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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // Package: FwkIO
4 // Class : DQMRootSource
5 //
6 // Implementation:
7 // [Notes on implementation]
8 //
9 // Original Author: Chris Jones
10 // Created: Tue May 3 11:13:47 CDT 2011
11 //
13 // system include files
14 #include <vector>
15 #include <string>
16 #include <map>
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <list>
19 #include <set>
20 #include "TFile.h"
21 #include "TTree.h"
22 #include "TString.h"
23 #include "TH1.h"
24 #include "TH2.h"
25 #include "TProfile.h"
27 // user include files
35 //#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/GlobalIdentifier.h"
66 #include "format.h"
68 namespace {
69  //adapter functions
70  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, TH1F* iHist) {
71  //std::cout <<"create: hist size "<<iName <<" "<<iHist->GetEffectiveEntries()<<std::endl;
72  return iStore.book1D(iName, iHist);
73  }
74  //NOTE: the merge logic comes from DataFormats/Histograms/interface/MEtoEDMFormat.h
75  void mergeTogether(TH1* iOriginal,TH1* iToAdd) {
76  if(iOriginal->CanExtendAllAxes() && iToAdd->CanExtendAllAxes()) {
77  TList list;
78  list.Add(iToAdd);
79  if( -1 == iOriginal->Merge(&list)) {
80  edm::LogError("MergeFailure")<<"Failed to merge DQM element "<<iOriginal->GetName();
81  }
82  } else {
83  if (iOriginal->GetNbinsX() == iToAdd->GetNbinsX() &&
84  iOriginal->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() == iToAdd->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() &&
85  iOriginal->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() == iToAdd->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() &&
86  iOriginal->GetNbinsY() == iToAdd->GetNbinsY() &&
87  iOriginal->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() == iToAdd->GetYaxis()->GetXmin() &&
88  iOriginal->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() == iToAdd->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() &&
89  iOriginal->GetNbinsZ() == iToAdd->GetNbinsZ() &&
90  iOriginal->GetZaxis()->GetXmin() == iToAdd->GetZaxis()->GetXmin() &&
91  iOriginal->GetZaxis()->GetXmax() == iToAdd->GetZaxis()->GetXmax() &&
92  MonitorElement::CheckBinLabels(iOriginal->GetXaxis(),iToAdd->GetXaxis()) &&
93  MonitorElement::CheckBinLabels(iOriginal->GetYaxis(),iToAdd->GetYaxis()) &&
94  MonitorElement::CheckBinLabels(iOriginal->GetZaxis(),iToAdd->GetZaxis())) {
95  iOriginal->Add(iToAdd);
96  } else {
97  edm::LogError("MergeFailure")<<"Found histograms with different axis limits or different labels'"<<iOriginal->GetName()<<"' not merged.";
98  }
99  }
100  }
102  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, TH1F* iHist) {
103  //std::cout <<"merge: hist size "<<iElement->getName() <<" "<<iHist->GetEffectiveEntries()<<std::endl;
104  mergeTogether(iElement->getTH1F(),iHist);
105  }
106  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, TH1S* iHist) {
107  return iStore.book1S(iName, iHist);
108  }
109  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, TH1S* iHist) {
110  mergeTogether(iElement->getTH1S(),iHist);
111  }
112  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, TH1D* iHist) {
113  return iStore.book1DD(iName, iHist);
114  }
115  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, TH1D* iHist) {
116  mergeTogether(iElement->getTH1D(),iHist);
117  }
118  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, TH2F* iHist) {
119  return iStore.book2D(iName, iHist);
120  }
121  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, TH2F* iHist) {
122  mergeTogether(iElement->getTH2F(),iHist);
123  }
124  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, TH2S* iHist) {
125  return iStore.book2S(iName, iHist);
126  }
127  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, TH2S* iHist) {
128  mergeTogether(iElement->getTH2S(),iHist);
129  }
130  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, TH2D* iHist) {
131  return iStore.book2DD(iName, iHist);
132  }
133  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, TH2D* iHist) {
134  mergeTogether(iElement->getTH2D(),iHist);
135  }
136  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, TH3F* iHist) {
137  return iStore.book3D(iName, iHist);
138  }
139  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, TH3F* iHist) {
140  mergeTogether(iElement->getTH3F(),iHist);
141  }
142  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, TProfile* iHist) {
143  return iStore.bookProfile(iName, iHist);
144  }
145  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, TProfile* iHist) {
146  mergeTogether(iElement->getTProfile(),iHist);
147  }
148  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, TProfile2D* iHist) {
149  return iStore.bookProfile2D(iName, iHist);
150  }
151  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, TProfile2D* iHist) {
152  mergeTogether(iElement->getTProfile2D(),iHist);
153  }
155  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, Long64_t& iValue) {
156  MonitorElement* e = iStore.bookInt(iName);
157  e->Fill(iValue);
158  return e;
159  }
161  //NOTE: the merge logic comes from DataFormats/Histograms/interface/MEtoEDMFormat.h
162  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, Long64_t& iValue) {
163  const std::string& name = iElement->getFullname();
164  if(name.find("EventInfo/processedEvents") != std::string::npos) {
165  iElement->Fill(iValue+iElement->getIntValue());
166  } else if(name.find("EventInfo/iEvent") != std::string::npos ||
