48 x_width = 2.0 * det->
params().at( 0 );
136 MonitorElement* leadingEdgeCumulative_both =
nullptr, *leadingEdgeCumulative_all =
nullptr, *leadingEdgeCumulative_le =
nullptr, *trailingEdgeCumulative_te =
137 MonitorElement* timeOverThresholdCumulativePot =
nullptr, *leadingTrailingCorrelationPot =
191 MonitorElement* leadingEdgeCumulative_both =
nullptr, *leadingEdgeCumulative_le =
nullptr, *trailingEdgeCumulative_te =
237 CTPPSDiamondDQMSource::PotPlots::PotPlots(
DQMStore::IBooker& ibooker,
unsigned int id ): HitCounter(0), MHCounter(0), LeadingOnlyCounter(0), TrailingOnlyCounter(0), CompleteCounter(0), pixelTracksMap(
"Pixel track maps for efficiency",
"Pixel track maps for efficiency", 25, 0, 25, 12, -2, 10 )
245 activity_per_bx_0_25 = ibooker.
"activity per BX 0 25", title+
" Activity per BX 0 - 25 ns;Event.BX", 3600, -1.5, 3598. + 0.5 );
247 activity_per_bx_25_50 = ibooker.
"activity per BX 25 50", title+
" Activity per BX 25 - 50 ns;Event.BX", 3600, -1.5, 3598. + 0.5 );
249 activity_per_bx_50_75 = ibooker.
"activity per BX 50 75", title+
" Activity per BX 50 - 75 ns;Event.BX", 3600, -1.5, 3598. + 0.5 );
256 activePlanes = ibooker.
"active planes", title+
" active planes (per event);number of active planes", 6, -0.5, 5.5 );
257 activePlanesInclusive = ibooker.
"active planes inclusive", title+
" active planes, MH and le only included (per event);number of active planes", 6, -0.5, 5.5 );
262 pixelTomographyAll_0_25 = ibooker.
"tomography pixel 0 25", title+
" tomography with pixel 0 - 25 ns (all planes);x + 25*plane(mm);y (mm)", 75, 0, 75, 8, 0, 8 );
264 pixelTomographyAll_25_50 = ibooker.
"tomography pixel 25 50", title+
" tomography with pixel 25 - 50 ns (all planes);x + 25*plane(mm);y (mm)", 75, 0, 75, 8, 0, 8 );
266 pixelTomographyAll_50_75 = ibooker.
"tomography pixel 50 75", title+
" tomography with pixel 50 - 75 ns (all planes);x + 25*plane(mm);y (mm)", 75, 0, 75, 8, 0, 8 );
274 leadingTrailingCorrelationPot = ibooker.
"leading trailing correlation", title+
" leading trailing correlation;leading edge (ns);trailing edge (ns)", 75, 0, 75, 75, 0, 75 );
281 ECCheck = ibooker.
"optorxEC(8bit) - vfatEC", title+
" EC Error;optorxEC-vfatEC", 10,-5, 5 );
284 for (
unsigned short error_index=1; error_index<16; ++error_index )
288 MHComprensive = ibooker.
"MH in channels", title+
" MH (%) in channels;plane number;ch number", 10, -0.5, 4.5, 14, -1, 13 );
290 EfficiencyOfChannelsInPot = ibooker.
"Efficiency in channels", title+
" Efficiency (%) in channels (diamonds only);plane number;ch number", 10, -0.5, 4.5, 14, -1, 13 );
293 clock_Digi1_le = ibooker.
"clock1 leading edge", title+
" clock1;leading edge (ns)", 250, 0, 25 );
294 clock_Digi1_te = ibooker.
"clock1 trailing edge", title+
" clock1;trailing edge (ns)", 75, 0, 75 );
295 clock_Digi3_le = ibooker.
"clock3 leading edge", title+
" clock3;leading edge (ns)", 250, 0, 25 );
296 clock_Digi3_te = ibooker.
"clock3 trailing edge", title+
" clock3;trailing edge (ns)", 75, 0, 75 );
312 hit_multiplicity = ibooker.
"channels per plane", title+
" channels per plane; ch per plane", 13, -0.5, 12.5 );
314 pixelTomography_far = ibooker.
"tomography pixel", title+
" tomography with pixel;x + 25 OOT (mm);y (mm)", 75, 0, 75, 8, 0, 8 );
334 activity_per_bx_0_25 = ibooker.
