Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // Package: GenHFHadronMatcher
4 // Class: GenHFHadronMatcher
5 //
19 // Original Author: Nazar Bartosik,DESY
22 // system include files
23 #include <memory>
24 #include <utility>
25 #include <vector>
26 #include <algorithm>
29 // user include files
52 //
53 // class declaration
54 //
57 {
58 public:
59  explicit GenHFHadronMatcher ( const edm::ParameterSet& );
60  ~GenHFHadronMatcher() override;
62  static void fillDescriptions ( edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions );
64 private:
65  void produce( edm::StreamID, edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup& ) const override;
68  std::vector<int> &hadIndex, std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &hadMothersGenPart,
69  std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices, std::vector<int> &hadLeptonIndex,
70  std::vector<int> &hadLeptonHadIndex, std::vector<int> &hadLeptonViaTau,
71  std::vector<int> &hadFlavour, std::vector<int> &hadFromTopWeakDecay, std::vector<int> &hadBHadronId ) const;
72  int analyzeMothers( const reco::Candidate* thisParticle, int& topDaughterQId, int& topBarDaughterQId,
73  std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> &hadMothers, std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices,
74  std::set<const reco::Candidate*> *analyzedParticles, const int prevPartIndex ) const;
75  bool putMotherIndex( std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices, int partIndex, int mothIndex ) const;
76  bool isHadron( const int flavour, const reco::Candidate* thisParticle ) const;
77  bool isHadronPdgId( const int flavour, const int pdgId ) const;
78  bool isMesonPdgId( const int flavour, const int pdgId ) const;
79  bool isBaryonPdgId( const int flavour, const int pdgId ) const;
80  int flavourSign( const int pdgId ) const;
81  bool hasHadronDaughter( const int flavour, const reco::Candidate* thisParticle ) const;
82  int idInList( std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> particleList, const reco::Candidate* particle ) const;
83  int idInList( std::vector<int> list, const int value ) const;
84  int findInMothers( int idx, std::vector<int> &mothChains, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices,
85  const std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &hadMothers, int status, int pdgId, bool pdgAbs,
86  int stopId, int firstLast, bool verbose ) const;
87  bool isNeutralPdg( int pdgId ) const;
89  bool checkForLoop( std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> &particleChain, const reco::Candidate* particle ) const;
90  std::string getParticleName( int id ) const;
92  bool fixExtraSameFlavours( const unsigned int hadId, const std::vector<int> &hadIndices,
93  const std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &hadMothers, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices,
94  const std::vector<int> &isFromTopWeakDecay, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &LastQuarkIds,
95  const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &LastQuarkMotherIds, std::vector<int> &lastQuarkIndices,
96  std::vector<int> &hadronFlavour, std::set<int> &checkedHadronIds, const int lastQuarkIndex ) const;
98  // ----------member data ---------------------------
101  const int flavour_;
102  const bool noBBbarResonances_;
118 };
120 //
121 // constants, enums and typedefs
122 //
125 //
126 // static data member definitions
127 //
129 //
130 // constructors and destructor
131 //
140 namespace {
141  std::string flavourName(int flavour) {
142  if ( flavour==5 ) {
143  return "B";
144  } else if ( flavour==4 ) {
145  return "C";
146  }
147  edm::LogError ( "GenHFHadronMatcher" ) << "Flavour option must be 4 (c-jet) or 5 (b-jet), but is: " << flavour << ". Correct this!";
148  return std::string();
149  }
150 }
153 genParticlesToken_(consumes<reco::GenParticleCollection>(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("genParticles"))),
154 jetFlavourInfosToken_(consumes<reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection>(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jetFlavourInfos"))),
155 flavour_{std::abs(cfg.getParameter<int> ( "flavour" ))},
156 noBBbarResonances_{cfg.getParameter<bool> ( "noBBbarResonances" )},
157 onlyJetClusteredHadrons_{cfg.getParameter<bool> ( "onlyJetClusteredHadrons" )},
158 flavourStr_{flavourName(flavour_)},
159 plusMothersToken_{produces< std::vector<reco::GenParticle> > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadPlusMothers" )}, // All mothers in all decay chains above any hadron of specified flavour
160 plusMothersIndicesToken_{produces< std::vector< std::vector<int> > > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadPlusMothersIndices" )}, // Indices of mothers of each hadMother
161 indexToken_{produces< std::vector<int> > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadIndex" )}, // Index of hadron in the vector of hadMothers