167  name.find("EventInfo/iLumiSection") != std::string::npos) {
168  if(iValue > iElement->getIntValue()) {
169  iElement->Fill(iValue);
170  }
171  }
172  else {
173  iElement->Fill(iValue);
174  }
175  }
177  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, double& iValue) {
178  MonitorElement* e = iStore.bookFloat(iName);
179  e->Fill(iValue);
180  return e;
181  }
182  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, double& iValue) {
183  //no merging, take the last one
184  iElement->Fill(iValue);
185  }
186  MonitorElement* createElement(DQMStore& iStore, const char* iName, std::string* iValue) {
187  return iStore.bookString(iName,*iValue);
188  }
189  void mergeWithElement(MonitorElement* iElement, std::string* iValue) {
190  //no merging, take the last one
191  iElement->Fill(*iValue);
192  }
194  void splitName(const std::string& iFullName, std::string& oPath,const char*& oName) {
195  oPath = iFullName;
196  size_t index = oPath.find_last_of('/');
197  if(index == std::string::npos) {
198  oPath = std::string();
199  oName = iFullName.c_str();
200  } else {
201  oPath.resize(index);
202  oName = iFullName.c_str()+index+1;
203  }
204  }
206  struct RunLumiToRange {
207  unsigned int m_run, m_lumi,m_historyIDIndex;
208  ULong64_t m_beginTime;
209  ULong64_t m_endTime;
210  ULong64_t m_firstIndex, m_lastIndex; //last is inclusive
211  unsigned int m_type; //A value in TypeIndex
212  };
214  class TreeReaderBase {
215  public:
216  TreeReaderBase() {}
217  virtual ~TreeReaderBase() {}
219  MonitorElement* read(ULong64_t iIndex, DQMStore& iStore, bool iIsLumi){
220  return doRead(iIndex,iStore,iIsLumi);
221  }
222  virtual void setTree(TTree* iTree) =0;
223  protected:
224  TTree* m_tree;
225  private:
226  virtual MonitorElement* doRead(ULong64_t iIndex, DQMStore& iStore, bool iIsLumi)=0;
227  };
229  template<class T>
230  class TreeObjectReader: public TreeReaderBase {
231  public:
232  TreeObjectReader():m_tree(nullptr),m_fullName(nullptr),m_buffer(nullptr),m_tag(0){
233  }
234  MonitorElement* doRead(ULong64_t iIndex, DQMStore& iStore, bool iIsLumi) override {
235  m_tree->GetEntry(iIndex);
236  MonitorElement* element = iStore.get(*m_fullName);
237  if(nullptr == element) {
239  const char* name;
240  splitName(*m_fullName, path,name);
241  iStore.setCurrentFolder(path);
242  element = createElement(iStore,name,m_buffer);
243  if(iIsLumi) { element->setLumiFlag();}
244  } else {
245  mergeWithElement(element,m_buffer);
246  }
247  if(0!= m_tag) {
248  iStore.tag(element,m_tag);
249  }
250  return element;
251  }
252  void setTree(TTree* iTree) override {
253  m_tree = iTree;
254  m_tree->SetBranchAddress(kFullNameBranch,&m_fullName);
255  m_tree->SetBranchAddress(kFlagBranch,&m_tag);
256  m_tree->SetBranchAddress(kValueBranch,&m_buffer);
257  }
258  private:
259  TTree* m_tree;
260  std::string* m_fullName;
261  T* m_buffer;
262  uint32_t m_tag;
263  };
265  template<class T>
266  class TreeSimpleReader : public TreeReaderBase {
267  public:
268  TreeSimpleReader():m_tree(nullptr),m_fullName(nullptr),m_buffer(0),m_tag(0){
269  }
270  MonitorElement* doRead(ULong64_t iIndex, DQMStore& iStore,bool iIsLumi) override {
271  m_tree->GetEntry(iIndex);
272  MonitorElement* element = iStore.get(*m_fullName);
273  if(nullptr == element) {
275  const char* name;
276  splitName(*m_fullName, path,name);
277  iStore.setCurrentFolder(path);
278  element = createElement(iStore,name,m_buffer);
279  if(iIsLumi) { element->setLumiFlag();}
280  } else {
281  mergeWithElement(element, m_buffer);
282  }
283  if(0!=m_tag) {
284  iStore.tag(element,m_tag);
285  }
286  return element;
287  }
288  void setTree(TTree* iTree) override {
289  m_tree = iTree;
290  m_tree->SetBranchAddress(kFullNameBranch,&m_fullName);
291  m_tree->SetBranchAddress(kFlagBranch,&m_tag);
292  m_tree->SetBranchAddress(kValueBranch,&m_buffer);
293  }
294  private:
295  TTree* m_tree;
296  std::string* m_fullName;
297  T m_buffer;
298  uint32_t m_tag;
299  };
301 }
304 {
306  public:
308  ~DQMRootSource() override;
310  // ---------- const member functions ---------------------
312  // ---------- static member functions --------------------
314  // ---------- member functions ---------------------------
315  static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
317  private:
319  DQMRootSource(const DQMRootSource&) = delete; // stop default
321  class RunPHIDKey {
322  public:
323  RunPHIDKey(edm::ProcessHistoryID const& phid, unsigned int run) :
324  processHistoryID_(phid), run_(run) { }
325  edm::ProcessHistoryID const& processHistoryID() const { return processHistoryID_; }
326  unsigned int run() const { return run_; }
327  bool operator<(RunPHIDKey const& right) const {
328  if (processHistoryID_ == right.processHistoryID()) {
329  return run_ <;
330  }
331  return processHistoryID_ < right.processHistoryID();
332  }
333  private:
335  unsigned int run_;
336  };
339  public:
340  RunLumiPHIDKey(edm::ProcessHistoryID const& phid, unsigned int run, unsigned int lumi) :
341  processHistoryID_(phid), run_(run), lumi_(lumi) { }
342  edm::ProcessHistoryID const& processHistoryID() const { return processHistoryID_; }
343  unsigned int run() const { return run_; }
344  unsigned int lumi() const { return lumi_; }
345  bool operator<(RunLumiPHIDKey const& right) const {
346  if (processHistoryID_ == right.processHistoryID()) {
347  if (run_ == {
348  return lumi_ < right.lumi();
349  }
350  return run_ <;
351  }
