // Check that the phi difference has the right sign, according to Q*B
223  // (Another two pi ambuiguity, slightly more subtle)
224  //
225  if ( (phiProp-phi0)*radius < 0.0 )
226  radius > 0.0 ? phiProp += 2 * M_PI : phiProp -= 2 * M_PI;
228  } else {
230  // Use Taylor
231  phiProp = phi0 + deltaPhi;
233  }
235  //
236  // Check that the particle does not exit from the endcaps first.
237  //
238  zProp = particle_.Z() + ( phiProp - phi0 ) * pZ * radius / pT ;
239  if ( fabs(zProp) > zCyl ) {
241  zProp = zCyl * fabs(pZ)/pZ;
242  phiProp = phi0 + (zProp - particle_.Z()) / radius * pT / pZ;
243  success = 2;
245  } else {
247  //
248  // If the particle does not cross the barrel, either process the
249  // first-half loop only or propagate all the way down to the endcaps
250  //
251  if ( rProp < rCyl ) {
253  if ( firstLoop || fabs(pZ)/pT < 1E-10 ) {
255  success = 0;
257  } else {
259  zProp = zCyl * fabs(pZ)/pZ;
260  phiProp = phi0 + (zProp - particle_.Z()) / radius * pT / pZ;
261  success = 2;
263  }
264  //
265  // The particle crossed the barrel
266  //
267  } else {
269  success = 1;
271  }
272  }
273  //
274  // Compute the coordinates of the RawParticle after propagation
275  //
276  //
277  // Check the decay time
278  //
279  double delTime = propDir * (phiProp-phi0)*radius*particle_.mass() / pT;
280  double factor = 1.;
281  properTime += delTime;
282  if ( properTime > properDecayTime ) {
283  factor = 1.-(properTime-properDecayTime)/delTime;
285  decayed = true;
286  }
288  zProp = particle_.Z() + (zProp-particle_.Z())*factor;
290  phiProp = phi0 + (phiProp-phi0)*factor;
292  double sProp = std::sin(phiProp);
293  double cProp = std::cos(phiProp);
294  double xProp = xC + radius * sProp;
295  double yProp = yC - radius * cProp;
296  double tProp = particle_.T() + (phiProp-phi0)*radius*particle_.E()/pT;
297  double pxProp = pT * cProp;
298  double pyProp = pT * sProp;
300  //
301  // Last check : Although propagated to the endcaps, R could still be
302  // larger than rCyl because the cylinder was too short...
303  //
304  if ( success == 2 && xProp*xProp+yProp*yProp > rCyl2 ) {
305  success = -1;
306  return true;
307  }
308  //
309  // ... and update the particle vertex and momentum
310  //
311  particle_.setVertex( XYZTLorentzVector(xProp,yProp,zProp,tProp) );
312  particle_.setMomentum(pxProp,pyProp,pZ,particle_.E());
313  // particle_.SetPx(pxProp);
314  // particle_.SetPy(pyProp);
315  return true;
317  }
318 }
320 bool
323  // Backpropagate
326  propDir = -1;
327  bool done = propagate();
330  propDir = +1;
332  return done;
333 }
337  // Copy the input particle in a new instance
338  BaseParticlePropagator myPropPart(*this);
339  // Allow for many loops
340  myPropPart.firstLoop=false;
341  // Propagate the particle !
342  myPropPart.propagate();
343  // Back propagate if the forward propagation was not a success
344  if (myPropPart.success < 0 )
345  myPropPart.backPropagate();
346  // Return the new instance
347  return myPropPart;
348 }
350 void
352  rCyl = R;
353  rCyl2 = R*R;
354  zCyl = Z;
355  firstLoop = f;
356 }
358 bool
361  // Pre-computed quantities
362  double pT = particle_.Pt();
363  double radius = helixRadius(pT);
364  double phi0 = helixStartPhi();
366  // The Helix centre coordinates are computed wrt to the z axis
367  // Actually the z axis might be centred on 0,0: it's the beam spot position (x0,y0)!
