Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * See header file for a description of this class.
3  *
4  * \author S. Bolognesi and G. Cerminara - INFN Torino
5  */
7 #include <iostream>
8 #include <map>
22 #include "DTSegment2DQuality.h"
23 #include "Histograms.h"
25 using namespace std;
26 using namespace edm;
28 struct Histograms {
40 };
42 // Constructor
44  // get the debug parameter for verbose output
45  debug_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug");
46  DTHitQualityUtils::debug = debug_;
47  // the name of the simhit collection
48  simHitLabel_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("simHitLabel");
49  simHitToken_ = consumes<PSimHitContainer>(pset.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("simHitLabel"));
50  // the name of the 2D rec hit collection
51  segment2DLabel_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("segment2DLabel");
52  segment2DToken_ = consumes<DTRecSegment2DCollection>(pset.getUntrackedParameter<InputTag>("segment2DLabel"));
54  // sigma resolution on position
55  sigmaResPos_ = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResPos");
56  // sigma resolution on angle
57  sigmaResAngle_ = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResAngle");
59  if (debug_) {
60  cout << "[DTSegment2DQuality] Constructor called " << endl;
61 }
62 }
65  histograms.h2DHitRPhi = new HRes2DHit ("RPhi", booker, true, true);
66  histograms.h2DHitRZ = new HRes2DHit ("RZ", booker, true, true);
67  histograms.h2DHitRZ_W0 = new HRes2DHit ("RZ_W0", booker, true, true);
68  histograms.h2DHitRZ_W1 = new HRes2DHit ("RZ_W1", booker, true, true);
69  histograms.h2DHitRZ_W2 = new HRes2DHit ("RZ_W2", booker, true, true);
71  histograms.h2DHitEff_RPhi = new HEff2DHit ("RPhi", booker);
72  histograms.h2DHitEff_RZ = new HEff2DHit ("RZ", booker);
73  histograms.h2DHitEff_RZ_W0 = new HEff2DHit ("RZ_W0", booker);
74  histograms.h2DHitEff_RZ_W1 = new HEff2DHit ("RZ_W1", booker);
75  histograms.h2DHitEff_RZ_W2 = new HEff2DHit ("RZ_W2", booker);
76  if (debug_) {
77  cout << "[DTSegment2DQuality] hitsos created " << endl;
78  }
79 }
81 // The real analysis
83  // Get the DT Geometry
84  ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeom;
85  setup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeom);
87  // Get the SimHit collection from the event
89  event.getByToken(simHitToken_, simHits); // FIXME: second string to be removed
91  // Map simHits by sl
92  map<DTSuperLayerId, PSimHitContainer > simHitsPerSl;
93  for (const auto & simHit : *simHits) {
94  // Create the id of the sl (the simHits in the DT known their wireId)
95  DTSuperLayerId slId = ((DTWireId(simHit.detUnitId())).layerId()).superlayerId();
96  // Fill the map
97  simHitsPerSl[slId].push_back(simHit);
98  }
100  // Get the 2D rechits from the event
102  event.getByToken(segment2DToken_, segment2Ds);
104  if (not segment2Ds.isValid()) {
105  if (debug_) { cout << "[DTSegment2DQuality]**Warning: no 2DSegments with label: " << segment2DLabel_
106  << " in this event, skipping !" << endl;
107 }
108  return;
109  }
111  // Loop over all superlayers containing a segment
112  DTRecSegment2DCollection::id_iterator slId;
113  for (slId = segment2Ds->id_begin();
114  slId != segment2Ds->id_end();
115  ++slId) {
117  //------------------------- simHits ---------------------------//
118  // Get simHits of each superlayer
119  PSimHitContainer simHits = simHitsPerSl[(*slId)];
121  // Map simhits per wire
122  map<DTWireId, PSimHitContainer> simHitsPerWire = DTHitQualityUtils::mapSimHitsPerWire(simHits);
123  map<DTWireId, const PSimHit*> muSimHitPerWire = DTHitQualityUtils::mapMuSimHitsPerWire(simHitsPerWire);
124  int nMuSimHit = muSimHitPerWire.size();
125  if (nMuSimHit == 0 or nMuSimHit == 1) {
126  if (debug_ and nMuSimHit == 1) {
127  cout << "[DTSegment2DQuality] Only " << nMuSimHit << " mu SimHit in this SL, skipping !" << endl;
128 }
129  continue; // If no or only one mu SimHit is found skip this SL
130  }
131  if (debug_) {
132  cout << "=== SL " << (*slId) << " has " << nMuSimHit << " SimHits" << endl;
133 }
135  // Find outer and inner mu SimHit to build a segment
136  pair<const PSimHit*, const PSimHit*> inAndOutSimHit = DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegment(muSimHitPerWire);
137  // Check that outermost and innermost SimHit are not the same
138  if (inAndOutSimHit.first == inAndOutSimHit.second ) {
139  cout << "[DTHitQualityUtils]***Warning: outermost and innermost SimHit are the same !" << endl;
140  continue;
141  }
143  // Find direction and position of the sim Segment in SL RF
144  pair<LocalVector, LocalPoint> dirAndPosSimSegm = DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegmentDirAndPos(inAndOutSimHit,
145  (*slId),&(*dtGeom));
147  LocalVector simSegmLocalDir = dirAndPosSimSegm.first;
148  LocalPoint simSegmLocalPos = dirAndPosSimSegm.second;
149  if (debug_) {
150  cout << " Simulated segment: local direction " << simSegmLocalDir << endl
151  << " local position " << simSegmLocalPos << endl;
152 }
153  const DTSuperLayer* superLayer = dtGeom->superLayer(*slId);
154  GlobalPoint simSegmGlobalPos = superLayer->toGlobal(simSegmLocalPos);
156  // Atan(x/z) angle and x position in SL RF
157  float angleSimSeg = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(simSegmLocalDir).first;
158  float posSimSeg = simSegmLocalPos.x();
159  // Position (in eta, phi coordinates) in the global RF
160  float etaSimSeg = simSegmGlobalPos.eta();
161  float phiSimSeg = simSegmGlobalPos.phi();
163  //---------------------------- recHits --------------------------//
164  // Get the range of rechit for the corresponding slId
165  bool recHitFound = false;
166  DTRecSegment2DCollection::range range = segment2Ds->get(*slId);
167  int nsegm = distance(range.first, range.second);
168  if (debug_) {
169  cout << " Sl: " << *slId << " has " << nsegm
170  << " 2D segments" << endl;
171 }
173  if (nsegm != 0) {
174  // Find the best RecHit: look for the 2D RecHit with the angle closest
175  // to that of segment made of SimHits.