"activity per BX 0 25", title+
" Activity per BX 0 - 25 ns;Event.BX", 500, -1.5, 498. + 0.5 );
336 activity_per_bx_25_50 = ibooker.
"activity per BX 25 50", title+
" Activity per BX 25 - 50 ns;Event.BX", 500, -1.5, 498. + 0.5 );
338 activity_per_bx_50_75 = ibooker.
"activity per BX 50 75", title+
" Activity per BX 50 - 75 ns;Event.BX", 500, -1.5, 498. + 0.5 );
342 for (
unsigned short error_index=1; error_index<16; ++error_index )
352 pixelTomography_far = ibooker.
"tomography pixel",
"tomography with pixel;x + 25 OOT (mm);y (mm)", 75, 0, 75, 8, 0, 8 );
354 hit_rate = ibooker.
"hit rate", title+
"hit rate;rate (Hz)", 40, 0, 20);
368 verbosity_ ( ps.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned
"verbosity", 0 ) ),
371 for (
const auto&
pset : ps.
getParameter< std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >(
"offsetsOOT" ) ) {
403 if ( iRun.
run()>300000 ) {
441 plot.second.hitDistribution2d_lumisection->Reset();
473 valid &= diamondVFATStatus.
474 valid &= diamondDigis.
480 <<
"ERROR in TotemDQMModuleRP::analyze > some of the required inputs are not valid. Skipping this event.\n" 481 <<
" diamondVFATStatus.isValid = " << diamondVFATStatus.
isValid() <<
"\n" 482 <<
" diamondDigis.isValid = " << diamondDigis.
isValid() <<
"\n" 483 <<
" fedInfo.isValid = " << fedInfo.
498 for (
const auto& digis : *diamondDigis ) {
502 for (
const auto& digi : digis ) {
504 detId_pot.setChannel( 0 );
508 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() != 0 || digi.getTrailingEdge() != 0 ) {
510 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() != 0 ) {
513 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() != 0 && digi.getTrailingEdge() == 0 ) {
514 ++(
517 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() == 0 && digi.getTrailingEdge() != 0 ) {
518 ++(
521 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() != 0 && digi.getTrailingEdge() != 0 ) {
522 ++(
529 for (
unsigned short hptdcErrorIndex = 1; hptdcErrorIndex < 16; ++hptdcErrorIndex )
530 if ( hptdcErrors.
getErrorId( hptdcErrorIndex-1 ) )
potPlots_[detId_pot].HPTDCErrorFlags_cumulative->Fill( hptdcErrorIndex );
531 if ( digi.getMultipleHit() ) ++(
536 for (
const auto& vfat_status : *diamondVFATStatus ) {
540 detId_pot.setChannel( 0 );
541 for (
const auto&
status : vfat_status ) {
542 if ( !
status.isOK() )
546 for (
const auto& optorx : *fedInfo ) {
548 potPlots_[detId_pot].ECCheck->Fill((
int)((optorx.getLV1()& 0xFF)-((
unsigned int)
status.getEC() & 0xFF)) & 0xFF);
549 if ( ( static_cast<int>( ( optorx.getLV1() & 0xFF )-
status.getEC() ) !=
EC_difference_56_ ) && (
>( ( optorx.getLV1() & 0xFF )-
status.getEC() ) < 128 ) )
550 EC_difference_56_ = static_cast<int>( optorx.getLV1() & 0xFF )-( static_cast<unsigned int>(
status.getEC() ) & 0xFF );
554 <<
"\t\tVFAT EC: 0x"<<
static_cast<unsigned int>(
status.getEC() )
555 <<
"\twith ID: " <<
std::dec << detId
559 potPlots_[detId_pot].ECCheck->Fill((
int)((optorx.getLV1()& 0xFF)-
status.getEC()) & 0xFF);
560 if ( ( static_cast<int>( ( optorx.getLV1() & 0xFF )-
status.getEC() ) !=
EC_difference_45_ ) && (
>( ( optorx.getLV1() & 0xFF )-
status.getEC() ) < 128 ) )
561 EC_difference_45_ = static_cast<int>( optorx.getLV1() & 0xFF )-( static_cast<unsigned int>(
status.getEC() ) & 0xFF );
565 <<
"\t\tVFAT EC: 0x"<<
static_cast<unsigned int>(
status.getEC() )
566 <<
"\twith ID: " <<
std::dec << detId
574 std::unordered_map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int> > planes;
575 std::unordered_map<unsigned int, std::set<unsigned int> > planes_inclusive;
578 for (
const auto&
rechits : *diamondRecHits ) {
581 detId_pot.setChannel( 0 );
584 for (
const auto& rechit :
rechits ) {
585 planes_inclusive[detId_pot].insert( detId.plane() );
588 planes[detId_pot].