352  return processHistoryID_ < right.processHistoryID();
353  }
354  private:
356  unsigned int run_;
357  unsigned int lumi_;
358  };
360  edm::InputSource::ItemType getNextItemType() override;
361  //NOTE: the following is really read next run auxiliary
362  std::shared_ptr<edm::RunAuxiliary> readRunAuxiliary_() override ;
363  std::shared_ptr<edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary> readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_() override ;
364  void readRun_(edm::RunPrincipal& rpCache) override;
365  void readLuminosityBlock_(edm::LuminosityBlockPrincipal& lbCache) override;
366  void readEvent_(edm::EventPrincipal&) override ;
368  std::unique_ptr<edm::FileBlock> readFile_() override;
369  void closeFile_() override;
371  void logFileAction(char const* msg, char const* fileName) const;
373  void readNextItemType();
374  bool setupFile(unsigned int iIndex);
375  void readElements();
378  const DQMRootSource& operator=(const DQMRootSource&) = delete; // stop default
380  // ---------- member data --------------------------------
386  size_t m_fileIndex;
388  std::list<unsigned int>::iterator m_nextIndexItr;
389  std::list<unsigned int>::iterator m_presentIndexItr;
390  std::vector<RunLumiToRange> m_runlumiToRange;
391  std::unique_ptr<TFile> m_file;
392  std::vector<TTree*> m_trees;
393  std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<TreeReaderBase> > m_treeReaders;
395  std::list<unsigned int> m_orderedIndices;
397  unsigned int m_lastSeenRun;
399  unsigned int m_lastSeenRun2;
400  unsigned int m_lastSeenLumi2;
401  unsigned int m_filterOnRun;
403  std::vector<edm::LuminosityBlockRange> m_lumisToProcess;
404  std::vector<edm::RunNumber_t> m_runsToProcess;
408  std::set<MonitorElement*> m_lumiElements;
409  std::set<MonitorElement*> m_runElements;
410  std::vector<edm::ProcessHistoryID> m_historyIDs;
411  std::vector<edm::ProcessHistoryID> m_reducedHistoryIDs;
414 };
416 //
417 // constants, enums and typedefs
418 //
420 //
421 // static data member definitions
422 //
424 void
427  desc.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string> >("fileNames")
428  ->setComment("Names of files to be processed.");
429  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int>("filterOnRun",0)
430  ->setComment("Just limit the process to the selected run.");
431  desc.addUntracked<bool>("skipBadFiles",false)
432  ->setComment("Skip the file if it is not valid");
433  desc.addUntracked<std::string>("overrideCatalog",std::string())
434  ->setComment("An alternate file catalog to use instead of the standard site one.");
435  std::vector<edm::LuminosityBlockRange> defaultLumis;
436  desc.addUntracked<std::vector<edm::LuminosityBlockRange> >("lumisToProcess",defaultLumis)
437  ->setComment("Skip any lumi inside the specified run:lumi range.");
439  descriptions.addDefault(desc);
440 }
441 //
442 // constructors and destructor
443 //
445  edm::InputSource(iPSet,iDesc),
446  m_catalog(iPSet.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("fileNames"),
447  iPSet.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("overrideCatalog")),
448  m_nextItemType(edm::InputSource::IsFile),
449  m_fileIndex(0),
450  m_presentlyOpenFileIndex(0),
451  m_trees(kNIndicies,static_cast<TTree*>(nullptr)),
452  m_treeReaders(kNIndicies,boost::shared_ptr<TreeReaderBase>()),
453  m_lastSeenReducedPHID(),
454  m_lastSeenRun(0),
455  m_lastSeenReducedPHID2(),
456  m_lastSeenRun2(0),
457  m_lastSeenLumi2(0),
458  m_filterOnRun(iPSet.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("filterOnRun", 0)),
459  m_skipBadFiles(iPSet.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("skipBadFiles", false)),
460  m_lumisToProcess(iPSet.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<edm::LuminosityBlockRange> >("lumisToProcess",std::vector<edm::LuminosityBlockRange>())),
461  m_justOpenedFileSoNeedToGenerateRunTransition(false),
462  m_shouldReadMEs(true)
463 {
465  for(std::vector<edm::LuminosityBlockRange>::const_iterator itr = m_lumisToProcess.begin(); itr!=m_lumisToProcess.end(); ++itr)
466  m_runsToProcess.push_back(itr->startRun());
468  if(m_fileIndex ==m_catalog.fileNames().size()) {
470  } else{
471  m_treeReaders[kIntIndex].reset(new TreeSimpleReader<Long64_t>());
472  m_treeReaders[kFloatIndex].reset(new TreeSimpleReader<double>());
473  m_treeReaders[kStringIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<std::string>());
474  m_treeReaders[kTH1FIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<TH1F>());
475  m_treeReaders[kTH1SIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<TH1S>());
476  m_treeReaders[kTH1DIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<TH1D>());
477  m_treeReaders[kTH2FIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<TH2F>());
478  m_treeReaders[kTH2SIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<TH2S>());
479  m_treeReaders[kTH2DIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<TH2D>());
480  m_treeReaders[kTH3FIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<TH3F>());
481  m_treeReaders[kTProfileIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<TProfile>());
482  m_treeReaders[kTProfile2DIndex].reset(new TreeObjectReader<TProfile2D>());
483  }
484 }
486 // DQMRootSource::DQMRootSource(const DQMRootSource& rhs)
487 // {
488 // // do actual copying here;
489 // }
492 {
493  if(m_file.get() != nullptr && m_file->IsOpen()) {
494  m_file->Close();
495  logFileAction(" Closed file ", m_catalog.fileNames()[m_presentlyOpenFileIndex].c_str());
