4 given a hltpath and its L1SeedExpression, find the L1 bit name 7 if hltPath contains the following, skip do not parse seed. 9 FakeHLTPATH*, HLT_Physics*, HLT_*Calibration*, HLT_HFThreashold, 10 HLT_MiniBias*,HLT_Random*,HLTTriggerFinalPath,HLT_PixelFED* 12 parse hltpath contains at most 2 logics x OR y, x AND y, and return left val 13 do not consider path containing operator NOT 16 if re.match(
None :
18 if re.match(
None :
20 if re.match(
None :
22 if re.match(
None :
24 if re.match(
None :
26 if re.match(
None :
28 if re.match(
None :
30 if re.match(
None :
32 if ExprStr.find(
'(')!=-1 :
34 sep=re.compile(
35 result=re.split(sep,ExprStr)
40 notsep=re.compile(
41 andsep=re.compile(
42 orsep=re.compile(
53 cleanresult.append(
54 return (exptype,cleanresult)
56 if __name__==
58 print findUniqueSeed(
"L1_SingleEG1 OR L1_SingleEG2 OR L1_SingleEG5 OR L1_SingleEG8 OR L1_SingleEG10")
59 print findUniqueSeed(
"L1_ZeroBias AND me")
def replace(string, replacements)
def findUniqueSeed(hltPath, ExprStr)