insert( detId.plane() );
592 float UFSDShift = 0.0;
593 if ( rechit.getYWidth() < 3 ) UFSDShift = 0.5;
596 TH2F *hitHistoTmp =
597 TAxis *hitHistoTmpYAxis = hitHistoTmp->GetYaxis();
600 for (
int i=0;
i<numOfBins; ++
i) {
601 hitHistoTmp->Fill( detId.plane() + UFSDShift, hitHistoTmpYAxis->GetBinCenter(startBin+
i) );
604 hitHistoTmp =
605 hitHistoTmpYAxis = hitHistoTmp->GetYaxis();
608 for (
int i=0;
i<numOfBins; ++
i) {
609 hitHistoTmp->Fill( detId.plane() + UFSDShift, hitHistoTmpYAxis->GetBinCenter(startBin+
i) );
614 if ( rechit.getToT() != 0 ) {
616 potPlots_[detId_pot].leadingEdgeCumulative_both->Fill( rechit.getT() + 25*rechit.getOOTIndex() );
617 potPlots_[detId_pot].timeOverThresholdCumulativePot->Fill( rechit.getToT() );
619 TH2F *hitHistoOOTTmp =
620 TAxis *hitHistoOOTTmpYAxis = hitHistoOOTTmp->GetYaxis();
623 for (
int i=0;
i<numOfBins; ++
i) {
624 hitHistoOOTTmp->Fill( detId.plane() + 0.25 * rechit.getOOTIndex(), hitHistoOOTTmpYAxis->GetBinCenter(startBin+
i) );
630 TH2F *hitHistoOOTTmp =
631 TAxis *hitHistoOOTTmpYAxis = hitHistoOOTTmp->GetYaxis();
634 for (
int i=0;
i<numOfBins; ++
i) {
635 hitHistoOOTTmp->Fill( detId.plane() + 0.25 * rechit.getOOTIndex(), hitHistoOOTTmpYAxis->GetBinCenter(startBin+
i) );
645 plt.second.activePlanes->Fill( planes[plt.first].size() );
646 plt.second.activePlanesInclusive->Fill( planes_inclusive[plt.first].size() );
650 for (
const auto&
tracks : *diamondLocalTracks ) {
653 detId_pot.setChannel( 0 );
657 if ( !
track.isValid() )
660 if ( potPlots_.find( detId_pot ) == potPlots_.end() )
662 TH2F *trackHistoOOTTmp = potPlots_[detId_pot].trackDistributionOOT->getTH2F();
663 TAxis *trackHistoOOTTmpYAxis = trackHistoOOTTmp->GetYaxis();
666 for (
int i=0;
i<numOfBins; ++
i) {
667 trackHistoOOTTmp->Fill(
track.getOOTIndex(), trackHistoOOTTmpYAxis->GetBinCenter(startBin+
i) );
671 TH1F *trackHistoInTimeTmp = potPlots_[detId_pot].trackDistribution->getTH1F();
674 for (
int i=0;
i<numOfBins; ++
i) {
675 trackHistoInTimeTmp->Fill( trackHistoInTimeTmp->GetBinCenter(startBin+
i) );
682 for (
const auto&
tracks : *diamondLocalTracks ) {
685 detId_pot.setChannel( 0 );
689 std::set<int> planesInTrackSet;
690 for (
const auto& vec : *diamondRecHits ) {
692 if ( detid.arm() != detId_pot.arm() )
694 for (
const auto&
hit : vec ) {
698 planesInTrackSet.insert(detid.plane());
703 if ( numOfHits > 0 && numOfHits <= 10 && planesInTrackSet.size() > 2 ) {
704 for (
int plane=0; plane<4; ++plane ) {
705 for (
int channel=0; channel<12; ++channel ) {
706 int map_index = plane*100 + channel;
707 if ( potPlots_[detId_pot].effDoublecountingChMap.find( map_index ) == potPlots_[detId_pot].effDoublecountingChMap.end() ) {
708 potPlots_[detId_pot].effTriplecountingChMap[map_index] = 0;
709 potPlots_[detId_pot].effDoublecountingChMap[map_index] = 0;
714 ++(potPlots_[detId_pot].effDoublecountingChMap[map_index]);
715 for (
const auto&
rechits : *diamondRecHits ) {
717 if ( detId_hit == detId ) {
718 for (
const auto& rechit :
rechits ) {
719 if ( track.containsHit( rechit, 1 ) ) {
721 ++(potPlots_[detId_pot].effTriplecountingChMap[map_index]);
734 for (
const auto&
rechits : *diamondRecHits ) {
737 detId_pot.setChannel( 0 );
739 for (
const auto& rechit :
rechits ) {
741 if ( rechit.getToT() == 0 )
742 if ( !pixelTracks.