162 flavourToken_{produces< std::vector<int> > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadFlavour" )}, // PdgId of the first non-b(c) quark mother with sign corresponding to hadron charge
163 jetIndexToken_{produces< std::vector<int> > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadJetIndex" )}, // Index of genJet matched to each hadron by jet clustering algorithm
164 leptonIndexToken_{produces< std::vector<int> > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadLeptonIndex" )}, // Index of lepton found among the hadron decay products in the list of mothers
165 leptonHadronIndexToken_{produces< std::vector<int> > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadLeptonHadronIndex" )}, // Index of hadron the lepton is associated to
166 leptonViaTauToken_{produces< std::vector<int> > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadLeptonViaTau" )}, // Whether lepton comes directly from hadron or via tau decay
167 fromTopWeakDecayToken_{produces< std::vector<int> > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadFromTopWeakDecay" )}, // Tells whether the hadron appears in the chain after top decay
168 bHadronIdToken_{produces< std::vector<int> > ( "gen"+flavourStr_+"HadBHadronId" )} // Index of a b-hadron which the current hadron comes from (for c-hadrons)
169 {
170  // Hadron matching products
171 }
174 {
175 }
178 // ------------ method fills 'descriptions' with the allowed parameters for the module ------------
184 {
186  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("genParticles")->setComment( "Collection of GenParticle objects which contains all particles produced in the event" );
187  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("jetFlavourInfos")->setComment( "Output from the JetFlavour tool. Contains information about partons/hadrons/leptons associated to jets" );
188  desc.add<bool> ( "noBBbarResonances",true )->setComment ( "Whether resonances should not be treated as hadrons" );
189  desc.add<bool> ( "onlyJetClusteredHadrons",false )->setComment ( "Whether only hadrons that are matched to jets should be analysed. Runs x1000 faster in Sherpa" );
190  desc.add<int> ( "flavour",5 )->setComment ( "Flavour of weakly decaying hadron that should be analysed (4-c, 5-b)" );
191  descriptions.add ( "matchGenHFHadron",desc );
192 }
196 //
197 // member functions
198 //
200 // ------------ method called to produce the data ------------
202 {
203  using namespace edm;
206  evt.getByToken(genParticlesToken_, genParticles);
209  evt.getByToken(jetFlavourInfosToken_, jetFlavourInfos);
211  // Defining adron matching variables
212  std::vector<reco::GenParticle> hadMothers;
213  std::vector<std::vector<int>> hadMothersIndices;
214  std::vector<int> hadIndex;
215  std::vector<int> hadFlavour;
216  std::vector<int> hadJetIndex;
217  std::vector<int> hadLeptonIndex;
218  std::vector<int> hadLeptonHadIndex;
219  std::vector<int> hadLeptonViaTau;
220  std::vector<int> hadFromTopWeakDecay;
221  std::vector<int> hadBHadronId;
223  hadJetIndex = findHadronJets (genParticles.product(), jetFlavourInfos.product(), hadIndex, hadMothers, hadMothersIndices, hadLeptonIndex, hadLeptonHadIndex, hadLeptonViaTau, hadFlavour, hadFromTopWeakDecay, hadBHadronId );
225  // Putting products to the event
226  evt.emplace(plusMothersToken_, std::move(hadMothers));
227  evt.emplace(plusMothersIndicesToken_, std::move(hadMothersIndices));
228  evt.emplace(indexToken_, std::move(hadIndex));
229  evt.emplace(flavourToken_, std::move(hadFlavour));
230  evt.emplace(jetIndexToken_, std::move(hadJetIndex));
231  evt.emplace(leptonIndexToken_, std::move(hadLeptonIndex));
232  evt.emplace(leptonHadronIndexToken_, std::move(hadLeptonHadIndex));
233  evt.emplace(leptonViaTauToken_, std::move(hadLeptonViaTau));
234  evt.emplace(fromTopWeakDecayToken_, std::move(hadFromTopWeakDecay));
235  evt.emplace(bHadronIdToken_, std::move(hadBHadronId));
236 }
263  std::vector<int> &hadIndex,
264  std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &hadMothers, std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices,
265  std::vector<int> &hadLeptonIndex, std::vector<int> &hadLeptonHadIndex,
266  std::vector<int> &hadLeptonViaTau, std::vector<int> &hadFlavour,
267  std::vector<int> &hadFromTopWeakDecay, std::vector<int> &hadBHadronId ) const
268 {
269  std::vector<int> hadJetIndex;
270  std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> hadMothersCand;
272  int topDaughterQId = -1;
273  int topBarDaughterQId = -1;
275  // Looping over all jets to get hadrons associated to them
276  for(reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection::const_iterator i_info = jetFlavourInfos->begin(); i_info != jetFlavourInfos->end(); ++i_info){
277  reco::JetFlavourInfo jetInfo = i_info->second;
278  const int jetIndex = i_info - jetFlavourInfos->begin();
279  // Looping over each hadron associated with the jet and finding its origin
