List of all members | Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM Class Reference

#include <EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h>

Inheritance diagram for EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM:
one::DQMEDAnalyzer< T > one::dqmimplementation::DQMBaseClass< T... >

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
void bookHistograms (DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void dqmBeginRun (const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
void endRun (const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
 EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM (const edm::ParameterSet &)
void init_histograms ()
bool IsMuMatchedToHLTMu (const reco::Muon &, const std::vector< reco::Particle > &, double, double)
double muIso (const reco::Muon &)
double tkIso (const reco::Track &, edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection >, edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection >)
- Public Member Functions inherited from one::DQMEDAnalyzer< T >
 DQMEDAnalyzer ()=default
 DQMEDAnalyzer (DQMEDAnalyzer< T... > const &)=delete
 DQMEDAnalyzer (DQMEDAnalyzer< T... > &&)=delete
 ~DQMEDAnalyzer () override=default

Private Attributes

double acopCut_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpotbeamSpotToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CaloTowerCollectioncaloTowerToken_
double deltaRTrk_
double deltaRVetoTrk_
double dxyCut_
double etaMuCut_
HLTConfigProvider hltConfigProvider_
bool isCombinedIso_
double isoCut03_
bool isRelativeIso_
bool isValidHltConfig_
bool isW_
bool isZGlbSta_
bool isZGlbTrk_
bool isZGolden1HLT_
bool isZGolden2HLT_
bool isZGoldenNoIso_
double maxDeltaR_
double maxDPtRel_
bool metIncludesMuons_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::MET > > metToken_
double mtMax_
double mtMin_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Muon > > muonToken_
unsigned int n1hlt
unsigned int n2hlt
unsigned int nall
unsigned int nEvWithHighPtMu
unsigned int nGlbSta
unsigned int nGlbTrk
unsigned int nhlt
unsigned int nInKinRange
unsigned int niso
unsigned int nNotIso
unsigned int nsel
unsigned int nTMass
unsigned int nW
double ptMuCut_
double ptThreshold_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollectiontrackToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerEventtrigEvToken_
edm::InputTag trigTag_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResultstrigToken_

Detailed Description

DQM offline for EWK MuLumiMonitor: intended for luminosity purposes using Z/W

: Michele de Gruttola, INFN Naples - Maria Cepeda, CIEMAT on behalf EWK-Muon group

Definition at line 37 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg)

Definition at line 36 of file

References isValidHltConfig_.

37  :
38  // Input collections
40  "TrigTag", edm::InputTag("TriggerResults::HLT"))),
41  trigToken_(consumes<edm::TriggerResults>(trigTag_)),
42  trigEvToken_(consumes<trigger::TriggerEvent>(
43  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("triggerEvent"))),
45  consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>(
46  "offlineBeamSpot", edm::InputTag("offlineBeamSpot")))),
48  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("muons"))),
49  trackToken_(consumes<reco::TrackCollection>(
50  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("tracks"))),
51  caloTowerToken_(consumes<CaloTowerCollection>(
52  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("calotower"))),
54  cfg.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("metTag"))),
55  metIncludesMuons_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("METIncludesMuons")),
56  // Main cuts
57  // massMin_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MtMin", 20.)),
58  // massMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("MtMax", 2000.))
59  // hltPath_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<std::string> ("hltPath")) ,
60  // L3FilterName_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>
61  // ("L3FilterName")),
62  ptMuCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ptMuCut")),
63  etaMuCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("etaMuCut")),
64  isRelativeIso_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsRelativeIso")),
65  isCombinedIso_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("IsCombinedIso")),
66  isoCut03_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("IsoCut03")),
67  // deltaRTrk_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaRTrk")),
68  ptThreshold_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ptThreshold")),
69  // deltaRVetoTrk_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("deltaRVetoTrk")),
70  maxDPtRel_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxDPtRel")),
71  maxDeltaR_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("maxDeltaR")),
72  mtMin_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("mtMin")),
73  mtMax_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("mtMax")),
74  acopCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("acopCut")),
75  dxyCut_(cfg.getUntrackedParameter<double>("DxyCut")) {
76  // just to initialize
77  isValidHltConfig_ = false;
79 }
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Muon > > muonToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::MET > > metToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResults > trigToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< CaloTowerCollection > caloTowerToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollection > trackToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > beamSpotToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerEvent > trigEvToken_

Member Function Documentation

void EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::analyze ( const edm::Event ev,
const edm::EventSetup  

