List of all members | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Attributes
AHCalSD Class Reference

#include <AHCalSD.h>

Inheritance diagram for AHCalSD:
CaloSD SensitiveCaloDetector Observer< const BeginOfRun * > Observer< const BeginOfEvent * > Observer< const BeginOfTrack * > Observer< const EndOfTrack * > Observer< const EndOfEvent * > SensitiveDetector

Public Member Functions

 AHCalSD (const std::string &, const DDCompactView &, const SensitiveDetectorCatalog &, edm::ParameterSet const &, const SimTrackManager *)
double getEnergyDeposit (G4Step *) override
uint32_t setDetUnitId (const G4Step *step) override
bool unpackIndex (const uint32_t &idx, int &row, int &col, int &depth)
 ~AHCalSD () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from CaloSD
 CaloSD (const std::string &aSDname, const DDCompactView &cpv, const SensitiveDetectorCatalog &clg, edm::ParameterSet const &p, const SimTrackManager *, float timeSlice=1., bool ignoreTkID=false)
void clear () override
void clearHits () override
void DrawAll () override
void EndOfEvent (G4HCofThisEvent *eventHC) override
void fillHits (edm::PCaloHitContainer &, const std::string &) override
void Initialize (G4HCofThisEvent *HCE) override
void PrintAll () override
bool ProcessHits (G4Step *step, G4TouchableHistory *tHistory) override
bool ProcessHits (G4GFlashSpot *aSpot, G4TouchableHistory *) override
 ~CaloSD () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from SensitiveCaloDetector
 SensitiveCaloDetector (const std::string &iname, const DDCompactView &cpv, const SensitiveDetectorCatalog &clg, edm::ParameterSet const &p)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SensitiveDetector
void EndOfEvent (G4HCofThisEvent *eventHC) override
const std::vector< std::string > & getNames () const
void Initialize (G4HCofThisEvent *eventHC) override
 SensitiveDetector (const std::string &iname, const DDCompactView &cpv, const SensitiveDetectorCatalog &, edm::ParameterSet const &p)
 ~SensitiveDetector () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< const BeginOfRun * >
 Observer ()
void slotForUpdate (const BeginOfRun * iT)
virtual ~Observer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< const BeginOfEvent * >
 Observer ()
void slotForUpdate (const BeginOfEvent * iT)
virtual ~Observer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< const BeginOfTrack * >
 Observer ()
void slotForUpdate (const BeginOfTrack * iT)
virtual ~Observer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< const EndOfTrack * >
 Observer ()
void slotForUpdate (const EndOfTrack * iT)
virtual ~Observer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Observer< const EndOfEvent * >
 Observer ()
void slotForUpdate (const EndOfEvent * iT)
virtual ~Observer ()

Protected Member Functions

bool filterHit (CaloG4Hit *, double) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CaloSD
G4bool checkHit ()
CaloG4HitcreateNewHit ()
double getAttenuation (const G4Step *aStep, double birk1, double birk2, double birk3)
virtual uint16_t getDepth (const G4Step *)
int getNumberOfHits ()
double getResponseWt (const G4Track *)
virtual G4bool getStepInfo (G4Step *aStep)
virtual int getTrackID (const G4Track *)
G4bool hitExists ()
virtual void initRun ()
void resetForNewPrimary (const G4ThreeVector &, double)
G4ThreeVector setToGlobal (const G4ThreeVector &, const G4VTouchable *)
G4ThreeVector setToLocal (const G4ThreeVector &, const G4VTouchable *)
void update (const BeginOfRun *) override
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives. More...
void update (const BeginOfEvent *) override
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives. More...
void update (const BeginOfTrack *trk) override
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives. More...
void update (const EndOfTrack *trk) override
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives. More...
void update (const ::EndOfEvent *) override
void updateHit (CaloG4Hit *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SensitiveDetector
Local3DPoint ConvertToLocal3DPoint (const G4ThreeVector &point) const
Local3DPoint FinalStepPosition (const G4Step *step, coordinates) const
Local3DPoint InitialStepPosition (const G4Step *step, coordinates) const
Local3DPoint LocalPostStepPosition (const G4Step *step) const
Local3DPoint LocalPreStepPosition (const G4Step *step) const
void NaNTrap (const G4Step *step) const
void setNames (const std::vector< std::string > &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Observer< const EndOfEvent * >
virtual void update (const EndOfEvent *)=0
 This routine will be called when the appropriate signal arrives. More...