280  const reco::GenParticleRefVector& hadronsInJet = flavour_==5 ? jetInfo.getbHadrons() : flavour_==4 ? jetInfo.getcHadrons() : reco::GenParticleRefVector();
281  for(reco::GenParticleRefVector::const_iterator hadron = hadronsInJet.begin(); hadron != hadronsInJet.end(); ++hadron) {
282  // Check that the hadron satisfies criteria configured in the module
283  if(!isHadron ( flavour_, (&**hadron) )) continue;
284  if(hasHadronDaughter ( flavour_, (reco::Candidate*)(&**hadron) )) continue;
285  // Scanning the chain starting from the hadron
286  int hadronIndex = analyzeMothers ( (reco::Candidate*)(&**hadron), topDaughterQId, topBarDaughterQId, hadMothersCand, hadMothersIndices, nullptr, -1 );
287  // Storing the index of the hadron to the list
288  hadIndex.push_back ( hadronIndex );
289  hadJetIndex.push_back ( jetIndex ); // Putting jet index to the result list
290  }
291  } // End of loop over jets
293  // Access all hadrons which are not associated with jets, if requested
295  for(reco::GenParticleCollection::const_iterator i_particle = genParticles->begin(); i_particle != genParticles->end(); ++i_particle){
296  const reco::GenParticle* thisParticle = &*i_particle;
297  if(!isHadron(flavour_, thisParticle)) continue;
298  // Skipping the hadron if it was already found directly from jets
299  if(std::find(hadMothersCand.begin(), hadMothersCand.end(), thisParticle) != hadMothersCand.end()) continue;
301  // Scanning the chain starting from the hadron
302  int hadronIndex = analyzeMothers ( thisParticle, topDaughterQId, topBarDaughterQId, hadMothersCand, hadMothersIndices, nullptr, -1 );
303  // Storing the index of the hadron to the list
304  hadIndex.push_back ( hadronIndex );
305  hadJetIndex.push_back ( -1 ); // Jet index undefined
306  }
307  }
309  // Transfering Candidates to the list of processed particles for further analysis
310  for ( int i=0; i< (int)hadMothersCand.size(); i++ ) {
311  const reco::GenParticle* particle = dynamic_cast<const reco::GenParticle*>( );
312  hadMothers.push_back(*particle);
313  }
315  // Adding leptons from hadron decays
316  for(reco::GenParticleCollection::const_iterator i_particle = genParticles->begin(); i_particle != genParticles->end(); ++i_particle){
317  const reco::GenParticle lepton = *i_particle;
318  const int pdg_abs = lepton.pdgId();
319  // Skipping if not a lepton: e/mu
320  if(pdg_abs != 11 && pdg_abs != 13) continue;
321  bool leptonViaTau = false;
322  const reco::Candidate* leptonMother = lepton.mother();
323  if(!leptonMother) continue;
324  // Taking next mother if direct mother is a tau
325  if(std::abs(leptonMother->pdgId()) == 15) {
326  leptonViaTau = true;
327  leptonMother = leptonMother->mother();
328  }
329  // Skipping this lepton if its mother is not a proper hadron
330  if(leptonMother == nullptr or !isHadron(flavour_, leptonMother)) continue;
331  // Finding the index of this hadron in the list of analysed particles
332  size_t leptonHadronParticleIndex = std::find(hadMothersCand.begin(), hadMothersCand.end(), leptonMother) - hadMothersCand.begin();
333  if(leptonHadronParticleIndex >= hadMothersCand.size()) continue;
334  // Finding the actual hadron index among those that were found
335  size_t leptonHadronIndex = std::find(hadIndex.begin(), hadIndex.end(), leptonHadronParticleIndex) - hadIndex.begin();
336  if(leptonHadronIndex >= hadIndex.size()) continue;
337  // Putting the lepton, its index and hadron index to the corresponding lists
338  hadMothers.push_back(lepton);
339  const int leptonIndex = hadMothersCand.size()-1;
340  hadLeptonIndex.push_back(leptonIndex);
341  hadLeptonViaTau.push_back(leptonViaTau);
342  hadLeptonHadIndex.push_back(leptonHadronIndex);
343  }
345  // Checking mothers of hadrons in order to assign flags (where the hadron comes from)
346  unsigned int nHad = hadIndex.size();
348  std::vector<std::vector<int> > LastQuarkMotherIds;
349  std::vector<std::vector<int> > LastQuarkIds;
350  std::vector<int> lastQuarkIndices(nHad, -1);
352  // Looping over all hadrons
353  for ( unsigned int hadNum=0; hadNum<nHad; hadNum++ ) {
354  unsigned int hadIdx =; // Index of hadron in the hadMothers
356  std::vector <int> FirstQuarkId;
357  std::vector <int> LastQuarkId;
358  std::vector <int> LastQuarkMotherId;
360  const int hadronFlavourSign = flavourSign( );
362  // Searching only first quark in the chain with the same flavour as hadron
363  if(hadronFlavourSign != 0) {
364  findInMothers( hadIdx, FirstQuarkId, hadMothersIndices, hadMothers, 0, hadronFlavourSign*flavour_, false, -1, 1, false );
365  }
366  // Searching for quarks with both flavours since it is a bb/cc resonance
367  else {
368  findInMothers( hadIdx, FirstQuarkId, hadMothersIndices, hadMothers, 0, flavour_, false, -1, 1, false );
369  findInMothers( hadIdx, FirstQuarkId, hadMothersIndices, hadMothers, 0, -1*flavour_, false, -1, 1, false );
370  }
372  // Finding last quark for each first quark