number of prescale sets available

Definition at line 216 of file

References edm::HLTGlobalStatus::accept(), acopCut_, beamSpotToken_, caloTowerToken_, reco::LeafCandidate::charge(), reco::TrackBase::charge(), PVValHelper::dxy, reco::TrackBase::dxy(), dxyCut_, edm::InputTag::encode(), PVValHelper::eta, reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), reco::TrackBase::eta(), etaMuCut_, f, MonitorElement::Fill(), trigger::TriggerEvent::filterKeys(), trigger::TriggerEvent::filterTag(), edm::Event::getByToken(), trigger::TriggerEvent::getObjects(), highMass1HLT_, highMass2HLT_, highMassGlbSta_, highMassGlbTrk_, highMassIsBothGlbTrkThanW_, highMassNotIso_, hltConfigProvider_, mps_fire::i, reco::Muon::innerTrack(), reco::Muon::isGlobalMuon(), IsMuMatchedToHLTMu(), isoCut03_, reco::Muon::isStandAloneMuon(), isW_, isZGlbSta_, isZGlbTrk_, isZGolden1HLT_, isZGolden2HLT_, isZGoldenNoIso_, gen::k, LogTrace, M_PI, ResonanceBuilder::mass, mass1HLT_, mass2HLT_, massGlbSta_, massGlbTrk_, massIsBothGlbTrkThanW_, massNotIso_, maxDeltaR_, maxDPtRel_, RazorAnalyzer::met, MT2Analyzer::metCollection, metIncludesMuons_, metToken_, HLTConfigProvider::moduleLabels(), mtMax_, RPCpg::mu, muIso(), extraflags_cff::muons, muonToken_, gen::n, n1hlt, n2hlt, nall, dataset::name, nEvWithHighPtMu, nGlbSta, nGlbTrk, nhlt, niso, nNotIso, nsel, nTMass, nW, MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::out, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, reco::TrackBase::p(), reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), reco::BeamSpot::position(), HLTConfigProvider::prescaleSize(), HLTConfigProvider::prescaleValue(), EnergyCorrector::pt, reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), reco::TrackBase::pt(), hiDetachedQuadStep_cff::pt2, ptMuCut_, reco::LeafCandidate::px(), reco::TrackBase::px(), reco::LeafCandidate::py(), reco::TrackBase::py(), reco::TrackBase::pz(), alignCSCRings::s, findQualityFiles::size, trigger::TriggerEvent::sizeFilters(), mathSSE::sqrt(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, tkIso(), TMass_, l1t::tracks, trackToken_, trigEvToken_, HLTConfigProvider::triggerIndex(), HLTConfigProvider::triggerNames(), triggerResults, trigToken_, and findQualityFiles::v.

