Functions | Variables
MultipleCompare Namespace Reference


def DetermineHistType (name)
def Divide (hNum, hDen)
def DrawBranding (options, label='')
def DrawTitle (text)
def FindParents (histoPath)
def findRange (hists, min0=-1, max0=-1)
def GetContent (dir)
def getMaximumIncludingErrors (hist)
def getMinimumIncludingErrors (hist)
def LoadCommandlineOptions (argv)
def main (argv=None)
def MapDirStructure (directory, dirName, objectList)
def Match (required, got)
def optimizeRangeMainPad (argv, pad, hists, maxLogX_, minX_, maxX_, maxLogY_, minY_, maxY_)
def optimizeRangeSubPad (argv, pad, hists, maxLogX_, minX_, maxX_, minYRatio_, maxYRatio_)
def Rebin (tfile, histoPath, rebinVal)



Function Documentation

def MultipleCompare.DetermineHistType (   name)

Definition at line 99 of file

Referenced by main().

100  #automatically derive all plot types in the future?
101  type = ''
102  label = ''
103  prefix = ''
104  #assuming plots name like: tauType_plotType_xAxis or tauType_plotType_selection
105  matches = re.match(r'.*/(.*)_(.*)_(.*)', name)
106  if matches:
107  prefix =
108  label =
109  knowntypes = (['pTRatio','SumPt','Size'])
110  for knowntype in knowntypes:
111  if == knowntype:
112  type = knowntype
113  if not type: #there are plots labelled ..._vs_...
114  type = 'Eff'
115  else:
116  type = 'Eff'
118  prefixParts = prefix.partition('Discrimination')
119  if prefixParts[2] != '':
120  prefix = prefixParts[2]
121  prefixParts = prefix.partition('By')
122  if prefixParts[2] != '':
123  prefix = prefixParts[2]
125  #print 'type is ' + type
126  return [type, label, prefix]
def DetermineHistType(name)
def MultipleCompare.Divide (   hNum,

Definition at line 80 of file

Referenced by FlavourHistograms2D< T, G >.divide(), main(), and plotscripts.segdiff().

80 def Divide(hNum,hDen):
81  ret = hNum.Clone('Division')
82  ret.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Ratio')
83  for binI in range(hNum.GetNbinsX()+1):
84  denVal = hDen.GetBinContent(binI)
85  denErr = hDen.GetBinError(binI)
86  numErr = hNum.GetBinError(binI)
87  numVal = hNum.GetBinContent(binI)
88  if denVal == 0:
89  ret.SetBinContent(binI,0)
90  ret.SetBinError(binI,0)
91  else:
92  ret.SetBinContent(binI,numVal/denVal)
93  if numVal==0:
94  ret.SetBinError(binI,1)
95  else:
96  ret.SetBinError(binI,(numVal/denVal)*math.sqrt(math.pow(numErr/numVal,2) + math.pow(denErr/denVal,2) ) )
97  return ret
def Divide(hNum, hDen)
def MultipleCompare.DrawBranding (   options,
  label = '' 

Definition at line 137 of file

Referenced by main().

137 def DrawBranding(options, label=''):
138  if options.branding != None or label != '':
139  text = TLatex()
140  text.SetNDC();
141  text.SetTextAlign(11)#3*10=right,3*1=top
142  text.SetTextSize(.025)
143  text.SetTextColor(13)
144  if options.out.find(".eps")!=-1:
145  text.SetTextAngle(-91.0)#eps BUG
146  else:
147  text.SetTextAngle(-90.0)
148  rightMargin = 1 - gStyle.GetPadRightMargin()
149  topMargin = 1 - gStyle.GetPadTopMargin()
150  if label!='':
151  label += ': '
152  text.DrawLatex(rightMargin+.01, topMargin+0.025, label+options.branding);
def DrawBranding(options, label='')
def MultipleCompare.DrawTitle (   text)

Definition at line 128 of file

Referenced by main().

