Go to the documentation of this file.
6 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h"
7 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
8 #include <cmath>
10 //#define EDM_ML_DEBUG
14 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
15  edm::LogInfo("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants::HcalDDDSimConstants (const HcalParameter* hp) constructor\n";
16 #endif
18  initialize();
19 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
20  std::vector<HcalCellType> cellTypes = HcalCellTypes();
21  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: " << cellTypes.size()
22  << " cells of type HCal (All)\n";
23 #endif
24 }
27 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
28  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants::destructed!!!\n";
29 #endif
30 }
33  const int& depth, const int& etaR,
34  const int& iphi) const {
36  double etaMn = hpar->etaMin[0];
37  double etaMx = hpar->etaMax[0];
38  if (idet==static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
39  etaMn = hpar->etaMin[1]; etaMx = hpar->etaMax[1];
40  } else if (idet==static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) {
41  etaMn = hpar->etaMin[2]; etaMx = hpar->etaMax[2];
42  }
43  double eta = 0, deta = 0, phi = 0, dphi = 0, rz = 0, drz = 0;
44  bool ok = false, flagrz = true;
45  if ((idet==static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)||idet==static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)||
46  idet==static_cast<int>(HcalOuter)||idet==static_cast<int>(HcalForward))
47  && etaR >=etaMn && etaR <= etaMx && depth > 0) ok = true;
48  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap) && depth>(int)(hpar->zHE.size()))ok=false;
49  else if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel) && depth > maxLayerHB_+1) ok=false;
50  else if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter) && depth != 4) ok=false;
51  else if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalForward) && depth > maxDepth[2]) ok=false;
52  if (ok) {
53  eta = getEta(idet, etaR, zside, depth);
54  deta = deltaEta(idet, etaR, depth);
55  double fibin, fioff;
56  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)||
57  idet == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter)) {
58  fioff = hpar->phioff[0];
59  fibin = hpar->phibin[etaR-1];
60  } else if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
61  fioff = hpar->phioff[1];
62  fibin = hpar->phibin[etaR-1];
63  } else {
64  fioff = hpar->phioff[2];
65  fibin = hpar->phitable[etaR-hpar->etaMin[2]];
66  if (unitPhi(fibin) > 2) fioff = hpar->phioff[4];
67  }
68  phi =-fioff + (iphi - 0.5)*fibin;
69  dphi = 0.5*fibin;
70  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) {
71  int ir = nR + hpar->etaMin[2] - etaR - 1;
72  if (ir > 0 && ir < nR) {
73  rz = 0.5*(hpar->rTable[ir]+hpar->rTable[ir-1]);
74  drz = 0.5*(hpar->rTable[ir]-hpar->rTable[ir-1]);
75  } else {
76  ok = false;
77 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
78  edm::LogInfo("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: wrong eta " << etaR
79  << " (" << ir << "/" << nR << ") Detector "
80  << idet << std::endl;
81 #endif
82  }
83  } else if (etaR <= nEta) {
84  int laymin(depth), laymax(depth);
85  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter)) {
86  laymin = (etaR > hpar->noff[2]) ? ((int)(hpar->zHE.size())) : ((int)(hpar->zHE.size()))-1;
87  laymax = ((int)(hpar->zHE.size()));
88  }
89  double d1=0, d2=0;
90  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
91  flagrz = false;
92  d1 = hpar->zHE[laymin-1] - hpar->dzHE[laymin-1];
93  d2 = hpar->zHE[laymax-1] + hpar->dzHE[laymax-1];
94  } else {
95  d1 = hpar->rHB[laymin-1] - hpar->drHB[laymin-1];
96  d2 = hpar->rHB[laymax-1] + hpar->drHB[laymax-1];
97  }
98  rz = 0.5*(d2+d1);
99  drz = 0.5*(d2-d1);
100  } else {
101  ok = false;
102  edm::LogWarning("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: wrong depth "
103  << depth << " or etaR " << etaR
104  << " for detector " << idet;
105  }
106  } else {
107  ok = false;
108  edm::LogWarning("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: wrong depth " << depth
109  << " det " << idet;
110  }
111  HcalCellType::HcalCell tmp(ok,eta,deta,phi,dphi,rz,drz,flagrz);
113 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
114  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: det/side/depth/etaR/"
115  << "phi " << idet << "/" << zside << "/"
116  << depth << "/" << etaR << "/" << iphi
117  << " Cell Flag " << tmp.ok << " " << tmp.eta
118  << " " << tmp.deta << " phi " << tmp.phi << " "
119  << tmp.dphi << " r(z) " << tmp.rz << " "
120  << tmp.drz << " " << tmp.flagrz;
121 #endif
122  return tmp;
123 }
125 int HcalDDDSimConstants::findDepth(const int& det, const int& eta,
126  const int& phi, const int& zside,
127  const int& lay) const {
129  int depth = (ldmap_.isValid(det,phi,zside)) ? ldmap_.getDepth(det,eta,phi,zside,lay) : -1;
130  return depth;
131 }
133 unsigned int HcalDDDSimConstants::findLayer(const int& layer, const std::vector<HcalParameters::LayerItem>& layerGroup) const {
135  unsigned int id = layerGroup.size();
136  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layerGroup.size(); i++) {
137  if (layer == (int)(layerGroup[i].layer)) {
138  id = i;
139  break;
140  }
141  }
142  return id;
143 }
145 std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > HcalDDDSimConstants::getConstHBHE(const int& type) const {
147  std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > gcons;
148  if (type == 0) {
149  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hpar->rHB.size(); ++i) {
150  gcons.emplace_back(std::pair<double,double>(hpar->rHB[i],hpar->drHB[i]));
151  }
152  } else {
153  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hpar->zHE.size(); ++i) {
154  gcons.emplace_back(std::pair<double,double>(hpar->zHE[i],hpar->dzHE[i]));
155  }
156  }
157  return gcons;
158 }
160 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getDepthEta16(const int& det, const int& phi,
161  const int& zside) const {
163  int depth = ldmap_.getDepth16(det,phi,zside);
164  if (depth < 0) depth = (det == 2) ? depthEta16[1] : depthEta16[0];
165 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
166  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "getDepthEta16: " << det << ":" << depth;
167 #endif
168  return depth;
169 }