216  {
217  nall++;
218  bool hlt_sel = false;
219  double iso1 = -1;
220  double iso2 = -1;
221  bool isMu1Iso = false;
222  bool isMu2Iso = false;
223  bool singleTrigFlag1 = false;
224  bool singleTrigFlag2 = false;
225  isZGolden1HLT_ = false;
226  isZGolden2HLT_ = false;
227  isZGoldenNoIso_ = false;
228  isZGlbSta_ = false;
229  isZGlbTrk_ = false;
230  isW_ = false;
231  // Trigger
232  bool trigger_fired = false;
235  if (!ev.getByToken(trigToken_, triggerResults)) {
236  // LogWarning("") << ">>> TRIGGER collection does not exist !!!";
237  return;
238  }
240  ev.getByToken(trigToken_, triggerResults);
241  /*
242  const edm::TriggerNames & trigNames = ev.triggerNames(*triggerResults);
245  for (size_t i=0; i<triggerResults->size(); i++) {
246  std::string trigName = trigNames.triggerName(i);
247  //std::cout << " trigName == " << trigName << std::endl;
248  if ( trigName == hltPath_ && triggerResults->accept(i)) {
249  trigger_fired = true;
250  hlt_sel=true;
251  nhlt++;
252  }
253  }
254  */
255  // see the trigger single muon which are present
256  string lowestMuonUnprescaledTrig = "";
257  bool lowestMuonUnprescaledTrigFound = false;
258  const std::vector<std::string>& triggerNames =
260  for (size_t ts = 0; ts < triggerNames.size(); ts++) {
261  string trig = triggerNames[ts];
262  size_t f = trig.find("HLT_Mu");
263  if ((f != std::string::npos)) {
264  // std::cout << "single muon trigger present: " << trig << std::endl;
265  // See if the trigger is prescaled;
267  bool prescaled = false;
268  const unsigned int prescaleSize = hltConfigProvider_.prescaleSize();
269  for (unsigned int ps = 0; ps < prescaleSize; ps++) {
270  const unsigned int prescaleValue =
272  if (prescaleValue != 1) prescaled = true;
273  // std::cout<< " prescaleValue[" << ps << "] =" << prescaleValue
274  //<<std::endl;
275  }
276  if (!prescaled) {
277  // looking now for the lowest hlt path not prescaled, with name of the
278  // form HLT_MuX or HLTMuX_vY
279  for (unsigned int n = 9; n < 100; n++) {
280  string lowestTrig = "HLT_Mu";
281  string lowestTrigv0 = "copy";
282  std::stringstream out;
283  out << n;
284  std::string s = out.str();
285  lowestTrig.append(s);
286  lowestTrigv0 = lowestTrig;
287  for (unsigned int v = 1; v < 10; v++) {
288  lowestTrig.append("_v");
289  std::stringstream oout;
290  oout << v;
291  std::string ss = oout.str();
292  lowestTrig.append(ss);
293  if (trig == lowestTrig) lowestMuonUnprescaledTrig = trig;
294  if (trig == lowestTrig) lowestMuonUnprescaledTrigFound = true;
295  if (trig == lowestTrig) break;
296  }
297  if (lowestMuonUnprescaledTrigFound) break;
299  lowestTrig = lowestTrigv0;
300  if (trig == lowestTrig) lowestMuonUnprescaledTrig = trig;
301  // if (trig==lowestTrig) {std::cout << " before break, lowestTrig
302  // lowest single muon trigger present unprescaled: " << lowestTrig <<
303  // std::endl; }
304  if (trig == lowestTrig) lowestMuonUnprescaledTrigFound = true;
305  if (trig == lowestTrig) break;
306  }
307  if (lowestMuonUnprescaledTrigFound) break;
308  }
309  }
310  }
311  // std::cout << "after break, lowest single muon trigger present unprescaled:
312  // " << lowestMuonUnprescaledTrig << std::endl;
313  unsigned int triggerIndex; // index of trigger path
315  // See if event passed trigger paths
316  std::string hltPath_ = lowestMuonUnprescaledTrig;
318  triggerIndex = hltConfigProvider_.triggerIndex(hltPath_);
319  if (triggerIndex < triggerResults->size())
320  trigger_fired = triggerResults->accept(triggerIndex);
321  std::string L3FilterName_ = "";
322  if (trigger_fired) {
323  const std::vector<std::string>& moduleLabs =
325  /*for (size_t k =0; k < moduleLabs.size()-1 ; k++){
326  std::cout << "moduleLabs[" << k << "] == " << moduleLabs[k] << std::endl;
327  }
328  */
329  // the l3 filter name is just the last module....
330  size_t moduleLabsSizeMinus2 = moduleLabs.size() - 2;
331  // std::cout<<"moduleLabs[" << moduleLabsSizeMinus2 << "]== "<<
332  // moduleLabs[moduleLabsSizeMinus2] << std::endl;
334  L3FilterName_ = moduleLabs[moduleLabsSizeMinus2];
335  }
337  edm::Handle<trigger::TriggerEvent> handleTriggerEvent;
338  LogTrace("") << ">>> Trigger bit: " << trigger_fired << " (" << hltPath_
339  << ")";
340  if (!ev.getByToken(trigEvToken_, handleTriggerEvent)) {
341  // LogWarning( "errorTriggerEventValid" ) << "trigger::TriggerEvent product
342  // with InputTag " << trigEv_.encode() << " not in event";
343  return;
344  }
345  ev.getByToken(trigEvToken_, handleTriggerEvent);
346  const trigger::TriggerObjectCollection& toc(handleTriggerEvent->getObjects());
347  size_t nMuHLT = 0;
348  std::vector<reco::Particle> HLTMuMatched;
349  for (size_t ia = 0; ia < handleTriggerEvent->sizeFilters(); ++ia) {
350  std::string fullname = handleTriggerEvent->filterTag(ia).encode();
351  // std::cout<< "fullname::== " << fullname<< std::endl;
353  size_t p = fullname.find_first_of(':');
354  if (p != std::string::npos) {
355  name = fullname.substr(0, p);
356  } else {
357  name = fullname;
358  }
359  if (!toc.empty()) {
360  const trigger::Keys& k = handleTriggerEvent->filterKeys(ia);
361  for (trigger::Keys::const_iterator ki = k.begin(); ki != k.end(); ++ki) {
362  // looking at all the single muon l3 trigger present, for example
363  // hltSingleMu15L3Filtered15.....
364  if (name == L3FilterName_) {
365  // trigger_fired = true;
366  hlt_sel = true;
367  nhlt++;
368  HLTMuMatched.push_back(toc[*ki].particle());
369  nMuHLT++;
370  }
371  }
372  }
373  }
375  // Beam spot
376  Handle<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpotHandle;
377  if (!ev.getByToken(beamSpotToken_, beamSpotHandle)) {
378  // LogWarning("") << ">>> No beam spot found !!!";
379  return;
380  }
382  // looping on muon....
384  if (!ev.getByToken(muonToken_, muons)) {
385  // LogError("") << ">>> muon collection does not exist !!!";
386  return;
387  }
389  ev.getByToken(muonToken_, muons);
390  // saving only muons with pt> ptMuCut and eta<etaMuCut, and dxy<dxyCut
391  std::vector<reco::Muon> highPtGlbMuons;
392  std::vector<reco::Muon> highPtStaMuons;
394  for (size_t i = 0; i < muons->size(); i++) {
395  const reco::Muon& mu = muons->at(i);
396  double pt =;
397  double eta = mu.eta();
398  if (pt > ptMuCut_ && fabs(eta) < etaMuCut_) {
399  if (mu.isGlobalMuon()) {
400  // check the dxy....
401  double dxy = mu.innerTrack()->dxy(beamSpotHandle->position());
402  if (fabs(dxy) > dxyCut_) continue;
403  highPtGlbMuons.push_back(mu);
404  }
405  if (mu.isGlobalMuon()) continue;
406  // if is not, look if it is a standalone....
407  if (mu.isStandAloneMuon()) highPtStaMuons.push_back(mu);
408  nEvWithHighPtMu++;
409  }
410  }
411  size_t nHighPtGlbMu = highPtGlbMuons.size();
412  size_t nHighPtStaMu = highPtStaMuons.size();
413  if (hlt_sel && (nHighPtGlbMu > 0)) {
414  // loop on high pt muons if there's at least two with opposite charge build
415  // a Z, more then one z candidate is foreseen.........
416  // stop the loop after 10 cicles....