373  for ( unsigned int qId=0; qId<FirstQuarkId.size(); qId++ ) {
374  // Identifying the flavour of the first quark to find the last quark of the same flavour
375  const int quarkFlavourSign = flavourSign( );
376  // Finding last quark of the hadron starting from the first quark
377  findInMothers(, LastQuarkId, hadMothersIndices, hadMothers, 0, quarkFlavourSign*flavour_, false, -1, 2, false );
378  } // End of loop over all first quarks of the hadron
381  // Setting initial flavour of the hadron
382  int hadronFlavour = 0;
384  // Initialising pairs of last quark index and its distance from the hadron (to sort by distance)
385  std::vector<std::pair<double, int> > lastQuark_dR_id_pairs;
387  // Finding the closest quark in dR
388  for ( unsigned int qId = 0; qId < LastQuarkId.size(); qId++ ) {
389  int qIdx =;
390  // Calculating the dR between hadron and quark
391  float dR = deltaR (,,, );
393  std::pair<double, int> dR_hadId_pair(dR,qIdx);
394  lastQuark_dR_id_pairs.push_back(dR_hadId_pair);
395  } // End of loop over all last quarks of the hadron
397  std::sort(lastQuark_dR_id_pairs.begin(), lastQuark_dR_id_pairs.end());
399  if(lastQuark_dR_id_pairs.size() > 1) {
400  double dRratio = ( -;
401  int qIdx_closest =;
402  LastQuarkId.clear();
403  if(dRratio>0.5) LastQuarkId.push_back(qIdx_closest);
404  else for(std::pair<double, int> qIdDrPair : lastQuark_dR_id_pairs) LastQuarkId.push_back(qIdDrPair.second);
405  }
406  for(int qIdx : LastQuarkId) {
407  int qmIdx =;
408  LastQuarkMotherId.push_back(qmIdx);
409  }
411  if((int)LastQuarkId.size()>0) = 0; // Setting the first quark in array as a candidate if it exists
413  LastQuarkIds.push_back( LastQuarkId );
415  LastQuarkMotherIds.push_back ( LastQuarkMotherId );
417  if(LastQuarkMotherId.empty()) {
418  hadronFlavour = 0;
419  } else {
420  int qIdx = );
421  int qFlav = flavourSign( );
422  hadronFlavour = qFlav*std::abs( ) ).pdgId() );
423  }
424  hadFlavour.push_back(hadronFlavour); // Adding hadron flavour to the list of flavours
426  // Checking whether hadron comes from the Top weak decay
427  int isFromTopWeakDecay = 1;
428  std::vector <int> checkedParticles;
429  if( != 0) {
430  int lastQIndex =;
431  bool fromTB = topDaughterQId >= 0 ? findInMothers( lastQIndex, checkedParticles, hadMothersIndices, hadMothers, -1, 0, false, topDaughterQId, 2, false ) >= 0 : false;
432  checkedParticles.clear();
433  bool fromTbarB = topBarDaughterQId >= 0 ? findInMothers( lastQIndex, checkedParticles, hadMothersIndices, hadMothers, -1, 0, false, topBarDaughterQId, 2, false) >= 0 : false;
434  checkedParticles.clear();
435  if(!fromTB && !fromTbarB) {
436  isFromTopWeakDecay = 0;
437  }
438  } else isFromTopWeakDecay = 2;
439  hadFromTopWeakDecay.push_back(isFromTopWeakDecay);
440  int bHadronMotherId = findInMothers( hadIdx, checkedParticles, hadMothersIndices, hadMothers, 0, 555555, true, -1, 1, false );
441  hadBHadronId.push_back(bHadronMotherId);
444  if(!LastQuarkMotherId.empty()) {
445  std::set<int> checkedHadronIds;
446  fixExtraSameFlavours(hadNum, hadIndex, hadMothers, hadMothersIndices, hadFromTopWeakDecay, LastQuarkIds, LastQuarkMotherIds, lastQuarkIndices, hadFlavour, checkedHadronIds, 0);
447  }
449  } // End of loop over all hadrons
451  return hadJetIndex;
452 }
463 int GenHFHadronMatcher::idInList ( std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> particleList, const reco::Candidate* particle ) const
464 {
465  const unsigned int position = std::find(particleList.begin(), particleList.end(), particle) - particleList.begin();
466  if( position >= particleList.size() ) return -1;
468  return position;
469 }
471 int GenHFHadronMatcher::idInList ( std::vector<int> list, const int value ) const
472 {
473  const unsigned int position = std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), value) - list.begin();
474  if( position >= list.size() ) return -1;
476  return position;
477 }
488 bool GenHFHadronMatcher::isHadron ( const int flavour, const reco::Candidate* thisParticle ) const
489 {
490  return isHadronPdgId(flavour, thisParticle->pdgId());
491 }
502 bool GenHFHadronMatcher::isHadronPdgId ( const int flavour, const int pdgId ) const
503 {
504  if( isBaryonPdgId(flavour, pdgId) || isMesonPdgId(flavour, pdgId) ) return true;
506  return false;
507 }
518 bool GenHFHadronMatcher::isMesonPdgId ( const int flavour, const int pdgId ) const
519 {
520  const int flavour_abs = std::abs(flavour);
521  if(flavour_abs != 5 && flavour_abs != 4) return false;
522  const int pdgId_abs = std::abs(pdgId);
524  if( pdgId_abs/100%10 != flavour_abs) return false;
525  // Excluding baryons
526  if ( pdgId_abs/1000 == flavour_abs) return false;
527  // Excluding bb/cc resonances if required
528  if ( noBBbarResonances_ && pdgId_abs/10%100 == 11*flavour_abs ) return false;
530  return true;
531 }
542 bool GenHFHadronMatcher::isBaryonPdgId ( const int flavour, const int pdgId ) const
543 {
