127 self.readCollections( event.input )
128 rho =
132 if self.cfg_ana.copyJetsByValue:
135 allJets =
lambda j:
Jet(ROOT.heppy.JetUtils.copyJet(j)), self.handles[
137 allJets =
map(Jet, self.handles[
148 jetsBefore = [ (j.pt(),j.eta(),j.phi(),j.rawFactor())
for j
in allJets ]
149 self.jetReCalibrator.correctAll(allJets, rho, delta=self.
153 jetsAfter = [ (j.pt(),j.eta(),j.phi(),j.rawFactor())
for j
in allJets ]
154 if len(jetsBefore) != len(jetsAfter):
155 print(
"ERROR: I had to recompute jet corrections, and they rejected some of the jets:\nold = %s\n new = %s\n" % (jetsBefore,jetsAfter))
157 for (told, tnew)
in zip(jetsBefore,jetsAfter):
158 if (
deltaR2(told[1],told[2],tnew[1],tnew[2])) > 0.0001:
159 print(
"ERROR: I had to recompute jet corrections, and one jet direction moved: old = %s, new = %s\n" % (told, tnew))
160 elif abs(told[0]-tnew[0])/(told[0]+tnew[0]) > 0.5e-3
or abs(told[3]-tnew[3]) > 0.5e-3:
161 print(
"ERROR: I had to recompute jet corrections, and one jet pt or corr changed: old = %s, new = %s\n" % (told, tnew))
165 if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
166 self.
genJets = [ x
for x
in self.handles[
'genJet'].product() ]
167 if self.cfg_ana.do_mc_match:
168 for igj, gj
in enumerate(self.
171 self.
matchJets(event, [ j
for j
in allJets
if j.pt()>self.cfg_ana.jetPt ])
172 if getattr(self.cfg_ana,
179 allJets.sort(key =
lambda j : j.pt(), reverse =
182 if hasattr(event,
183 leptons = [ l
for l
in event.selectedLeptons
if l.pt() > self.
lepPtMin and self.
lepSelCut(l) ]
184 if self.cfg_ana.cleanJetsFromTaus
and hasattr(event,
185 leptons = leptons[:] + event.selectedTaus
186 if self.cfg_ana.cleanJetsFromIsoTracks
and hasattr(event,
187 leptons = leptons[:] + event.selectedIsoCleanTrack
196 leps_with_overlaps = []
197 if getattr(self.cfg_ana,
198 for i
in range(jet.numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs()):
199 p1 = jet.sourceCandidatePtr(i)
201 for j
in range(lep.numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs()):
202 p2 = lep.sourceCandidatePtr(j)
203 has_overlaps = p1.key() == p2.key()
and p1.refCore().
id().productIndex() == p2.refCore().
and p1.refCore().
id().processIndex() == p2.refCore().
205 leps_with_overlaps += [lep]
206 if len(leps_with_overlaps)>0:
207 for lep
in leps_with_overlaps:
210 self.jetsAllNoID.append(jet)
211 if(self.cfg_ana.doQG):
212 jet.qgl_calc = self.qglcalc.computeQGLikelihood
215 self.jets.append(jet)
216 self.jetsIdOnly.append(jet)
218 self.jetsFailId.append(jet)
220 self.jetsIdOnly.append(jet)
222 jetsEtaCut = [j
for j
in self.