171 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getDepthEta16M(const int& det) const {
172  int depth = (det == 2) ? depthEta16[1] : depthEta16[0];
173  std::vector<int> phis;
174  int detsp = ldmap_.validDet(phis);
175  if (detsp == det) {
176  int zside = (phis[0] > 0) ? 1 : -1;
177  int iphi = (phis[0] > 0) ? phis[0] : -phis[0];
178  int depthsp = ldmap_.getDepth16(det,iphi,zside);
179  if (det == 1 && depthsp > depth) depth = depthsp;
180  if (det == 2 && depthsp < depth) depth = depthsp;
181  }
182  return depth;
183 }
185 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getDepthEta29(const int& phi, const int& zside,
186  const int& i) const {
188  int depth = (i == 0) ? ldmap_.getMaxDepthLastHE(2,phi,zside) : -1;
189  if (depth < 0) depth = (i == 1) ? depthEta29[1] : depthEta29[0];
190  return depth;
191 }
194  const bool& planOne) const {
195  int depth = (i == 1) ? depthEta29[1] : depthEta29[0];
196  if (i == 0 && planOne) {
197  std::vector<int> phis;
198  int detsp = ldmap_.validDet(phis);
199  if (detsp == 2) {
200  int zside = (phis[0] > 0) ? 1 : -1;
201  int iphi = (phis[0] > 0) ? phis[0] : -phis[0];
202  int depthsp = ldmap_.getMaxDepthLastHE(2,iphi,zside);
203  if (depthsp > depth) depth = depthsp;
204  }
205  }
206  return depth;
207 }
209 std::pair<int,double> HcalDDDSimConstants::getDetEta(const double& eta,
210  const int& depth) const {
212  int hsubdet(0), ieta(0);
213  double etaR(0);
214  double heta = fabs(eta);
215  for (int i = 0; i < nEta; i++)
216  if (heta > hpar->etaTable[i]) ieta = i + 1;
217  if (heta <= hpar->etaRange[1]) {
218  if ((ieta == hpar->etaMin[1] && depth==depthEta16[1]) ||
219  (ieta > hpar->etaMax[0])) {
220  hsubdet = static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap);
221  } else {
222  hsubdet = static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel);
223  }
224  etaR = eta;
225  } else {
226  hsubdet = static_cast<int>(HcalForward);
227  double theta = 2.*atan(exp(-heta));
228  double hR = zVcal*tan(theta);
229  etaR = (eta >= 0. ? hR : -hR);
230  }
231  return std::pair<int,double>(hsubdet,etaR);
232 }
234 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getEta(const int& det, const int& lay,
235  const double& hetaR) const {
237  int ieta(0);
238  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) { // Forward HCal
239  ieta = hpar->etaMax[2];
240  for (int i = nR-1; i > 0; i--)
241  if (hetaR < hpar->rTable[i]) ieta = hpar->etaMin[2] + nR - i - 1;
242  } else { // Barrel or Endcap
243  ieta = 1;
244  for (int i = 0; i < nEta-1; i++)
245  if (hetaR > hpar->etaTable[i]) ieta = i + 1;
246  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) {
247  if (ieta > hpar->etaMax[0]) ieta = hpar->etaMax[0];
248  if (lay == maxLayer_) {
249  if (hetaR > etaHO[1] && ieta == hpar->noff[2]) ieta++;
250  }
251  } else if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
252  if (ieta <= hpar->etaMin[1]) ieta = hpar->etaMin[1];
253  }
254  }
255  return ieta;
256 }
258 std::pair<int,int> HcalDDDSimConstants::getEtaDepth(const int& det, int etaR,
259  const int& phi,
260  const int& zside,
261  int depth,
262  const int& lay) const {
264 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
265  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDEsimConstants:getEtaDepth: I/P "
266  << det << ":" << etaR << ":" << phi << ":"
267  << zside << ":" << depth << ":" << lay;
268 #endif
269  //Modify the depth index
270  if ((det == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) && (etaR == 17) && (lay == 1))
271  etaR = 18;
272  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) { // Forward HCal
273  } else if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter)) {
274  depth = 4;
275  } else {
276  if (lay >= 0) {
277  depth = layerGroup(det, etaR, phi, zside, lay-1);
278  if (etaR == hpar->noff[0] && lay > 1) {
279  int kphi = phi + int((hpar->phioff[3]+0.1)/hpar->phibin[etaR-1]);
280  kphi = (kphi-1)%4 + 1;
281  if (kphi == 2 || kphi == 3)
282  depth = layerGroup(det, etaR, phi, zside, lay-2);
283  }
284  } else if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) {
285  if (depth>getMaxDepth(det,etaR,phi,zside,false))
286  depth = getMaxDepth(det,etaR,phi,zside,false);
287  }
288  if (etaR >= hpar->noff[1] && depth > getDepthEta29(phi,zside,0)) {
289  etaR -= getDepthEta29(phi,zside,1);
290  } else if (etaR == hpar->etaMin[1]) {
291  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) {
292  if (depth > getDepthEta16(det, phi, zside))
293  depth = getDepthEta16(det, phi, zside);
294  } else {
295  if (depth < getDepthEta16(det, phi, zside))
296  depth = getDepthEta16(det, phi, zside);
297  }
298  }
299  }
300 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
301  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDEsimConstants:getEtaDepth: O/P "
302  << etaR << ":" << depth;
303 #endif
304  return std::pair<int,int>(etaR,depth);
305 }
307 double HcalDDDSimConstants::getEtaHO(const double& etaR, const double& x,
308  const double& y, const double& z) const {
310  if (hpar->zHO.size() > 4) {
311  double eta = fabs(etaR);
312  double r = std::sqrt(x*x+y*y);
313  if (r > rminHO) {
314  double zz = fabs(z);
315  if (zz > hpar->zHO[3]) {
316  if (eta <= hpar->etaTable[10]) eta = hpar->etaTable[10]+0.001;
317  } else if (zz > hpar->zHO[1]) {
318  if (eta <= hpar->etaTable[4]) eta = hpar->etaTable[4]+0.001;
319  }
320  }
321  eta = (z >= 0. ? eta : -eta);
322 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
323  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "R " << r << " Z " << z << " eta " << etaR
324  << ":" << eta;
325  if (eta != etaR) edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "**** Check *****";
326 #endif
327  return eta;
328  } else {
329  return etaR;
330  }
331 }
333 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getFrontLayer(const int& det, const int& eta) const {
335  int lay=0;
336  if (det == 1) {
337  if (std::abs(eta) == 16) lay = layFHB[1];
338  else lay = layFHB[0];
339  } else {
340  if (std::abs(eta) == 16) lay = layFHE[1];
341  else if (std::abs(eta) == 18) lay = layFHE[2];
342  else lay = layFHE[0];
343  }
344  return lay;
345 }
347 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getLastLayer(const int& det, const int& eta) const {
349  int lay=0;
350  if (det == 1) {
351  if (std::abs(eta) == 15) lay = layBHB[1];
