18 algo_->setParent( parent );
19 algo_->initialize( nArgs, vArgs, mArgs, sArgs, svArgs );
25 algo_->execute( cpv );
void initialize(const DDName &algoName, const DDLogicalPart &parent, const DDNumericArguments &nArgs, const DDVectorArguments &vArgs, const DDMapArguments &mArgs, const DDStringArguments &sArgs, const DDStringVectorArguments &svArgs)
initializes the wrapped algorithm algo_ and does some pre- and post-processing
void execute(DDCompactView &)
executes the wrapped algorithm algo_; some pre- and post-processing (exception handling) ...
DDName is used to identify DDD entities uniquely.
Compact representation of the geometrical detector hierarchy.
std::unique_ptr< DDAlgorithm > algo_
the wrapped algorithm object
const std::string fullname() const
A DDLogicalPart aggregates information concerning material, solid and sensitveness ...
T get(const Candidate &c)