544  const int flavour_abs = std::abs(flavour);
545  if(flavour_abs != 5 && flavour_abs != 4) return false;
546  const int pdgId_abs = std::abs(pdgId);
548  if ( pdgId_abs/1000 != flavour_abs) return false;
550  return true;
551 }
561 int GenHFHadronMatcher::flavourSign ( const int pdgId ) const
562 {
563  int flavourSign = pdgId / std::abs(pdgId);
564  // B mesons have opposite sign
565  if( isMesonPdgId(5, pdgId) ) flavourSign *= -1;
566  // Returning 0 for bb/cc resonances
567  if(pdgId % 1000 / 10 / 11 > 0) flavourSign = 0;
569  return flavourSign;
570 }
581 bool GenHFHadronMatcher::hasHadronDaughter ( const int flavour, const reco::Candidate* thisParticle ) const
582 {
583  // Looping through daughters of the particle
584  bool hasDaughter = false;
585  for ( int k=0; k< (int)thisParticle->numberOfDaughters(); k++ ) {
586  if ( !isHadron( flavour, thisParticle->daughter(k) ) ) {
587  continue;
588  }
589  hasDaughter = true;
590  break;
591  }
593  return hasDaughter;
594 }
614 int GenHFHadronMatcher::analyzeMothers ( const reco::Candidate* thisParticle, int& topDaughterQId, int& topBarDaughterQId, std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> &hadMothers, std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices, std::set<const reco::Candidate*> *analyzedParticles, const int prevPartIndex ) const
615 {
616  // Getting the index of the particle which is a hadron in the first call
617  int hadronIndex=-1; // Index of the hadron that is returned by this function
618  int index = idInList( hadMothers, thisParticle );
619  if ( index<0 ) { // If hadron is not in the list of mothers yet
620  hadMothers.push_back ( thisParticle );
621  hadronIndex=hadMothers.size()-1;
622  } else { // If hadron is in the list of mothers already
623  hadronIndex=index;
624  }
626  int partIndex = -1; // Index of particle being checked in the list of mothers
627  partIndex = idInList( hadMothers, thisParticle );
629  // Checking whether this particle is already in the chain of analyzed particles in order to identify a loop
630  bool isLoop = false;
631  if ( !analyzedParticles ) {
632  analyzedParticles = new std::set<const reco::Candidate*>;
633  }
634  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<analyzedParticles->size(); i++ ) {
635  if ( analyzedParticles->count ( thisParticle ) <=0 ) {
636  continue;
637  }
638  isLoop = true;
639  break;
640  }
642  // If a loop has been detected
643  if ( isLoop ) {
644  if ( prevPartIndex>=0 ) {
645  putMotherIndex ( hadMothersIndices, prevPartIndex, -1 ); // Setting mother index of previous particle to -1
646  }
647  return hadronIndex; // Stopping further processing of the current chain
648  }
649  analyzedParticles->insert ( thisParticle );
651  // Putting the mothers to the list of mothers
652  for ( size_t iMother = 0; iMother < thisParticle->numberOfMothers(); ++iMother ) {
653  const reco::Candidate* mother = thisParticle->mother ( iMother );
654  int mothIndex = idInList( hadMothers, mother );
655  if ( mothIndex == partIndex && partIndex>=0 ) {
656  continue; // Skipping the mother that is its own daughter
657  }
659  // If this mother isn't yet in the list and hadron or lepton is in the list
660  if ( mothIndex<0 ) {
661  hadMothers.push_back ( mother );
662  mothIndex=hadMothers.size()-1;
663  }
664  // If hadron has already been found in current chain and the mother isn't a duplicate of the particle being checked
665  if ( mothIndex!=partIndex && partIndex>=0 ) {
666  putMotherIndex ( hadMothersIndices, partIndex, mothIndex ); // Putting the index of mother for current particle
667  }
668  analyzeMothers ( mother, topDaughterQId, topBarDaughterQId, hadMothers, hadMothersIndices, analyzedParticles, partIndex );
669  // Setting the id of the particle which is a quark from the top decay
670  if(std::abs(mother->pdgId())==6) {
671  int& bId = mother->pdgId() < 0 ? topBarDaughterQId : topDaughterQId;
672  int thisFlav = std::abs(thisParticle->pdgId());
673  if( bId<0){
674  if(thisFlav <= 5) bId = partIndex;
675  } else {
676  int bIdFlav = std::abs(>pdgId());
677  if( bIdFlav != 5 && thisFlav == 5) bId = partIndex;
678  else if( thisFlav == 5 && thisParticle->pt() >>pt() ) bId = partIndex;
679  } // If daughter quark of the top not found yet
680  } // If the mother is a top quark and hadron has been found
681  } // End of loop over mothers
683  analyzedParticles->erase ( thisParticle ); // Removing current particle from the current chain that is being analyzed
685  if ( partIndex<0 ) {
686  return hadronIndex; // Safety check
687  }
689  // Adding -1 to the list of mother indices for current particle if it has no mothers (for consistency between numbering of indices and mothers)
690  if ( (int)thisParticle->numberOfMothers() <=0) {
691  putMotherIndex ( hadMothersIndices, partIndex, -1 );
692  }
694  return hadronIndex;
696 }
708 bool GenHFHadronMatcher::putMotherIndex ( std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices, int partIndex, int mothIndex ) const