isValid() )
743 if ( potPlots_.find( detId_pot ) == potPlots_.end() )
745 for (
const auto& ds : *pixelTracks ) {
746 if ( ds.size() > 1 )
749 for (
const auto& lt : ds ) {
750 if ( lt.isValid() && pixId.arm() == detId_pot.arm() ) {
763 for (
const auto& digis : *diamondDigis ) {
768 detId_pot.setChannel( 0 );
769 for (
const auto& digi : digis ) {
770 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() != 0 ) {
771 if ( detId.plane() == 1 ) {
772 potPlots_[detId_pot].clock_Digi1_le->Fill(
HPTDC_BIN_WIDTH_NS * digi.getLeadingEdge() );
773 potPlots_[detId_pot].clock_Digi1_te->Fill(
HPTDC_BIN_WIDTH_NS * digi.getTrailingEdge() );
775 if ( detId.plane() == 3 ) {
776 potPlots_[detId_pot].clock_Digi3_le->Fill(
HPTDC_BIN_WIDTH_NS * digi.getLeadingEdge() );
777 potPlots_[detId_pot].clock_Digi3_te->Fill(
HPTDC_BIN_WIDTH_NS * digi.getTrailingEdge() );
789 std::unordered_map<unsigned int, unsigned int> channelsPerPlane;
790 for (
const auto& digis : *diamondDigis ) {
793 for (
const auto& digi : digis ) {
798 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() != 0 ) {
799 planePlots_[detId_plane].digiProfileCumulativePerPlane->Fill( detId.channel() );
800 if ( channelsPerPlane.find(detId_plane) != channelsPerPlane.end() ) channelsPerPlane[detId_plane]++;
801 else channelsPerPlane[detId_plane] = 0;
806 for (
const auto& plt : channelsPerPlane ) {
807 planePlots_[plt.first].hit_multiplicity->Fill( plt.second );
811 for (
const auto&
rechits : *diamondRecHits ) {
814 for (
const auto& rechit :
rechits ) {
816 if ( rechit.getToT() == 0 )
819 TH1F *hitHistoTmp =
822 for (
int i=0;
i<numOfBins; ++
i) {
823 hitHistoTmp->Fill( hitHistoTmp->GetBinCenter(startBin+
i) );
832 for (
const auto& ds : *pixelTracks ) {
835 if ( ds.size() > 1 )
836 for (
const auto& lt : ds ) {
837 if ( lt.isValid() ) {
842 std::set< CTPPSDiamondDetId > planesWitHits_set;
843 for (
const auto&
rechits : *diamondRecHits ) {
846 for (
const auto& rechit :
rechits ) {
852 if (
centralOOT_ != -999 && rechit.getOOTIndex() ==
centralOOT_ ) planesWitHits_set.insert( detId_plane );
858 for (
auto& planeId : planesWitHits_set)
872 for (
const auto& digis : *diamondDigis ) {
874 for (
const auto& digi : digis ) {
879 for (
unsigned short hptdcErrorIndex = 1; hptdcErrorIndex < 16; ++hptdcErrorIndex )
881 if ( digi.getMultipleHit() ) ++(
884 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() != 0 || digi.getTrailingEdge() != 0 ) {
886 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() != 0 && digi.getTrailingEdge() == 0 ) {
890 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() == 0 && digi.getTrailingEdge() != 0 ) {
894 if ( digi.getLeadingEdge() != 0 && digi.getTrailingEdge() != 0 ) {
904 for (
const auto&
rechits : *diamondRecHits ) {
906 for (
const auto& rechit :
rechits ) {
910 channelPlots_[detId].leadingEdgeCumulative_both->Fill( rechit.getT() + 25*rechit.getOOTIndex() );
911 channelPlots_[detId].TimeOverThresholdCumulativePerChannel->Fill( rechit.getToT() );
923 for (
const auto&
rechits : *diamondRecHits ) {
925 for (
const auto& rechit :
rechits ) {
928 if ( !pixelTracks.isValid() )
931 for (
const auto& ds : *pixelTracks ) {
934 if ( ds.size() > 1 )
935 for (
const auto& lt : ds ) {
951 if (
plot.second.hitsCounterPerLumisection != 0 ) {
954 plot.second.hitsCounterPerLumisection = 0;
956 double HundredOverHitCounter = .0;
957 if (
plot.second.HitCounter != 0 )
958 HundredOverHitCounter = 100. /
959 plot.second.HPTDCErrorFlags->setBinContent( 16, HundredOverHitCounter *
plot.second.MHCounter );
960 plot.second.leadingWithoutTrailing->setBinContent(1, HundredOverHitCounter *
plot.second.LeadingOnlyCounter );