352  else if (std::abs(eta) == 16) lay = layBHB[2];
353  else lay = layBHB[0];
354  } else {
355  if (std::abs(eta) == 16) lay = layBHE[1];
356  else if (std::abs(eta) == 17) lay = layBHE[2];
357  else if (std::abs(eta) == 18) lay = layBHE[3];
358  else lay = layBHE[0];
359  }
360  return lay;
361 }
363 double HcalDDDSimConstants::getLayer0Wt(const int& det, const int& phi,
364  const int& zside) const {
366  double wt = ldmap_.getLayer0Wt(det, phi, zside);
367  if (wt < 0) wt = (det == 2) ? hpar->Layer0Wt[1] : hpar->Layer0Wt[0];
368  return wt;
369 }
371 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getLayerFront(const int& det, const int& eta,
372  const int& phi, const int& zside,
373  const int& depth) const {
375  int layer = ldmap_.getLayerFront(det, eta, phi, zside, depth);
376  if (layer < 0) {
377  if (det == 1 || det == 2) {
378  layer = 1;
379  for (int l=0; l<getLayerMax(eta,depth); ++l) {
380  if ((int)(layerGroup(eta-1,l)) == depth+1) {
381  layer = l+1; break;
382  }
383  }
384  } else {
385  layer = (eta > hpar->noff[2]) ? maxLayerHB_+1 : maxLayer_;
386  }
387  }
388  return layer;
389 }
391 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getLayerBack(const int& det, const int& eta,
392  const int& phi, const int& zside,
393  const int& depth) const {
395  int layer = ldmap_.getLayerBack(det, eta, phi, zside, depth);
396  if (layer < 0) {
397  if (det == 1 || det ==2) {
398  layer = depths[depth-1][eta-1];
399  } else {
400  layer = maxLayer_;
401  }
402  }
403  return layer;
404 }
406 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getLayerMax(const int& eta, const int& depth) const {
408  int layermx = ((eta < hpar->etaMin[1]) && depth-1 < maxDepth[0]) ? maxLayerHB_+1 : (int)layerGroupSize(eta-1);
409  return layermx;
410 }
412 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getMaxDepth(const int& det, const int& eta,
413  const int& phi, const int& zside,
414  const bool& partialDetOnly) const {
416  int dmax(-1);
417  if (partialDetOnly) {
418  if (ldmap_.isValid(det,phi,zside)) {
419  dmax = ldmap_.getDepths(eta).second;
420  }
421  } else if (det == 1 || det == 2) {
422  if (ldmap_.isValid(det,phi,zside))
423  dmax = ldmap_.getDepths(eta).second;
424  else if (det == 2)
425  dmax = layerGroup(eta-1,maxLayer_);
426  else if (eta == hpar->etaMax[0])
427  dmax = getDepthEta16(det,phi,zside);
428  else
429  dmax = layerGroup(eta-1,maxLayerHB_);
430  } else if (det == 3) { // HF
431  dmax = maxHFDepth(zside*eta,phi);
432  } else if (det == 4) { // HO
433  dmax = maxDepth[3];
434  } else {
435  dmax = -1;
436  }
437  return dmax;
438 }
440 int HcalDDDSimConstants::getMinDepth(const int& det, const int& eta,
441  const int& phi, const int& zside,
442  const bool& partialDetOnly) const {
444  int lmin(-1);
445  if (partialDetOnly) {
446  if (ldmap_.isValid(det,phi,zside)) {
447  lmin = ldmap_.getDepths(eta).first;
448  }
449  } else if (det == 3) { // HF
450  lmin = 1;
451  } else if (det == 4) { // HO
452  lmin = maxDepth[3];
453  } else {
454  if (ldmap_.isValid(det,phi,zside)) {
455  lmin = ldmap_.getDepths(eta).first;
456  } else if (layerGroupSize(eta-1) > 0) {
457  lmin = (int)(layerGroup(eta-1, 0));
458  unsigned int type = (det == 1) ? 0 : 1;
459  if (type == 1 && eta == hpar->etaMin[1])
460  lmin = getDepthEta16(det, phi, zside);
461  } else {
462  lmin = 1;
463  }
464  }
465  return lmin;
466 }
468 std::pair<int,int> HcalDDDSimConstants::getModHalfHBHE(const int& type) const {
470  if (type == 0) {
471  return std::pair<int,int>(nmodHB,nzHB);
472  } else {
473  return std::pair<int,int>(nmodHE,nzHE);
474  }
475 }
477 std::pair<double,double> HcalDDDSimConstants::getPhiCons(const int& det,
478  const int& ieta) const {
480  double fioff(0), fibin(0);
481  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) { // Forward HCal
482  fioff = hpar->phioff[2];
483  fibin = hpar->phitable[ieta-hpar->etaMin[2]];
484  if (unitPhi(fibin) > 2) { // HF double-phi
485  fioff = hpar->phioff[4];
486  }
487  } else { // Barrel or Endcap
488  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
489  fioff = hpar->phioff[1];
490  } else {
491  fioff = hpar->phioff[0];
492  }
493  fibin = hpar->phibin[ieta-1];
494  }
495  return std::pair<double,double>(fioff,fibin);
496 }
498 std::vector<std::pair<int,double> >
499 HcalDDDSimConstants::getPhis(const int& subdet, const int& ieta) const {
501  std::vector<std::pair<int,double> > phis;
502  int ietaAbs = (ieta > 0) ? ieta : -ieta;
503  std::pair<double,double> ficons = getPhiCons(subdet, ietaAbs);
504  int nphi = int((CLHEP::twopi+0.1*ficons.second)/ficons.second);
505  int units = unitPhi(subdet, ietaAbs);
506  for (int ifi = 0; ifi < nphi; ++ifi) {
507  double phi =-ficons.first + (ifi+0.5)*ficons.second;
508  int iphi = phiNumber(ifi+1,units);
509  phis.emplace_back(std::pair<int,double>(iphi,phi));
510  }
511 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
512  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "getPhis: subdet|ieta|iphi " << subdet << "|"
513  << ieta << " with " << phis.size()
514  << " phi bins";
515  for (unsigned int k=0; k<phis.size(); ++k)
516  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "[" << k << "] iphi " << phis[k].first
517  << " phi " << phis[k].second/CLHEP::deg;
518 #endif
519  return phis;
520 }
522 std::vector<HcalCellType> HcalDDDSimConstants::HcalCellTypes() const{
524  std::vector<HcalCellType> cellTypes = HcalCellTypes(HcalBarrel);
525 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
526  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: " << cellTypes.size()
527  << " cells of type HCal Barrel\n";
528  for (unsigned int i=0; i<cellTypes.size(); i++)
529  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "Cell " << i << " " << cellTypes[i] << "\n";
530 #endif
532  std::vector<HcalCellType> hoCells = HcalCellTypes(HcalOuter);
533 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
534  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: " << hoCells.size()
535  << " cells of type HCal Outer\n";
536  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hoCells.size(); i++)
537  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "Cell " << i << " " << hoCells[i] << "\n";
538 #endif
539  cellTypes.insert(cellTypes.end(), hoCells.begin(), hoCells.end());
541  std::vector<HcalCellType> heCells = HcalCellTypes(HcalEndcap);
542 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
