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1 /*
2  * See header file for a description of this class.
3  *
4  * \author S. Bolognesi - INFN Torino
5  */
18 #include "TH1I.h"
19 #include "TFile.h"
20 #include "TKey.h"
22 using namespace std;
23 using namespace edm;
24 // using namespace cond;
26 // Constructor
28  // Get the debug parameter for verbose output
29  debug = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug");
30  if(debug)
31  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationRMS]Constructor called!" << endl;
33  // Get the label to retrieve digis from the event
34  digiLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("digiLabel");
36  // The root file which contain the histos per layer
37  string rootFileName = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootFileName","DTT0PerLayer.root");
38  theFile = new TFile(rootFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
40  theCalibWheel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("calibWheel", "All"); //FIXME amke a vector of integer instead of a string
41  if(theCalibWheel != "All") {
42  stringstream linestr;
43  int selWheel;
44  linestr << theCalibWheel;
45  linestr >> selWheel;
46  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationRMSPerLayer] chosen wheel " << selWheel << endl;
47  }
49  // Sector/s to calibrate
50  theCalibSector = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("calibSector", "All"); //FIXME amke a vector of integer instead of a string
51  if(theCalibSector != "All") {
52  stringstream linestr;
53  int selSector;
54  linestr << theCalibSector;
55  linestr >> selSector;
56  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationRMSPerLayer] chosen sector " << selSector << endl;
57  }
59  vector<string> defaultCell;
60  defaultCell.push_back("None");
61  cellsWithHistos = pset.getUntrackedParameter<vector<string> >("cellsWithHisto", defaultCell);
62  for(vector<string>::const_iterator cell = cellsWithHistos.begin(); cell != cellsWithHistos.end(); ++cell){
63  if((*cell) != "None"){
64  stringstream linestr;
65  int wheel,sector,station,sl,layer,wire;
66  linestr << (*cell);
67  linestr >> wheel >> sector >> station >> sl >> layer >> wire;
68  wireIdWithHistos.push_back(DTWireId(wheel,station,sector,sl,layer,wire));
69  }
70  }
72  hT0SectorHisto=nullptr;
74  nevents=0;
75  eventsForLayerT0 = pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("eventsForLayerT0");
76  eventsForWireT0 = pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("eventsForWireT0");
77  rejectDigiFromPeak = pset.getParameter<unsigned int>("rejectDigiFromPeak");
78  tpPeakWidth = pset.getParameter<double>("tpPeakWidth");
79  //useReferenceWireInLayer_ = true;
80  correctByChamberMean_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("correctByChamberMean");
81 }
83 // Destructor
85  if(debug)
86  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationRMS]Destructor called!" << endl;
88  theFile->Close();
89 }
92 void DTT0CalibrationRMS::analyze(const edm::Event & event, const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup) {
93  if(debug || % 500==0)
94  cout << "--- [DTT0CalibrationRMS] Analysing Event: #Run: " <<
95  << " #Event: " << << endl;
96  nevents++;
98  // Get the digis from the event
100  event.getByLabel(digiLabel, digis);
102  // Get the DT Geometry
103  eventSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeom);
105  // Iterate through all digi collections ordered by LayerId
107  for (dtLayerIt = digis->begin();
108  dtLayerIt != digis->end();
109  ++dtLayerIt){
110  // Get the iterators over the digis associated with this LayerId
