def | __init__ (self, name, js, items, theDir, helperDir, pN, pFN) |
def | _css (self, css, cssLocal) |
def | _items (self, items) |
def | _jqueryFile (self, name, pN, pFN) |
def | _printHtml (self, name, scrip, css, items, search) |
def | _scripts (self, js) |
def | _searchitems (self, items) |
Definition at line 633 of file cfg-viewer.py.
def cfg-viewer.html.__init__ |
( |
self, |
name, |
js, |
items, |
theDir, |
helperDir, |
pN, |
pFN |
) |
| |
Definition at line 634 of file cfg-viewer.py.
References cfg-viewer.html._css(), SequenceTypes._BooleanLogicExpression._items, cfg-viewer.html._items(), cfg-viewer.html._jqueryFile(), cfg-viewer.html._printHtml(), Vispa.Gui.FindDialog.FindDialog._scripts, cfg-viewer.html._scripts(), and cfg-viewer.html._searchitems().
634 def __init__(self,name,js,items,theDir, helperDir, pN,pFN):
635 jqName =
636 jqLocal =
637 css =
638 cssL =
def _css(self, css, cssLocal)
def _searchitems(self, items)
def _jqueryFile(self, name, pN, pFN)
def __init__(self, name, js, items, theDir, helperDir, pN, pFN)
def _printHtml(self, name, scrip, css, items, search)
def cfg-viewer.html._css |
( |
self, |
css, |
cssLocal |
) |
| |
private |
Definition at line 703 of file cfg-viewer.py.
Referenced by cfg-viewer.html.__init__().
704 with open(css,
as cssfile:
706 *{\n font-family:"Lucida Grande", Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;\n} 707 .topBox{\n opacity:0.9;\n background-color:#dfdfdf;\n}\n.topSpec{ 708 position:fixed;\n top:0;\n left:0;\n width:100%;\n height:2.5em; 709 border-radius:.9em;\n}\n.hideTopBox, .showTopBox{\n position:absolute; 710 top:2.5em;\n right:2%;\n width:auto;\n height:auto;\n padding: 0.2em; 711 font-weight:bold;\n cursor:pointer;\n border-radius:.3em;\n}\n.negative{ 712 position:absolute;\n right:0;\n text-decoration:none; 713 font-weight:bold;\n color:#565656;\n}\n#mode{\n position:absolute; 714 right:50%; \n color:#808080;\n font-size:12pt;\n}\n#editMode,#normalMode{ 715 position:absolute;\n left:.3em;\n top:.5em;\n}\n#save{ 716 position:absolute;\n top:.5em;\n}\n.helpLinks{\n position:absolute; 717 right:1.3em;\n width:6.2em;\n text-align:right;\n} 718 /* divs for the Pick and Search boxes.*/\n.outerBox{\n width:100%; 719 overflow:hidden;\n}\n.boxTitle{\n float:left;\n margin-left:.6em; 720 color:#A9A9A9;\n}\n.dottedBorder{\n width:25em;\n height:4em; 721 border:.1em dashed #A9A9A9;\n padding:.6em;\n}\n/* -- */ 722 /* Right scroll box. */\n.rightScroll{\n position:fixed;\n bottom:50%; 723 right:0; \n width:6.2em;\n text-align:right;\n border:.1em solid #A9A9A9; 724 opacity:0.4;\n background-color:#F0FFF0;\n}\n#hide{\n cursor:default; 725 opacity:0.2;\n}\nli{\n padding-left:.8em;\n}\nul{\n list-style-type:none; 726 padding-left:.1em;\n}\n/* Icons before list items. */\n.expand:before{ 727 content:'›';\n}\n.expanded:before{\n content:'ˇ';\n} 728 .expand:before,.expanded:before{\n float:left;\n margin-right:.6em;\n} 729 .expand,.expanded{\n cursor:pointer;\n}\n/* colours of each. */ 730 .Path,.EndPath{\n color:#192B33;\n}\n.Modules{ \n color:#800080;\n} 731 .SequenceTypes{\n color:#0191C8\n}\n.paramInner,.Types{\n color:#4B4B81;\n} 732 .param{\n color:#9999CC;\n margin-left:.8em;\n cursor:default; \n}\n.value{ 733 color:#0000FF;\n}\n.type{\n color:#00CCFF;\n} 734 /* Header for what's showing */\n#current{\n color:#808080;\n font-size:12pt; 735 text-decoration:underline; \n}\n/* help settings */\n#help{ 736 position:absolute;\n display:none;\n background:#ccc;\n border:.1em solid; 737 width:19em;\n right:15em;\n top:1.2em;\n}\nh5{\n font-style:normal; 738 text-decoration:underline; \n margin:0;\n font-size:9pt;\n}\nh6{ 739 margin:0;\n color:#666666;\n}\n#attachParams{\n color:#192B33;\n}\nem{ 740 color:#FFA500;\n}\n.cellEdit{\n border:.1em dotted #A9A9A9;\n cursor: text; 742 return """<link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" \ 743 type="text/css"/>"""%(cssLocal)
def _css(self, css, cssLocal)
def cfg-viewer.html._items |
( |
self, |
items |
) |
| |
private |
Definition at line 649 of file cfg-viewer.py.
References join().
Referenced by cfg-viewer.html.__init__().