543  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: " << heCells.size()
544  << " cells of type HCal Endcap\n";
545  for (unsigned int i=0; i<heCells.size(); i++)
546  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "Cell " << i << " " << heCells[i] << "\n";
547 #endif
548  cellTypes.insert(cellTypes.end(), heCells.begin(), heCells.end());
550  std::vector<HcalCellType> hfCells = HcalCellTypes(HcalForward);
551 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
552  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: " << hfCells.size()
553  << " cells of type HCal Forward\n";
554  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hfCells.size(); i++)
555  edm::LogInfo ("HCalGeom") << "Cell " << i << " " << hfCells[i] << "\n";
556 #endif
557  cellTypes.insert(cellTypes.end(), hfCells.begin(), hfCells.end());
559  return cellTypes;
560 }
562 std::vector<HcalCellType> HcalDDDSimConstants::HcalCellTypes(const HcalSubdetector& subdet,
563  int ieta, int depthl) const {
565  std::vector<HcalCellType> cellTypes;
566  if (subdet == HcalForward) {
567  if (dzVcal < 0) return cellTypes;
568  }
570  int dmin, dmax, indx, nz;
571  double hsize = 0;
572  switch(subdet) {
573  case HcalEndcap:
574  dmin = 1; dmax = maxLayer_+1; indx = 1; nz = nzHE;
575  break;
576  case HcalForward:
577  dmin = 1; dmax = (!idHF2QIE.empty()) ? 2 : maxDepth[2]; indx = 2; nz = 2;
578  break;
579  case HcalOuter:
580  dmin = 4; dmax = 4; indx = 0; nz = nzHB;
581  break;
582  default:
583  dmin = 1; dmax = maxLayerHB_+1; indx = 0; nz = nzHB;
584  break;
585  }
586  if (depthl > 0) dmin = dmax = depthl;
587  int ietamin = (ieta>0) ? ieta : hpar->etaMin[indx];
588  int ietamax = (ieta>0) ? ieta : hpar->etaMax[indx];
589  int phi = (indx == 2) ? 3 : 1;
591  // Get the Cells
592  int subdet0 = static_cast<int>(subdet);
593  for (int depth=dmin; depth<=dmax; depth++) {
594  int shift = getShift(subdet, depth);
595  double gain = getGain (subdet, depth);
596  if (subdet == HcalForward) {
597  if (depth%2 == 1) hsize = dzVcal;
598  else hsize = dzVcal-0.5*dlShort;
599  }
600  for (int eta=ietamin; eta<=ietamax; eta++) {
601  for (int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz) {
602  int zside = -2*iz + 1;
603  HcalCellType::HcalCell temp1 = cell(subdet0,zside,depth,eta,phi);
604  if (temp1.ok) {
605  std::vector<std::pair<int,double> > phis = getPhis(subdet0,eta);
606  HcalCellType temp2(subdet, eta, zside, depth, temp1,
607  shift, gain, hsize);
608  double dphi, fioff;
609  std::vector<int> phiMiss2;
610  if ((subdet == HcalBarrel) || (subdet == HcalOuter)) {
611  fioff = hpar->phioff[0];
612  dphi = hpar->phibin[eta-1];
613  if (subdet == HcalOuter) {
614  if (eta == hpar->noff[4]) {
615  int kk = (iz == 0) ? 7 : (7+hpar->noff[5]);
616  for (int miss=0; miss<hpar->noff[5+iz]; miss++) {
617  phiMiss2.emplace_back(hpar->noff[kk]);
618  kk++;
619  }
620  }
621  }
622  } else if (subdet == HcalEndcap) {
623  fioff = hpar->phioff[1];
624  dphi = hpar->phibin[eta-1];
625  } else {
626  fioff = hpar->phioff[2];
627  dphi = hpar->phitable[eta-hpar->etaMin[2]];
628  if (unitPhi(dphi) > 2) fioff = hpar->phioff[4];
629  }
630  int unit = unitPhi(dphi);
631  temp2.setPhi(phis,phiMiss2,fioff,dphi,unit);
632  cellTypes.emplace_back(temp2);
633  // For HF look at extra cells
634  if ((subdet == HcalForward) && (!idHF2QIE.empty())) {
635  HcalCellType temp3(subdet, eta, zside+2, depth, temp1,
636  shift, gain, hsize);
637  std::vector<int> phiMiss3;
638  for (auto & phi : phis) {
639  bool ok(false);
640  for (auto l : idHF2QIE) {
641  if ((eta*zside == l.ieta()) &&
642  (phi.first == l.iphi())) {
643  ok = true;
644  break;
645  }
646  }
647  if (!ok) phiMiss3.emplace_back(phi.first);
648  }
649  dphi = hpar->phitable[eta-hpar->etaMin[2]];
650  unit = unitPhi(dphi);
651  fioff = (unit > 2) ? hpar->phioff[4] : hpar->phioff[2];
652  temp3.setPhi(phis,phiMiss2,fioff,dphi,unit);
653  cellTypes.emplace_back(temp3);
654  }
655  }
656  }
657  }
658  }
659  return cellTypes;
660 }
662 int HcalDDDSimConstants::maxHFDepth(const int& eta, const int& iphi) const {
663  int mxdepth = maxDepth[2];
664  if (!idHF2QIE.empty()) {
665  bool ok(false);
666  for (auto k : idHF2QIE) {
667  if ((eta == k.ieta()) && (iphi == k.iphi())) {
668  ok = true; break;
669  }
670  }
671  if (!ok) mxdepth = 2;
672  }
673  return mxdepth;
674 }
676 unsigned int HcalDDDSimConstants::numberOfCells(const HcalSubdetector& subdet) const{
678  unsigned int num = 0;
679  std::vector<HcalCellType> cellTypes = HcalCellTypes(subdet);
680  for (auto & cellType : cellTypes) {
681  num += (unsigned int)(cellType.nPhiBins());
682  }
683 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
684  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants:numberOfCells "
685  << cellTypes.size() << " " << num
686  << " for subdetector " << subdet;
687 #endif
688  return num;
689 }
691 int HcalDDDSimConstants::phiNumber(const int& phi, const int& units) const {
693  int iphi_skip = phi;
694  if (units==2) iphi_skip = (phi-1)*2+1;
695  else if (units==4) iphi_skip = (phi-1)*4-1;
696  if (iphi_skip < 0) iphi_skip += 72;
697  return iphi_skip;
698 }
702  std::vector<int> phis;
703  int detsp = ldmap_.validDet(phis);
704  int kphi = (detsp > 0) ? phis[0] : 1;
705  int zside = (kphi > 0) ? 1 : -1;
706  int iphi = (kphi > 0) ? kphi : -kphi;
707  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "Tile Information for HB from "
708  << hpar->etaMin[0] << " to " << hpar->etaMax[0]
709  << "\n";
710  for (int eta=hpar->etaMin[0]; eta<= hpar->etaMax[0]; eta++) {
711  int dmax = getMaxDepth(1,eta,iphi,-zside,false);
712  for (int depth=1; depth<=dmax; depth++)
713  printTileHB(eta, iphi, -zside, depth);
714  if (detsp == 1) {
715  int dmax = getMaxDepth(1,eta,iphi,zside,false);
716  for (int depth=1; depth<=dmax; depth++)
717  printTileHB(eta, iphi, zside, depth);
718  }
719  }
721  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "\nTile Information for HE from "
722  << hpar->etaMin[1] << " to " << hpar->etaMax[1]
723  << "\n";
724  for (int eta=hpar->etaMin[1]; eta<= hpar->etaMax[1]; eta++) {
725  int dmin = (eta == hpar->etaMin[1]) ? getDepthEta16(2,iphi,-zside) : 1;
726  int dmax = getMaxDepth(2,eta,iphi,-zside,false);
727  for (int depth=dmin; depth<=dmax; depth++)
728  printTileHE(eta, iphi, -zside, depth);
729  if (detsp == 2) {