128 def DrawTitle(text):
129  title = TLatex()
130  title.SetNDC()
131  title.SetTextAlign(12)#3*10=right,3*1=top
132  title.SetTextSize(.035)
133  leftMargin = gStyle.GetPadLeftMargin()
134  topMargin = 1 - 0.5*gStyle.GetPadTopMargin()
135  title.DrawLatex(leftMargin, topMargin, text)
def MultipleCompare.FindParents (   histoPath)

Definition at line 155 of file

References edm.print(), and python.rootplot.root2matplotlib.replace().

Referenced by Rebin().

155 def FindParents(histoPath):
156  root = histoPath[:histoPath.find('_')]
157  par = histoPath[histoPath.find('Eff')+3:]
158  validationPlots = validation.proc.efficiencies.plots._Parameterizable__parameterNames
159  found =0
160  num = ''
161  den = ''
162  for efficiency in validationPlots:
163  effpset = getattr(validation.proc.efficiencies.plots,efficiency)
164  effName = effpset.efficiency.value()
165  effNameCut = effName[effName.find('_'):effName.find('#')]
166  if effNameCut in histoPath:
167  if found == 1:
168  print('More than one pair of parents found for ' + histopath + ':')
169  assert(False)
170  num = root + effpset.numerator.value()[effName.find('_'):].replace('#PAR#',par)
171  den = root + effpset.denominator.value()[effName.find('_'):].replace('#PAR#',par)
172  found += 1
173  return [num,den]
def replace(string, replacements)
S & print(S &os, JobReport::InputFile const &f)
def FindParents(histoPath)
def MultipleCompare.findRange (   hists,
  min0 = -1,
  max0 = -1 

Definition at line 196 of file

References getMaximumIncludingErrors(), and getMinimumIncludingErrors().

Referenced by optimizeRangeMainPad(), and optimizeRangeSubPad().

196 def findRange(hists, min0=-1, max0=-1):
197  if len(hists) < 1:
198  return
199  #auto ranges if no user value provided
200  min = min0
201  max = max0
202  if min0 == -1 or max0 == -1:
203  for hist in hists:
204  if min0 == -1:
205  #Divide() sets bin to zero if division not possible. Ignore these bins.
206  minTmp = getMinimumIncludingErrors(hist)
207  if minTmp < min or min == -1:
208  min = minTmp
209  if max0 == -1:
210  maxTmp = getMaximumIncludingErrors(hist)
211  if maxTmp > max or max == -1:
212  max = maxTmp
213  return [min, max]
def getMaximumIncludingErrors(hist)
def findRange(hists, min0=-1, max0=-1)
def getMinimumIncludingErrors(hist)
def MultipleCompare.GetContent (   dir)

Definition at line 57 of file

Referenced by MapDirStructure().

57 def GetContent(dir):
58  tempList = dir.GetListOfKeys()
59  retList = []
60  for it in range(0,tempList.GetSize()):
61  retList.append(tempList.At(it).ReadObj())
62  return retList
def MultipleCompare.getMaximumIncludingErrors (   hist)

Definition at line 286 of file

Referenced by findRange().

287 #find maximum considering also the errors
288  distance = 1.
289  max = -1
290  pos = 0
291  for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()):
292  if hist.GetBinContent(i) > max:#ignore errors here
293  max = hist.GetBinContent(i)
294  pos = i
295  return max + distance*hist.GetBinError(pos)
def getMaximumIncludingErrors(hist)
def MultipleCompare.getMinimumIncludingErrors (   hist)

Definition at line 297 of file

Referenced by findRange().

298  #find minimum considering also the errors
299  #ignoring zero bins
300  distance = 1.
301  min = -1
302  pos = 0
303  for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX()):
304  if hist.GetBinContent(i)<=0.:#ignore errors here
305  continue
306  if hist.GetBinContent(i) < min or min==-1:
307  min = hist.GetBinContent(i)
308  pos = i
309  if min < 0:
310  min = 0
311  return min - distance*hist.GetBinError(pos)
def getMinimumIncludingErrors(hist)
def MultipleCompare.LoadCommandlineOptions (   argv)

Definition at line 17 of file

Referenced by SteerMultipleCompare.main(), and main().