jets if abs(j.eta()) < self.cfg_ana.jetEta ]
228 if hasattr(event,
and self.cfg_ana.cleanSelectedLeptons:
229 event.discardedLeptons = [ l
for l
in leptons
if l
not in cleanLeptons ]
230 event.selectedLeptons = [ l
for l
in event.selectedLeptons
if l
not in event.discardedLeptons ]
232 if hasattr(lep,
235 lep.jetOverlapIdx = self.cleanJetsAll.index(lep.jetOverlap)
238 lep.jetOverlapIdx = 1000 + self.discardedJets.index(lep.jetOverlap)
248 if hasattr(event,
249 if self.cfg_ana.cleanJetsFromFirstPhoton:
250 photons = event.selectedPhotons[:1]
252 photons = [ g
for g
in event.selectedPhotons ]
271 if self.cfg_ana.alwaysCleanPhotons:
284 self.cleanJetsFailIdAll.append(jet)
292 self.gamma_cleanJetsFailIdAll.append(jet)
297 incleptons = event.inclusiveLeptons
if hasattr(event,
else event.selectedLeptons
301 jet.leptons = [l
for l
in jlpairs
if jlpairs[l] == jet ]
302 for lep
in incleptons:
305 setattr(lep,
307 setattr(lep,
309 taus = getattr(event,
313 jet.taus = [l
for l
in jtaupairs
if jtaupairs[l] == jet ]
315 setattr(tau,
318 if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
321 if hasattr(j,
327 if self.cfg_ana.cleanGenJetsFromPhoton:
330 if getattr(self.cfg_ana,
and hasattr(self.cfg_ana,
"genNuSelection") :
331 jetNus=[x
for x
in event.genParticles
if abs(x.pdgId())
in [12,14,16]
and self.cfg_ana.genNuSelection(x) ]
332 pairs= matchObjectCollection (jetNus, self.
genJets, 0.4**2)
334 for (nu,genJet)
in six.iteritems(pairs) :
335 if genJet
is not None :
336 if not hasattr(genJet,
"nu") :
342 if self.cfg_ana.do_mc_match:
345 if hasattr(event,
raise RuntimeError(
"Event already contains a jet collection with the following postfix: "+self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix)
346 setattr(event,
"rho" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
rho )
347 setattr(event,
"deltaMetFromJEC" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
deltaMetFromJEC )
348 setattr(event,
"type1METCorr" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
type1METCorr )
349 setattr(event,
"allJetsUsedForMET" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
allJetsUsedForMET )
350 setattr(event,
"jets" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
jets )
351 setattr(event,
"jetsFailId" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
jetsFailId )
352 setattr(event,
"jetsAllNoID" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
jetsAllNoID )
353 setattr(event,
"jetsIdOnly" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
jetsIdOnly )
354 setattr(event,
"cleanJetsAll" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
cleanJetsAll )
355 setattr(event,
"cleanJets" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
cleanJets )
356 setattr(event,
"cleanJetsFwd" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
cleanJetsFwd )
357 setattr(event,
"cleanJetsFailIdAll" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
cleanJetsFailIdAll )
358 setattr(event,
"cleanJetsFailId" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
cleanJetsFailId )
359 setattr(event,
"discardedJets" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
discardedJets )
360 setattr(event,
"gamma_cleanJetsAll" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
gamma_cleanJetsAll )
361 setattr(event,
"gamma_cleanJets" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
gamma_cleanJets )
362 setattr(event,
"gamma_cleanJetsFwd" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
gamma_cleanJetsFwd )
367 if self.cfg_comp.isMC:
369 setattr(event,
"cleanGenJets" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
cleanGenJets )
370 setattr(event,
"genJets" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
genJets )
371 if self.cfg_ana.do_mc_match:
372 setattr(event,
"bqObjects" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
bqObjects )
373 setattr(event,
"cqObjects" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
cqObjects )
374 setattr(event,
"partons" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
partons )
375 setattr(event,
"heaviestQCDFlavour" +self.cfg_ana.collectionPostFix, self.
heaviestQCDFlavour )
Read jets, if necessary recalibrate and shift MET.
def testJetNoID(self, jet)
Clean Jets from photons (first cleaning, then Jet Id)
S & print(S &os, JobReport::InputFile const &f)
Jet Id, after jet/lepton cleaning.
First cleaning, then Jet Id.
def matchObjectCollection
def matchJets(self, event, jets)
Associate jets to leptons.
OutputIterator zip(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp)
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
constexpr auto deltaR2(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2) -> decltype(t1.eta())
def jetFlavour(self, event)
def cleanNearestJetOnly(jets, leptons, deltaR)
def cleanJetsAndLeptons(jets, leptons, deltaR, arbitration)
Jet Id, after jet/photon cleaning.