417  (nHighPtGlbMu > 10) ? nHighPtGlbMu = 10 : 1;
418  // Z selection
419  if (nHighPtGlbMu > 1) {
420  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nHighPtGlbMu; i++) {
421  reco::Muon muon1 = highPtGlbMuons[i];
422  const math::XYZTLorentzVector& mu1(muon1.p4());
423  // double pt1=;
424  for (unsigned int j = i + 1; j < nHighPtGlbMu; ++j) {
425  reco::Muon muon2 = highPtGlbMuons[j];
426  const math::XYZTLorentzVector& mu2(muon2.p4());
427  // double pt2=;
428  if (muon1.charge() == muon2.charge()) continue;
429  math::XYZTLorentzVector pair = mu1 + mu2;
430  double mass = pair.M();
431  // checking isolation and hlt maching
432  iso1 = muIso(muon1);
433  iso2 = muIso(muon2);
434  isMu1Iso = (iso1 < isoCut03_);
435  isMu2Iso = (iso2 < isoCut03_);
436  singleTrigFlag1 =
437  IsMuMatchedToHLTMu(muon1, HLTMuMatched, maxDeltaR_, maxDPtRel_);
438  singleTrigFlag2 =
439  IsMuMatchedToHLTMu(muon2, HLTMuMatched, maxDeltaR_, maxDPtRel_);
440  if (singleTrigFlag1 && singleTrigFlag2) isZGolden2HLT_ = true;
441  if ((singleTrigFlag1 && !singleTrigFlag2) ||
442  (!singleTrigFlag1 && singleTrigFlag2))
443  isZGolden1HLT_ = true;
444  // Z Golden passing all criteria, with 2 or 1 muon matched to an HLT
445  // muon. Using the two cathegories as a control sample for the HLT
446  // matching efficiency
448  // a Z golden has been found, let's remove the two muons from the
449  // list, dome for avoiding resolution effect enter muons in the
450  // standalone and tracker collections.........
451  highPtGlbMuons.erase(highPtGlbMuons.begin() + i);
452  highPtGlbMuons.erase(highPtGlbMuons.begin() + j);
453  // and updating the number of high pt muons....
454  nHighPtGlbMu = highPtGlbMuons.size();
456  if (isMu1Iso && isMu2Iso) {
457  niso++;
458  if (isZGolden2HLT_) {
459  n2hlt++;
460  mass2HLT_->Fill(mass);
461  highMass2HLT_->Fill(mass);
462  /*
463  if (pt1 > pt2) {
464  highest_mupt2HLT_ -> Fill (pt1);
465  lowest_mupt2HLT_ -> Fill (pt2);
466  } else {
467  highest_mupt2HLT_ -> Fill (pt2);
468  lowest_mupt2HLT_ -> Fill (pt1);
469  }
470  */
471  }
472  if (isZGolden1HLT_) {
473  n1hlt++;
474  mass1HLT_->Fill(mass);
475  highMass1HLT_->Fill(mass);
476  /*
477  if (pt1 >pt2) {
478  highest_mupt1HLT_ -> Fill (pt1);
479  lowest_mupt1HLT_ -> Fill (pt2);
480  } else {
481  highest_mupt1HLT_ -> Fill (pt2);
482  lowest_mupt1HLT_ -> Fill (pt1);
483  }
484  */
485  }
486  } else {
487  // ZGlbGlb when at least one of the two muon is not isolated and
488  // at least one HLT matched, used as control sample for the
489  // isolation efficiency
490  // filling events with one muon not isolated and both hlt mathced
491  if (((isMu1Iso && !isMu2Iso) || (!isMu1Iso && isMu2Iso)) &&
493  isZGoldenNoIso_ = true;
494  nNotIso++;
495  massNotIso_->Fill(mass);
496  highMassNotIso_->Fill(mass);
497  }
498  /*
499  if (pt1 > pt2) {
500  highest_muptNotIso_ -> Fill (pt1);
501  lowest_muptNotIso_ -> Fill (pt2);
502  } else {
503  highest_muptNotIso_ -> Fill (pt2);
504  lowest_muptNotIso_ -> Fill (pt1);
505  }
506  */
507  }
508  }
509  }
510  }
511  }
512  // W->MuNu selection (if at least one muon has been selected)
513  // looking for a W if a Z is not found.... let's think if we prefer to
514  // exclude zMuMuNotIso or zMuSta....
515  if (!(isZGolden2HLT_ || isZGolden1HLT_)) {
517  if (!ev.getByToken(metToken_, metCollection)) {
518  // LogError("") << ">>> MET collection does not exist !!!";
519  return;
520  }
521  const MET& met = metCollection->at(0);
522  nW = 0;
523  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nHighPtGlbMu; i++) {
524  reco::Muon muon1 = highPtGlbMuons[i];
525  /*
526  quality cut not implemented
527  Quality Cuts double dxy =
528 gm->dxy(beamSpotHandle->position());
529  Cut in 0.2 double trackerHits =
530 gm->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits();
531  Cut in 11 bool quality = fabs(dxy)<dxyCut_ &&
532 muon::isGoodMuon(mu,muon::GlobalMuonPromptTight) && trackerHits>=trackerHitsCut_
533 && mu.isTrackerMuon() ;
534 if (!quality) continue;
535  */
536  // isolation cut and hlt maching
537  iso1 = muIso(muon1);
538  isMu1Iso = (iso1 < isoCut03_);
539  if (!isMu1Iso) continue;
540  // checking if muon is matched to any HLT muon....
541  singleTrigFlag1 =
542  IsMuMatchedToHLTMu(muon1, HLTMuMatched, maxDeltaR_, maxDPtRel_);
543  if (!singleTrigFlag1) continue;
544  // std::cout << " is GlobMu macthecd to HLT: " << singleTrigFlag1 <<
545  // std::endl;
546  // MT cuts
547  double met_px = met.px();
548  double met_py =;
550  if (!metIncludesMuons_) {
551  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nHighPtGlbMu; i++) {
552  reco::Muon muon1 = highPtGlbMuons[i];
553  met_px -= muon1.px();
554  met_py -=;
555  }
556  }
557  double met_et =; // sqrt(met_px*met_px+met_py*met_py);
558  LogTrace("") << ">>> MET, MET_px, MET_py: " << met_et << ", " << met_px
559  << ", " << met_py << " [GeV]";
560  double w_et = met_et +;
561  double w_px = met_px + muon1.px();
562  double w_py = met_py +;
563  double massT = w_et * w_et - w_px * w_px - w_py * w_py;
564  massT = (massT > 0) ? sqrt(massT) : 0;
565  // Acoplanarity cuts
566  Geom::Phi<double> deltaphi(muon1.phi() - atan2(met_py, met_px));
567  double acop = M_PI - fabs(deltaphi.value());
568  // std::cout << " is acp of W candidate less then cut: " << (acop<
569  // acopCut_) << std::endl;
570  if (acop > acopCut_) continue; // Cut in 2.0
571  TMass_->Fill(massT);
572  if (massT < mtMin_ || massT > mtMax_) continue; // Cut in (50,200) GeV
573  // we give the number of W only in the tMass selected but we have a look
574  // at mass tails to check the QCD background
575  isW_ = true;
576  nW++;
577  nTMass++;
578  }
579  }
580  // if a zGlobal is not selected, look at the dimuonGlobalOneStandAlone and
581  // dimuonGlobalOneTrack...., used as a control sample for the tracking
582  // efficiency and muon system efficiency
584  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nHighPtGlbMu; ++i) {
585  reco::Muon glbMuon = highPtGlbMuons[i];
586  const math::XYZTLorentzVector& mu1(glbMuon.p4());
587  // double pt1=;
588  // checking that the global muon is hlt matched otherwise skip the event
589  singleTrigFlag1 =
590  IsMuMatchedToHLTMu(glbMuon, HLTMuMatched, maxDeltaR_, maxDPtRel_);
591  if (!singleTrigFlag1) continue;
592  // checking that the global muon is isolated matched otherwise skip the
593  // event
594  iso1 = muIso(glbMuon);
595  isMu1Iso = (iso1 < isoCut03_);
596  if (!isMu1Iso) continue;
597  // look at the standalone muon ....
598  // stop the loop after 10 cicles....
599  (nHighPtStaMu > 10) ? nHighPtStaMu = 10 : 1;
600  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nHighPtStaMu; ++j) {
601  reco::Muon staMuon = highPtStaMuons[j];
602  const math::XYZTLorentzVector& mu2(staMuon.p4());
603  // double pt2=;
604  if (glbMuon.charge() == staMuon.charge()) continue;
605  math::XYZTLorentzVector pair = mu1 + mu2;
606  double mass = pair.M();
607  iso2 = muIso(staMuon);
608  isMu2Iso = (iso2 < isoCut03_);