368  double xC = helixCentreX(radius,phi0);
369  double yC = helixCentreY(radius,phi0);
370  double distz = helixCentreDistToAxis(xC-x0,yC-y0);
371  double dist0 = helixCentreDistToAxis(xC,yC);
373  //
374  // Propagation to point of clostest approach to z axis
375  //
376  double rz,r0,z;
377  if ( particle_.charge() != 0.0 && bField != 0.0 ) {
378  rz = fabs ( fabs(radius) - distz ) + std::sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0) + 0.0000001;
379  r0 = fabs ( fabs(radius) - dist0 ) + 0.0000001;
380  } else {
381  rz = fabs( particle_.Px() * (particle_.Y()-y0) - particle_.Py() * (particle_.X()-x0) ) / particle_.Pt();
382  r0 = fabs( particle_.Px() * particle_.Y() - particle_.Py() * particle_.X() ) / particle_.Pt();
383  }
385  z = 999999.;
387  // Propagate to the first interesection point
388  // with cylinder of radius sqrt(x0**2+y0**2)
389  setPropagationConditions(rz , z, first);
390  bool done = backPropagate();
392  // Unsuccessful propagation - should not happen!
393  if ( !done ) return done;
395  // The z axis is (0,0) - no need to go further
396  if ( fabs(rz-r0) < 1E-10 ) return done;
397  double dist1 = (particle_.X()-x0)*(particle_.X()-x0) + (particle_.Y()-y0)*(particle_.Y()-y0);
399  // We are already at closest approach - no need to go further
400  if ( dist1 < 1E-10 ) return done;
402  // Keep for later if it happens to be the right solution
403  XYZTLorentzVector vertex1 = particle_.vertex();
404  XYZTLorentzVector momentum1 = particle_.momentum();
406  // Propagate to the distance of closest approach to (0,0)
407  setPropagationConditions(r0 , z, first);
408  done = backPropagate();
409  if ( !done ) return done;
411  // Propagate to the first interesection point
412  // with cylinder of radius sqrt(x0**2+y0**2)
413  setPropagationConditions(rz , z, first);
414  done = backPropagate();
415  if ( !done ) return done;
416  double dist2 = (particle_.X()-x0)*(particle_.X()-x0) + (particle_.Y()-y0)*(particle_.Y()-y0);
418  // Keep the good solution.
419  if ( dist2 > dist1 ) {
420  particle_.setVertex(vertex1);
421  particle_.setMomentum(momentum1.X(),momentum1.Y(),momentum1.Z(),momentum1.E());
422  dist2 = dist1;
423  }
425  // Done
426  return done;
428 }
430 bool
432  //
433  // Propagation to Ecal (including preshower) after the
434  // last Tracker layer
435  // TODO: include proper geometry
436  // Geometry taken from CMS ECAL TDR
437  //
438  // First propagate to global barrel / endcap cylinder
439  // setPropagationConditions(1290. , 3045 , first);
440  // New position of the preshower as of CMSSW_1_7_X
441  setPropagationConditions(129.0 , 303.353 , first);
442  return propagate();
444 }
446 bool
448  //
449  // Propagation to Preshower Layer 1
450  // TODO: include proper geometry
451  // Geometry taken from CMS ECAL TDR
452  //
453  // First propagate to global barrel / endcap cylinder
454  // setPropagationConditions(1290., 3045 , first);
455  // New position of the preshower as of CMSSW_1_7_X
456  setPropagationConditions(129.0, 303.353 , first);
457  bool done = propagate();
459  // Check that were are on the Layer 1
460  if ( done && (particle_.R2() > 125.0*125.0 || particle_.R2() < 45.0*45.0) )
461  success = 0;
463  return done;
464 }
466 bool
468  //
469  // Propagation to Preshower Layer 2
470  // TODO: include proper geometry
471  // Geometry taken from CMS ECAL TDR
472  //