709 {
710  // Putting vector of mothers indices for the given particle
711  bool inList=false;
712  if ( partIndex<0 ) {
713  return false;
714  }
716  while ( (int)hadMothersIndices.size() <= partIndex ) { // If there is no list of mothers for current particle yet
717  std::vector<int> mothersIndices;
718  hadMothersIndices.push_back ( mothersIndices );
719  }
721  std::vector<int> *hadMotherIndices = &;
722  // Removing other mothers if particle must have no mothers
723  if ( mothIndex == -1 ) {
724  hadMotherIndices->clear();
725  } else {
726  // Checking if current mother is already in the list of theParticle's mothers
727  for ( int k = 0; k < (int)hadMotherIndices->size(); k++ ) {
728  if ( hadMotherIndices->at(k) != mothIndex && hadMotherIndices->at(k) != -1 ) {
729  continue;
730  }
731  inList=true;
732  break;
733  }
734  }
735  // Adding current mother to the list of mothers of this particle
736  if ( !inList ) {
737  hadMotherIndices->push_back(mothIndex);
738  }
740  return inList;
741 }
761 int GenHFHadronMatcher::findInMothers ( int idx, std::vector<int> &mothChains, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices,
762  const std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &hadMothers, int status, int pdgId, bool pdgAbs=false,
763  int stopId=-1, int firstLast=0, bool verbose=false) const
764 {
765  int foundStopId = -1;
766  int pdg_1 =;
768  if ( (int)hadMothersIndices.size() <= idx ) {
769  if ( verbose ) {
770  printf ( " Stopping checking particle %d. No mothers are stored.\n",idx );
771  }
772  return -1; // Skipping if no mothers are stored for this particle
773  }
775  if(std::abs( idx ).pdgId()) > 10 && std::abs( idx ).pdgId()) < 19) printf("Lepton: %d\n", idx ).pdgId());
777  std::vector<int> mothers =;
778  unsigned int nMothers = mothers.size();
779  bool isCorrect=false; // Whether current particle is what is being searched
780  if ( verbose ) {
781  if ( std::abs( ) ==2212 ) {
782  printf ( "Chk: %d\tpdg: %d\tstatus: %d",idx,, );
783  } else {
784  printf ( " Chk: %d(%d mothers)\tpdg: %d\tstatus: %d\tPt: %.3f\tEta: %.3f",idx, nMothers,,,, );
785  }
786  }
787  bool hasCorrectMothers = true;
788  if(nMothers<1) hasCorrectMothers=false; else if(<0) hasCorrectMothers=false;
789  if(!hasCorrectMothers) {
790  if(verbose) printf(" NO CORRECT MOTHER\n");
791  return -1;
792  }
793  // Stopping if the particular particle has been found
794  if(stopId>=0 && idx == stopId) return idx;
796  // Stopping if the hadron of particular flavour has been found
797  if(pdgId%111111==0 && pdgId!=0) {
798  if(isHadronPdgId(pdgId/111111, {
799  return idx;
800  }
801  }
803  // Checking whether current mother satisfies selection criteria
804  if ( ( ( == pdgId && pdgAbs==false )
805  || ( std::abs( ) == std::abs( pdgId ) && pdgAbs==true ) )
806  && ( == status || status==0 )
807  && hasCorrectMothers ) {
808  isCorrect=true;
809  // Adding to the list of candidates if not there and if mother of this quark has correct flavour sign
810  const bool inList = std::find(mothChains.begin(), mothChains.end(), idx) != mothChains.end();
811  if ( !inList && >= 0 && (*pdgId > 0 || !pdgAbs ) ) {
812  if ( firstLast==0 || firstLast==1 ) {
813  mothChains.push_back(idx);
814  }
815  if ( verbose ) {
816  printf ( " *" );
817  }
818  }
819  if ( verbose ) {
820  printf ( " +++" );
821  }
822  }
823  if ( verbose ) {
824  printf ( "\n" );
825  }
827  if ( isCorrect && firstLast==1 ) {
828  return -1; // Stopping if only the first particle in the chain is looked for
829  }
831  // Checking next level mothers
832  unsigned int nDifferingMothers = 0;
833  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nMothers; i++ ) {
834  int idx2 =;
835  if ( idx2 < 0 ) {
836  if(verbose) printf("^^^ Has no mother\n");
837  continue; // Skipping if mother's id is -1 (no mother), that means current particle is a proton
838  }
839  if ( idx2 == idx ) {
840  if(verbose) printf("^^^ Stored as its own mother\n");
841  continue; // Skipping if particle is stored as its own mother
842  }
843  int pdg_2 = hadMothers[idx2].pdgId();
844  // Inverting the flavour if bb oscillation detected
845  if ( isHadronPdgId(pdgId, pdg_1) && isHadronPdgId(pdgId, pdg_2) && pdg_1*pdg_2 < 0 ) {
846  pdgId *= -1;
847  if(verbose) printf("######### Inverting flavour of the hadron\n");
848  }
849  // Counting how many mothers are different from this particle
850  if ( ( std::abs( pdg_2 ) != std::abs( pdgId ) && pdgAbs==true ) ||
851  ( pdg_2 != pdgId && pdgAbs == false ) ) {
852  nDifferingMothers++;
853  }
855  // Checking next level mother
856  if ( verbose ) {
857  printf ( "Checking mother %d out of %d mothers (%d -> %d), looking for pdgId: %d\n",i,nMothers,idx, idx2, pdgId );
858  }
859  if(firstLast==2 && pdg_1 != pdg_2) continue; // Requiring the same flavour when finding the last quark