609  LogTrace("") << "\t... isolation value" << iso1 << ", isolated? "
610  << isMu1Iso;
611  LogTrace("") << "\t... isolation value" << iso2 << ", isolated? "
612  << isMu2Iso;
613  // requiring theat the global mu is mathed to the HLT and both are
614  // isolated
615  if (isMu2Iso) {
616  isZGlbSta_ = true;
617  nGlbSta++;
618  massGlbSta_->Fill(mass);
619  highMassGlbSta_->Fill(mass);
620  /*
621  if (pt1 > pt2) {
622  highest_muptGlbSta_ -> Fill (pt1);
623  lowest_muptGlbSta_ -> Fill (pt2);
624  } else {
625  highest_muptGlbSta_ -> Fill (pt2);
626  lowest_muptGlbSta_ -> Fill (pt1);
627  }
628  */
629  }
630  }
631  // look at the tracks....
633  if (!ev.getByToken(trackToken_, tracks)) {
634  // LogError("") << ">>> track collection does not exist !!!";
635  return;
636  }
637  ev.getByToken(trackToken_, tracks);
638  Handle<CaloTowerCollection> calotower;
639  if (!ev.getByToken(caloTowerToken_, calotower)) {
640  // LogError("") << ">>> calotower collection does not exist !!!";
641  return;
642  }
643  ev.getByToken(caloTowerToken_, calotower);
644  // avoid to loop on more than 5000 trks
645  size_t nTrk = tracks->size();
646  (nTrk > 5000) ? nTrk = 5000 : 1;
647  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nTrk; j++) {
648  const reco::Track& tk = tracks->at(j);
649  if (glbMuon.charge() == tk.charge()) continue;
650  double pt2 =;
651  double eta = tk.eta();
652  double dxy = tk.dxy(beamSpotHandle->position());
653  if (pt2 < ptMuCut_ || fabs(eta) > etaMuCut_ || fabs(dxy) > dxyCut_)
654  continue;
655  // assuming that the track is a mu....
657  tk.px(),, tk.pz(),
658  sqrt((tk.p() * tk.p()) + (0.10566 * 0.10566)));
659  math::XYZTLorentzVector pair = mu1 + mu2;
660  double mass = pair.M();
661  // now requiring that the tracks is isolated.......
662  iso2 = tkIso(tk, tracks, calotower);
663  isMu2Iso = (iso2 < isoCut03_);
664  // std::cout << "found a track with rel/comb iso: " << iso2
665  //<< std::endl;
666  if (isMu2Iso) {
667  isZGlbTrk_ = true;
668  nGlbTrk++;
669  massGlbTrk_->Fill(mass);
670  highMassGlbTrk_->Fill(mass);
671  if (!isW_) continue;
674  /*
675  if (pt1 > pt2) {
676  highest_muptGlbTrk_ -> Fill (pt1);
677  lowest_muptGlbTrk_ -> Fill (pt2);
678  } else {
679  highest_muptGlbTrk_ -> Fill (pt2);
680  lowest_muptGlbTrk_ -> Fill (pt1);
681  }
682  */
683  }
684  }
685  }
686  }
687  }
688  if ((hlt_sel || isZGolden2HLT_ || isZGolden1HLT_ || isZGoldenNoIso_ ||
689  isZGlbSta_ || isZGlbTrk_ || isW_)) {
690  nsel++;
691  LogTrace("") << ">>>> Event ACCEPTED";
692  } else {
693  LogTrace("") << ">>>> Event REJECTED";
694  }
695  return;
696 }
Write out results.
MonitorElement * highMass1HLT_
double p() const
momentum vector magnitude
Definition: TrackBase.h:615
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity
bool isStandAloneMuon() const override
Definition: Muon.h:278
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Muon > > muonToken_
trigger::size_type sizeFilters() const
Definition: TriggerEvent.h:135
virtual TrackRef innerTrack() const
Definition: Muon.h:48
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:579
double px() const final
x coordinate of momentum vector
bool accept() const
Has at least one path accepted the event?
const std::vector< std::string > & triggerNames() const
names of trigger paths
const Keys & filterKeys(trigger::size_type index) const
Definition: TriggerEvent.h:111
MonitorElement * highMassIsBothGlbTrkThanW_
double pt() const final
transverse momentum
MonitorElement * highMassGlbTrk_
int charge() const final
electric charge
Definition: LeafCandidate.h:91
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::MET > > metToken_
MonitorElement * massNotIso_
double px() const
x coordinate of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:627
MonitorElement * highMassGlbSta_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::TriggerResults > trigToken_
std::string encode() const
void Fill(long long x)
unsigned int triggerIndex(const std::string &triggerName) const
slot position of trigger path in trigger table (0 to size-1)
MonitorElement * mass1HLT_
XYZTLorentzVectorD XYZTLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
Definition: LorentzVector.h:29
unsigned int prescaleValue(unsigned int set, const std::string &trigger) const
HLT prescale value in specific prescale set for a specific trigger path.
double eta() const
pseudorapidity of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:651
MonitorElement * massIsBothGlbTrkThanW_
MonitorElement * massGlbTrk_
bool IsMuMatchedToHLTMu(const reco::Muon &, const std::vector< reco::Particle > &, double, double)
double tkIso(const reco::Track &, edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection >, edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection >)
bool isGlobalMuon() const override
Definition: Muon.h:276
const TriggerObjectCollection & getObjects() const
Definition: TriggerEvent.h:98
Definition: MET.h:42
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
double pt() const
track transverse momentum
Definition: TrackBase.h:621
edm::EDGetTokenT< CaloTowerCollection > caloTowerToken_
MonitorElement * highMassNotIso_
double f[11][100]
const LorentzVector & p4() const final
four-momentum Lorentz vector
Definition: LeafCandidate.h:99
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollection > trackToken_
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
static std::string const triggerResults
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > beamSpotToken_
#define LogTrace(id)
#define M_PI
double pz() const
z coordinate of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:639
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
const std::vector< std::string > & moduleLabels(unsigned int trigger) const
label(s) of module(s) on a trigger path
std::vector< TriggerObject > TriggerObjectCollection
collection of trigger physics objects (e.g., all isolated muons)
Definition: TriggerObject.h:81
const edm::InputTag filterTag(trigger::size_type index) const
Definition: TriggerEvent.h:103
MonitorElement * massGlbSta_
===> hadronic RAZOR
double muIso(const reco::Muon &)
std::vector< size_type > Keys
double py() const final
y coordinate of momentum vector
MonitorElement * TMass_
HLTConfigProvider hltConfigProvider_
MonitorElement * mass2HLT_
edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerEvent > trigEvToken_
unsigned int prescaleSize() const
MonitorElement * highMass2HLT_
int charge() const
track electric charge
Definition: TrackBase.h:567
const Point & position() const
Definition: BeamSpot.h:62
double dxy() const
dxy parameter. (This is the transverse impact parameter w.r.t. to (0,0,0) ONLY if refPoint is close t...
Definition: TrackBase.h:591
double phi() const final
momentum azimuthal angle
double py() const
y coordinate of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:633
void EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::bookHistograms ( DQMStore::IBooker ibooker,
edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &   