473  // First propagate to global barrel / endcap cylinder
474  // setPropagationConditions(1290. , 3090 , first);
475  // New position of the preshower as of CMSSW_1_7_X
476  setPropagationConditions(129.0 , 307.838 , first);
477  bool done = propagate();
479  // Check that we are on Layer 2
480  if ( done && (particle_.R2() > 125.0*125.0 || particle_.R2() < 45.0*45.0 ) )
481  success = 0;
483  return done;
485 }
487 bool
489  //
490  // Propagation to ECAL entrance
491  // TODO: include proper geometry
492  // Geometry taken from CMS ECAL TDR
493  //
494  // First propagate to global barrel / endcap cylinder
495  setPropagationConditions(129.0 , 320.9,first);
496  bool done = propagate();
498  // Go to endcap cylinder in the "barrel cut corner"
499  // eta = 1.479 -> cos^2(theta) = 0.81230
500  // if ( done && eta > 1.479 && success == 1 ) {
501  if ( done && particle_.cos2ThetaV() > 0.81230 && success == 1 ) {
502  setPropagationConditions(152.6 , 320.9, first);
503  done = propagate();
504  }
506  // We are not in the ECAL acceptance
507  // eta = 3.0 -> cos^2(theta) = 0.99013
508  if ( particle_.cos2ThetaV() > 0.99014 ) success = 0;
510  return done;
511 }
513 bool
515  //
516  // Propagation to HCAL entrance
517  // TODO: include proper geometry
518  // Geometry taken from CMSSW_3_1_X xml (Sunanda)
519  //
521  // First propagate to global barrel / endcap cylinder
522  setPropagationConditions(177.5 , 335.0, first);
523  propDir = 0;
524  bool done = propagate();
525  propDir = 1;
527  // If went through the bottom of HB cylinder -> re-propagate to HE surface
528  if (done && success == 2) {
529  setPropagationConditions(300.0, 400.458, first);
530  propDir = 0;
531  done = propagate();
532  propDir = 1;
533  }
536  // out of the HB/HE acceptance
537  // eta = 3.0 -> cos^2(theta) = 0.99014
538  if ( done && particle_.cos2ThetaV() > 0.99014 ) success = 0;
540  return done;
541 }
543 bool
545  //
546  // Propagation to VFCAL entrance
547  // TODO: include proper geometry
548  // Geometry taken from DAQ TDR Chapter 13
550  setPropagationConditions(400.0 , 1110.0, first);
551  propDir = 0;
552  bool done = propagate();
553  propDir = 1;
555  if (!done) success = 0;
557  // We are not in the VFCAL acceptance
558  // eta = 3.0 -> cos^2(theta) = 0.99014
559  // eta = 5.2 -> cos^2(theta) = 0.9998755
560  double c2teta = particle_.cos2ThetaV();
561  if ( done && ( c2teta < 0.99014 || c2teta > 0.9998755 ) ) success = 0;
563  return done;
564 }
566 bool
568  //
569  // Propagation to HCAL exit
570  // TODO: include proper geometry
571  // Geometry taken from CMSSW_3_1_X xml (Sunanda)
572  //
574  // Approximate it to a single cylinder as it is not that crucial.
575  setPropagationConditions(263.9 , 554.1, first);
576  // this->rawPart().particle_.setCharge(0.0); ?? Shower Propagation ??
577  propDir = 0;
578  bool done = propagate();
579  propDir = 1;
581  return done;
582 }
584 bool
586  //
587  // Propagation to Layer0 of HO (Ring-0)
588  // TODO: include proper geometry
589  // Geometry taken from CMSSW_3_1_X xml (Sunanda)
590  //
592  // Approximate it to a single cylinder as it is not that crucial.
593  setPropagationConditions(387.6, 1000.0, first); //Dia is the middle of HO \sqrt{384.8**2+46.2**2}
594  // setPropagationConditions(410.2, 1000.0, first); //sqrt{406.6**2+54.2**2} //for outer layer
595  // this->rawPart().setCharge(0.0); ?? Shower Propagation ??