496  }
497 }
499 //
500 // assignment operators
501 //
502 // const DQMRootSource& DQMRootSource::operator=(const DQMRootSource& rhs)
503 // {
504 // //An exception safe implementation is
505 // DQMRootSource temp(rhs);
506 // swap(rhs);
507 //
508 // return *this;
509 // }
511 //
512 // member functions
513 //
515 {
516  //std::cout << "readEvent_" << std::endl;
517 }
520 {
521  //std::cout <<"getNextItemType "<<m_nextItemType<<std::endl;
522  return m_nextItemType;
523 }
525 std::shared_ptr<edm::RunAuxiliary> DQMRootSource::readRunAuxiliary_()
526 {
527  //std::cout <<"readRunAuxiliary_"<<std::endl;
528  assert(m_nextIndexItr != m_orderedIndices.end());
529  RunLumiToRange runLumiRange = m_runlumiToRange[*m_nextIndexItr];
531  //NOTE: the setBeginTime and setEndTime functions of RunAuxiliary only work if the previous value was invalid
532  // therefore we must copy
533  m_runAux = edm::RunAuxiliary(runLumiRange.m_run,edm::Timestamp(runLumiRange.m_beginTime),edm::Timestamp(runLumiRange.m_endTime));
534  assert(m_historyIDs.size() > runLumiRange.m_historyIDIndex);
535  //std::cout <<"readRunAuxiliary_ "<<m_historyIDs[runLumiRange.m_historyIDIndex]<<std::endl;
536  m_runAux.setProcessHistoryID(m_historyIDs[runLumiRange.m_historyIDIndex]);
537  return std::make_shared<edm::RunAuxiliary>(m_runAux);
538 }
540 std::shared_ptr<edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary>
542 {
543  //std::cout <<"readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_"<<std::endl;
544  assert(m_nextIndexItr != m_orderedIndices.end());
545  const RunLumiToRange runLumiRange = m_runlumiToRange[*m_nextIndexItr];
546  m_lumiAux = edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary(edm::LuminosityBlockID(runLumiRange.m_run,runLumiRange.m_lumi),
547  edm::Timestamp(runLumiRange.m_beginTime),
548  edm::Timestamp(runLumiRange.m_endTime));
549  assert(m_historyIDs.size() > runLumiRange.m_historyIDIndex);
550  //std::cout <<"lumi "<<m_lumiAux.beginTime().value()<<" "<<runLumiRange.m_beginTime<<std::endl;
551  m_lumiAux.setProcessHistoryID(m_historyIDs[runLumiRange.m_historyIDIndex]);
553  return std::make_shared<edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary>(m_lumiAux);
554 }
556 void
558 {
559  assert(m_presentIndexItr != m_orderedIndices.end());
560  RunLumiToRange runLumiRange = m_runlumiToRange[*m_presentIndexItr];
563  unsigned int runID;
564  assert(runID == runLumiRange.m_run);
566  m_shouldReadMEs = (m_filterOnRun == 0 ||
567  (m_filterOnRun != 0 && m_filterOnRun == runID));
568  // std::cout <<"readRun_"<<std::endl;
569  // std::cout <<"m_shouldReadMEs " << m_shouldReadMEs <<std::endl;
581  //NOTE: need to reset all run elements at this point
582  if( m_lastSeenRun != runID ||
583  m_lastSeenReducedPHID != ) {
584  if (m_shouldReadMEs) {
586  std::vector<MonitorElement*> allMEs = (*store).getAllContents("");
587  for(auto const& ME : allMEs) {
588  if ( !(*store).isCollate() )
589  ME->Reset();
590  }
591  }
592  m_lastSeenReducedPHID =;
593  m_lastSeenRun = runID;
594  }
598  //NOTE: it is possible to have a Run when all we have stored is lumis
599  if(runLumiRange.m_lumi == 0) {
600  readElements();
601  }
605  jr->reportInputRunNumber(;
608 }
611 void
613 {
614  assert(m_presentIndexItr != m_orderedIndices.end());
615  RunLumiToRange runLumiRange = m_runlumiToRange[*m_presentIndexItr];
616  assert(runLumiRange.m_run ==;
617  assert(runLumiRange.m_lumi ==;
619  //NOTE: need to reset all lumi block elements at this point
620  if( ( m_lastSeenLumi2 != runLumiRange.m_lumi ||
621  m_lastSeenRun2 != runLumiRange.m_run ||
622  m_lastSeenReducedPHID2 != )
623  && m_shouldReadMEs) {
626  std::vector<MonitorElement*> allMEs = (*store).getAllContents("");
627  //for(auto const& ME : allMEs) {
628  // // We do not want to reset Run Products here!
629  // if (ME->getLumiFlag()) {
630  // ME->Reset();
631  // }
632  //}
633  m_lastSeenReducedPHID2 =;
634  m_lastSeenRun2 = runLumiRange.m_run;
635  m_lastSeenLumi2 = runLumiRange.m_lumi;
636  }
639  readElements();
642  jr->reportInputLumiSection(,;
646 }
648 std::unique_ptr<edm::FileBlock>
650  auto const numFiles = m_catalog.fileNames().size();
651  while(m_fileIndex < numFiles && not setupFile(m_fileIndex++)) {}
653  if(m_file.get() == nullptr) {
654  //last file in list was bad
656  return std::unique_ptr<edm::FileBlock>(new edm::FileBlock);
657  }
666  std::string(),
667  std::string(),
668  "DQMRootSource",
669  "source",
670  m_file->GetUUID().AsString(),//edm::createGlobalIdentifier(),
671  std::vector<std::string>()
672  );
674  return std::unique_ptr<edm::FileBlock>(new edm::FileBlock);
675 }
677 void
679  if(m_file.get()==nullptr) { return; }
682 }
686  RunLumiToRange runLumiRange = m_runlumiToRange[*m_presentIndexItr];
687  bool shouldContinue = false;
688  do
689  {
690  shouldContinue = false;
695  if(runLumiRange.m_type != kNoTypesStored) {
696  boost::shared_ptr<TreeReaderBase> reader = m_treeReaders[runLumiRange.m_type];
697  ULong64_t index = runLumiRange.m_firstIndex;
698  ULong64_t endIndex = runLumiRange.m_lastIndex+1;
699  for (; index != endIndex; ++index)
700  {
701  bool isLumi = runLumiRange.m_lumi !=0;
702  if (m_shouldReadMEs)
703  reader->read(index,*store,isLumi);
705  //std::cout << runLumiRange.m_run << " " << runLumiRange.m_lumi <<" "<<index<< " " << runLumiRange.m_type << std::endl;
706  }
707  }
709  if (m_presentIndexItr != m_orderedIndices.end())
710  {
711  //are there more parts to this same run/lumi?