961 plot.second.leadingWithoutTrailing->setBinContent(2, HundredOverHitCounter *
plot.second.TrailingOnlyCounter );
962 plot.second.leadingWithoutTrailing->setBinContent(3, HundredOverHitCounter *
plot.second.CompleteCounter );
966 double HundredOverHitCounterPot = 0.;
967 if (
plot.second.HitCounter !=0 )
968 HundredOverHitCounterPot = 100. /
969 plot.second.HPTDCErrorFlags_cumulative->setBinContent( 16, HundredOverHitCounterPot *
plot.second.MHCounter );
970 plot.second.leadingWithoutTrailingCumulativePot->setBinContent(1, HundredOverHitCounterPot *
plot.second.LeadingOnlyCounter );
971 plot.second.leadingWithoutTrailingCumulativePot->setBinContent(2, HundredOverHitCounterPot *
plot.second.TrailingOnlyCounter );
972 plot.second.leadingWithoutTrailingCumulativePot->setBinContent(3, HundredOverHitCounterPot *
plot.second.CompleteCounter );
974 plot.second.MHComprensive->Reset();
976 for (
auto& chPlot : channelPlots_ ) {
978 if ( chId.
arm() == rpId.
arm() && chId.
rp() == rpId.
rp() ) {
979 plot.second.MHComprensive->Fill(chId.
plane(), chId.
channel(), chPlot.second.HPTDCErrorFlags->getBinContent( 16 ) );
986 for (
plot : potPlots_ ) {
987 plot.second.EfficiencyOfChannelsInPot->Reset();
988 for (
auto& element :
plot.second.effTriplecountingChMap ) {
989 if (
plot.second.effDoublecountingChMap[ element.first ] > 0) {
990 int plane = element.first / 100;
991 int channel = element.first % 100;
992 double counted = element.second;
993 double total =
plot.second.effDoublecountingChMap[ element.first ];
997 plot.second.EfficiencyOfChannelsInPot->Fill(plane, channel, 100*efficiency);
1004 TH2F *hitHistoTmp =
1009 hitHistoTmp->Divide( &(
plot.second.pixelTracksMapWithDiamonds), &(potPlots_[detId_pot].pixelTracksMap) );
static const int CTPPS_FED_ID_56
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
OptoRx headers and footers.
MonitorElement * clock_Digi3_te
plots related to one Diamond plane
MonitorElement * TimeOverThresholdCumulativePerChannel
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
MonitorElement * timeOverThresholdCumulativePot
plots related to one Diamond detector package
void endLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
MonitorElement * activePlanes
~CTPPSDiamondDQMSource() override
static const int CHANNEL_OF_VFAT_CLOCK
TH2F pixelTracksMapWithDiamonds
std::map< int, int > effDoublecountingChMap
bool contains(EventRange const &lh, EventID const &rh)
void beginLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
std::vector< MonitorElement * > activity_per_bx
void setPlane(uint32_t channel)
MonitorElement * leadingEdgeCumulative_le
Reconstructed hit in diamond detectors.
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
void endRun(const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
void setChannel(uint32_t channel)
void channelName(std::string &name, NameFlag flag=nFull) const
MonitorElement * leadingEdgeCumulative_le
void dqmBeginRun(const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
MonitorElement * MHComprensive
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSDiamondDigi > > tokenDigi_
CTPPSDiamondDQMSource(const edm::ParameterSet &)
bool getErrorId(unsigned short id) const
static const int CTPPS_NUM_OF_ARMS
MonitorElement * trailingEdgeCumulative_te
plots related to the whole system
MonitorElement * digiProfileCumulativePerPlane
int bunchCrossing() const
MonitorElement * leadingEdgeCumulative_all
MonitorElement * EfficiencyWRTPixelsInPlane
MonitorElement * trailingEdgeCumulative_te
MonitorElement * pixelTomographyAll_25_50
MonitorElement * leadingTrailingCorrelationPot
double horizontalShiftOfDiamond_
Event setup record containing the real (actual) geometry information.