111  const DTDigiCollection::Range& digiRange = (*dtLayerIt).second;
113  // Get the layerId
114  const DTLayerId layerId = (*dtLayerIt).first; //FIXME: check to be in the right sector
116  if((theCalibWheel != "All") && (layerId.superlayerId().chamberId().wheel() != selWheel))
117  continue;
118  if((theCalibSector != "All") && (layerId.superlayerId().chamberId().sector() != selSector))
119  continue;
121  //if(debug) {
122  // cout << "Layer " << layerId<<" with "<<distance(digiRange.first, digiRange.second)<<" digi"<<endl;
123  //}
125  // Loop over all digis in the given layer
126  for (DTDigiCollection::const_iterator digi = digiRange.first;
127  digi != digiRange.second;
128  ++digi) {
129  double t0 = (*digi).countsTDC();
131  //Use first bunch of events to fill t0 per layer
132  if(nevents < eventsForLayerT0){
133  //Get the per-layer histo from the map
134  TH1I *hT0LayerHisto = theHistoLayerMap[layerId];
135  //If it doesn't exist, book it
136  if(hT0LayerHisto == nullptr){
137  theFile->cd();
138  hT0LayerHisto = new TH1I(getHistoName(layerId).c_str(),
139  "T0 from pulses by layer (TDC counts, 1 TDC count = 0.781 ns)",
140  200, t0-100, t0+100);
141  if(debug)
142  cout << " New T0 per Layer Histo: " << hT0LayerHisto->GetName() << endl;
143  theHistoLayerMap[layerId] = hT0LayerHisto;
144  }
146  //Fill the histos
147  theFile->cd();
148  if(hT0LayerHisto != nullptr) {
149  // if(debug)
150  // cout<<"Filling histo "<<hT0LayerHisto->GetName()<<" with digi "<<t0<<" TDC counts"<<endl;
151  hT0LayerHisto->Fill(t0);
152  }
153  }
155  //Use all the remaining events to compute t0 per wire
156  if(nevents>eventsForLayerT0){
157  // Get the wireId
158  const DTWireId wireId(layerId, (*digi).wire());
159  if(debug) {
160  cout << " Wire: " << wireId << endl
161  << " time (TDC counts): " << (*digi).countsTDC()<< endl;
162  }
164  //Fill the histos per wire for the chosen cells
165  vector<DTWireId>::iterator it_wire = find(wireIdWithHistos.begin(),wireIdWithHistos.end(),wireId);
166  if(it_wire != wireIdWithHistos.end()){
167  if(theHistoWireMap.find(wireId) == theHistoWireMap.end()){
168  theHistoWireMap[wireId] = new TH1I(getHistoName(wireId).c_str(),"T0 from pulses by wire (TDC counts, 1 TDC count = 0.781 ns)",7000,0,7000);
169  if(debug) cout << " New T0 per wire Histo: " << (theHistoWireMap[wireId])->GetName() << endl;
170  }
171  if(theHistoWireMap_ref.find(wireId) == theHistoWireMap_ref.end()){
172  theHistoWireMap_ref[wireId] = new TH1I((getHistoName(wireId) + "_ref").c_str(),"T0 from pulses by wire (TDC counts, 1 TDC count = 0.781 ns)",7000,0,7000);
173  if(debug) cout << " New T0 per wire Histo: " << (theHistoWireMap_ref[wireId])->GetName() << endl;
174  }
176  TH1I* hT0WireHisto = theHistoWireMap[wireId];
177  //Fill the histos
178  theFile->cd();
179  if(hT0WireHisto) hT0WireHisto->Fill(t0);
180  }
182  //Check the tzero has reasonable value
183  if(abs(hT0SectorHisto->GetBinCenter(hT0SectorHisto->GetMaximumBin()) - t0) > rejectDigiFromPeak){
184  if(debug)
185  cout<<"digi skipped because t0 per sector "<<hT0SectorHisto->GetBinCenter(hT0SectorHisto->GetMaximumBin())<<endl;
186  continue;
187  }
189  //Use second bunch of events to compute a t0 reference per wire
190  if(nevents< (eventsForLayerT0 + eventsForWireT0)){
191  //Fill reference wire histos
192  if(it_wire != wireIdWithHistos.end()){
193  TH1I* hT0WireHisto_ref = theHistoWireMap_ref[wireId];
194  theFile->cd();
195  if(hT0WireHisto_ref) hT0WireHisto_ref->Fill(t0);
196  }
197  if(!nDigiPerWire_ref[wireId]){
198  mK_ref[wireId] = 0;
199  }
200  nDigiPerWire_ref[wireId] = nDigiPerWire_ref[wireId] + 1;
201  mK_ref[wireId] = mK_ref[wireId] + (t0-mK_ref[wireId])/nDigiPerWire_ref[wireId];