712  const RunLumiToRange nextRunLumiRange = m_runlumiToRange[*m_presentIndexItr];
713  //continue to the next item if that item is either
714  if ( ( == &&
715  (nextRunLumiRange.m_run == runLumiRange.m_run) &&
716  (nextRunLumiRange.m_lumi == runLumiRange.m_lumi) )
717  {
718  shouldContinue= true;
719  runLumiRange = nextRunLumiRange;
720  }
721  }
722  } while(shouldContinue);
723 }
726 {
727  //Do the work of actually figuring out where next to go
729  assert (m_nextIndexItr != m_orderedIndices.end());
730  RunLumiToRange runLumiRange = m_runlumiToRange[*m_nextIndexItr];
733  if (runLumiRange.m_lumi != 0 && m_nextItemType == edm::InputSource::IsRun) {
735  return;
736  }
737  ++m_nextIndexItr;
738  }
739  else
740  {
741  //NOTE: the following makes the iterator not be advanced in the
742  //do while loop below.
743  runLumiRange.m_run=0;
744  }
746  bool shouldContinue = false;
747  do
748  {
749  shouldContinue = false;
751  ++m_nextIndexItr;
753  if (m_nextIndexItr == m_orderedIndices.end())
754  {
755  //go to next file
757  //std::cout <<"going to next file"<<std::endl;
758  if(m_fileIndex == m_catalog.fileNames().size()) {
760  }
761  break;
762  }
763  const RunLumiToRange nextRunLumiRange = m_runlumiToRange[*m_nextIndexItr];
764  //continue to the next item if that item is the same run or lumi as we just did
765  if( ( == ) &&
766  (nextRunLumiRange.m_run == runLumiRange.m_run) &&
767  (nextRunLumiRange.m_lumi == runLumiRange.m_lumi) ) {
768  shouldContinue= true;
769  ++m_nextIndexItr;
770  //std::cout <<"advancing " <<nextRunLumiRange.m_run<<" "<<nextRunLumiRange.m_lumi<<std::endl;
771  }
772  } while(shouldContinue);
774  if(m_nextIndexItr != m_orderedIndices.end()) {
779  } else {
781  }
782  }
783 }
785 bool
786 DQMRootSource::setupFile(unsigned int iIndex)
787 {
788  if(m_file.get() != nullptr && iIndex > 0) {
789  m_file->Close();
790  logFileAction(" Closed file ", m_catalog.fileNames()[iIndex-1].c_str());
791  }
792  logFileAction(" Initiating request to open file ", m_catalog.fileNames()[iIndex].c_str());
793  m_presentlyOpenFileIndex = iIndex;
794  m_file.reset();
795  std::unique_ptr<TFile> newFile;
796  try {
797  // ROOT's context management implicitly assumes that a file is opened and
798  // closed on the same thread. To avoid the problem, we declare a local
799  // TContext object; when it goes out of scope, its destructor unregisters
800  // the context, guaranteeing the context is unregistered in the same thread
801  // it was registered in.
802  TDirectory::TContext contextEraser;
803  newFile = std::unique_ptr<TFile>(TFile::Open(m_catalog.fileNames()[iIndex].c_str()));
805  //Since ROOT6, we can not propagate an exception through ROOT's plugin
806  // system so we trap them and then pull from this function
807  std::exception_ptr e = edm::threadLocalException::getException();
808  if(e != std::exception_ptr()) {
809  edm::threadLocalException::setException(std::exception_ptr());
810  std::rethrow_exception(e);
811  }
813  } catch(cms::Exception const& e) {
814  if(!m_skipBadFiles) {
816  ex.addContext("Opening DQM Root file");
817  ex <<"\nInput file " << m_catalog.fileNames()[iIndex] << " was not found, could not be opened, or is corrupted.\n";
818  throw ex;
819  }
820  return false;
821  }
822  if(not newFile->IsZombie()) {
823  logFileAction(" Successfully opened file ", m_catalog.fileNames()[iIndex].c_str());
824  } else {
825  if(!m_skipBadFiles) {
827  ex<<"Input file "<<m_catalog.fileNames()[iIndex].c_str() <<" could not be opened.\n";
828  ex.addContext("Opening DQM Root file");
829  throw ex;
830  }
831  return false;
832  }
833  //Check file format version, which is encoded in the Title of the TFile
834  if(0 != strcmp(newFile->GetTitle(),"1")) {
836  ex<<"Input file "<<m_catalog.fileNames()[iIndex].c_str() <<" does not appear to be a DQM Root file.\n";
837  }
839  //Get meta Data
840  TDirectory* metaDir = newFile->GetDirectory(kMetaDataDirectoryAbsolute);
841  if(nullptr==metaDir) {
842  if(!m_skipBadFiles) {
844  ex<<"Input file "<<m_catalog.fileNames()[iIndex].c_str() <<" appears to be corrupted since it does not have the proper internal structure.\n"
845  " Check to see if the file was closed properly.\n";
846  ex.addContext("Opening DQM Root file");
847  throw ex;
848  }
849  else {return false;}
850  }
851  m_file = std::move(newFile); //passed all tests so now we want to use this file
852  TTree* parameterSetTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(metaDir->Get(kParameterSetTree));
853  assert(nullptr!=parameterSetTree);