651 <option value=%(n)s data-base="%(d)s" data-files="%(f)s"> %(n)s</option>""" 652 s= [l%({
653 for x,y
in six.iteritems(items)]
static std::string join(char **cmd)
def cfg-viewer.html._jqueryFile |
( |
self, |
name, |
pN, |
pFN |
) |
| |
private |
Definition at line 745 of file cfg-viewer.py.
Referenced by cfg-viewer.html.__init__().
746 with open(name,
as jq:
748 \n$(document).ready(function(){ \n//Object used to get all details 749 var processName="%s";\nvar processFileName ="%s"; 750 var CURRENT_OBJ;\nvar searchShowing= false;\nvar showParams = false 751 var alreadyShowing = false\nvar topClass = "Top"\nvar searching = false 752 var expandDisable = false;\nvar hideVisible=false //nothing is expanded. 753 // ---\n/*\n Functions used to abstract away name of function calls 754 on the object (CURRENT_OBJ). 755 (i.e. so function names can easily be changed.)\n*/ 756 function baseParams(inputs){\n return CURRENT_OBJ.getParameters(inputs);\n} 757 function baseInnerParams(inputs, index){ 758 return CURRENT_OBJ.getInnerParams(inputs, index);\n} 759 function baseType(inputs){\n return CURRENT_OBJ.getType(inputs);\n} 760 function baseFile(inputs){\n return CURRENT_OBJ.getFile(inputs);\n} 761 function baseTopFile(inputs){\n return CURRENT_OBJ.getTopFile(inputs);\n} 762 // --- Show some inital data operations ---\n/*\n Show something new!\n*/ 763 $(document).on('click', '#docSubmit', function(e){ 764 var $elem = $('#showType :selected') 765 //get the function we want and the lists\n setCURRENT_OBJ($elem)\n 766 addData($elem.attr("value"), CURRENT_OBJ.getKeys());\n searchShowing= false; 767 });\n/*\n Add data to the html.\n*/ 768 function addData(docType, data, dataNames){ 769 $("#editMode").removeAttr("disabled"); \n var dataNames = dataNames || data; 770 if(alreadyShowing){\n //need to click cancel if its active. 771 goNormal($("#normalMode"));\n if(!searching)$("#searchCount").html("") 772 invisibleHide()\n paramOptions(false) 773 $(document.getElementsByTagName('body')).children('ul').remove();\n } 774 $("#current").html(docType)\n var gen = getGenericType(docType) 775 var ty = docType\n if(gen != undefined){\n var gL = gen.toLowerCase() 776 if(gL=="modules"||gL=="types") var ty= gen;\n } 777 var $LI = $(document.createElement('li') 778 ).addClass("expand").addClass(ty).addClass(topClass); 779 docType= docType.toLowerCase()\n var showTypes = false\n showParams = true 780 switch(docType){\n case "producer":\n case "consumer": 781 showParams = false\n paramOptions(true) 782 $LI.addClass("Modules")\n showTypes = true\n break; 783 case "modules":\n $LI.addClass("Modules")\n showTypes = true 784 //showParams = true\n break;\n } 785 var $UL = addTopData(data,$LI,showTypes,dataNames)\n alreadyShowing = true; 786 $UL.appendTo('#attachParams');\n}\n/* 787 Used to add the top level data to html.\n*/ 788 function addTopData(data,$LI,types,dataName){ 789 var dataName = dataName || data; 790 var $UL = $(document.createElement('ul'));\n var doNormalFile = false; 791 var files = document.getElementById("ShowFiles").checked\n if(files){ 792 try{\n baseTopFile(dataName[0])\n }\n catch(e){ 793 doNormalFile = true;\n }\n }\n for(var i=0; i < data.length;i++){ 794 var n = dataName[i]\n var t = data[i]; 795 if(types)t += " ("+baseType(n)+")"\n if(files){ 796 if(doNormalFile)var file = baseFile(n) 797 else var file = baseTopFile(n)\n t += " ("+file+")"} 798 $UL.append($LI.clone().attr("data-name",n).html(t));\n }\n return $UL;\n} 799 // --- end of inital showing data operations ---\n 800 // --- search operations ---\n 801 //$(document).on('click', "[name='searchTerm1']", function(e){ 802 //$(document).on('click', "#searchType option", function(e){ 803 $(document).on('click', '#searchType', function(e){\n $("#addSearch").empty() 804 var tname= $(this).text().toLowerCase();\n var sel= jQuery('<select/>', { 805 id:"searchType2"\n }) 806 var li = (tname =="modules"|| tname == "producer"|| tname == "consumer")? 807 ["Name", "Type", "File"]: ["Name", "File"]\n for(var i in li){ 808 var x = li[i]\n jQuery('<option/>',{\n value:x,\n text:x 809 }).appendTo(sel)\n }\n sel.appendTo("#addSearch");\n});\n/* 810 Current search only searches for top level things.\n*/ 811 $(document).on('click','#search', function(e){\n searching = true 812 var first = $('#searchType :selected')\n if(first.length ==0){ 813 window.alert("Please chose a search type."); \n return;\n } 814 var doc = first.text()\n var searchTerm = $('#searchWord').val() 815 var $elem = $('option[value="'+doc+'"]')\n setCURRENT_OBJ($elem) 816 var reg = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'g') 817 if($('#rmHilight').prop('checked'))\n var fin = searchTerm\n else 818 var fin = "<em>"+searchTerm+"</em>" 819 switch($('#searchType2 :selected').text()){\n case "File": 820 $("#ShowFiles").prop('checked', true); 821 var items = CURRENT_OBJ.searchFile(reg,searchTerm,fin) 822 var matchCount = fileTypeSearch(doc,items,true)\n break; 823 case "Type":\n var items = CURRENT_OBJ.searchType(reg,searchTerm,fin) 824 var matchCount = fileTypeSearch(doc,items,false)\n break 825 case "Name":\n var matchCount = easySearch(searchTerm,reg, doc, fin) 826 }\n $("#searchCount").html(matchCount+ " found.")