596  propDir = 0;
597  bool done = propagate();
598  propDir = 1;
600  if ( done && std::abs(particle_.Z()) > 700.25) success = 0;
602  return done;
603 }
606 bool
608 {
611  // Not implemented for neutrals (used for electrons only)
612  if ( particle_.charge() == 0. || bField == 0.) return false;
614  // Define the proper pT direction to meet the point (vx,vy) in (x,y)
615  double dx = particle_.X()-v.X();
616  double dy = particle_.Y()-v.Y();
617  double phi = std::atan2(dy,dx) + std::asin ( std::sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)/(2.*helixRadius()) );
619  // The absolute pT (kept to the original value)
620  double pT =;
622  // Set the new pT
623  particle_.SetPx(pT*std::cos(phi));
624  particle_.SetPy(pT*std::sin(phi));
626  return propagateToClosestApproach(v.X(),v.Y());
628 }
630 bool
632 {
634  // For neutral (or BField = 0, simply check that the track passes through the cylinder
635  if ( particle_.charge() == 0. || bField == 0.)
636  return fabs( particle_.Px() * particle_.Y() - particle_.Py() * particle_.X() ) / particle_.Pt() < radius;
638  // Now go to the charged particles
640  // A few needed intermediate variables (to make the code understandable)
641  // The inner cylinder
642  double r = radius;
643  double r2 = r*r;
644  double r4 = r2*r2;
645  // The two hits
646  double dx = particle_.X()-v.X();
647  double dy = particle_.Y()-v.Y();
648  double dz = particle_.Z()-v.Z();
649  double Sxy = particle_.X()*v.X() + particle_.Y()*v.Y();
650  double Dxy = particle_.Y()*v.X() - particle_.X()*v.Y();
651  double Dxy2 = Dxy*Dxy;
652  double Sxy2 = Sxy*Sxy;
653  double SDxy = dx*dx + dy*dy;
654  double SSDxy = std::sqrt(SDxy);
655  double ATxy = std::atan2(dy,dx);
656  // The coefficients of the second order equation for the trajectory radius
657  double a = r2 - Dxy2/SDxy;
658  double b = r * (r2 - Sxy);
659  double c = r4 - 2.*Sxy*r2 + Sxy2 + Dxy2;
661  // Here are the four possible solutions for
662  // 1) The trajectory radius
663  std::array<double,4> helixRs = {{0.}};
664  helixRs[0] = (b - std::sqrt(b*b - a*c))/(2.*a);
665  helixRs[1] = (b + std::sqrt(b*b - a*c))/(2.*a);
666  helixRs[2] = -helixRs[0];
667  helixRs[3] = -helixRs[1];
668  // 2) The azimuthal direction at the second point
669  std::array<double,4> helixPhis = {{0.}};
670  helixPhis[0] = std::asin ( SSDxy/(2.*helixRs[0]) );
671  helixPhis[1] = std::asin ( SSDxy/(2.*helixRs[1]) );
672  helixPhis[2] = -helixPhis[0];
673  helixPhis[3] = -helixPhis[1];
674  // Only two solutions are valid though
675  double solution1=0.;
676  double solution2=0.;
677  double phi1=0.;
678  double phi2=0.;
679  // Loop over the four possibilities
680  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i ) {
681  helixPhis[i] = ATxy + helixPhis[i];
682  // The centre of the helix
683  double xC = helixCentreX(helixRs[i],helixPhis[i]);
684  double yC = helixCentreY(helixRs[i],helixPhis[i]);
685  // The distance of that centre to the origin
686  double dist = helixCentreDistToAxis(xC, yC);
687  /*
688  std::cout << "Solution "<< i << " = " << helixRs[i] << " accepted ? "
689  << fabs(fabs(helixRs[i]) - dist ) << " - " << radius << " = "
690  << fabs(fabs(helixRs[i]) - dist ) - fabs(radius) << " "
691  << ( fabs( fabs(fabs(helixRs[i]) - dist) -fabs(radius) ) < 1e-6) << std::endl;
692  */
693  // Check that the propagation will lead to a trajectroy tangent to the inner cylinder
694  if ( fabs( fabs(fabs(helixRs[i]) - dist) -fabs(radius) ) < 1e-6 ) {
695  // Fill first solution
696  if ( solution1 == 0. ) {
697  solution1 = helixRs[i];
698  phi1 = helixPhis[i];
699  // Fill second solution (ordered)
700  } else if ( solution2 == 0. ) {
701  if ( helixRs[i] < solution1 ) {
702  solution2 = solution1;
703  solution1 = helixRs[i];
704  phi2 = phi1;
705  phi1 = helixPhis[i];
706  } else {
707  solution2 = helixRs[i];
708  phi2 = helixPhis[i];
709  }
710  // Must not happen!