202  }
203  //Use last all the remaining events to compute the mean and sigma t0 per wire
204  else if(nevents>(eventsForLayerT0 + eventsForWireT0)){
205  if(abs(t0-mK_ref[wireId]) > tpPeakWidth)
206  continue;
207  if(!nDigiPerWire[wireId]){
208  theAbsoluteT0PerWire[wireId] = 0;
209  qK[wireId] = 0;
210  mK[wireId] = 0;
211  }
212  nDigiPerWire[wireId] = nDigiPerWire[wireId] + 1;
213  theAbsoluteT0PerWire[wireId] = theAbsoluteT0PerWire[wireId] + t0;
214  //theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId] = theSigmaT0PerWire[wireId] + (t0*t0);
215  qK[wireId] = qK[wireId] + ((nDigiPerWire[wireId]-1)*(t0-mK[wireId])*(t0-mK[wireId])/nDigiPerWire[wireId]);
216  mK[wireId] = mK[wireId] + (t0-mK[wireId])/nDigiPerWire[wireId];
217  }
218  }//end if(nevents>1000)
219  }//end loop on digi
220  }//end loop on layer
222  //Use the t0 per layer histos to have an indication about the t0 position
223  if(nevents == eventsForLayerT0){
224  for(map<DTLayerId, TH1I*>::const_iterator lHisto = theHistoLayerMap.begin();
225  lHisto != theHistoLayerMap.end();
226  ++lHisto){
227  if(debug)
228  cout<<"Reading histogram "<<(*lHisto).second->GetName()<<" with mean "<<(*lHisto).second->GetMean()<<" and RMS "<<(*lHisto).second->GetRMS();
230  //Take the mean as a first t0 estimation
231  if((*lHisto).second->GetRMS()<5.0){
232  if(hT0SectorHisto == nullptr){
233  hT0SectorHisto = new TH1D("hT0AllLayerOfSector","T0 from pulses per layer in sector",
234  //20, (*lHisto).second->GetMean()-100, (*lHisto).second->GetMean()+100);
235  700, 0, 7000);
236  }
237  if(debug)
238  cout<<" accepted"<<endl;
239  hT0SectorHisto->Fill((*lHisto).second->GetMean());
240  }
241  //Take the mean of noise + 400ns as a first t0 estimation
242  // if((*lHisto).second->GetRMS()>10.0 && ((*lHisto).second->GetRMS()<15.0)){
243 // double t0_estim = (*lHisto).second->GetMean() + 400;
244 // if(hT0SectorHisto == 0){
245 // hT0SectorHisto = new TH1D("hT0AllLayerOfSector","T0 from pulses per layer in sector",
246 // //20, t0_estim-100, t0_estim+100);
247 // 700, 0, 7000);
248 // }
249 // if(debug)
250 // cout<<" accepted + 400ns"<<endl;
251 // hT0SectorHisto->Fill((*lHisto).second->GetMean() + 400);
252 // }
253  if(debug)
254  cout<<endl;
256  theT0LayerMap[(*lHisto).second->GetName()] = (*lHisto).second->GetMean();
257  theSigmaT0LayerMap[(*lHisto).second->GetName()] = (*lHisto).second->GetRMS();
258  }
259  if(!hT0SectorHisto){
260  cout<<"[DTT0CalibrationRMS]: All the t0 per layer are still uncorrect: trying with greater number of events"<<endl;
261  eventsForLayerT0 = eventsForLayerT0*2;
262  return;
263  }
264  if(debug)
265  cout<<"[DTT0CalibrationRMS] t0 reference for this sector "<<
266  hT0SectorHisto->GetBinCenter(hT0SectorHisto->GetMaximumBin())<<endl;
267  }
268 }
273  DTT0* t0sAbsolute = new DTT0();
274  DTT0* t0sRelative = new DTT0();
275  DTT0* t0sWRTChamber = new DTT0();
277  //if(debug)
278  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationRMSPerLayer]Writing histos to file!" << endl;
280  theFile->cd();
281  theFile->WriteTObject(hT0SectorHisto);
282  //hT0SectorHisto->Write();
283  for(map<DTWireId, TH1I*>::const_iterator wHisto = theHistoWireMap.begin();
284  wHisto != theHistoWireMap.end();
285  ++wHisto) {
286  (*wHisto).second->Write();
287  }
288  for(map<DTWireId, TH1I*>::const_iterator wHisto = theHistoWireMap_ref.begin();
289  wHisto != theHistoWireMap_ref.end();
290  ++wHisto) {
291  (*wHisto).second->Write();
292  }
293  for(map<DTLayerId, TH1I*>::const_iterator lHisto = theHistoLayerMap.begin();
294  lHisto != theHistoLayerMap.end();
295  ++lHisto) {
296  (*lHisto).second->Write();