\n searching = false; 827 searchShowing= true;\n});\n/*\n Used when searching top level elements. 828 i.e. Module names, path names etc. 829 We dont need to delve into any dictionaries, we just use the keys.\n*/ 830 function easySearch(term,reg, doc, fin){\n var keys = CURRENT_OBJ.getKeys() 831 var matches = keys.filter(function(e, i, a){return (e.indexOf(term)>-1)}) 832 var highlights = matches.map(function(e,i,a){ 833 return e.replace(reg, fin)}) 834 addData(doc, highlights,matches)\n return matches.length\n}\n/* 835 When searching type or file names of top level elements.\n*/ 836 function fileTypeSearch(doc,items,file){ 837 var newFunct = function(name){return items[name]}\n if(file){ 838 var backup = baseFile\n var backup2 = baseTopFile 839 baseFile = newFunct \n baseTopFile = newFunct\n }\n else { 840 var backup = baseType\n baseType = newFunct\n } 841 var matches = Object.keys(items)\n addData(doc, matches)\n if(file){ 842 baseFile = backup\n baseTopFile = backup2\n }\n else baseType = backup 843 return matches.length\n}\n// --- end of search operations ---\n 844 // --- edit operations ---\n// variables needed: 845 // will contain the highest parents, where something *might* 846 // be changed in its children.\nvar $potential=[] 847 // dict, keys are parentNames and values are lists of children changed 848 // under that parent\nvar parChildNames={}\n 849 $(document).on('click', '#editMode', function(e){\n if(searchShowing) 850 var dataType = $('#searchType :selected').attr("data-base") 851 else var dataType = $('#showType :selected').attr("data-base") 852 // Temp restriction of editing SequenceTypes e.g. Paths,EndPaths etc. 853 if(dataType=="modSeqCreate"){ 854 window.alert("At the moment editing for SequenceTypes"+ 855 " has been disabled.");\n return;\n } 856 else if (dataType == "prodConCreate"){ 857 window.alert("Sorry, it is currently not possible to "+ 858 "edit producers and consumers.");\n return;\n } 859 if(CURRENT_OBJ == undefined)return; 860 // this is editing mode, turn off expansion\n expandDisable = true; 861 $("#mode")[0].textContent = "Edit Mode"\n $(this).attr("value", "Cancel"); 862 var l = ($(this).width()/ parseFloat($("body").css("font-size"))+2.5)+"em" 863 $(this).after(jQuery('<input>', {\n type:"submit", 864 value:"Save",\n id:"save"\n }).css({\n left:l\n})); 865 $(this).attr("id", "normalMode")\n makeEditable(searchShowing); 866 searchShowing = false;\n});\n/* 867 Adds in div elements to make cells editable.\n*/ 868 function makeEditable(rmSearch){\n // add editable div to everything showing. 869 var todo = jQuery.makeArray($(".Top"));\n while(todo.length){ 870 var e = $(todo.pop())\n if(rmSearch) 871 e.html(e.html().replace(/(<em>|<\/em>)/g, "")) 872 // we have the item.. lets get children 873 var kids = jQuery.makeArray(e.children()); 874 // add divs to all children.\n while(kids.length){ 875 var k = $(kids.pop())\n var tag = k.prop("tagName")\n 876 if(tag == "SPAN"){\n if(k.prop("class")!="type") 877 k.html('<div class="cellEdit" contenteditable>'+k.html()+'</div>') 878 continue\n }\n if(tag =="LI"){ 879 // add the div but dont get children 880 $(k.contents()[0]).wrap('<div class="cellEdit" contenteditable />'); 881 }\n // check if have any children 882 var moreKids = jQuery.makeArray(k.children()); 883 if(moreKids.length){\n kids = kids.concat(moreKids)\n } 884 }\n // now do current one 885 $(e.contents()[0]).wrap('<div class="cellEdit" contenteditable />');\n } 886 }\n/*\n A cell which is editable has been clicked.\n*/ 887 $(document).on('click', '.cellEdit', function(e){ 888 // we're in edit so things have a div parent over the text. 889 // so get parent to get the thing we want. 890 var $itemChanged = $(this).parent() 891 // now go up until we find greatest parent(item with class==topClass) 892 var classes = $itemChanged.attr("class")\n var $parent = $itemChanged 893 while(classes.indexOf(topClass)==-1){\n $parent = $parent.parent(); 894 classes = $parent.attr("class") || "";\n } 895 var parentName = $parent.attr("data-name"); 896 // doesnt matter if parent and child are the same. 897 var parents = Object.keys(parChildNames) 898 if(parents.indexOf(parentName)>-1){\n // already been edited. 