18  sys.argv = argv
19  parser = OptionParser(description=__doc__)
20  parser.add_option('--myhelp',metavar='', action="store_true",help='prints this output message',dest='help',default = False)
21  parser.add_option('--TestFile','-T',metavar='testFile', type=str,help='Sets the test file',dest='test',default = '')
22  parser.add_option('--RefFile','-R',metavar='refFile', type=str,help='Sets the reference file',dest='ref',default = None)
23  parser.add_option('--output','-o',metavar='outputFile', type=str,help='Sets the output file',dest='out',default = 'MultipleCompare.png')
24  parser.add_option('--logScaleY',action="store_true", dest="logScaleY", default=False, help="Sets the log scale in the plot (Y axis)")
25  parser.add_option('--logScaleX',action="store_true", dest="logScaleX", default=False, help="Sets the log scale in the plot (X axis)")
26  parser.add_option('--fakeRate','-f',action="store_true", dest="fakeRate", default=False, help="Sets the fake rate options and put the correct label (implies --logScale)")
27  parser.add_option('--testLabel','-t',metavar='testLabel', type=str,help='Sets the label to put in the plots for test file',dest='testLabel',default = None)
28  parser.add_option('--refLabel','-r',metavar='refLabel', type=str,help='Sets the label to put in the plots for ref file',dest='refLabel',default = None)
29  parser.add_option('--sampleLabel','-s',metavar='sampleLabel', type=str,help='Sets the label to indicate the sample used',dest='sampleLabel',default = None)
30  parser.add_option('--maxLogX',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the maximum of the scale in log scale both in the main and in the sub pad (requires --logScale or -f to work)',dest='maxLogX',default = 100)
31  parser.add_option('--minLogX',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the minimum of the scale in log scale (requires --logScale or -f to work)',dest='minLogX',default = 0.001)
32  parser.add_option('--minLogY',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the minimum of the scale in log scale (requires --logScale or -f to work)',dest='minLogY',default = 0.0001)
33  parser.add_option('--maxLogY',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the maximum of the scale in log scale (requires --logScale or -f to work)',dest='maxLogY',default = 3)
34  parser.add_option('--minYR',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the minimum of the scale in sub pad',dest='minYR',default = 0)
35  parser.add_option('--maxYR',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the maximum of the scale in sub pad',dest='maxYR',default = 1.2)
36 # parser.add_option('--minDivY',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the minimum of the scale in the ratio pad',dest='minDivY',default = 0.)
37 # parser.add_option('--maxDivY',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the maximum of the scale in the ratio pad',dest='maxDivY',default = 2)
38 # parser.add_option('--minDivX',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the minimum of the scale in the ratio pad',dest='minDivX',default = 0.)
39 # parser.add_option('--maxDivX',metavar='number', type=float,help='Sets the maximum of the scale in the ratio pad',dest='maxDivX',default = 2)
40  parser.add_option('--logDiv',action="store_true", dest="logDiv", default=False, help="Sets the log scale in the plot")
41  parser.add_option('--normalize',action="store_true", dest="normalize", default=False, help="plot normalized")
42  parser.add_option('--maxRange',metavar='number',type=float, dest="maxRange", default=1.6, help="Sets the maximum range in linear plots")
43  parser.add_option('--maxXaxis',metavar='number',type=float, dest="maxXaxis", default=800, help="Sets the maximum range on x axis in the main pad")
44  parser.add_option('--minXaxis',metavar='number',type=float,help="Sets the minimum range on x axis in the main pad",dest="minXaxis", default=-3)
45  parser.add_option('--maxYaxis',metavar='number',type=float, dest="maxYaxis", default=2, help="Sets the maximum range on Y axis in the main pad")
46  parser.add_option('--minYaxis',metavar='number',type=float, dest="minYaxis", default=0, help="Sets the minimum range on Y axis in the main pad")
47  parser.add_option('--rebin', dest="rebin", type=int, default=-1, help="Sets the rebinning scale")
48  parser.add_option('--branding','-b',metavar='branding', type=str,help='Define a branding to label the plots (in the top right corner)',dest='branding',default = None)
49  #parser.add_option('--search,-s',metavar='searchStrings', type=str,help='Sets the label to put in the plots for ref file',dest='testLabel',default = None) No idea on how to tell python to use all the strings before a new option, thus moving this from option to argument (but may be empty)
51  (options,toPlot) = parser.parse_args()
52  if
53  parser.print_help()
54  sys.exit(0)
55  return [options, toPlot]
def LoadCommandlineOptions(argv)
def MultipleCompare.main (   argv = None)