Definition at line 106 of file

References DQMStore::IBooker::book1D(), highMass1HLT_, highMass2HLT_, highMassGlbSta_, highMassGlbTrk_, highMassIsBothGlbTrkThanW_, highMassNotIso_, mass1HLT_, mass2HLT_, massGlbSta_, massGlbTrk_, massIsBothGlbTrkThanW_, massNotIso_, DQMStore::IBooker::setCurrentFolder(), and TMass_.

107  {
109  ibooker.setCurrentFolder("Physics/EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM");
111  mass2HLT_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_2HLT_MASS", "Z mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 200, 0., 200.);
112  mass1HLT_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_1HLT_MASS", "Z mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 200, 0., 200.);
113  massNotIso_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_NOTISO_MASS", "Z mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 200, 0., 200.);
114  massGlbSta_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_GLBSTA_MASS", "Z mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 200, 0., 200.);
115  massGlbTrk_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_GLBTRK_MASS", "Z mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 200, 0., 200.);
116  massIsBothGlbTrkThanW_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_ISBOTHGLBTRKTHANW_MASS",
117  "Z mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 200, 0., 200.);
119  highMass2HLT_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_2HLT_HIGHMASS",
120  "Z high mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 2000, 0., 2000.);
121  highMass1HLT_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_1HLT_HIGHMASS",
122  "Z high mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 2000, 0., 2000.);
123  highMassNotIso_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_NOTISO_HIGHMASS",
124  "Z high mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 2000, 0., 2000.);
125  highMassGlbSta_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_GLBSTA_HIGHMASS",
126  "Z high mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 2000, 0., 2000.);
127  highMassGlbTrk_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_GLBTRK_HIGHMASS",
128  "Z high mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 2000, 0., 2000.);
129  highMassIsBothGlbTrkThanW_ = ibooker.book1D("Z_ISBOTHGLBTRKTHANW_HIGHMASS",
130  "Z high mass [GeV/c^{2}]", 2000, 0., 2000.);
132  TMass_ = ibooker.book1D("TMASS", "Transverse mass [GeV]", 300, 0., 300.);
133 }
MonitorElement * highMass1HLT_
MonitorElement * highMassIsBothGlbTrkThanW_
MonitorElement * highMassGlbTrk_
MonitorElement * massNotIso_
MonitorElement * highMassGlbSta_
MonitorElement * mass1HLT_
MonitorElement * massIsBothGlbTrkThanW_
void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
MonitorElement * massGlbTrk_
MonitorElement * book1D(Args &&...args)
Definition: DQMStore.h:106
MonitorElement * highMassNotIso_
MonitorElement * massGlbSta_
MonitorElement * TMass_
MonitorElement * mass2HLT_
MonitorElement * highMass2HLT_
void EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::dqmBeginRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 

Definition at line 81 of file

References hltConfigProvider_, HLTConfigProvider::init(), isValidHltConfig_, n1hlt, n2hlt, nall, nEvWithHighPtMu, nGlbSta, nGlbTrk, nhlt, nInKinRange, niso, nNotIso, nsel, nTMass, nW, edm::InputTag::process(), and trigTag_.