730  int dmax = getMaxDepth(2,eta,iphi,zside,false);
731  for (int depth=1; depth<=dmax; depth++)
732  printTileHE(eta, iphi, zside, depth);
733  }
734  }
735 }
737 int HcalDDDSimConstants::unitPhi(const int& det, const int& etaR) const {
739  double dphi = (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) ? hpar->phitable[etaR-hpar->etaMin[2]] : hpar->phibin[etaR-1];
740  return unitPhi(dphi);
741 }
743 int HcalDDDSimConstants::unitPhi(const double& dphi) const {
745  const double fiveDegInRad = 2*M_PI/72;
746  int units = int(dphi/fiveDegInRad+0.5);
747  if (units < 1) units = 1;
748  return units;
749 }
753  nEta = hpar->etaTable.size();
754  nR = hpar->rTable.size();
755  nPhiF = nR - 1;
756  isBH_ = false;
758 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
759  for (int i=0; i<nEta-1; ++i) {
760  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants:Read LayerGroup"
761  << i << ":";
762  for (unsigned int k=0; k<layerGroupSize( i ); k++)
763  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << " [" << k << "] = " << layerGroup(i, k);
764  }
765 #endif
767  // Geometry parameters for HF
768  dlShort = hpar->gparHF[0];
769  zVcal = hpar->gparHF[4];
770  dzVcal = hpar->dzVcal;
771 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
772  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants: dlShort " << dlShort
773  << " zVcal " << zVcal << " and dzVcal "
774  << dzVcal;
775 #endif
777  //Transform some of the parameters
779  maxDepth[0] = maxDepth[1] = 0;
780  for (int i=0; i<nEta-1; ++i) {
781  unsigned int imx = layerGroupSize( i );
782  int laymax = (imx > 0) ? layerGroup( i, imx-1 ) : 0;
783  if (i < hpar->etaMax[0]) {
784  int laymax0 = (imx > 16) ? layerGroup(i, 16) : laymax;
785  if (i+1 == hpar->etaMax[0] && laymax0 > 2) laymax0 = 2;
786  if (maxDepth[0] < laymax0) maxDepth[0] = laymax0;
787  }
788  if (i >= hpar->etaMin[1]-1 && i < hpar->etaMax[1]) {
789  if (maxDepth[1] < laymax) maxDepth[1] = laymax;
790  }
791  }
792 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
793  for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
794  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "Detector Type [" << i << "] iEta "
795  << hpar->etaMin[i] << ":" << hpar->etaMax[i]
796  << " MaxDepth " << maxDepth[i];
797 #endif
799  int maxdepth = (maxDepth[1]>maxDepth[0]) ? maxDepth[1] : maxDepth[0];
800  for (int i=0; i<maxdepth; ++i) {
801  for (int k=0; k<nEta-1; ++k) {
802  int layermx = getLayerMax(k+1,i+1);
803  int ll = layermx;
804  for (int l=layermx-1; l >= 0; --l) {
805  if ((int)layerGroup( k, l ) == i+1) {
806  ll = l+1; break;
807  }
808  }
809  depths[i].emplace_back(ll);
810  }
812 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
813  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "Depth " << i << " with "
814  << depths[i].size() << " etas:";
815  for (int k=0; k<nEta-1; ++k)
816  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << " [" << k << "] " << depths[i][k];
817 #endif
818  }
820  nzHB = hpar->modHB[1];
821  nmodHB = hpar->modHB[0];
822  nzHE = hpar->modHE[1];
823  nmodHE = hpar->modHE[0];
824 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
825  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants:: " << nzHB << ":"
826  << nmodHB << " barrel and " << nzHE << ":"
827  << nmodHE << " endcap half-sectors";
828 #endif
830  if (hpar->rHB.size() > maxLayerHB_+1 && hpar->zHO.size() > 4) {
831  rminHO = hpar->rHO[0];
832  for (int k=0; k<4; ++k) etaHO[k] = hpar->rHO[k+1];
833  } else {
834  rminHO =-1.0;
835  etaHO[0] = hpar->etaTable[4];
836  etaHO[1] = hpar->etaTable[4];
837  etaHO[2] = hpar->etaTable[10];
838  etaHO[3] = hpar->etaTable[10];
839  }
840 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
841  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HO Eta boundaries " << etaHO[0] << " "
842  << etaHO[1] << " " << etaHO[2] << " "
843  << etaHO[3];
844  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HO Parameters " << rminHO << " "
845  << hpar->zHO.size();
846  for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
847  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << " eta[" << i << "] = " << etaHO[i];
848  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hpar->zHO.size(); ++i)
849  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << " zHO[" << i << "] = " << hpar->zHO[i];
850 #endif
852  int noffsize = 7 + hpar->noff[5] + hpar->noff[6];
853  int noffl(noffsize+5);
854  if ((int)(hpar->noff.size()) > (noffsize+3)) {
855  depthEta16[0] = hpar->noff[noffsize];
856  depthEta16[1] = hpar->noff[noffsize+1];
857  depthEta29[0] = hpar->noff[noffsize+2];
858  depthEta29[1] = hpar->noff[noffsize+3];
859  if ((int)(hpar->noff.size()) > (noffsize+4)) {
860  noffl += (2*hpar->noff[noffsize+4]);
861  if ((int)(hpar->noff.size()) > noffl) isBH_ = (hpar->noff[noffl] > 0);
862  }
863  } else {
864  depthEta16[0] = 2;
865  depthEta16[1] = 3;
866  depthEta29[0] = 2;
867  depthEta29[1] = 1;
868  }
869 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
870  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "isBH_ " << hpar->noff.size() << ":"
871  << noffsize << ":" << noffl << ":" << isBH_;
872  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "Depth index at ieta = 16 for HB (max) "
873  << depthEta16[0] << " HE (min) " <<depthEta16[1]
874  << "; max depth for itea = 29 : ("
875  << depthEta29[0] << ":" << depthEta29[1] << ")";
876 #endif
878  if ((int)(hpar->noff.size()) > (noffsize+4)) {
879  int npair = hpar->noff[noffsize+4];
880  int kk = noffsize+4;
881  for (int k=0; k<npair; ++k) {
882  idHF2QIE.emplace_back(HcalDetId(HcalForward,hpar->noff[kk+1],hpar->noff[kk+2],1));
883  kk += 2;
884  }
885  }
886 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
887  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << idHF2QIE.size()
888  << " detector channels having 2 QIE cards:";
889  for (unsigned int k=0; k<idHF2QIE.size(); ++k)
890  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << " [" << k << "] " << idHF2QIE[k];
891 #endif
893  layFHB[0] = 0; layFHB[1] = 1;
894  layBHB[0] = 16; layBHB[1] = 15; layBHB[2] = 8;
895  layFHE[0] = 1; layFHE[1] = 4; layFHE[2] = 0;
896  layBHE[0] = 18; layBHE[1] = 9; layBHE[2] = 14; layBHE[3] = 16;
897  depthMaxSp_ = std::pair<int,int>(0,0);
898  int noffk(noffsize+5);
899  if ((int)(hpar->noff.size()) > (noffsize+5)) {
900  noffk += (2*hpar->noff[noffsize+4]);