297  }
299  //if(debug)
300  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationRMS] Compute and store t0 and sigma per wire" << endl;
302  for(map<DTWireId, double>::const_iterator wiret0 = theAbsoluteT0PerWire.begin();
303  wiret0 != theAbsoluteT0PerWire.end();
304  ++wiret0){
305  if(nDigiPerWire[(*wiret0).first]){
306  double t0 = (*wiret0).second/nDigiPerWire[(*wiret0).first];
308  theRelativeT0PerWire[(*wiret0).first] = t0 - hT0SectorHisto->GetBinCenter(hT0SectorHisto->GetMaximumBin());
310  //theSigmaT0PerWire[(*wiret0).first] = sqrt((theSigmaT0PerWire[(*wiret0).first] / nDigiPerWire[(*wiret0).first]) - t0*t0);
311  theSigmaT0PerWire[(*wiret0).first] = sqrt(qK[(*wiret0).first]/nDigiPerWire[(*wiret0).first]);
313  cout << "Wire " << (*wiret0).first << " has t0 " << t0 << "(absolute) "
314  << theRelativeT0PerWire[(*wiret0).first] << "(relative)"
315  << " sigma " << theSigmaT0PerWire[(*wiret0).first] << endl;
317  t0sAbsolute->set((*wiret0).first, t0, theSigmaT0PerWire[(*wiret0).first],DTTimeUnits::counts);
318  }
319  else{
320  cout<<"[DTT0CalibrationRMS] ERROR: no digis in wire "<<(*wiret0).first<<endl;
321  abort();
322  }
323  }
325  if(correctByChamberMean_){
327  // Get all the sls from the setup
328  const vector<const DTSuperLayer*> superLayers = dtGeom->superLayers();
329  // Loop over all SLs
330  for(vector<const DTSuperLayer*>::const_iterator sl = superLayers.begin();
331  sl != superLayers.end(); sl++) {
334  //Compute mean for odd and even superlayers
335  double oddLayersMean=0;
336  double evenLayersMean=0;
337  double oddLayersDen=0;
338  double evenLayersDen=0;
339  for(map<DTWireId, double>::const_iterator wiret0 = theRelativeT0PerWire.begin();
340  wiret0 != theRelativeT0PerWire.end();
341  ++wiret0){
342  if((*wiret0).first.layerId().superlayerId() == (*sl)->id()){
343  if(debug)
344  cout<<"[DTT0CalibrationRMS] Superlayer "<<(*sl)->id()
345  <<"layer " <<(*wiret0).first.layerId().layer()<<" with "<<(*wiret0).second<<endl;
346  if(((*wiret0).first.layerId().layer()) % 2){
347  oddLayersMean = oddLayersMean + (*wiret0).second;
348  oddLayersDen++;
349  }
350  else{
351  evenLayersMean = evenLayersMean + (*wiret0).second;
352  evenLayersDen++;
353  }
354  }
355  }
356  oddLayersMean = oddLayersMean/oddLayersDen;
357  evenLayersMean = evenLayersMean/evenLayersDen;
358  //if(debug && oddLayersMean)
359  cout<<"[DTT0CalibrationRMS] Relative T0 mean for odd layers "<<oddLayersMean<<" even layers"<<evenLayersMean<<endl;
361  //Compute sigma for odd and even superlayers
362  double oddLayersSigma=0;
363  double evenLayersSigma=0;
364  for(map<DTWireId, double>::const_iterator wiret0 = theRelativeT0PerWire.begin();
365  wiret0 != theRelativeT0PerWire.end();
366  ++wiret0){
367  if((*wiret0).first.layerId().superlayerId() == (*sl)->id()){
368  if(((*wiret0).first.layerId().layer()) % 2){
369  oddLayersSigma = oddLayersSigma + ((*wiret0).second - oddLayersMean) * ((*wiret0).second - oddLayersMean);
370  }
371  else{
372  evenLayersSigma = evenLayersSigma + ((*wiret0).second - evenLayersMean) * ((*wiret0).second - evenLayersMean);
373  }
374  }
375  }
376  oddLayersSigma = oddLayersSigma/oddLayersDen;
377  evenLayersSigma = evenLayersSigma/evenLayersDen;
378  oddLayersSigma = sqrt(oddLayersSigma);
379  evenLayersSigma = sqrt(evenLayersSigma);
381  //if(debug && oddLayersMean)
382  cout<<"[DTT0CalibrationRMS] Relative T0 sigma for odd layers "<<oddLayersSigma<<" even layers"<<evenLayersSigma<<endl;
384  //Recompute the mean for odd and even superlayers discarding fluctations
385  double oddLayersFinalMean=0;
386  double evenLayersFinalMean=0;
387  for(map<DTWireId, double>::const_iterator wiret0 = theRelativeT0PerWire.begin();