Definition at line 314 of file

References DetermineHistType(), Divide(), DrawBranding(), DrawTitle(), LoadCommandlineOptions(), MapDirStructure(), Match(), optimizeRangeMainPad(), optimizeRangeSubPad(), edm.print(), Rebin(), and

Referenced by SteerMultipleCompare.plotDefault(), and SteerMultipleCompare.plotOneByOne().

314 def main(argv=None):
315  if argv is None:
316  argv = sys.argv
318  options, toPlot = LoadCommandlineOptions(argv)
320  gROOT.SetStyle('Plain')
321  gROOT.SetBatch()
322  gStyle.SetPalette(1)
323  gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
324  gStyle.SetPadGridX(True)
325  gStyle.SetPadGridY(True)
326  gStyle.SetOptTitle(0)
327  gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.1)
328  gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.1)
329  gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.13)
330  gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.07)
333  testFile = TFile(options.test)
334  refFile = None
335  if options.ref != None:
336  refFile = TFile(options.ref)
338  #Takes the position of all plots that were produced
339  plotList = []
340  MapDirStructure( testFile,'',plotList)
342  histoList = []
343  for plot in toPlot:
344  for path in plotList:
345  if Match(plot.lower(),path.lower()):
346  histoList.append(path)
348 # print "options: ",options
349 # print "toPlot: ",toPlot
350  print(histoList)
352  if len(histoList)<1:
353  print('\tError: Please specify at least one histogram.')
354  if len(toPlot)>0:
355  print('Check your plot list:', toPlot)
356  sys.exit()
359  #WARNING: For now the hist type is assumed to be constant over all histos.
360  histType, label, prefix = DetermineHistType(histoList[0])
361  #decide whether or not to scale to an integral of 1
362  #should usually not be used most plot types. they are already normalized.
363  scaleToIntegral = False
364  if options.normalize:
365  scaleToIntegral = True
367  ylabel = 'Efficiency'
369  if options.fakeRate:
370  ylabel = 'Fake rate'
372  drawStats = False
373  if histType=='pTRatio' and len(histoList)<3:
374  drawStats = True
376  #legend = TLegend(0.50,0.73,0.50+0.37,1)
377  x1 = 0.33
378  x2 = 1-gStyle.GetPadRightMargin()
379  y2 = 1-gStyle.GetPadTopMargin()
380  lineHeight = .055
381  if len(histoList) == 1:
382  lineHeight = .05
383  y1 = y2 - lineHeight*len(histoList)
384  legend = TLegend(x1,y1,x2,y2)
385  legend.SetHeader(label)
386  legend.SetFillColor(0)
387  legend.SetTextSize(0.032)
388  if drawStats:
389  y2 = y1
390  y1 = y2 - .07*len(histoList)
391  statsBox = TPaveText(x1,y1,x2,y2,"NDC")
392  statsBox.SetFillColor(0)
393  statsBox.SetTextAlign(12)#3*10=right,3*1=top
394  statsBox.SetMargin(0.05)
395  statsBox.SetBorderSize(1)
398  canvas = TCanvas('MultiPlot','MultiPlot',validation.standardDrawingStuff.canvasSizeX.value(),832)
399  effPad = TPad('effPad','effPad',0.01,0.35,0.99,0.99)#0,0.25,1.,1.,0,0)
400  effPad.SetBottomMargin(0.0)#0.1)
401  #effPad.SetTopMargin(0.1)
402  #effPad.SetLeftMargin(0.13)