901  if ((int)(hpar->noff.size()) >= noffk+7) {
902  int dtype = hpar->noff[noffk+1];
903  int nphi = hpar->noff[noffk+2];
904  int ndeps = hpar->noff[noffk+3];
905  int ndp16 = hpar->noff[noffk+4];
906  int ndp29 = hpar->noff[noffk+5];
907  double wt = 0.1*(hpar->noff[noffk+6]);
908  if ((int)(hpar->noff.size()) >= (noffk+7+nphi+3*ndeps)) {
909  if (dtype == 1 || dtype == 2) {
910  std::vector<int> ifi, iet, ily, idp;
911  for (int i=0; i<nphi; ++i) ifi.emplace_back(hpar->noff[noffk+7+i]);
912  for (int i=0; i<ndeps;++i) {
913  iet.emplace_back(hpar->noff[noffk+7+nphi+3*i]);
914  ily.emplace_back(hpar->noff[noffk+7+nphi+3*i+1]);
915  idp.emplace_back(hpar->noff[noffk+7+nphi+3*i+2]);
916  }
917 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
918  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "Initialize HcalLayerDepthMap for "
919  << "Detector " << dtype << " etaMax "
920  << hpar->etaMax[dtype] << " with "
921  << nphi << " sectors";
922  for (int i=0; i<nphi; ++i)
923  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << " [" << i << "] " << ifi[i];
924  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "And " << ndeps << " depth sections";
925  for (int i=0; i<ndeps;++i)
926  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << " [" << i << "] " << iet[i] << " "
927  << ily[i] << " " << idp[i];
928  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") <<"Maximum depth for last HE Eta tower "
929  << depthEta29[0] << ":" << ndp16 << ":"
930  << ndp29 << " L0 Wt "
931  << hpar->Layer0Wt[dtype-1] << ":" << wt;
932 #endif
933  ldmap_.initialize(dtype,hpar->etaMax[dtype-1],ndp16,ndp29,wt,ifi,iet,
934  ily,idp);
935  int zside = (ifi[0]>0) ? 1 : -1;
936  int iphi = (ifi[0]>0) ? ifi[0] : -ifi[0];
937  depthMaxSp_ = std::pair<int,int>(dtype,ldmap_.getDepthMax(dtype,iphi,zside));
938  }
939  }
940  int noffm = (noffk+7+nphi+3*ndeps);
941  if ((int)(hpar->noff.size()) > noffm) {
942  int ndnext = hpar->noff[noffm];
943  if (ndnext > 4 && (int)(hpar->noff.size()) >= noffm+ndnext) {
944  for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) layFHB[i] = hpar->noff[noffm+i+1];
945  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) layFHE[i] = hpar->noff[noffm+i+3];
946  }
947  if (ndnext > 11 && (int)(hpar->noff.size()) >= noffm+ndnext) {
948  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) layBHB[i] = hpar->noff[noffm+i+6];
949  for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) layBHE[i] = hpar->noff[noffm+i+9];
950  }
951  }
952  }
953  }
954 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
955  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "Front Layer Definition for HB: "
956  << layFHB[0] << ":" << layFHB[1]
957  << " and for HE: " << layFHE[0] << ":"
958  << layFHE[1] << ":" << layFHE[2];
959  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "Last Layer Definition for HB: " << layBHB[0]
960  << ":" << layBHB[1] << ":" << layBHB[2]
961  << " and for HE: " << layBHE[0] << ":"
962  << layBHE[1] << ":" << layBHE[2] << ":"
963  << layBHE[3];
964 #endif
965  if (depthMaxSp_.first == 0) {
966  depthMaxSp_ = depthMaxDf_ = std::pair<int,int>(2,maxDepth[1]);
967  } else if (depthMaxSp_.first == 1) {
968  depthMaxDf_ = std::pair<int,int>(1,maxDepth[0]);
969  if (depthMaxSp_.second > maxDepth[0]) maxDepth[0] = depthMaxSp_.second;
970  } else {
971  depthMaxDf_ = std::pair<int,int>(2,maxDepth[1]);
972  if (depthMaxSp_.second > maxDepth[1]) maxDepth[1] = depthMaxSp_.second;
973  }
974 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
975  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") <<"Detector type and maximum depth for all RBX "
976  << depthMaxDf_.first << ":" <<depthMaxDf_.second
977  << " and for special RBX " << depthMaxSp_.first
978  << ":" << depthMaxSp_.second;
979 #endif
980 }
982 double HcalDDDSimConstants::deltaEta(const int& det, const int& etaR,
983  const int& depth) const {
985  double tmp = 0;
986  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) {
987  int ir = nR + hpar->etaMin[2] - etaR - 1;
988  if (ir > 0 && ir < nR) {
989  double z = zVcal;
990  if (depth%2 != 1) z += dlShort;
991  tmp = 0.5*(getEta(hpar->rTable[ir-1],z)-getEta(hpar->rTable[ir],z));
992  }
993  } else {
994  if (etaR > 0 && etaR < nEta) {
995  if (etaR == hpar->noff[1]-1 && depth > depthEta29[0]) {
996  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR+1]-hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
997  } else if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter)) {
998  if (etaR == hpar->noff[2]) {
999  tmp = 0.5*(etaHO[0]-hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
1000  } else if (etaR == hpar->noff[2]+1) {
1001  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR]-etaHO[1]);
1002  } else if (etaR == hpar->noff[3]) {
1003  tmp = 0.5*(etaHO[2]-hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
1004  } else if (etaR == hpar->noff[3]+1) {
1005  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR]-etaHO[3]);
1006  } else {
1007  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR]-hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
1008  }
1009  } else {
1010  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR]-hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
1011  }
1012  }
1013  }
1014 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1015  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants::deltaEta " << etaR
1016  << " " << depth << " ==> " << tmp;
1017 #endif
1018  return tmp;
1019 }
1021 double HcalDDDSimConstants::getEta(const int& det, const int& etaR,
1022  const int& zside, int depth) const {
1024  double tmp = 0;
1025  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) {
1026  int ir = nR + hpar->etaMin[2] - etaR - 1;
1027  if (ir > 0 && ir < nR) {
1028  double z = zVcal;
1029  if (depth%2 != 1) z += dlShort;
1030  tmp = 0.5*(getEta(hpar->rTable[ir-1],z)+getEta(hpar->rTable[ir],z));
1031  }
1032  } else {
1033  if (etaR > 0 && etaR < nEta) {
1034  if (etaR == hpar->noff[1]-1 && depth > depthEta29[0]) {
1035  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR+1]+hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
1036  } else if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter)) {
1037  if (etaR == hpar->noff[2]) {
1038  tmp = 0.5*(etaHO[0]+hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
1039  } else if (etaR == hpar->noff[2]+1) {