388  wiret0 != theRelativeT0PerWire.end();
389  ++wiret0){
390  if((*wiret0).first.layerId().superlayerId() == (*sl)->id()){
391  if(((*wiret0).first.layerId().layer()) % 2){
392  if(abs((*wiret0).second - oddLayersMean) < (2*oddLayersSigma))
393  oddLayersFinalMean = oddLayersFinalMean + (*wiret0).second;
394  }
395  else{
396  if(abs((*wiret0).second - evenLayersMean) < (2*evenLayersSigma))
397  evenLayersFinalMean = evenLayersFinalMean + (*wiret0).second;
398  }
399  }
400  }
401  oddLayersFinalMean = oddLayersFinalMean/oddLayersDen;
402  evenLayersFinalMean = evenLayersFinalMean/evenLayersDen;
403  //if(debug && oddLayersMean)
404  cout<<"[DTT0CalibrationRMS] Final relative T0 mean for odd layers "<<oddLayersFinalMean<<" even layers"<<evenLayersFinalMean<<endl;
406  for(map<DTWireId, double>::const_iterator wiret0 = theRelativeT0PerWire.begin();
407  wiret0 != theRelativeT0PerWire.end();
408  ++wiret0){
409  if((*wiret0).first.layerId().superlayerId() == (*sl)->id()){
410  double t0=-999;
411  if(((*wiret0).first.layerId().layer()) % 2)
412  t0 = (*wiret0).second + (evenLayersFinalMean - oddLayersFinalMean);
413  else
414  t0 = (*wiret0).second;
416  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationRMS] Wire " << (*wiret0).first << " has t0 " << (*wiret0).second
417  << " (relative, after even-odd layer corrections) "
418  << " sigma " << theSigmaT0PerWire[(*wiret0).first] << endl;
420  //Store the results into DB
421  t0sRelative->set((*wiret0).first, t0, theSigmaT0PerWire[(*wiret0).first],DTTimeUnits::counts);
422  }
423  }
424  }
427  //if(debug)
428  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationRMS]Computing relative t0 wrt to chamber average" << endl;
429  //Compute the reference for each chamber
430  map<DTChamberId,double> sumT0ByChamber;
431  map<DTChamberId,int> countT0ByChamber;
432  for(DTT0::const_iterator tzero = t0sRelative->begin();
433  tzero != t0sRelative->end(); ++tzero) {
434  int channelId = tzero->channelId;
435  if ( channelId == 0 ) continue;
436  DTWireId wireId(channelId);
437  DTChamberId chamberId(wireId.chamberId());
438  //sumT0ByChamber[chamberId] = sumT0ByChamber[chamberId] + tzero->t0mean;
439  // @@@ better DTT0 usage
440  float t0mean_f;
441  float t0rms_f;
442  t0sRelative->get(wireId,t0mean_f,t0rms_f,DTTimeUnits::counts);
443  sumT0ByChamber[chamberId] = sumT0ByChamber[chamberId] + t0mean_f;
444  // @@@ NEW DTT0 END
445  countT0ByChamber[chamberId]++;
446  }
448  //Change reference for each wire and store the new t0s in the new map
449  for(DTT0::const_iterator tzero = t0sRelative->begin();
450  tzero != t0sRelative->end(); ++tzero) {
451  int channelId = tzero->channelId;
452  if ( channelId == 0 ) continue;
453  DTWireId wireId(channelId);
454  DTChamberId chamberId(wireId.chamberId());
455  //double t0mean = (tzero->t0mean) - (sumT0ByChamber[chamberId]/countT0ByChamber[chamberId]);
456  //double t0rms = tzero->t0rms;
457  // @@@ better DTT0 usage
458  float t0mean_f;
459  float t0rms_f;
460  t0sRelative->get(wireId,t0mean_f,t0rms_f,DTTimeUnits::counts);
461  double t0mean = t0mean_f - (sumT0ByChamber[chamberId]/countT0ByChamber[chamberId]);
462  double t0rms = t0rms_f;
463  // @@@ NEW DTT0 END
464  t0sWRTChamber->set(wireId,
465  t0mean,
466  t0rms,
468  //if(debug)
469  //cout<<"Chamber "<<chamberId<<" has reference "<<(sumT0ByChamber[chamberId]/countT0ByChamber[chamberId]);
470  cout << "Changing t0 of wire " << wireId << " from " << t0mean_f
471  << " to " << t0mean << endl;
472  }
473  }
476  if(debug)
477  cout << "[DTT0CalibrationRMS]Writing values in DB!" << endl;
478  // FIXME: to be read from cfg?