403  #effPad.SetRightMargin(0.07)
404  effPad.Draw()
405  header = ''
406  if options.sampleLabel != None:
407  header += 'Sample: '+options.sampleLabel
408  if options.testLabel != None:
409  header += ' Dots: '+options.testLabel
410  if options.refLabel != None:
411  header += ' Line: '+options.refLabel
412  DrawTitle(header)
413  DrawBranding(options)
414  diffPad = TPad('diffPad','diffPad',0.01,0.01,0.99,0.32)#0.,0.,1,.25,0,0)
415  diffPad.SetTopMargin(0.00);
416  diffPad.SetBottomMargin(0.30);
417  diffPad.Draw()
418  colors = [2,3,4,6,5,7,28,1,2,3,4,6,5,7,28,1,2,3,4,6,5,7,28,1,2,3,4,6,5,7,28,1,2,3,4,6,5,7,28,1]
419  first = True
420  divHistos = []
421  statTemplate = '%s Mean: %.3f RMS: %.3f'
422  testHs = []
423  refHs = []
424  for histoPath,color in zip(histoList,colors):
425  if(options.rebin == -1):
426  testH = testFile.Get(histoPath)
427  else:
428  testH = Rebin(testFile,histoPath,options.rebin)
429  if not isinstance(testH, TH1F):
430  print('Looking for '+histoPath)
431  print('Test plot now found! What the hell are you doing? Exiting...')
432  sys.exit()
433  testHs.append(testH)
434  xAx = histoPath[histoPath.find('Eff')+len('Eff'):]
436  if not testH.GetXaxis().GetTitle(): #only overwrite label if none already existing
437  if hasattr(validation.standardDrawingStuff.xAxes,xAx):
438  testH.GetXaxis().SetTitle( getattr(validation.standardDrawingStuff.xAxes,xAx).xAxisTitle.value())
439  if not testH.GetYaxis().GetTitle(): #only overwrite label if none already existing
440  testH.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ylabel)
441  if label!='':
442  testH.GetXaxis().SetTitle(label+': '+testH.GetXaxis().GetTitle())
443  testH.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
444  testH.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(options.minXaxis,options.maxXaxis)
445  testH.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
446  #testH.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.08)
447  #testH.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()
448  testH.SetMarkerSize(1)
449  testH.SetMarkerStyle(20)
450  testH.SetMarkerColor(color)
451  if histType == 'Eff':
452  legend.AddEntry(testH,histoPath[histoPath.rfind('/')+1:histoPath.find(histType)],'p')
453  else:
454  legend.AddEntry(testH,DetermineHistType(histoPath)[2],'p')
455  if drawStats:
456  text = statsBox.AddText(statTemplate % ('Dots',testH.GetMean(), testH.GetRMS()) )
457  text.SetTextColor(color)
458  if first:
459  first = False
460  if options.logScaleY:
461  effPad.SetLogy()
462  if options.logScaleX:
463  effPad.SetLogx()
464  diffPad.SetLogx()
465  if scaleToIntegral:
466  if testH.GetEntries() > 0:
467  if not testH.GetSumw2N():
468  testH.Sumw2()
469  testH.DrawNormalized('ex0 P')
470  else:
471  print("--> Warning! You tried to normalize a histogram which seems to be already scaled properly. Draw it unscaled.")
472  scaleToIntegral = False
473  testH.Draw('ex0')
474  else:
475  testH.Draw('ex0')
476  else:
477  if scaleToIntegral:
478  if testH.GetEntries() > 0:
479  testH.DrawNormalized('same p')
480  else:
481  testH.Draw('same ex0 l')
482  if refFile == None:
483  continue
484  if(options.rebin == -1):
485  refH = refFile.Get(histoPath)
486  else:
487  refH = Rebin(refFile,histoPath,options.rebin)
488  if not isinstance(refH, TH1F):
489  continue
490  refHs.append(refH)
491  refH.SetLineColor(color)
492  refH.SetLineWidth(1)
493  if scaleToIntegral:
494  if testH.GetEntries() > 0:
495  refH.DrawNormalized('same hist')
496  else:
497  refH.DrawCopy('same hist')
498  if drawStats:
499  text = statsBox.AddText(statTemplate % ('Line',refH.GetMean(), refH.GetRMS()) )
500  text.SetTextColor(color)
501  #refH.SetFillColor(color)
502  #refH.SetFillStyle(3001)
503  if scaleToIntegral:
504  entries = testH.GetEntries()
505  if entries > 0:
506  testH.Scale(1./entries)
507  entries = refH.GetEntries()
508  refH.Sumw2()
509  if entries > 0:
510  refH.Scale(1./entries)
511  refH.Draw('same hist')
512  divHistos.append(Divide(testH,refH))
514  if options.maxLogY > 0:
515  maxlY=options.maxLogY
516  if options.maxLogX > 0:
517  maxlX=options.maxLogX
519  tmpHists = []
520  tmpHists.extend(testHs)
521  tmpHists.extend(refHs)
522  optimizeRangeMainPad(argv, effPad, tmpHists, maxlX, options.minXaxis, options.maxXaxis, maxlY, options.minYaxis, options.maxYaxis)
524  firstD = True
525  if refFile != None:
526  for histo,color in zip(divHistos,colors):
528  histo.SetMarkerSize(1)
529  histo.SetMarkerStyle(20)
530  histo.SetMarkerColor(color)
531  histo.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07)
532  histo.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.75)
533  histo.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.08)
534  histo.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.08)
535  histo.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.08)
536  #histo.GetYaxis().CenterTitle()
539  if firstD:
540  histo.Draw('ex0')
541  firstD = False
542  else:
543  histo.Draw('same ex0')
544  diffPad.Update()
546  if options.maxLogX > 0:
547  maxlX=options.maxLogX
548  optimizeRangeSubPad(argv, diffPad, divHistos, maxlX, options.minXaxis, options.maxXaxis, options.minYR, options.maxYR)
551  legend.Draw()
553  if drawStats:
554  statsBox.Draw()
556  canvas.Print(options.out)
def LoadCommandlineOptions(argv)
def Divide(hNum, hDen)
def DetermineHistType(name)
def Rebin(tfile, histoPath, rebinVal)
def optimizeRangeMainPad(argv, pad, hists, maxLogX_, minX_, maxX_, maxLogY_, minY_, maxY_)
S & print(S &os, JobReport::InputFile const &f)
def optimizeRangeSubPad(argv, pad, hists, maxLogX_, minX_, maxX_, minYRatio_, maxYRatio_)
OutputIterator zip(InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, InputIterator2 last2, OutputIterator result, Compare comp)
def MapDirStructure(directory, dirName, objectList)
def DrawBranding(options, label='')
def main(argv=None)
def Match(required, got)
def MultipleCompare.MapDirStructure (   directory,