860  foundStopId = findInMothers ( idx2, mothChains, hadMothersIndices, hadMothers, status, pdgId, pdgAbs, stopId, firstLast, verbose );
861  }
862  // Storing this particle if all its mothers are of another type and the last of its kind should be stored
863  if(firstLast==2 && isCorrect && nDifferingMothers >= nMothers) {
864  if ( verbose ) {
865  printf ( "Checking particle %d once more to store it as the last quark\n",idx);
866  }
867  foundStopId = findInMothers ( idx, mothChains, hadMothersIndices, hadMothers, 0, pdgId, pdgAbs, stopId, 1, verbose );
868  }
870  return foundStopId;
871 }
883 {
884  const int neutralPdgs_array[] = {9, 21, 22, 23, 25};
885  const std::vector<int> neutralPdgs( neutralPdgs_array, neutralPdgs_array + sizeof(neutralPdgs_array) / sizeof(int) );
886  if( std::find( neutralPdgs.begin(), neutralPdgs.end(), std::abs(pdgId) ) == neutralPdgs.end() ) return false;
888  return true;
889 }
907  const unsigned int hadId, const std::vector<int> &hadIndices, const std::vector<reco::GenParticle> &hadMothers,
908  const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &hadMothersIndices, const std::vector<int> &isFromTopWeakDecay,
909  const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &LastQuarkIds, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > &LastQuarkMotherIds,
910  std::vector<int> &lastQuarkIndices, std::vector<int> &hadronFlavour,
911  std::set<int> &checkedHadronIds, const int lastQuarkIndex) const
912 {
913  if(checkedHadronIds.count(hadId) != 0) return false; // Hadron already checked previously and should be skipped
914  checkedHadronIds.insert(hadId); // Putting hadron to the list of checked ones in this run
916  if(lastQuarkIndex<0) return false;
917  if((int)<lastQuarkIndex+1) return false;
918  int LastQuarkId =;
919  int LastQuarkMotherId = hadId ).at( lastQuarkIndex );
920  int qmFlav = < 0 ? -1 : 1;
921  int hadFlavour = qmFlav*std::abs( LastQuarkMotherId ).pdgId() );
922  bool ambiguityResolved = true;
923  // If last quark has inconsistent flavour with its mother, setting the hadron flavour to gluon
924  if( (* < 0 && !isNeutralPdg( ||
925  // If particle not coming from the Top weak decay has Top flavour
926  (std::abs( && ) {
927  if((int)>lastQuarkIndex+1) fixExtraSameFlavours(hadId, hadIndices, hadMothers, hadMothersIndices, isFromTopWeakDecay, LastQuarkIds, LastQuarkMotherIds, lastQuarkIndices, hadronFlavour, checkedHadronIds, lastQuarkIndex+1);
928  else = qmFlav*21;
929  return true;
930  }
932  int nSameFlavourHadrons = 0;
933  // Looping over all previous hadrons
934  for(unsigned int iHad = 0; iHad<hadronFlavour.size(); iHad++) {
935  if(iHad==hadId) continue;
936  int theLastQuarkIndex =;
937  if(theLastQuarkIndex<0) continue;
938  if((int) iHad ).size() <= theLastQuarkIndex) continue;
939  int theLastQuarkMotherId = iHad ).at( theLastQuarkIndex );
940  int theHadFlavour =;
941  // Skipping hadrons with different flavour
942  if(theHadFlavour==0 || std::abs(theHadFlavour)==21) continue;
943  if(theHadFlavour != hadFlavour || theLastQuarkMotherId != LastQuarkMotherId) continue;
944  ambiguityResolved = false;
945  nSameFlavourHadrons++;
947  // Checking other b-quark mother candidates of this hadron
948  if((int) > lastQuarkIndex+1) {
949  if(fixExtraSameFlavours(hadId, hadIndices, hadMothers, hadMothersIndices, isFromTopWeakDecay, LastQuarkIds, LastQuarkMotherIds, lastQuarkIndices, hadronFlavour, checkedHadronIds, lastQuarkIndex+1) ) {
950  ambiguityResolved = true;
951  break;
952  }
953  } else
954  // Checking other b-quark mother candidates of the particular previous hadron
955  if((int) > theLastQuarkIndex+1) {
956  if(fixExtraSameFlavours(iHad, hadIndices, hadMothers, hadMothersIndices, isFromTopWeakDecay, LastQuarkIds, LastQuarkMotherIds, lastQuarkIndices, hadronFlavour, checkedHadronIds, theLastQuarkIndex+1) ) {
957  ambiguityResolved = true;
958  break;
959  };
960  }
962  } // End of loop over all previous hadrons
964  checkedHadronIds.erase(hadId); // Removing the hadron from the list of checked hadrons
965  if(nSameFlavourHadrons>0 && !ambiguityResolved) {
966 = qmFlav*21;
967  return true;
968  }
969 = lastQuarkIndex;
970 = hadFlavour;
971  return true;
972 }
974 //define this as a plug-in
std::vector< GenParticle > GenParticleCollection
collection of GenParticles
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
int pdgId() const final
PDG identifier.
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< int > > bHadronIdToken_
bool isMesonPdgId(const int flavour, const int pdgId) const
Check the pdgId if it represents a meson of particular flavour.
const edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::GenParticleCollection > genParticlesToken_
transient_vector_type::const_iterator const_iterator
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< int > > leptonIndexToken_
const GenParticleRefVector & getbHadrons() const
Return a vector of GenParticleRef&#39;s to b hadrons clustered inside the jet.