479  string t0Record = "DTT0Rcd";
480  // Write the t0 map to DB
481  if( correctByChamberMean_ ) DTCalibDBUtils::writeToDB(t0Record, t0sWRTChamber);
482  else DTCalibDBUtils::writeToDB(t0Record, t0sAbsolute);
483 }
485 string DTT0CalibrationRMS::getHistoName(const DTWireId& wId) const {
486  string histoName = "Ch_" + std::to_string(wId.wheel()) + "_" + std::to_string(wId.station())
487  + "_" + std::to_string(wId.sector()) + "_SL" + std::to_string(wId.superlayer())
488  + "_L" + std::to_string(wId.layer()) + "_W" + std::to_string(wId.wire()) + "_hT0Histo";
489  return histoName;
490 }
492 string DTT0CalibrationRMS::getHistoName(const DTLayerId& lId) const {
493  string histoName = "Ch_" + std::to_string(lId.wheel()) + "_" + std::to_string(lId.station())
494  + "_" + std::to_string(lId.sector()) + "_SL" + std::to_string(lId.superlayer())
495  + "_L" + std::to_string(lId.layer()) + "_hT0Histo";
496  return histoName;
497 }
const_iterator begin() const
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:39
int set(int wheelId, int stationId, int sectorId, int slId, int layerId, int cellId, float t0mean, float t0rms, DTTimeUnits::type unit)
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
EventNumber_t event() const
Definition: EventID.h:41
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
void endJob() override
Compute the mean and the RMS of the t0 from the maps and write them to the DB with channel granularit...
DTChamberId chamberId() const
Return the corresponding ChamberId.
int layer() const
Return the layer number.
Definition: DTLayerId.h:53
DTSuperLayerId superlayerId() const
Return the corresponding SuperLayerId.
Definition: DTLayerId.h:59
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
int get(int wheelId, int stationId, int sectorId, int slId, int layerId, int cellId, float &t0mean, float &t0rms, DTTimeUnits::type unit) const
std::vector< DTT0Data >::const_iterator const_iterator
Access methods to data.
Definition: DTT0.h:140
std::string getHistoName(const DTWireId &wId) const
Definition: DTT0.h:53
~DTT0CalibrationRMS() override
def getHistoName(wheel, station, sector)
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
int wire() const
Return the wire number.
Definition: DTWireId.h:56
const_iterator end() const
int superlayer() const
Return the superlayer number (deprecated method name)
#define debug
std::vector< DTDigi >::const_iterator const_iterator
DTT0CalibrationRMS(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
edm::EventID id() const
Definition: EventBase.h:60
HLT enums.
int sector() const
Definition: DTChamberId.h:61
T get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:63
static const double tzero[3]
void analyze(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup) override
Fill the maps with t0 (by channel)
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > Range
int station() const
Return the station number.
Definition: DTChamberId.h:51
int wheel() const
Return the wheel number.
Definition: DTChamberId.h:45
static void writeToDB(std::string record, T *payload)