Private Attributes

double betaThr
double birk1
double birk2
double birk3
double eminHit
bool useBirk

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from SensitiveDetector
enum  coordinates { WorldCoordinates, LocalCoordinates }
- Protected Attributes inherited from CaloSD
int checkHits
double correctT
bool corrTOFBeam
CaloHitID currentID
float edepositEM
float edepositHAD
double eminHit
double eminHitD
G4int emPDG
double energyCut
G4ThreeVector entranceLocal
G4ThreeVector entrancePoint
G4int epPDG
bool forceSave
G4int gammaPDG
float incidentEnergy
double kmaxIon
double kmaxNeutron
double kmaxProton
const SimTrackManagerm_trackManager
G4ThreeVector posGlobal
G4StepPoint * preStepPoint
CaloHitID previousID
int primIDSaved
bool runInit
bool suppressHeavy
G4Track * theTrack
double tmaxHit
bool useMap

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12 of file AHCalSD.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AHCalSD::AHCalSD ( const std::string &  name,
const DDCompactView cpv,
const SensitiveDetectorCatalog clg,
edm::ParameterSet const &  p,
const SimTrackManager manager 

Definition at line 20 of file

References birk1, birk2, birk3, eminHit, g, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), MeV, and useBirk.

22  :
23  CaloSD(name, cpv, clg, p, manager,
24  (float)(p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("AHCalSD").getParameter<double>("TimeSliceUnit")),
25  p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("AHCalSD").getParameter<bool>("IgnoreTrackID")) {
27  edm::ParameterSet m_HC = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("AHCalSD");
28  useBirk = m_HC.getParameter<bool>("UseBirkLaw");
29  birk1 = m_HC.getParameter<double>("BirkC1")*(CLHEP::g/(CLHEP::MeV*CLHEP::cm2));
30  birk2 = m_HC.getParameter<double>("BirkC2");
31  birk3 = m_HC.getParameter<double>("BirkC3");
32  eminHit = m_HC.getParameter<double>("EminHit")*CLHEP::MeV;
34  edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "AHCalSD:: Use of Birks law is set to "
35  << useBirk << " with three constants kB = "
36  << birk1 << ", C1 = " << birk2 << ", C2 = " << birk3
37  << "\nAHCalSD:: Threshold for storing hits: "
38  << eminHit << std::endl;
39 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
double birk1
Definition: AHCalSD.h:30
double birk3
Definition: AHCalSD.h:30
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e g
Definition: Activities.doc:4
const double MeV
double birk2
Definition: AHCalSD.h:30
CaloSD(const std::string &aSDname, const DDCompactView &cpv, const SensitiveDetectorCatalog &clg, edm::ParameterSet const &p, const SimTrackManager *, float timeSlice=1., bool ignoreTkID=false)
double eminHit
Definition: AHCalSD.h:31
bool useBirk
Definition: AHCalSD.h:29
AHCalSD::~AHCalSD ( )

Definition at line 41 of file

41 { }

Member Function Documentation

bool AHCalSD::filterHit ( CaloG4Hit aHit,
double  time 

Reimplemented from CaloSD.

Definition at line 106 of file

References eminHit, CaloG4Hit::getEnergyDeposit(), and CaloSD::tmaxHit.

106  {
107  return ((time <= tmaxHit) && (aHit->getEnergyDeposit() > eminHit));
108 }
double tmaxHit
Definition: CaloSD.h:124
double eminHit
Definition: AHCalSD.h:31
double getEnergyDeposit() const
Definition: CaloG4Hit.h:81
double AHCalSD::getEnergyDeposit ( G4Step *  aStep)

Reimplemented from CaloSD.

Definition at line 43 of file

References birk1, birk2, birk3, CaloSD::getAttenuation(), useBirk, and mps_merge::weight.