Definition at line 64 of file

References GetContent().

Referenced by SteerMultipleCompare.main(), and main().

64 def MapDirStructure( directory, dirName, objectList ):
65  dirContent = GetContent(directory)
66  for entry in dirContent:
67  if isinstance(entry, TDirectory) or isinstance(entry, TDirectoryFile):
68  subdirName = os.path.join(dirName,entry.GetName())
69  MapDirStructure(entry, subdirName,objectList)
70  else:
71  pathname = os.path.join(dirName,entry.GetName())
72  objectList.append(pathname)
def MapDirStructure(directory, dirName, objectList)
def MultipleCompare.Match (   required,

Definition at line 74 of file

Referenced by FWGeometryTableManager.loadGeometry(), SteerMultipleCompare.main(), main(), and MatchJet.matchCollections().

74 def Match(required, got):
75  for part in required.split('*'):
76  if got.find(part) == -1:
77  return False
78  return True
def Match(required, got)
def MultipleCompare.optimizeRangeMainPad (   argv,

Definition at line 215 of file

References findRange().

Referenced by main().

215 def optimizeRangeMainPad(argv, pad, hists, maxLogX_, minX_, maxX_, maxLogY_, minY_, maxY_):
216  pad.Update()
217  if pad.GetLogy():
218  if maxLogY_ > 0:
219  maxLogY = maxLogY_
220  else:
221  maxLogY = -1
222  minY, maxY = findRange(hists, -1, maxLogY)
223  else:
224  minY, maxY = findRange(hists, minY_, maxY_)
226  if pad.GetLogy():
227  if minY == 0:
228  minY = 0.001
229  else:
230  if minY < 0.7:
231  minY = minY #start from zero if possible
232  if maxY <= 1.1 and maxY > 0.7:
233  maxY = 1.2 #prefere fixed range for easy comparison
234  hists[0].SetAxisRange(minY, maxY, "Y")
236  if pad.GetLogx():
237  if maxLogX_ > 0:
238  maxLogX = maxLogX_
239  else:
240  maxLogX = -1
241  minX, maxX = findRange(hists, -1, maxLogX)
242  else:
243  minX, maxX = findRange(hists, minX_, maxX_)
245  if pad.GetLogx():
246  if minX == 0:
247  minX = 0.001
248  else:
249  if minX < 0.7:
250  minX = minX #start from zero if possible
251  if maxX <= 1.1 and maxX > 0.7:
252  maxX = 1.2 #prefere fixed range for easy comparison
253  hists[0].SetAxisRange(minX, maxX, "X")
def optimizeRangeMainPad(argv, pad, hists, maxLogX_, minX_, maxX_, maxLogY_, minY_, maxY_)
def findRange(hists, min0=-1, max0=-1)
def MultipleCompare.optimizeRangeSubPad (   argv,

Definition at line 255 of file

References findRange().

Referenced by main().

255 def optimizeRangeSubPad(argv, pad, hists, maxLogX_, minX_, maxX_, minYRatio_, maxYRatio_):
256  pad.Update()
257  if pad.GetLogx():
258  if maxLogX_ > 0:
259  maxLogX = maxLogX_
260  else:
261  maxLogX = -1
262  minX, maxX = findRange(hists, -1, maxLogX)
263  else:
264  minX, maxX = findRange(hists, minX_, maxX_)
265  if pad.GetLogx():
266  if minX == 0:
267  minX = 0.001
268  else:
269  if minX < 0.7:
270  minX = minX #start from zero if possible
271  if maxX <= 1.1 and maxX > 0.7:
272  maxX = 1.2 #prefere fixed range for easy comparison
273  hists[0].SetAxisRange(minX, maxX, "X")
275  min = -1
276  max = -1
277  if minYRatio_ > 0:
278  min = minYRatio_
279  if maxYRatio_ > 0:
280  max = maxYRatio_
281  min, max = findRange(hists, min, max)
282  if max > 2:
283  max = 2 #maximal bound
284  hists[0].SetAxisRange(min, max, "Y")
def optimizeRangeSubPad(argv, pad, hists, maxLogX_, minX_, maxX_, minYRatio_, maxYRatio_)
def findRange(hists, min0=-1, max0=-1)
def MultipleCompare.Rebin (   tfile,

Definition at line 175 of file

References FindParents(), and edm.print().

Referenced by main().

175 def Rebin(tfile, histoPath, rebinVal):
176  parents = FindParents(histoPath)
177  num = tfile.Get(parents[0])
178  if not isinstance(num, TH1F):
179  print('Looking for ' + num)
180  print('Plot now found! What the hell are you doing? Exiting...')
181  sys.exit()
182  denSingle = tfile.Get(parents[1])
183  if not isinstance(denSingle, TH1F):
184  print('Looking for '+denSingle)
185  print('Plot now found! What the hell are you doing? Exiting...')
186  sys.exit()
187  num.Rebin(rebinVal)
188  den = denSingle.Rebin(rebinVal,'denClone')
189  retVal = num.Clone(histoPath+'Rebin%s'%rebinVal)
190  #print 'Num : ' + parents[0]
191  #print 'Den : ' +parents[1]
192  #print "NumBins: %s DenBins: %s" % (num.GetNbinsX(), den.GetNbinsX() )
193  retVal.Divide(num,den,1,1,'B')
194  return retVal
def Rebin(tfile, histoPath, rebinVal)
S & print(S &os, JobReport::InputFile const &f)
def FindParents(histoPath)

Variable Documentation


Definition at line 13 of file


Definition at line 14 of file