10 #ifndef CondFormats_CTPPSReadoutObjects_TotemDAQMapping 11 #define CondFormats_CTPPSReadoutObjects_TotemDAQMapping
std::map< uint8_t, TotemTimingPlaneChannelPair > totemTimingChannelMap
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const TotemVFATInfo &fp)
TotemSymbID symbolicID
the symbolic id
TotemTimingPlaneChannelPair(const int &plane=-1, const int &channel=-1)
Symbolic ID describing an entity of a TOTEM subdetector.
The mapping between FramePosition and VFATInfo.
bool insert(Storage &iStorage, ItemType *iItem, const IdTag &iIdTag)
Hw Id mapping for Totem Timing (dynamical mapping in Sampic)
unsigned int hwID
the hardware ID (16 bit)
std::map< TotemFramePosition, TotemVFATInfo > VFATMapping
Contains mappind data related to a VFAT.