MonitorElement * clock_Digi1_te
MonitorElement * leadingWithoutTrailingCumulativePot
static const int CTPPS_PIXEL_STATION_ID
MonitorElement * activity_per_bx_25_50
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes(edm::InputTag const &tag)
MonitorElement * activity_per_bx_50_75
const DetGeomDesc * getSensor(unsigned int id) const
returns geometry of a detector performs necessary checks, returns NULL if fails
MonitorElement * hitDistribution2d
MonitorElement * EfficiencyOfChannelsInPot
MonitorElement * hitProfile
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
std::vector< std::pair< edm::EventRange, int > > runParameters_
void Fill(HcalDetId &id, double val, std::vector< TH2F > &depth)
static const int CTPPS_NEAR_RP_ID
std::unordered_map< unsigned int, ChannelPlots > channelPlots_
MonitorElement * activity_per_bx_0_25
MonitorElement * pixelTomography_far
Geometrical description of a sensor.
MonitorElement * book1D(Args &&...args)
MonitorElement * pixelTomographyAll_50_75
DDTranslation translation() const
void rpName(std::string &name, NameFlag flag=nFull) const
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSPixelLocalTrack > > tokenPixelTrack_
plots related to one Diamond channel
double horizontalShiftBwDiamondPixels_
MonitorElement * activity_per_bx_0_25
MonitorElement * pixelTomography_far
MonitorElement * hitDistribution2d_lumisection
bool insert(Storage &iStorage, ItemType *iItem, const IdTag &iIdTag)
unsigned long hitsCounterPerLumisection
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSDiamondLocalTrack > > tokenDiamondTrack_
The manager class for TOTEM RP geometry.
MonitorElement * trackDistribution
static const double HPTDC_BIN_WIDTH_NS
MonitorElement * clock_Digi3_le
void setCurrentFolder(const std::string &fullpath)
MonitorElement * HPTDCErrorFlags_cumulative
MonitorElement * book2D(Args &&...args)
MonitorElement * hit_multiplicity
unsigned int TrailingOnlyCounter
MonitorElement * activity_per_bx_50_75
void planeName(std::string &name, NameFlag flag=nFull) const
MonitorElement * LeadingTrailingCorrelationPerChannel
MonitorElement * clock_Digi1_le
MonitorElement * leadingEdgeCumulative_both
bool channelAlignedWithTrack(const CTPPSGeometry *geom, const CTPPSDiamondDetId &detid, const CTPPSDiamondLocalTrack &localTrack, const float tolerance=1)
MonitorElement * leadingWithoutTrailing
std::unordered_map< unsigned int, PotPlots > potPlots_
static constexpr int TIMESLICE_WITHOUT_LEADING
unsigned int TrailingOnlyCounter
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::DetSetVector< CTPPSDiamondRecHit > > tokenDiamondHit_
std::vector< MonitorElement * > pixelTomographyAll
static const int CTPPS_FAR_RP_ID
static const double SEC_PER_LUMI_SECTION
std::vector< double > params() const
std::map< int, int > effTriplecountingChMap
Detector ID class for CTPPS Timing Diamond detectors. Bits [19:31] : Assigend in CTPPSDetId Calss Bit...
std::unordered_map< unsigned int, PlanePlots > planePlots_
MonitorElement * trackDistributionOOT
std::vector< MonitorElement * > activity_per_bx
MonitorElement * hitDistribution2dOOT_le
bool excludeMultipleHits_
MonitorElement * hitDistribution2dOOT
MonitorElement * pixelTomographyAll_0_25
static const int CTPPS_DIAMOND_RP_ID
MonitorElement * leadingEdgeCumulative_both
static std::string getHPTDCErrorName(const unsigned short id)
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< TotemFEDInfo > > tokenFEDInfo_
static const int CTPPS_FED_ID_45
T const * product() const
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::DetSetVector< TotemVFATStatus > > tokenStatus_
MonitorElement * activity_per_bx_25_50
MonitorElement * hit_rate
MonitorElement * activePlanesInclusive