68 edm::LogWarning(
"CastorSimpleReconstructor") <<
"Could not handle the CastorRecoParamsRcd correctly, using parameters from cfg file from this event onwards... These parameters could be wrong for this run... please check" << std::endl;
78 edm::LogWarning(
"CastorSimpleReconstructor") <<
"Could not handle the CastorSaturationCorrsRcd correctly. We'll not try the saturation correction from this event onwards..." << std::endl;
88 auto rec = std::make_unique<CastorRecHitCollection>();
91 for (i=digi->
begin(); i!=digi->
end(); i++) {
114 double satCorrConst = 1.;
115 satCorrConst = saturationCorr->
OrphanHandle< PROD > put(std::unique_ptr< PROD > product)
Put a new product.
void resetTimeSamples(int f, int t)
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
std::vector< CastorDataFrame >::const_iterator const_iterator
const CastorCalibrations & getCastorCalibrations(const HcalGenericDetId &fId) const
const Item * getValues(DetId fId, bool throwOnFail=true) const
CastorRecHit reconstruct(const CastorDataFrame &digi, const CastorCoder &coder, const CastorCalibrations &calibs) const
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
CastorSimpleRecAlgo reco_
unsigned int samplesToAdd() const
const CastorQIEShape * getCastorShape() const
edm::EDGetTokenT< CastorDigiCollection > tok_input_
static const int SubdetectorId
const_iterator end() const
unsigned int firstSample() const
void recoverADCSaturation(CastorRecHit &rechit, const CastorCoder &coder, const CastorCalibrations &calibs, const CastorDataFrame &digi, const int &maxADCvalue, const double &satCorrConst) const
void checkADCSaturation(CastorRecHit &rechit, const CastorDataFrame &digi, const int &maxADCvalue) const
const_iterator begin() const
const CastorQIECoder * getCastorCoder(const HcalGenericDetId &fId) const