81  {
82  nall = 0;
83  nEvWithHighPtMu = 0;
84  nInKinRange = 0;
85  nsel = 0;
86  niso = 0;
87  nhlt = 0;
88  n1hlt = 0;
89  n2hlt = 0;
90  nNotIso = 0;
91  nGlbSta = 0;
92  nGlbTrk = 0;
93  nTMass = 0;
94  nW = 0;
96  // passed as parameter to HLTConfigProvider::init(), not yet used
97  bool isConfigChanged = false;
99  // isValidHltConfig_ used to short-circuit analyze() in case of problems
101  hltConfigProvider_.init(r, iSetup, trigTag_.process(), isConfigChanged);
102  // std::cout << "hlt config trigger is valid??" << isValidHltConfig_ <<
103  // std::endl;
104 }
bool init(const edm::Run &iRun, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const std::string &processName, bool &changed)
std::string const & process() const
Definition: InputTag.h:40
HLTConfigProvider hltConfigProvider_
void EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::endRun ( const edm::Run r,
const edm::EventSetup  

Definition at line 197 of file

References n1hlt, n2hlt, nall, nGlbSta, nhlt, nNotIso, nsel, and nTMass.

197  {
199  LogVerbatim("") << "\n>>>>>> Z/W SELECTION SUMMARY BEGIN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
200  LogVerbatim("") << "Total numer of events analyzed: " << nall << " [events]";
201  LogVerbatim("") << "Total numer of events selected: " << nsel << " [events]";
203  LogVerbatim("") << "Passing HLT criteria: " << nhlt << " [events] ";
204  LogVerbatim("") << "Passing 2 HLT match criteria: " << n2hlt
205  << " [events] ";
206  LogVerbatim("") << "Passing 1 HLT match criteria: " << n1hlt
207  << " [events] ";
208  LogVerbatim("") << "Passing Not Iso criteria: " << nNotIso
209  << " [events] ";
210  LogVerbatim("") << "Passing GlbSta criteria: " << nGlbSta
211  << " [events] ";
212  LogVerbatim("") << "Passing W criteria: " << nTMass << " [events] ";
213  LogVerbatim("") << ">>>>>> Z/W SELECTION SUMMARY END >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n";
214 }
void EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::init_histograms ( )
bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::IsMuMatchedToHLTMu ( const reco::Muon mu,
const std::vector< reco::Particle > &  HLTMu,
double  DR,
double  DPtRel 

Definition at line 182 of file

References deltaR(), gen::k, nJettinessAdder_cfi::nPass, EnergyCorrector::pt, and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

Referenced by analyze().

184  {
185  size_t dim = HLTMu.size();
186  size_t nPass = 0;
187  if (dim == 0) return false;
188  for (size_t k = 0; k < dim; k++) {
189  if ((deltaR(HLTMu[k], mu) < DR) &&
190  (fabs(HLTMu[k].pt() - / HLTMu[k].pt() < DPtRel)) {
191  nPass++;
192  }
193  }
194  return (nPass > 0);
195 }
double pt() const final
transverse momentum
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
double deltaR(double eta1, double eta2, double phi1, double phi2)
double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::muIso ( const reco::Muon mu)

Definition at line 135 of file

References reco::MuonIsolation::emEt, reco::MuonIsolation::hadEt, isCombinedIso_, reco::Muon::isolationR03(), isRelativeIso_, reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), and reco::MuonIsolation::sumPt.

Referenced by analyze().

135  {
136  double isovar = mu.isolationR03().sumPt;
137  if (isCombinedIso_) {
138  isovar += mu.isolationR03().emEt;
139  isovar += mu.isolationR03().hadEt;
140  }
141  if (isRelativeIso_) isovar /=;
142  return isovar;
143 }
float hadEt
hcal sum-Et
Definition: MuonIsolation.h:9
float sumPt
sum-pt of tracks
Definition: MuonIsolation.h:7
double pt() const final
transverse momentum
float emEt
ecal sum-Et
Definition: MuonIsolation.h:8
const MuonIsolation & isolationR03() const
Definition: Muon.h:162
double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::tkIso ( const reco::Track tk,
edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection tracks,
edm::Handle< CaloTowerCollection calotower 

Definition at line 145 of file

References edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), deltaR(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL_cfi::dR, PVValHelper::dz, HTMLExport::elem(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), reco::TrackBase::eta(), mps_fire::i, isCombinedIso_, isRelativeIso_, reco::Track::outerEta(), reco::Track::outerPhi(), reco::TrackBase::phi(), reco::TrackBase::pt(), ptThreshold_, mathSSE::sqrt(), reco::TrackBase::vx(), reco::TrackBase::vy(), and reco::TrackBase::vz().

Referenced by analyze().