1040  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR]+etaHO[1]);
1041  } else if (etaR == hpar->noff[3]) {
1042  tmp = 0.5*(etaHO[2]+hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
1043  } else if (etaR == hpar->noff[3]+1) {
1044  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR]+etaHO[3]);
1045  } else {
1046  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR]+hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
1047  }
1048  } else {
1049  tmp = 0.5*(hpar->etaTable[etaR]+hpar->etaTable[etaR-1]);
1050  }
1051  }
1052  }
1053  if (zside == 0) tmp = -tmp;
1054 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1055  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants::getEta " << etaR << " "
1056  << zside << " " << depth << " ==> " << tmp;
1057 #endif
1058  return tmp;
1059 }
1061 double HcalDDDSimConstants::getEta(const double& r, const double& z) const {
1063  double tmp = 0;
1064  if (z != 0) tmp = -log(tan(0.5*atan(r/z)));
1065 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
1066  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants::getEta " << r << " "
1067  << z << " ==> " << tmp;
1068 #endif
1069  return tmp;
1070 }
1073  const int& depth) const {
1075  int shift;
1076  switch(subdet) {
1077  case HcalEndcap:
1078  shift = hpar->HEShift[0];
1079  break;
1080  case HcalForward:
1081  shift = hpar->HFShift[(depth-1)%2];
1082  break;
1083  case HcalOuter:
1084  shift = hpar->HBShift[3];
1085  break;
1086  default:
1087  shift = hpar->HBShift[0];
1088  break;
1089  }
1090  return shift;
1091 }
1094  const int& depth) const {
1096  double gain;
1097  switch(subdet) {
1098  case HcalEndcap:
1099  gain = hpar->HEGains[0];
1100  break;
1101  case HcalForward:
1102  gain = hpar->HFGains[(depth-1)%2];
1103  break;
1104  case HcalOuter:
1105  gain = hpar->HBGains[3];
1106  break;
1107  default:
1108  gain = hpar->HBGains[0];
1109  break;
1110  }
1111  return gain;
1112 }
1114 void HcalDDDSimConstants::printTileHB(const int& eta, const int& phi,
1115  const int& zside, const int& depth) const {
1116  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "HcalDDDSimConstants::printTileHB for eta "
1117  << eta << " and depth " << depth;
1119  double etaL = hpar->;
1120  double thetaL = 2.*atan(exp(-etaL));
1121  double etaH = hpar->;
1122  double thetaH = 2.*atan(exp(-etaH));
1123  int layL = getLayerFront(1,eta,phi,zside,depth);
1124  int layH = getLayerBack(1,eta,phi,zside,depth);
1125  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "\ntileHB:: eta|depth " << zside*eta << "|"
1126  << depth << " theta " << thetaH/CLHEP::deg
1127  << ":" << thetaL/CLHEP::deg << " Layer "
1128  << layL << ":" << layH-1;
1129  for (int lay=layL; lay<layH; ++lay) {
1130  std::vector<double> area(2,0);
1131  int kk(0);
1132  double mean(0);
1133  for (unsigned int k=0; k<hpar->layHB.size(); ++k) {
1134  if (lay == hpar->layHB[k]) {
1135  double zmin = hpar->rhoxHB[k]*std::cos(thetaL)/std::sin(thetaL);
1136  double zmax = hpar->rhoxHB[k]*std::cos(thetaH)/std::sin(thetaH);
1137  double dz = (std::min(zmax,hpar->dxHB[k]) - zmin);
1138  if (dz > 0) {
1139  area[kk] = dz*hpar->dyHB[k];
1140  mean += area[kk];
1141  kk++;
1142  }
1143  }
1144  }
1145  if (area[0] > 0) {
1146  mean /= (kk*100);
1147  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << std::setw(2) << lay << " Area "
1148  << std::setw(8) << area[0] << " "
1149  << std::setw(8) << area[1] << " Mean "
1150  << mean;
1151  }
1152  }
1153 }
1155 void HcalDDDSimConstants::printTileHE(const int& eta, const int& phi,
1156  const int& zside, const int& depth) const {
1158  double etaL = hpar->etaTable[eta-1];
1159  double thetaL = 2.*atan(exp(-etaL));
1160  double etaH = hpar->etaTable[eta];
1161  double thetaH = 2.*atan(exp(-etaH));
1162  int layL = getLayerFront(2,eta,phi,zside,depth);
1163  int layH = getLayerBack(2,eta,phi,zside,depth);
1164  double phib = hpar->phibin[eta-1];
1165  int nphi = 2;
1166  if (phib > 6*CLHEP::deg) nphi = 1;
1167  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << "\ntileHE:: Eta/depth " << zside*eta << "|"
1168  << depth << " theta " << thetaH/CLHEP::deg
1169  << ":" << thetaL/CLHEP::deg << " Layer "
1170  << layL << ":" << layH-1 << " phi " << nphi;
1171  for (int lay=layL; lay<layH; ++lay) {
1172  std::vector<double> area(4,0);
1173  int kk(0);
1174  double mean(0);
1175  for (unsigned int k=0; k<hpar->layHE.size(); ++k) {
1176  if (lay == hpar->layHE[k]) {
1177  double rmin = hpar->zxHE[k]*std::tan(thetaH);
1178  double rmax = hpar->zxHE[k]*std::tan(thetaL);
1179  if ((lay != 0 || eta == 18) &&
1180  (lay != 1 || (eta == 18 && hpar->rhoxHE[k]-hpar->dyHE[k] > 1000) ||
1181  (eta != 18 && hpar->rhoxHE[k]-hpar->dyHE[k] < 1000)) &&
1182  rmin+30 < hpar->rhoxHE[k]+hpar->dyHE[k] &&
1183  rmax > hpar->rhoxHE[k]-hpar->dyHE[k]) {
1184  rmin = std::max(rmin,hpar->rhoxHE[k]-hpar->dyHE[k]);
1185  rmax = std::min(rmax,hpar->rhoxHE[k]+hpar->dyHE[k]);
1186  double dx1 = rmin*std::tan(phib);
1187  double dx2 = rmax*std::tan(phib);
1188  double ar1=0, ar2=0;
1189  if (nphi == 1) {
1190  ar1 = 0.5*(rmax-rmin)*(dx1+dx2-4.*hpar->dx1HE[k]);
1191  mean += ar1;
1192  } else {
1193  ar1 = 0.5*(rmax-rmin)*(dx1+dx2-2.*hpar->dx1HE[k]);
1194  ar2 = 0.5*(rmax-rmin)*((rmax+rmin)*tan(10.*CLHEP::deg)-4*hpar->dx1HE[k])-ar1;
1195  mean += (ar1+ar2);
1196  }
1197  area[kk] = ar1;
1198  area[kk+2] = ar2;
1199  kk++;
1200  }
1201  }
1202  }
1203  if (area[0] > 0 && area[1] > 0) {
1204  int lay0 = lay-1;
1205  if (eta == 18) lay0++;
1206  if (nphi == 1) {
1207  mean /= (kk*100);
1208  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << std::setw(2) << lay0 << " Area "
1209  << std::setw(8) << area[0] << " "
1210  << std::setw(8) << area[1] << " Mean "
1211  << mean;
1212  } else {
1213  mean /= (kk*200);
1214  edm::LogVerbatim("HcalGeom") << std::setw(2) << lay0 << " Area "
1215  << std::setw(8) << area[0] << " "
1216  << std::setw(8) << area[1] << ":"
1217  << std::setw(8) << area[2] << " "
1218  << std::setw(8) << area[3] << " Mean "
1219  << mean;
1220  }
1221  }
1222  }
1223 }
1225 unsigned int HcalDDDSimConstants::layerGroupSize(int eta) const {
1226  unsigned int k = 0;
1227  for (auto const & it : hpar->layerGroupEtaSim) {
1228  if (it.layer == (unsigned int)(eta + 1)) {
1229  return it.layerGroup.size();
1230  }
1231  if (it.layer > (unsigned int)(eta + 1)) break;
1232  k = it.layerGroup.size();