899 var kids = parChildNames[parentName] 900 if(kids.indexOf($itemChanged.attr("data-name"))==-1){ 901 kids.push($itemChanged)\n }\n }\n else{ 902 parChildNames[parentName]=[$itemChanged]\n }\n $potential.push($parent) 903 });\n//--- end of edit operations ---\n// --- start of save operations ---\n/* 904 Save any changes.\n*/\n$(document).on('click', '#save', function(e){ 905 var allData = CURRENT_OBJ.getData();\n var oldData = allData[0] 906 goNormal($("#normalMode"));\n if(allData.length >1){ 907 var top = allData[0];\n var rest = allData[1]; 908 var changed = save(deepCopy(top),deepCopy(rest))\n }\n else{ 909 var changed = save(deepCopy(allData[0]));\n } 910 if(Object.keys(changed).length ==0){ 911 window.alert("Nothing was changed.");\n $potential=[] 912 parChildNames={}\n return \n } 913 //$('#svg_export_form > input[name=svg]').val("jhgjhg"); 914 changed["processName"]= processName 915 changed["processFileName"]= processFileName\n $("#posty").empty() 916 var form = jQuery('<form/>', {\n id:"edited_write",\n method:"POST", 917 async: "false",\n enctype: "multipart/form-data", 918 style:"display:none;visibility:hidden",\n })\n jQuery('<input/>', { 919 type:"hidden",\n name:"changed",\n value:JSON.stringify(changed), 920 }).appendTo(form)\n form.appendTo("#posty")\n $('#edited_write').submit(); 921 $potential=[]\n parChildNames={}\n});\n/* 922 Go to normal viewing mode. Discard any changes.\n*/ 923 $(document).on('click', '#normalMode', function(e){ 924 //remove all cell edit Divs\n goNormal($(this));\n //$potential =[] 925 //parChildNames={}\n});\n/*\n Couldn't find built-in deep clone or copy.\n*/ 926 function deepCopy(obj){\n if(obj instanceof Array){\n var copy=[] 927 obj.forEach(function(x,i,a){copy[i]= deepCopy(x)})\n return copy\n } 928 else if(obj instanceof Object){\n var copy ={}\n for (key in obj){ 929 copy[key] = deepCopy(obj[key])\n }\n return copy\n }\n return obj 930 }\n\n/*\n Returns a dict of everything that has changed.\n*/ 931 function save(data, restData){\n var allChanged={}\n var done=[] 932 for(var i in $potential){\n var parent = $potential[i]; 933 // we have the parent. 934 var oldParentName = $(parent).attr("data-name"); 935 //bit iffy, can have same parent name multiple times? todo 936 if(done.indexOf(oldParentName)>-1) continue\n done.push(oldParentName) 937 if(typeof restData =='undefined'){ 938 var allDict = deepCopy(data[oldParentName]) 939 var allOldData = allDict["Parameters"] 940 var childChanged = parChildNames[oldParentName] 941 var oldToNew= chil(childChanged,parent, true) 942 if(oldToNew.length ==0) continue 943 var newpar = blah(oldToNew, oldParentName, allOldData, parent, false) 944 tempDict = allDict\n tempDict["Parameters"] = allOldData 945 allChanged[newpar] = tempDict\n if(oldToNew.length>0){ 946 window.alert("Something went wrong, I did not find all changes."); 948 // we have one data for the parents and one for rest 949 var allDict = deepCopy(data[oldParentName]) 950 var allKids = allDict["Parameters"]\n var tem ={} 951 var childChanged = parChildNames[oldParentName]; 952 var oldToNew = chil(childChanged,parent, false); 953 //if(Object.keys(oldToNew).length ==0) continue 954 if(oldToNew.length ==0) continue\n for (var y in allKids){ 955 var n = allKids[y]\n var allOld2 = deepCopy(restData[n]) 956 var allOldData = allOld2["Parameters"] 957 // blah chanhes allOldData 958 var newpar = blah(oldToNew, n, allOldData, parent, true) 959 allOld2["Parameters"]= allOldData\n tem[newpar] = allOld2 960 }\n var newParentName = $(parent).contents()[0].nodeValue 961 //allChanged[newParentName]= tem\n tempDict = allDict 962 tempDict["Parameters"] = tem\n allChanged[newParentName] = tempDict 963 continue\n }\n }\n return allChanged\n}\n/* 964 These three functions are used for getting data from 965 a structure such as [{},{},{}]\n*/\nfunction getValue(list, key){\n var re=[] 966 for(x in list){\n di = list[x]\n k = Object.keys(di)[0] 967 if(k==key)re.push(di[k])\n }\n return re\n}\nfunction getKeys(list){ 968 var keys = []\n for (x in list)\n keys.push(Object.keys(list[x])[0]) 969 return keys\n}\nfunction deleteValue(list, k,d){\n var inde =-1 970 var found = false\n for(var x in list){\n var di = list[x] 971 var key = Object.keys(di)[0]\n if(key==k && di[key]==d){ 972 found = true\n inde = x\n break\n }\n } 973 if(found)list.splice(inde,1)\n}\n/* 974 allOldData will be changed with the new data.\n*/ 975 function blah(oldToNew, oldParentName, allOldData, parent){ 976 var newpar = oldParentName\n var keys = getKeys(oldToNew) 977 if(keys.indexOf(oldParentName)>-1){\n // parent is in 978 var tDatas = getValue(oldToNew,oldParentName); 979 for (var x in tDatas){\n var tData = tDatas[x] 980 if(tData["i"]==0 && tData["p"].length ==0){ 981 var newpar = tData["new"];\n // this isnt finding tData 982 deleteValue(oldToNew, oldParentName,tData);\n }\n }\n } 983 // okay so here we have everything for this parent. 