147  {
148  double ptSum = 0;
149  for (size_t i = 0; i < tracks->size(); ++i) {
150  const reco::Track& elem = tracks->at(i);
151  double elemPt =;
152  // same parameter used for muIsolation: dR [0.01, IsoCut03_], |dZ|<0.2,
153  // |d_r(xy)|<0.1
154  double elemVx = elem.vx();
155  double elemVy = elem.vy();
156  double elemD0 = sqrt(elemVx * elemVx + elemVy * elemVy);
157  if (elemD0 > 0.2) continue;
158  double dz = fabs(elem.vz() - tk.vz());
159  if (dz > 0.1) continue;
160  // evaluate only for tracks with pt>ptTreshold
161  if (elemPt < ptThreshold_) continue;
162  double dR = deltaR(elem.eta(), elem.phi(), tk.eta(), tk.phi());
163  // isolation in a cone with dR=0.3, and vetoing the track itself
164  if ((dR < 0.01) || (dR > 0.3)) continue;
165  ptSum += elemPt;
166  }
167  if (isCombinedIso_) {
168  // loop on clusters....
169  for (CaloTowerCollection::const_iterator it = calotower->begin();
170  it != calotower->end(); ++it) {
171  double dR = deltaR(it->eta(), it->phi(), tk.outerEta(), tk.outerPhi());
172  // veto value is 0.1 for towers....
173  if ((dR < 0.1) || (dR > 0.3)) continue;
174  ptSum += it->emEnergy();
175  ptSum += it->hadEnergy();
176  }
177  }
178  if (isRelativeIso_) ptSum /=;
179  return ptSum;
180 }
std::vector< CaloTower >::const_iterator const_iterator
double phi() const
azimuthal angle of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:645
double eta() const
pseudorapidity of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:651
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
double pt() const
track transverse momentum
Definition: TrackBase.h:621
def elem(elemtype, innerHTML='', html_class='', kwargs)
const_iterator end() const
double deltaR(double eta1, double eta2, double phi1, double phi2)
double vz() const
z coordinate of the reference point on track
Definition: TrackBase.h:669
double outerEta() const
pseudorapidity of the momentum vector at the outermost hit position
Definition: Track.h:169
double vy() const
y coordinate of the reference point on track
Definition: TrackBase.h:663
double outerPhi() const
azimuthal angle of the momentum vector at the outermost hit position
Definition: Track.h:164
const_iterator begin() const
double vx() const
x coordinate of the reference point on track
Definition: TrackBase.h:657

Member Data Documentation

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::acopCut_

Definition at line 82 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::BeamSpot> EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::beamSpotToken_

Definition at line 58 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::EDGetTokenT<CaloTowerCollection> EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::caloTowerToken_

Definition at line 61 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::deltaRTrk_

Definition at line 75 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::deltaRVetoTrk_

Definition at line 77 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::dxyCut_

Definition at line 83 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::etaMuCut_

Definition at line 69 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::highMass1HLT_

Definition at line 91 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::highMass2HLT_

Definition at line 86 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::highMassGlbSta_

Definition at line 101 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::highMassGlbTrk_

Definition at line 106 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::highMassIsBothGlbTrkThanW_

Definition at line 113 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::highMassNotIso_

Definition at line 96 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

HLTConfigProvider EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::hltConfigProvider_

Definition at line 137 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and dqmBeginRun().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isCombinedIso_

Definition at line 72 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by muIso(), and tkIso().

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isoCut03_

Definition at line 73 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isRelativeIso_

Definition at line 71 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by muIso(), and tkIso().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isValidHltConfig_

Definition at line 136 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun(), and EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isW_

Definition at line 134 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isZGlbSta_

Definition at line 132 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isZGlbTrk_

Definition at line 133 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isZGolden1HLT_

Definition at line 129 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isZGolden2HLT_

Definition at line 130 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::isZGoldenNoIso_

Definition at line 131 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::mass1HLT_

Definition at line 90 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::mass2HLT_

Definition at line 85 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::massGlbSta_

Definition at line 100 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::massGlbTrk_

Definition at line 105 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::massIsBothGlbTrkThanW_

Definition at line 112 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::massNotIso_

Definition at line 95 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::maxDeltaR_

Definition at line 79 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::maxDPtRel_

Definition at line 78 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

bool EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::metIncludesMuons_

Definition at line 63 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::MET> > EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::metToken_

Definition at line 62 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::mtMax_

Definition at line 81 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::mtMin_

Definition at line 80 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::View<reco::Muon> > EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::muonToken_

Definition at line 59 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::n1hlt

Definition at line 121 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmBeginRun(), and endRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::n2hlt

Definition at line 122 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmBeginRun(), and endRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nall

Definition at line 115 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmBeginRun(), and endRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nEvWithHighPtMu

Definition at line 116 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and dqmBeginRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nGlbSta

Definition at line 124 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmBeginRun(), and endRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nGlbTrk

Definition at line 125 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and dqmBeginRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nhlt

Definition at line 120 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmBeginRun(), and endRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nInKinRange

Definition at line 117 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::niso

Definition at line 119 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and dqmBeginRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nNotIso

Definition at line 123 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmBeginRun(), and endRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nsel

Definition at line 118 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmBeginRun(), and endRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nTMass

Definition at line 126 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), dqmBeginRun(), and endRun().

unsigned int EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::nW

Definition at line 127 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and dqmBeginRun().

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::ptMuCut_

Definition at line 68 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

double EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::ptThreshold_

Definition at line 76 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by tkIso().

MonitorElement* EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::TMass_

Definition at line 110 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::TrackCollection> EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::trackToken_

Definition at line 60 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::EDGetTokenT<trigger::TriggerEvent> EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::trigEvToken_

Definition at line 57 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().

edm::InputTag EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::trigTag_

Definition at line 55 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by dqmBeginRun().

edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::TriggerResults> EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::trigToken_

Definition at line 56 of file EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM.h.

Referenced by analyze().