1233  }
1234  return k;
1235 }
1237 unsigned int HcalDDDSimConstants::layerGroup(int eta, int i) const {
1238  unsigned int k = 0;
1239  for (auto const & it : hpar->layerGroupEtaSim) {
1240  if (it.layer == (unsigned int)(eta + 1)) {
1241  return;
1242  }
1243  if (it.layer > (unsigned int)(eta + 1)) break;
1244  k =;
1245  }
1246  return k;
1247 }
1249 unsigned int HcalDDDSimConstants::layerGroup(int det, int eta,
1250  int phi, int zside,
1251  int lay) const {
1253  int depth0 = findDepth(det,eta,phi,zside,lay);
1254  unsigned int depth = (depth0 > 0) ? (unsigned int)(depth0) : layerGroup(eta-1,lay);
1255  return depth;
1256 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
std::vector< double > zHO
std::vector< double > etaTable
std::vector< int > layHE
unsigned int layerGroupSize(int eta) const
int findDepth(const int &det, const int &eta, const int &phi, const int &zside, const int &lay) const
unsigned int layerGroup(int eta, int i) const
void initialize(const int subdet, const int ietaMax, const int dep16C, const int dep29C, const double wtl0C, std::vector< int > const &iphi, std::vector< int > const &ieta, std::vector< int > const &layer, std::vector< int > const &depth)
std::vector< int > maxDepth
std::vector< double > rHB
int getFrontLayer(const int &det, const int &eta) const
std::vector< double > rhoxHB
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
static const int maxLayer_
std::vector< double > HBGains
std::pair< int, double > getDetEta(const double &eta, const int &depth) const
int getLayerFront(const int &det, const int &eta, const int &phi, const int &zside, const int &depth) const
int getMinDepth(const int &det, const int &eta, const int &phi, const int &zside, const bool &partialOnly) const
bool isValid(const int det, const int phi, const int zside) const
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
std::vector< int > HEShift
int phiNumber(const int &phi, const int &unit) const
int zside(DetId const &)
void printTileHB(const int &eta, const int &phi, const int &zside, const int &depth) const
HcalDDDSimConstants(const HcalParameters *hp)
HcalCellType::HcalCell cell(const int &det, const int &zside, const int &depth, const int &etaR, const int &iphi) const
double getEtaHO(const double &etaR, const double &x, const double &y, const double &z) const
int getShift(const HcalSubdetector &subdet, const int &depth) const
int getLayerBack(const int subdet, const int ieta, const int iphi, const int zside, const int depth) const
std::vector< int > etaMax
std::vector< int > depths[nDepthMax]
std::vector< int > modHB
int getLayerFront(const int subdet, const int ieta, const int iphi, const int zside, const int depth) const
std::vector< double > rhoxHE
std::pair< int, int > getDepths(const int eta) const
std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > getConstHBHE(const int &type) const
std::vector< double > zxHE
int validDet(std::vector< int > &phis) const
std::vector< double > zHE
std::vector< LayerItem > layerGroupEtaSim
std::vector< double > dyHE
int getMaxDepth(const int &type) const
void setPhi(const std::vector< std::pair< int, double >> &phis, const std::vector< int > &iphiMiss, double foff, double dphi, int unit)
int getDepthEta29(const int &phi, const int &zside, const int &i) const
int unitPhi(const int &det, const int &etaR) const
std::vector< double > dx1HE
std::vector< double > rHO
std::pair< int, int > depthMaxDf_
susybsm::HSCParticleRefProd hp
Definition: classes.h:27
unsigned int findLayer(const int &layer, const std::vector< HcalParameters::LayerItem > &layerGroup) const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
std::vector< double > dzHE
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
Definition: HcalAssistant.h:31
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
std::vector< HcalCellType > HcalCellTypes() const
std::vector< int > modHE
int getLayerMax(const int &eta, const int &depth) const
std::vector< HcalDetId > idHF2QIE
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
int getLastLayer(const int &det, const int &eta) const
std::vector< int > HFShift
int getMaxDepthLastHE(const int subdet, const int iphi, const int zside) const
int getDepth(const int subdet, const int ieta, const int iphi, const int zside, const int layer) const
unsigned int numberOfCells(const HcalSubdetector &) const
double getLayer0Wt(const int &det, const int &phi, const int &zside) const
int getDepthEta16M(const int &det) const
#define M_PI
int getDepthEta29M(const int &i, const bool &planOne) const
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
std::vector< double > HEGains
double getLayer0Wt(const int subdet, const int iphi, const int zside) const
std::vector< double > dyHB
std::vector< double > phioff
int getDepth16(const int subdet, const int iphi, const int zside) const
std::vector< double > gparHF
std::pair< int, int > getModHalfHBHE(const int &type) const
int getLayerBack(const int &det, const int &eta, const int &phi, const int &zside, const int &depth) const
std::vector< double > Layer0Wt
std::vector< double > dxHB
int getEta(const int &det, const int &lay, const double &hetaR) const
double deltaEta(const int &det, const int &eta, const int &depth) const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
std::vector< double > rTable
std::vector< double > phitable
TString units(TString variable, Char_t axis)
std::vector< double > phibin
std::vector< double > drHB
std::vector< double > HFGains
std::pair< int, int > getEtaDepth(const int &det, int etaR, const int &phi, const int &zside, int depth, const int &lay) const
static unsigned int const shift
std::vector< int > noff
std::pair< int, int > depthMaxSp_
std::vector< int > HBShift
const HcalParameters * hpar
std::vector< int > maxDepth
int maxHFDepth(const int &ieta, const int &iphi) const
std::vector< int > layHB
void printTileHE(const int &eta, const int &phi, const int &zside, const int &depth) const
std::pair< double, double > getPhiCons(const int &det, const int &ieta) const
static const int maxLayerHB_
double getGain(const HcalSubdetector &subdet, const int &depth) const
std::vector< std::pair< int, double > > getPhis(const int &subdet, const int &ieta) const
int getDepthMax(const int subdet, const int iphi, const int zside) const
std::vector< int > etaMin
HcalLayerDepthMap ldmap_
int getDepthEta16(const int &det, const int &phi, const int &zside) const