856  assert(nullptr!=psr);
857  {
858  std::string blob;
859  std::string* pBlob = &blob;
860  parameterSetTree->SetBranchAddress(kParameterSetBranch,&pBlob);
861  for(unsigned int index = 0; index != parameterSetTree->GetEntries();++index)
862  {
863  parameterSetTree->GetEntry(index);
865  }
866  }
868  {
869  TTree* processHistoryTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(metaDir->Get(kProcessHistoryTree));
870  assert(nullptr!=processHistoryTree);
871  unsigned int phIndex = 0;
872  processHistoryTree->SetBranchAddress(kPHIndexBranch,&phIndex);
874  std::string* pProcessName = &processName;
875  processHistoryTree->SetBranchAddress(kProcessConfigurationProcessNameBranch,&pProcessName);
876  std::string parameterSetIDBlob;
877  std::string* pParameterSetIDBlob = &parameterSetIDBlob;
878  processHistoryTree->SetBranchAddress(kProcessConfigurationParameterSetIDBranch,&pParameterSetIDBlob);
879  std::string releaseVersion;
880  std::string* pReleaseVersion = &releaseVersion;
881  processHistoryTree->SetBranchAddress(kProcessConfigurationReleaseVersion,&pReleaseVersion);
882  std::string passID;
883  std::string* pPassID = &passID;
884  processHistoryTree->SetBranchAddress(kProcessConfigurationPassID,&pPassID);
887  std::vector<edm::ProcessConfiguration> configs;
888  configs.reserve(5);
889  m_historyIDs.clear();
890  m_reducedHistoryIDs.clear();
891  for(unsigned int i=0; i != processHistoryTree->GetEntries(); ++i) {
892  processHistoryTree->GetEntry(i);
893  if(phIndex==0) {
894  if(not configs.empty()) {
895  edm::ProcessHistory ph(configs);
896  m_historyIDs.push_back(;
897  phr.registerProcessHistory(ph);
898  m_reducedHistoryIDs.push_back(phr.reducedProcessHistoryID(;
899  }
900  configs.clear();
901  }
902  edm::ParameterSetID psetID(parameterSetIDBlob);
903  edm::ProcessConfiguration pc(processName, psetID,releaseVersion,passID);
904  configs.push_back(pc);
905  }
906  if(not configs.empty()) {
907  edm::ProcessHistory ph(configs);
908  m_historyIDs.push_back(;
909  phr.registerProcessHistory(ph);
910  m_reducedHistoryIDs.push_back(phr.reducedProcessHistoryID(;
911  //std::cout <<"inserted "<<<<std::endl;
912  }
913  }
915  //Setup the indices
916  TTree* indicesTree = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(m_file->Get(kIndicesTree));
917  assert(nullptr!=indicesTree);
919  m_runlumiToRange.clear();
920  m_runlumiToRange.reserve(indicesTree->GetEntries());
921  m_orderedIndices.clear();
923  RunLumiToRange temp;
924  indicesTree->SetBranchAddress(kRunBranch,&temp.m_run);
925  indicesTree->SetBranchAddress(kLumiBranch,&temp.m_lumi);
926  indicesTree->SetBranchAddress(kBeginTimeBranch,&temp.m_beginTime);
927  indicesTree->SetBranchAddress(kEndTimeBranch,&temp.m_endTime);
928  indicesTree->SetBranchAddress(kProcessHistoryIndexBranch,&temp.m_historyIDIndex);
929  indicesTree->SetBranchAddress(kTypeBranch,&temp.m_type);
930  indicesTree->SetBranchAddress(kFirstIndex,&temp.m_firstIndex);
931  indicesTree->SetBranchAddress(kLastIndex,&temp.m_lastIndex);
933  //Need to reorder items since if there was a merge done the same Run
934  //and/or Lumi can appear multiple times but we want to process them
935  //all at once
937  //We use a std::list for m_orderedIndices since inserting into the
938  //middle of a std::list does not disrupt the iterators to already
939  //existing entries
941  //The Map is used to see if a Run/Lumi pair has appeared before
942  typedef std::map<RunLumiPHIDKey, std::list<unsigned int>::iterator > RunLumiToLastEntryMap;
943  RunLumiToLastEntryMap runLumiToLastEntryMap;
945  //Need to group all lumis for the same run together and move the run
946  //entry to the beginning
947  typedef std::map<RunPHIDKey, std::pair< std::list<unsigned int>::iterator, std::list<unsigned int>::iterator> > RunToFirstLastEntryMap;
948  RunToFirstLastEntryMap runToFirstLastEntryMap;
950  for (Long64_t index = 0; index != indicesTree->GetEntries(); ++index)
951  {
952  indicesTree->GetEntry(index);
953 // std::cout <<"read r:"<<temp.m_run
954 // <<" l:"<<temp.m_lumi
955 // <<" b:"<<temp.m_beginTime
956 // <<" e:"<<temp.m_endTime
957 // <<" fi:" << temp.m_firstIndex
958 // <<" li:" << temp.m_lastIndex
959 // <<" type:" << temp.m_type << std::endl;
960  m_runlumiToRange.push_back(temp);
962  RunLumiPHIDKey runLumi(, temp.m_run, temp.m_lumi);
963  RunPHIDKey runKey(, temp.m_run);
965  RunLumiToLastEntryMap::iterator itFind = runLumiToLastEntryMap.find(runLumi);
966  if (itFind == runLumiToLastEntryMap.end())
967  {
968  //does not already exist
969  //does the run for this already exist?
