17 int fiber=startPoint->
32 while (qie_work!=limit && qie_work->
fiberAndChan()==myFiberChan) {
33 if (ncurr>=startSample && ncurr<=endSample) {
34 digi.setSample(ntaken,*qie_work);
constexpr int fiberChan() const
get the fiber channel number
bool wasMarkAndPassZS(int fiber, int fiberchan) const
Was this channel passed as part of Mark&Pass ZS?
unsigned int getFibOrbMsgBCN(int fiber) const
Get the BCN of the Fiber Orbit Messages.
bool isUnsuppressed() const
Is this event an unsuppresed event?
uint32_t zsBunchMask() const
ZS Bunch Mask (if available)
constexpr int fiber() const
get the fiber number
constexpr int fiberAndChan() const
get the id channel