984 // now need to loop through the old data and changed for new. 985 if(oldToNew.length >0){ 986 loopData(allOldData,oldToNew,[oldParentName], [0]);\n } 987 return newpar\n}\n//need to remember that current format is 988 //[name, parameters,type,optionalType]\n/*\n Loop around the data, \n*/ 989 function loopData(thelist, items, parents, pIndex){\n for(var x in thelist){ 990 var y = thelist[x]\n if(y instanceof Array){ 991 // okay if array, we have full line 992 if(typeof y[0] == "string" && y[1] instanceof Array){ 993 // this is what we want.\n var theName = y[0] 994 var rest = y[1]\n var types = [y[2]]\n if(y.length == 4) 995 types.push(y[3])\n // okay, name of this is theName == parent 996 // the index of this is x\n parents.unshift(theName) 997 pIndex.unshift(x)\n loopData(rest, items, parents, pIndex); 998 parents.shift()\n pIndex.shift() 999 rightOne(thelist,x,theName,items,parents,pIndex) 1000 for(var index in types){\n var item = types[index] 1001 rightOne(thelist,x,item,items,parents,pIndex)\n } 1003 if(y[0] instanceof Array && y[1] instanceof Array){ 1004 // y1 is a parameter\n // y2 is a parameter 1005 for(var e in y){\n loopData(y[e],items,parents,pIndex); 1006 }\n continue;\n }\n // we are here, 1007 //so we have something that does not have parameters in a list 1008 var theName = y[0]\n for(var index in y){\n if(index >0){ 1009 parents.unshift(theName) \n pIndex.unshift(x)\n } 1011 rightOne(thelist,x,item,items,parents,pIndex)\n if(index >0){ 1012 parents.shift()\n pIndex.shift()\n }\n } 1013 continue;\n }\n else { 1014 rightOne(thelist,x,y,items,parents,pIndex)\n }\n }\n}\n/* 1015 Helper function. We have a match, now change old values for new values.\n*/ 1016 function rightOne(thelist,x,y,items,parents,pIndex){ 1017 if(getKeys(items).indexOf(y)>-1){ 1018 // we know that we have a match, but are indexes the same? 1019 // index will be in the same list so we can use x 1020 var dis = getValue(items, y)\n for (inde in dis){ 1021 var di= dis[inde]\n if(x == di["i"]){ 1022 if(arrayCompare(parents, pIndex,di["p"],di["pIndex"] )){ 1023 //okay we can be sure we are changing the right thing. 1024 if(thelist[x] instanceof Array){ 1025 for(var ind in thelist[x]){\n var z = thelist[x][ind] 1026 if(y == z){\n thelist[x][ind] = di["new"] 1028 else{\n thelist[x] = di["new"]\n } 1029 deleteValue(items,y,di)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/* 1030 Returns true if arrays a1 is identical to a2 and 1031 a1Index is identical to a2Index.\n*/ 1032 function arrayCompare(a1, a1Index, a2, a2Index) { 1033 if (a1.length != a2.length)return false; 1034 for (var i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) { 1035 if (a1[i] != a2[i] || a1Index[i] != a2Index[i]) { 1036 return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/* 1037 Take in the children that might have been changed. 1038 If something has been changed, adds to a dictionary 1039 dictionary format is [data-name]={ 1040 "new": newvalue, "i":data-index, "p":[parentNames], 1041 "pIndex": [indicies of parents]} 1042 TODO, need a new format, what if children have 1043 the same data-name and both are changed?\n*/ 1044 function chil (childChanged, parent, addParent){\n var oldToNew=[] 1045 for (var x in childChanged){\n var child = childChanged[x] 1046 // we need to check if the child has been changed. 1047 var oldval = child.attr("data-name"); 1048 var isSpan = child.prop("tagName") == "SPAN"\n var newval = isSpan ? 1049 child.contents().text(): child.contents()[0].nodeValue; 1050 //remove any enclosing brackets 1051 newval = newval.trim().replace(/\(.*\)$/, ""); 1052 oldval = oldval.trim().replace(/\(.*\)$/, ""); 1053 if(oldval==newval)continue\n else{ 1054 //child has been changed.\n //we want to keep 4 pieces of data. 1055 //1. old name, new name\n //2. data-index 1056 //3. list of direct parents.\n //4. indexes of all parents. 1057 var inner ={}\n inner["new"] = newval; 1058 //depends if it was a span or not. Span means we use parents. 1059 inner["i"]= (isSpan? child.parent().attr("data-index"): 1060 child.attr("data-index")) || 0\n var allP = child.parents() 1061 var pNames =[]\n var pIndex =[] 1062 for(var y=0; y < allP.length; y++){\n var p = $(allP[y]) 1063 var tag = p.prop("tagName") 1064 if(p.attr("data-name") == parent.attr("data-name")){ 1065 if(addParent){\n pNames.push(parent.attr("data-name")) 1066 pIndex.push(parent.attr("data-index") || 0);\n } 1067 break;\n }\n else if(tag == "LI"){ 1068 pNames.push(p.attr("data-name")); 1069 pIndex.push(p.attr("data-index") || 0);\n }\n } 1070 inner["p"] = pNames\n inner["pIndex"] = pIndex\n var t={} 1071 t[oldval]= inner\n oldToNew.push(t)\n } 1072 } // end of childchanged loop\n return oldToNew\n} 1073 // --- end of save operations --- 1074 // --- Expand and show more data operations ---\n/* 1075 Used when in edit mode to stop any items being added to the webpage. 