970  std::list<unsigned int>::iterator itLastOfRun = m_orderedIndices.end();
972  RunToFirstLastEntryMap::iterator itRunFirstLastEntryFind = runToFirstLastEntryMap.find(runKey);
973  bool needNewEntryInRunFirstLastEntryMap = true;
974  if (itRunFirstLastEntryFind != runToFirstLastEntryMap.end())
975  {
976  needNewEntryInRunFirstLastEntryMap=false;
977  if (temp.m_lumi!=0)
978  {
979  //lumis go to the end
980  itLastOfRun = itRunFirstLastEntryFind->second.second;
981  //we want to insert after this one so must advance the iterator
982  ++itLastOfRun;
983  }
984  else
985  {
986  //runs go at the beginning
987  itLastOfRun = itRunFirstLastEntryFind->second.first;
988  }
989  }
990  std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter = m_orderedIndices.insert(itLastOfRun,index);
991  runLumiToLastEntryMap[runLumi]=iter;
992  if (needNewEntryInRunFirstLastEntryMap)
993  runToFirstLastEntryMap[runKey]=std::make_pair(iter,iter);
994  else
995  {
996  if(temp.m_lumi!=0)
997  {
998  //lumis go at end
999  runToFirstLastEntryMap[runKey].second = iter;
1000  }
1001  else
1002  {
1003  //since we haven't yet seen this run/lumi combination it means we haven't yet seen
1004  // a run so we can put this first
1005  runToFirstLastEntryMap[runKey].first = iter;
1006  }
1007  }
1008  }
1009  else
1010  {
1011  //We need to do a merge since the run/lumi already appeared. Put it after the existing entry
1012  //std::cout <<" found a second instance of "<<runLumi.first<<" "<<runLumi.second<<" at "<<index<<std::endl;
1013  std::list<unsigned int>::iterator itNext = itFind->second;
1014  ++itNext;
1015  std::list<unsigned int>::iterator iter = m_orderedIndices.insert(itNext,index);
1016  RunToFirstLastEntryMap::iterator itRunFirstLastEntryFind = runToFirstLastEntryMap.find(runKey);
1017  if (itRunFirstLastEntryFind->second.second == itFind->second)
1018  {
1019  //if the previous one was the last in the run, we need to update to make this one the last
1020  itRunFirstLastEntryFind->second.second = iter;
1021  }
1022  itFind->second = iter;
1023  }
1024  }
1025  m_nextIndexItr = m_orderedIndices.begin();
1028  if(m_nextIndexItr != m_orderedIndices.end()) {
1029  for( size_t index = 0; index < kNIndicies; ++index) {
1030  m_trees[index] = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(m_file->Get(kTypeNames[index]));
1031  assert(nullptr!=m_trees[index]);
1032  m_treeReaders[index]->setTree(m_trees[index]);
1033  }
1034  }
1035  //After a file open, the framework expects to see a new 'IsRun'
1038  return true;
1039 }
1041 bool
1043  if(!m_runsToProcess.empty() && edm::search_all(m_runsToProcess, run) && lumi==0) {
1044  return false;
1045  }
1047  edm::LuminosityBlockID lumiID = edm::LuminosityBlockID(run, lumi);
1048  edm::LuminosityBlockRange lumiRange = edm::LuminosityBlockRange(lumiID, lumiID);
1050  if(!m_lumisToProcess.empty() && !binary_search_all(m_lumisToProcess, lumiRange, lt)) {
1051  return true;
1052  }
1053  return false;
1054 }
1057 void
1058 DQMRootSource::logFileAction(char const* msg, char const* fileName) const {
1059  edm::LogAbsolute("fileAction") << std::setprecision(0) << edm::TimeOfDay() << msg << fileName;
1061 }
1063 //
1064 // const member functions
1065 //
1067 //
1068 // static member functions
1069 //
MonitorElement * book2D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY)
Book 2D histogram.
MonitorElement * bookProfile2D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, double lowZ, double highZ, char const *option="s")
TProfile * getTProfile() const
edm::InputSource::ItemType m_nextItemType
unsigned int m_lastSeenRun2
static const char *const kProcessHistoryTree
Definition: format.h:54
static const char *const kRunBranch
Definition: format.h:41
unsigned int lumi() const
int64_t getIntValue() const
std::shared_ptr< edm::RunAuxiliary > readRunAuxiliary_() override
static void logFileAction(char const *msg, std::string const &fileName)
static const char *const kTypeNames[]
Definition: format.h:28
edm::JobReport::Token m_jrToken
void readNextItemType()
ParameterDescriptionBase * addUntracked(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
TProfile2D * getTProfile2D() const
Definition: CLHEP.h:16
void closeFile_() override
void logFileAction(char const *msg, char const *fileName) const
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: RunID.h:39
edm::RunAuxiliary m_runAux
void FlushMessageLog()
void reportInputRunNumber(unsigned int run)
std::vector< edm::RunNumber_t > m_runsToProcess
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< TreeReaderBase > > m_treeReaders
edm::ProcessHistoryID const & processHistoryID() const
TH1F * getTH1F() const
TH2S * getTH2S() const
static const char *const kIndicesTree
Definition: format.h:40
#define nullptr
bool registerProcessHistory(ProcessHistory const &processHistory)
std::set< MonitorElement * > m_lumiElements
MonitorElement * book1DD(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX)
Book 1S histogram.
static const char *const kFirstIndex
Definition: format.h:47
static const char *const kLumiBranch
Definition: format.h:42
size_t m_presentlyOpenFileIndex
std::list< unsigned int >::iterator m_presentIndexItr
unsigned int m_filterOnRun
RunNumber_t run() const
Accessor for current run number.
bool operator<(RunPHIDKey const &right) const
std::set< MonitorElement * > m_runElements
static const char *const kFullNameBranch
Definition: format.h:34
void fillRunPrincipal(ProcessHistoryRegistry const &processHistoryRegistry, DelayedReader *reader=0)
MonitorElement * bookInt(char_string const &name)
Book int.