711  } else {
712  std::cout << "warning !!! More than two solutions for this track !!! " << std::endl;
713  }
714  }
715  }
717  // Find the largest possible pT compatible with coming from within the inne cylinder
718  double pT = 0.;
719  double helixPhi = 0.;
720  double helixR = 0.;
721  // This should not happen
722  if ( solution1*solution2 == 0. ) {
723  std::cout << "warning !!! Less than two solution for this track! "
724  << solution1 << " " << solution2 << std::endl;
725  return false;
726  // If the two solutions have opposite sign, it means that pT = infinity is a possibility.
727  } else if ( solution1*solution2 < 0. ) {
728  pT = 1000.;
729  double norm = pT/SSDxy;
730  particle_.setCharge(+1.);
731  particle_.setMomentum(dx*norm,dy*norm,dz*norm,0.);
732  particle_.SetE(std::sqrt(particle_.momentum().Vect().Mag2()));
733  // Otherwise take the solution that gives the largest transverse momentum
734  } else {
735  if (solution1<0.) {
736  helixR = solution1;
737  helixPhi = phi1;
738  particle_.setCharge(+1.);
739  } else {
740  helixR = solution2;
741  helixPhi = phi2;
742  particle_.setCharge(-1.);
743  }
744  pT = fabs(helixR) * 1e-5 * c_light() *bField;
745  double norm = pT/SSDxy;
746  particle_.setMomentum(pT*std::cos(helixPhi),pT*std::sin(helixPhi),dz*norm,0.);
747  particle_.SetE(std::sqrt(particle_.momentum().Vect().Mag2()));
748  }
750  // Propagate to closest approach to get the Z value (a bit of an overkill)
753 }
755 double
756 BaseParticlePropagator::xyImpactParameter(double x0, double y0) const {
758  double ip=0.;
759  double pT = particle_.Pt();
761  if ( particle_.charge() != 0.0 && bField != 0.0 ) {
762  double radius = helixRadius(pT);
763  double phi0 = helixStartPhi();
765  // The Helix centre coordinates are computed wrt to the z axis
766  double xC = helixCentreX(radius,phi0);
767  double yC = helixCentreY(radius,phi0);
768  double distz = helixCentreDistToAxis(xC-x0,yC-y0);
769  ip = distz - fabs(radius);
770  } else {
771  ip = fabs( particle_.Px() * (particle_.Y()-y0) - particle_.Py() * (particle_.X()-x0) ) / pT;
772  }
774  return ip;
776 }
dbl * delta
double zCyl
Half-height of the cylinder (centred at 0,0,0) to which propagation is done.
void setMomentum(const XYZTLorentzVector &vtx)
set the momentum
Definition: RawParticle.h:347
void setCharge(float q)
set the MEASURED charge
double helixRadius() const
The helix Radius.
double helixCentrePhi() const
The azimuth if the vector joining the cylinder and the helix axes.