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:517
const GenParticleRefVector & getcHadrons() const
Return a vector of GenParticleRef&#39;s to c hadrons clustered inside the jet.
virtual const Candidate * daughter(size_type i) const =0
return daughter at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfDaughters() - 1 (read only mode) ...
int analyzeMothers(const reco::Candidate *thisParticle, int &topDaughterQId, int &topBarDaughterQId, std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &hadMothers, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &hadMothersIndices, std::set< const reco::Candidate * > *analyzedParticles, const int prevPartIndex) const
do a recursive search for the mother particles until the b-quark is found or the absolute mother is f...
const_iterator end() const
def setup(process, global_tag, zero_tesla=False)
virtual const Candidate * mother(size_type i=0) const =0
return pointer to mother
int idInList(std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > particleList, const reco::Candidate *particle) const
Check if the cpecified particle is already in the list of particles.
bool checkForLoop(std::vector< const reco::Candidate * > &particleChain, const reco::Candidate *particle) const
const_iterator end() const
Termination of iteration.
Definition: RefVector.h:253
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
const_iterator begin() const
Initialize an iterator over the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:248
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes(edm::InputTag const &tag)
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< reco::GenParticle > > plusMothersToken_
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
int flavourSign(const int pdgId) const
Sign of the flavour (matter/antimatter)
virtual int pdgId() const =0
PDG identifier.
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< int > > leptonViaTauToken_
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
virtual size_type numberOfMothers() const =0
number of mothers (zero or one in most of but not all the cases)
Class storing the jet flavour information.
const std::string flavourStr_
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< int > > indexToken_
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
bool hasHadronDaughter(const int flavour, const reco::Candidate *thisParticle) const
Check if the particle has bHadron among daughters.
const bool onlyJetClusteredHadrons_
bool isHadronPdgId(const int flavour, const int pdgId) const
Check the pdgId if it represents a hadron of particular flavour.
bool isHadron(const int flavour, const reco::Candidate *thisParticle) const
Check the pdgId of a given particle if it is a hadron.
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
edm::RefVector< GenParticleCollection > GenParticleRefVector
vector of reference to GenParticle in the same collection
bool fixExtraSameFlavours(const unsigned int hadId, const std::vector< int > &hadIndices, const std::vector< reco::GenParticle > &hadMothers, const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &hadMothersIndices, const std::vector< int > &isFromTopWeakDecay, const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &LastQuarkIds, const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &LastQuarkMotherIds, std::vector< int > &lastQuarkIndices, std::vector< int > &hadronFlavour, std::set< int > &checkedHadronIds, const int lastQuarkIndex) const
std::vector< int > findHadronJets(const reco::GenParticleCollection *genParticles, const reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection *jetFlavourInfos, std::vector< int > &hadIndex, std::vector< reco::GenParticle > &hadMothersGenPart, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &hadMothersIndices, std::vector< int > &hadLeptonIndex, std::vector< int > &hadLeptonHadIndex, std::vector< int > &hadLeptonViaTau, std::vector< int > &hadFlavour, std::vector< int > &hadFromTopWeakDecay, std::vector< int > &hadBHadronId) const
identify the jets that contain b-hadrons
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
description of the run-time parameters
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > plusMothersIndicesToken_
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:74
OrphanHandle< PROD > emplace(EDPutTokenT< PROD > token, Args &&...args)
puts a new product
Definition: Event.h:413
virtual double pt() const =0
transverse momentum
bool isNeutralPdg(int pdgId) const
Check whether a given pdgId represents neutral particle.
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< int > > leptonHadronIndexToken_
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
int findInMothers(int idx, std::vector< int > &mothChains, const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &hadMothersIndices, const std::vector< reco::GenParticle > &hadMothers, int status, int pdgId, bool pdgAbs, int stopId, int firstLast, bool verbose) const
helper function to find indices of particles with particular pdgId and status from the list of mother...
fixed size matrix
HLT enums.
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< int > > fromTopWeakDecayToken_
static int position[264][3]
bool putMotherIndex(std::vector< std::vector< int > > &hadMothersIndices, int partIndex, int mothIndex) const
puts mother index to the list of mothers of particle, if it isn&#39;t there already
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< int > > jetIndexToken_
GenHFHadronMatcher(const edm::ParameterSet &)
bool isBaryonPdgId(const int flavour, const int pdgId) const
Check the pdgId if it represents a baryon of particular flavour.
const edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection > jetFlavourInfosToken_
virtual size_type numberOfDaughters() const =0
number of daughters
const_iterator begin() const
def move(src, dest)
const edm::EDPutTokenT< std::vector< int > > flavourToken_
Finds the origin of each heavy flavour hadron and associated jets to it.
const Candidate * mother(size_type=0) const override
return mother at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfMothers() - 1 (read only mode) ...
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger list("!*","!HLTx*"if it matches 2 triggers or more) will accept the event if all the matching triggers are FAIL.It will reject the event if any of the triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION(this matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).Triggers which are in the READY state are completely ignored.(READY should never be returned since the trigger paths have been run
void produce(edm::StreamID, edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) const override
std::string getParticleName(int id) const