MonitorElement * book1D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX)
Book 1D histogram.
unsigned int LuminosityBlockNumber_t
std::vector< edm::ProcessHistoryID > m_reducedHistoryIDs
MonitorElement * bookFloat(char_string const &name)
Book float.
unsigned int run() const
Token inputFileOpened(std::string const &physicalFileName, std::string const &logicalFileName, std::string const &catalog, std::string const &inputType, std::string const &inputSourceClassName, std::string const &moduleLabel, std::string const &guid, std::vector< std::string > const &branchNames)
void Fill(long long x)
~DQMRootSource() override
void tag(MonitorElement *me, unsigned int myTag)
Definition: ME.h:11
MonitorElement * book2DD(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY)
Book 2D histogram.
static const char *const kPHIndexBranch
Definition: format.h:55
static const char *const kParameterSetBranch
Definition: format.h:62
edm::InputSource::ItemType getNextItemType() override
void fillLuminosityBlockPrincipal(ProcessHistoryRegistry const &processHistoryRegistry, DelayedReader *reader=0)
std::vector< RunLumiToRange > m_runlumiToRange
void addDefault(ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary m_lumiAux
void setLumiFlag()
this ME is meant to be stored for each luminosity section
std::vector< edm::ProcessHistoryID > m_historyIDs
edm::ProcessHistoryID const & processHistoryID() const
edm::ProcessHistoryID processHistoryID_
MonitorElement * get(std::string const &path) const
get ME from full pathname (e.g. "my/long/dir/my_histo")
void reportInputLumiSection(unsigned int run, unsigned int lumiSectId)
bool m_justOpenedFileSoNeedToGenerateRunTransition
std::shared_ptr< edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary > readLuminosityBlockAuxiliary_() override
edm::InputFileCatalog m_catalog
edm::ProcessHistoryID m_lastSeenReducedPHID2
static const char *const kParameterSetTree
Definition: format.h:61
std::list< unsigned int > m_orderedIndices
TH2D * getTH2D() const
RunNumber_t run() const
static const char *const kFlagBranch
Definition: format.h:35
static const char *const kTypeBranch
Definition: format.h:46
ProcessHistoryID const & reducedProcessHistoryID(ProcessHistoryID const &fullID) const
static const char *const kProcessHistoryIndexBranch
Definition: format.h:43
void setProcessHistoryID(ProcessHistoryID const &phid)
static const char *const kEndTimeBranch
Definition: format.h:45
std::vector< std::string > const & logicalFileNames() const
std::unique_ptr< edm::FileBlock > readFile_() override
MonitorElement * bookString(char_string const &name, char_string const &value)
Book string.
std::vector< TTree * > m_trees
TH2F * getTH2F() const
unsigned int run() const
std::size_t Token
Definition: JobReport.h:106
const std::string getFullname() const
get full name of ME including Pathname
static const char *const kProcessConfigurationPassID
Definition: format.h:59
RunID const & id() const
Definition: RunPrincipal.h:64
MonitorElement * book2S(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY)
Book 2S histogram.
static void registerFromString(std::string const &rep)
static const char *const kMetaDataDirectoryAbsolute
Definition: format.h:51
void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
MonitorElement * bookProfile(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s")
std::vector< std::string > const & fileNames() const
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
unsigned int m_lastSeenLumi2
TH3F * getTH3F() const
static const char *const kLastIndex
Definition: format.h:48
std::vector< edm::LuminosityBlockRange > m_lumisToProcess
bool operator<(RunLumiPHIDKey const &right) const
bool search_all(ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d)
Definition: Algorithms.h:36
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
static const char *const kProcessConfigurationReleaseVersion
Definition: format.h:58
void addContext(std::string const &context)
void readRun_(edm::RunPrincipal &rpCache) override
tuple msg
void setException(std::exception_ptr e)
ProcessHistoryRegistry & processHistoryRegistryForUpdate()
Definition: InputSource.h:327
static const char *const kProcessConfigurationProcessNameBranch
Definition: format.h:56
std::unique_ptr< TFile > m_file
edm::ProcessHistoryID m_lastSeenReducedPHID
HLT enums.
static const char *const kBeginTimeBranch
Definition: format.h:44
bool skipIt(edm::RunNumber_t, edm::LuminosityBlockNumber_t) const
MonitorElement * book1S(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX)
Book 1S histogram.
std::vector< EventRange > & sortAndRemoveOverlaps(std::vector< EventRange > &eventRange)
std::exception_ptr getException()
RunPHIDKey(edm::ProcessHistoryID const &phid, unsigned int run)
TH1D * getTH1D() const
bool binary_search_all(ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d)
wrappers for std::binary_search
Definition: Algorithms.h:58
bool lessThan(EventRange const &lh, EventRange const &rh)
TH1S * getTH1S() const
MonitorElement * book3D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, int nchZ, double lowZ, double highZ)
Book 3D histogram.
RunLumiPHIDKey(edm::ProcessHistoryID const &phid, unsigned int run, unsigned int lumi)
std::list< unsigned int >::iterator m_nextIndexItr
void setProcessHistoryID(ProcessHistoryID const &phid)
Definition: RunAuxiliary.h:36
unsigned int RunNumber_t
DQMRootSource(edm::ParameterSet const &, const edm::InputSourceDescription &)
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
void readEvent_(edm::EventPrincipal &) override
long double T
void readLuminosityBlock_(edm::LuminosityBlockPrincipal &lbCache) override
ProcessHistoryID id() const
unsigned int m_lastSeenRun
void inputFileClosed(InputType inputType, Token fileToken)
edm::ProcessHistoryID processHistoryID_
def move(src, dest)
static Registry * instance()
Helper class to handle FWLite file input sources.
static const char *const kValueBranch
Definition: format.h:36
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger list("!*","!HLTx*"if it matches 2 triggers or more) will accept the event if all the matching triggers are FAIL.It will reject the event if any of the triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION(this matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).Triggers which are in the READY state are completely ignored.(READY should never be returned since the trigger paths have been run
static const char *const kProcessConfigurationParameterSetIDBranch
Definition: format.h:57
bool setupFile(unsigned int iIndex)
static bool CheckBinLabels(const TAxis *a1, const TAxis *a2)
Check the consistency of the axis labels.