1076 More items added after edit mode- they wont be editable, and when you 1077 click to edit something it loads its children.\n*/ 1078 $(document).on('click','.expand, .expanded', function(event){ 1079 if(expandDisable){\n event.stopImmediatePropagation();\n }\n});\n/* 1080 Retrieves and expands elements whose objects have multiple lists 1081 (i.e. onese who's data-base !=simpleData)\n*/ 1082 $(document).on('click', '.Consumer.expand,.Producer.expand,' 1083 +'.Path.expand,.EndPath.expand ',function(event){ 1084 var allModules = CURRENT_OBJ.getModules($(this).attr('data-name')); 1085 var UL = addParams(this,allModules)\n $(this).append(UL); 1086 event.stopPropagation();\n});\n/*\n Adds parameters onto objects.\n*/ 1087 $(document).on('click','.Modules.expand,.SequenceTypes,.Types.expand' 1088 , function(event){\n if(showParams){\n addParams(this);\n } 1089 event.stopPropagation();\n});\n/*\n Hides/Shows children from class param. 1090 */ \n$(document).on('click', '.paramInner.expand, .paramInner.expanded', 1091 function(event){\n if($(this).children('ul').length ==0){ 1092 // find parents\n var parents = findParents(this) 1093 var result = baseInnerParams(parents,parseInt( 1094 $(this).attr("data-index")) )[1] 1095 addParams(this, result);\n }\n else{ 1096 //children already added, so just hide/show. 1097 $(this).children('ul').toggle();\n }\n event.stopPropagation(); 1098 });\n/*\n Find the parents of a child.\n*/\nfunction findParents(child){ 1099 var parents =[$(child).attr("data-name")] 1100 var theParent = $(child).attr("data-parent") 1101 while(theParent !=undefined){ \n var child = $(child).parent(); 1102 if(child.prop("tagName")=="UL") continue; 1103 parents.unshift(child.attr("data-name")); 1104 theParent = child.attr("data-parent");\n }\n return parents\n}\n/* 1105 Helper function: returns filename appended onto val.\n*/ 1106 function getFile(theName){\n var f = baseFile(theName) 1107 if(f)return theName+=type(f)\n return theName\n}\n/* 1108 Add params to the object. Object can be of any type 1109 (normally module or param). 1110 Will be used by modules adding parameters, psets adding parameters.\n*/ 1111 var $LIBasic = $(document.createElement('li')).attr("class","param"); 1112 var $LIExpand = $LIBasic.clone().attr("class","expand");\n 1113 function addParams(obj, params){ 1114 var fileChecked = document.getElementById("ShowFiles").checked 1115 var $span = $(document.createElement("span")); 1116 var $typeSpan = $span.clone().addClass("type"); 1117 var $valSpan = $span.clone().addClass("value"); 1118 var $UL = $(document.createElement("ul")); 1119 var $objName = $(obj).attr('data-name');\n\n if(!params) 1120 params = baseParams($objName)\n for(var i =0; i < params.length; i++){ 1121 var all = params[i].slice() // make copy of it 1122 var isList= typeof(all)=="object" 1123 var theName = isList ? all.shift(): all 1124 var typ= !isList || !all.length ? baseType(theName): all.pop() 1125 var gen = getGenericType(typ) 1126 var spt = $typeSpan.clone().attr("data-name",typ).text(type(typ)) 1127 if(fileChecked) text = getFile(theName) 1128 if(isList && typeof(all[0]) == "object"){\n // PSets 1129 var cloLI = doLI(false,theName,i,"paramInner",spt) 1130 cloLI.attr("data-parent", $objName)\n } 1131 else if(baseParams(theName)){\n // Modules or sequences 1132 var cloLI = doLI(false,theName,i,gen,spt)\n }\n else{ 1133 // Basic type, has no children\n var cloLI= doLI(true,theName,i) 1134 var value =""\n if(all.length)\n var value = all.shift() 1135 // formating so lots of strings look nicer\n var valDataName = value 1136 if(value.indexOf(",")>-1){ 1137 value = "<ul><li>"+value.replace(/,/g, ",</li><li>")+"</li></ul>" 1138 }\n var add = type(typ) 1139 cloLI.append($valSpan.clone().attr("data-name",valDataName).html(value)) 1140 cloLI.append($typeSpan.clone().attr("data-name",add).text(add)) 1141 for(var p=0; p < all.length; p++){\n var n = type(all[p]) 1142 cloLI.append($typeSpan.clone().attr("data-name",n).text(n))\n } 1143 } \n $UL.append(cloLI);\n }\n $(obj).append($UL);\n}\n 1144 function type(theName){\n return " ("+theName+")"\n}\n/* 1145 Helper function: Adds data to a LI.\n*/ 1146 function doLI(basic,dataN,dataI,classes,html){ 1147 if(basic) var $LI = $LIBasic.clone()\n else var $LI = $LIExpand.clone() 1148 $LI.attr("data-name", dataN).attr("data-index", dataI).text(dataN); 1149 if(classes)$LI.addClass(classes)\n if(html)$LI.append(html)\n return $LI 1150 }\n/*\n Box to show params has been clicked.