43  {
45  double destep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
46  double wt2 = aStep->GetTrack()->GetWeight();
47  double weight = (wt2 > 0.0) ? wt2 : 1.0;
48 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
49  double weight0 = weight;
50 #endif
51  if (useBirk) weight *= getAttenuation(aStep, birk1, birk2, birk3);
52 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
53  edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "AHCalSD: weight " << weight0 << " " << weight
54  << std::endl;
55 #endif
56  double edep = weight*destep;
57  return edep;
58 }
double getAttenuation(const G4Step *aStep, double birk1, double birk2, double birk3)
double birk1
Definition: AHCalSD.h:30
double birk3
Definition: AHCalSD.h:30
double birk2
Definition: AHCalSD.h:30
bool useBirk
Definition: AHCalSD.h:29
uint32_t AHCalSD::setDetUnitId ( const G4Step *  step)

Implements CaloSD.

Definition at line 60 of file

References cuy::col, TauDecayModes::dec, egammaForCoreTracking_cff::depth, RemoveAddSevLevel::flag, HcalOther, CaloSD::preStepPoint, DetId::rawId(), and unpackIndex().

60  {
62  G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
63  const G4VTouchable* touch = preStepPoint->GetTouchable();
65  int depth = (touch->GetReplicaNumber(1));
66  int incol = ((touch->GetReplicaNumber(0))%10);
67  int inrow = ((touch->GetReplicaNumber(0))/10)%10;
68  int jncol = ((touch->GetReplicaNumber(0))/100)%10;
69  int jnrow = ((touch->GetReplicaNumber(0))/1000)%10;
70  int col = (jncol == 0) ? incol : -incol;
71  int row = (jnrow == 0) ? inrow : -inrow;
72  uint32_t index = AHCalDetId(row,col,depth).rawId();
73 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
74  edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "AHCalSD: det = " << HcalOther
75  << " depth = " << depth << " row = " << row
76  << " column = " << col << " packed index = 0x"
77  << std::hex << index << std::dec << std::endl;
78  bool flag = unpackIndex(index, row, col, depth);
79  edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "Results from unpacker for 0x" << std::hex
80  << index << std::dec << " Flag " << flag << " Row "
81  << row << " Col " << col << " Depth " << depth
82  << std::endl;
83 #endif
84  return index;
85 }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:44
G4StepPoint * preStepPoint
Definition: CaloSD.h:121
bool unpackIndex(const uint32_t &idx, int &row, int &col, int &depth)
bool AHCalSD::unpackIndex ( const uint32_t &  idx,
int &  row,
int &  col,
int &  depth 

Definition at line 87 of file

References TauDecayModes::dec, AHCalDetId::depth(), DetId::det(), relval_steps::gen(), DetId::Hcal, HcalOther, AHCalDetId::icol(), AHCalDetId::irow(), and DetId::subdetId().

Referenced by setDetUnitId().

87  {
89  DetId gen(idx);
90  HcalSubdetector subdet = (HcalSubdetector(gen.subdetId()));
91  bool rcode = (gen.det()==DetId::Hcal && subdet!=HcalOther);
92  row = col = depth = 0;
93  if (rcode) {
94  row = AHCalDetId(idx).irow();
95  col = AHCalDetId(idx).icol();
97  }
98 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
99  edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "AHCalSD: packed index = 0x" << std::hex << idx
100  << std::dec << " Row " << row << " Column " << col
101  << " Depth " << depth << " OK " << rcode << std::endl;
102 #endif
103  return rcode;
104 }
int irow() const
get the row number
int depth() const
int icol() const
get the column number
Definition: HcalAssistant.h:31
def gen(fragment, howMuch)
Production test section ####.
Definition: DetId.h:18

Member Data Documentation

double AHCalSD::betaThr

Definition at line 30 of file AHCalSD.h.

double AHCalSD::birk1

Definition at line 30 of file AHCalSD.h.

Referenced by AHCalSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().

double AHCalSD::birk2

Definition at line 30 of file AHCalSD.h.

Referenced by AHCalSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().

double AHCalSD::birk3

Definition at line 30 of file AHCalSD.h.

Referenced by AHCalSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().

double AHCalSD::eminHit

Definition at line 31 of file AHCalSD.h.

Referenced by AHCalSD(), and filterHit().

bool AHCalSD::useBirk

Definition at line 29 of file AHCalSD.h.

Referenced by AHCalSD(), and getEnergyDeposit().