bool propagateToPreshowerLayer1(bool first=true)
double pt() const
transverse momentum
Definition: RawParticle.h:328
double rCyl
Simulated particle that is to be resp has been propagated.
bool propagateToNominalVertex(const XYZTLorentzVector &hit2=XYZTLorentzVector(0., 0., 0., 0.))
void init()
Initialize internal switches and quantities.
double Perp2() const
perpendicular momentum squared
Definition: RawParticle.h:330
bool firstLoop
Do only the first half-loop.
int success
0:propagation still be done, 1:reached &#39;barrel&#39;, 2:reached &#39;endcaps&#39;
double properTime
The proper time of the particle.
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
Default c&#39;tor.
bool propagateToBeamCylinder(const XYZTLorentzVector &v, double radius=0.)
void setPropagationConditions(double r, double z, bool firstLoop=true)
Set the propagation characteristics (rCyl, zCyl and first loop only)
void SetE(double)
Definition: RawParticle.h:353
double mass() const
get the MEASURED mass
Definition: RawParticle.h:314
double c_light() const
The speed of light in mm/ns (!) without clhep (yeaaahhh!)
double R2() const
vertex radius**2
Definition: RawParticle.h:310
bool propagateToEcal(bool first=true)
bool propagateToClosestApproach(double x0=0., double y0=0, bool first=true)
double helixCentreX() const
The x coordinate of the helix axis.
bool propagateToVFcalEntrance(bool first=true)
const XYZTLorentzVector & momentum() const
the momentum fourvector
Definition: RawParticle.h:340
double helixCentreDistToAxis() const
The distance between the cylinder and the helix axes.
double properDecayTime
The proper decay time of the particle.
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
bool propagateToHcalExit(bool first=true)
double cos2ThetaV() const
Definition: RawParticle.h:300
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
double Y() const
y of vertex
Definition: RawParticle.h:306
double Py() const
y of the momentum
Definition: RawParticle.h:319
double Pt() const
transverse momentum
Definition: RawParticle.h:327
double Z() const
z of vertex
Definition: RawParticle.h:307
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
double f[11][100]
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
static const std::string B
double Pz() const
z of the momentum
Definition: RawParticle.h:322
double charge() const
get the MEASURED charge
Definition: RawParticle.h:313
void SetPx(double)
Definition: RawParticle.h:350
int propDir
The propagation direction.
bool propagateToEcalEntrance(bool first=true)
#define M_PI
void SetPy(double)
Definition: RawParticle.h:351
const XYZTLorentzVector & vertex() const
the vertex fourvector
Definition: RawParticle.h:339
bool onEndcap() const
Is the vertex already on the cylinder endcap ?
bool decayed
The particle decayed while propagated !
BaseParticlePropagator propagated() const
double helixCentreY() const
The y coordinate of the helix axis.
bool inside() const
Is the vertex inside the cylinder ? (stricly inside : true)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
bool onSurface() const
Is the vertex already on the cylinder surface ?
double X() const
x of vertex
Definition: RawParticle.h:305
bool debug
The debug level.
double helixStartPhi() const
The azimuth of the momentum at the vertex.
bool propagateToHcalEntrance(bool first=true)
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
double Px() const
x of the momentum
Definition: RawParticle.h:316
double E() const
energy of the momentum
Definition: RawParticle.h:325
double bField
Magnetic field in the cylinder, oriented along the Z axis.
double T() const
vertex time
Definition: RawParticle.h:308
bool propagateToHOLayer(bool first=true)
bool onBarrel() const
Is the vertex already on the cylinder barrel ?
bool propagateToPreshowerLayer2(bool first=true)
void setVertex(const XYZTLorentzVector &vtx)
set the vertex
Definition: RawParticle.h:344
double xyImpactParameter(double x0=0., double y0=0.) const
Transverse impact parameter.
bool fiducial
The particle traverses some real material.
math::XYZTLorentzVector XYZTLorentzVector
Definition: RawParticle.h:27