\n*/ 1151 $(document).on('click', '#ShowParams', function(e){ 1152 if($(this).is (':checked')){\n showParams = true\n }\n else{ 1153 $(this).next().hide()\n showParams = false\n }\n});\n/* 1154 Removes children from top level list elements.\n*/ 1155 $(document).on('click', '#hide', function(e){ 1156 //make sure not called when not needed. 1157 if($(this).css('cursor')!='default'){ 1158 var selec = $(".expanded."+topClass).children("ul").hide() 1159 toggleExpand($(".expanded."+topClass ),e)\n invisibleHide()\n }\n}); 1160 // --- end of expand and show more data operations --- 1161 // --- general helper operations and functions ---\n\n/* 1162 Return to normal viewing mode.\n*/\nfunction goNormal(it){ 1163 expandDisable = false; 1164 $(".cellEdit").replaceWith(function() { return $(this).contents();}); 1165 $("#save").remove()\n $("#mode")[0].textContent = "Normal Mode" 1166 it.attr("value", "Edit");\n it.attr("id", "editMode")\n}\n/* 1167 Set what the CURRENT_OBJ is.\n*/\nfunction setCURRENT_OBJ($element){ 1168 var thefunction = $element.attr("data-base"); 1169 var list = $element.attr("data-files").split(" ");\n if(list.length >1){ 1170 CURRENT_OBJ = window[thefunction](list[1], list[0])\n } \n else{ 1171 CURRENT_OBJ = window[thefunction](list[0])\n }\n}\n/* 1172 Add option in html to show/hide parameters.\n*/\nfunction paramOptions(bool){ 1173 if(!bool){\n $("#attachParams").empty()\n return\n } 1174 var lb= jQuery('<label/>', {\n for:"ShowParams"\n }) 1175 jQuery('<input/>', {\n type:"checkbox",\n id:"ShowParams", 1176 name:"ShowParams",\n value:"ShowParams",\n autocomplete:"off" 1177 }).appendTo(lb)\n lb.append("Show Parameters") 1178 lb.appendTo("#attachParams")\n}\n/*\n Small info about each option.\n*/ 1179 $('#showType option').mouseover(function(){ 1180 var docType = $(this).attr("value").toLowerCase();\n var info; 1181 switch(docType){\n case "producer": 1182 info="What's produced by each module."\n break; 1183 case "consumer":\n info="What's consumed by each module." 1184 break;\n default:\n info ="List of "+ docType+"s."\n } 1185 $(this).attr("title", info);\n});\n/*\n Small info about each option.\n*/ 1186 $('span[name="Info"]').mouseover(function(){ 1187 var docType = $(this).attr("value").toLowerCase();\n var info; 1188 switch(docType){\n case "producer": 1189 info="What's produced by each module."\n break; 1190 case "consumer":\n info="What's consumed by each module." 1191 break;\n default:\n info ="List of "+ docType+"s."\n } 1192 $(this).attr("title", info);\n});\n/*\n More info about what's shown.\n*/ 1193 $("#helpMouse").hover(function(e) { 1194 $($(this).data("help")).stop().show(100); 1195 var title = "<h6>(Read the README file!)</h6><h4>Info:</h4> " 1196 var expl = "<h5>Colour codes:</h5> <h6><ul><li class='Path'>pathName"+ 1197 " </li></ul><ul><li class='Modules'>Modules (e.g. "+ 1198 "EDProducer, EDFilter etc)</li></ul><ul><li class='Types'>"+ 1199 "Types (e.g. PSet)</li></ul><ul><li class='param'>"+ 1200 "ParameterName:<span class='value'> value</span><span"+ 1201 " class='type'>(type)</span></li></ul></h6>" 1202 var info ="<h5>The data</h5><h6>The headings you can choose from are"+ 1203 " what was collected from the config file.<br/><br/> Any "+ 1204 "change to the config file means having to run the script "+ 1205 "again and then refresh this page (if same output file was "+ 1207 var tSearch="<h5>Search</h5><h6>Currently can only search by listing "+ 1208 "what items you would like to be searched, and then what part"+ 1209 " of each item.<br/><br/> I.e. search the producers for "+ 1210 "certain names.</h6><br/>" 1211 var problems = "<h5>HTML/JSON/JS issues</h5><h6>If content isn't "+ 1212 "loading,or json files cannot be loaded due to browser"+ 1213 " security issues, try runing the local server created"+ 1214 " by the script. This will be in the same place as "+ 1215 "index.html.<br/><span class='Types'>'python cfgServer.py'"+ 1216 " </span></h6><br/>" 1217 var editing = "<h5>Editing</h5><h6>In order to use the edit mode, you "+ 1218 "need to run the cfgServer.py file, this will be in the "+ 1219 "same directory as the index.html.<br/>Then go to <span"+ 1220 " class='Types'> 'http://localhost:8000/index.html.'"+ 1221 "</span><br/><strong>Please note that the editing of "+ 1222 "SequenceTypes (i.e. Paths, EndPaths etc) and of producers"+ 1223 " and consumers has been " 1224 $($(this).data("help")).html(title+expl+info+problems+editing); 1225 "disabled.</strong></h6><br/>"\n}, function() { 1226 $($(this).data("help")).hide();\n});\n/* 1227 These two functions hide/show the top box in browser.\n*/ 1228 $(document).on('click', '.hideTopBox', function(e){ 1229 $(".topSpec").animate({top: "-2.5em"}, 500);\n $(this).text("show"); 1230 $(this).toggleClass("hideTopBox "+"showTopBox");\n}); 1231 $(document).on('click', '.showTopBox', function(e){ 1232 $(".topSpec").animate({top: "0em"}, 500);\n $(this).text("hide"); 1233 $(this).toggleClass("showTopBox "+ "hideTopBox");\n});\n/* 1234 Stop some links from firing.\n*/\n$('a.nowhere').click(function(e)\n{ 1235 e.preventDefault();\n});\n\n// Turn off any action for clicking help. 1236 $('a#help').bind('click', function() {\n return false;\n});\n/* 1237 If parameter value is a list, hide/show the list on click.\n*/ 1238 $(document).on('click', '.param',function(event){\n if(!expandDisable){ 1239 if($(this).find('ul').length >0){\n $(this).find('ul').toggle();\n }} 1240 event.stopPropagation();\n});\n/* 1241 Removes children from expanded paths or modules.\n*/ 1242 $(document).on('click', '.expanded',function(event){ 1243 var c = $(this).children('ul');\n if(c.length >0){\n $(c).remove(); 1244 }\n event.stopPropagation();\n});\nfunction visibleHide(){ 1245 $('#hide').css('opacity',1);\n $('#hide').css('cursor','pointer'); 1246 hideVisible = true;\n}\nfunction invisibleHide(){ 1247 $('#hide').css('opacity','');\n $('#hide').css('cursor',''); 1248 hideVisible = false;\n}\n\n// Toggles class names. 1249 $(document).on('click','.expand, .expanded', function(event){ 1250 if(!hideVisible && $(this).is('.expand')){\n visibleHide();\n } 1251 toggleExpand(this, event);\n});\n/*\n Helper function toggles class type. 1252 */\nfunction toggleExpand(me,event){\n $(me).toggleClass("expanded expand"); 1253 event.stopPropagation();\n}\n});\n// end of jquery\n/* 1254 Function to load the JSON files.\n*/\nfunction loadJSON(theName){ 1255 return $.ajax({\n type: "GET",\n url: theName, 1256 beforeSend: function(xhr){\n if (xhr.overrideMimeType)\n { 1257 xhr.overrideMimeType("application/json");\n }\n }, 1258 contentType: "application/json",\n async: false,\n dataType: "json" 1259 });\n} \n"""%(pN,pFN))
def _jqueryFile(self, name, pN, pFN)
def cfg-viewer.html._printHtml |
( |
self, |
name, |
scrip, |
css, |
items, |
search |
) |
| |
private |
Definition at line 661 of file cfg-viewer.py.
Referenced by cfg-viewer.html.__init__().
662 with open(name,
as htmlFile:
663 htmlFile.write(
"""<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head> 664 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" > 665 <title>cfg-browser</title>\n <script type="text/javascript" 666 src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"> 667 </script>\n %(s)s\n %(css)s\n </head>\n <body> 668 <div class="topBox topSpec"> 669 <input type="submit" value="Edit" id="editMode" autocomplete="off" 670 disabled/>\n <div class="helpLinks"> 671 <a href="#" class="nowhere" id="helpMouse" data-help="#help">help 673 <a href="mailto:susie.murphy@cern.ch?Subject=CfgBrowserhelp" 674 target="_top">Contact</a>\n </div>\n <div id="help"> </div> 675 <span id="mode">Normal Mode</span> 676 <div class="topBox hideTopBox">hide</div>\n </div> 677 <a id="topOfPage"></a>\n <br/><br/><br/>\n <div class="outerBox"> 678 <div class="boxTitle"> Pick\n <div class="dottedBorder"> 679 <form onsubmit="return false;">\n <select id="showType"> 680 %(items)s\n </select>\n <br/><br/> 681 <input type="submit" id="docSubmit" value="submit"> 682 </form>\n </div>\n </div> 683 <div class="boxTitle"> Pick\n <div class="dottedBorder"> 684 <form onsubmit="return false;"> 685 <input type="text" id="searchWord"/> 686 <select id="searchType">\n %(search)s 687 </select> \n <span id="addSearch"> </span> 689 <input type="submit" value="Search" id="search"/> 690 <input type="checkbox" id="rmHilight" value="File"/> 691 <span>Don't show highlights</span>\n </form> 692 </div>\n </div>\n </div> \n <br/> 693 <input type="checkbox" id="ShowFiles" value="File"/> 694 <span>Show file names</span>\n <br/><br/>\n <script> 695 document.getElementById("searchType").selectedIndex = -1;\n </script> 696 <div id="posty"> </div>\n <br/>\n <div id="current"></div> 697 <br/>\n <div id="searchCount"></div>\n <div id="attachParams"></div> 698 <div class="rightScroll">\n <a href="#topOfPage">Back to Top</a> 699 <p>\n <a id="hide" href="javascript:;" >Hide All</a>\n </p> 700 </div>\n </body>\n</html>\n"""%{
701 "s":scrip,
def _printHtml(self, name, scrip, css, items, search)
def cfg-viewer.html._scripts |
( |
self, |
js |
) |
| |
private |
def cfg-viewer.html._searchitems |
( |
self, |
items |
) |
| |
private |
Definition at line 656 of file cfg-viewer.py.
References join().
Referenced by cfg-viewer.html.__init__().
657 b =
"""<option value="%(name)s" data-base="%(d)s">%(name)s</option> """ 658 return "\n ".
"name": x,
659 for x,y
in six.iteritems(items)])
def _searchitems(self, items)
static std::string join(char **cmd)