176  // RecHits must have delta alpha and delta position within 5 sigma of
177  // the residual distribution (we are looking for residuals of segments
178  // usefull to the track fit) for efficency purpose
179  const DTRecSegment2D* bestRecHit = nullptr;
180  bool bestRecHitFound = false;
181  double deltaAlpha = 99999;
183  // Loop over the recHits of this slId
184  for (DTRecSegment2DCollection::const_iterator segment2D = range.first;
185  segment2D != range.second;
186  ++segment2D) {
187  // Check the dimension
188  if ((*segment2D).dimension() != 2) {
189  if (debug_) { cout << "[DTSegment2DQuality]***Error: This is not 2D segment !!!" << endl;
190 }
191  abort();
192  }
193  // Segment Local Direction and position (in SL RF)
194  LocalVector recSegDirection = (*segment2D).localDirection();
195  LocalPoint recSegPosition = (*segment2D).localPosition();
197  float recSegAlpha = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(recSegDirection).first;
198  if (debug_) {
199  cout << " RecSegment direction: " << recSegDirection << endl
200  << " position : " << recSegPosition << endl
201  << " alpha : " << recSegAlpha << endl;
202 }
204  if (fabs(recSegAlpha - angleSimSeg) < deltaAlpha) {
205  deltaAlpha = fabs(recSegAlpha - angleSimSeg);
206  bestRecHit = &(*segment2D);
207  bestRecHitFound = true;
208  }
209  } // End of Loop over all 2D RecHits
211  if (bestRecHitFound) {
212  // Best rechit direction and position in SL RF
213  LocalPoint bestRecHitLocalPos = bestRecHit->localPosition();
214  LocalVector bestRecHitLocalDir = bestRecHit->localDirection();
216  LocalError bestRecHitLocalPosErr = bestRecHit->localPositionError();
217  LocalError bestRecHitLocalDirErr = bestRecHit->localDirectionError();
219  float angleBestRHit = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(bestRecHitLocalDir).first;
221  if (fabs(angleBestRHit - angleSimSeg) < 5*sigmaResAngle_ and
222  fabs(bestRecHitLocalPos.x() - posSimSeg) < 5*sigmaResPos_) {
223  recHitFound = true;
224  }
226  // Fill Residual histos
227  HRes2DHit *hRes = nullptr;
228  if ((*slId).superlayer() == 1 or (*slId).superlayer() == 3) { // RPhi SL
229  hRes = histograms.h2DHitRPhi;
230  } else if ((*slId).superlayer() == 2) { // RZ SL
231  histograms.h2DHitRZ->fill(angleSimSeg,
232  angleBestRHit,
233  posSimSeg,
234  bestRecHitLocalPos.x(),
235  etaSimSeg,
236  phiSimSeg,
237  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.xx()),
238  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.xx())
239  );
240  if (abs((*slId).wheel()) == 0) {
241  hRes = histograms.h2DHitRZ_W0;
242  } else if (abs((*slId).wheel()) == 1) {
243  hRes = histograms.h2DHitRZ_W1;
244  } else if (abs((*slId).wheel()) == 2) {
245  hRes = histograms.h2DHitRZ_W2;
246 }
247  }
248  hRes->fill(angleSimSeg,
249  angleBestRHit,
250  posSimSeg,
251  bestRecHitLocalPos.x(),
252  etaSimSeg,
253  phiSimSeg,
254  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.xx()),
255  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.xx())
256  );
257  }
258  } // end of if (nsegm != 0)
260  // Fill Efficiency plot
261  HEff2DHit *hEff = nullptr;
262  if ((*slId).superlayer() == 1 or (*slId).superlayer() == 3) { // RPhi SL
263  hEff = histograms.h2DHitEff_RPhi;
264  } else if ((*slId).superlayer() == 2) { // RZ SL
265  histograms.h2DHitEff_RZ->fill(etaSimSeg, phiSimSeg, posSimSeg, angleSimSeg, recHitFound);
266  if (abs((*slId).wheel()) == 0) {
267  hEff = histograms.h2DHitEff_RZ_W0;
268  } else if (abs((*slId).wheel()) == 1) {
269  hEff = histograms.h2DHitEff_RZ_W1;
270  } else if (abs((*slId).wheel()) == 2) {
271  hEff = histograms.h2DHitEff_RZ_W2;
272  }
273  }
274  hEff->fill(etaSimSeg, phiSimSeg, posSimSeg, angleSimSeg, recHitFound);
275  } // End of loop over superlayers
276 }
278 // declare this as a framework plugin
LocalError localPositionError() const override
local position error in SL frame
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
void fill(float angleSimSegment, float angleRecSegment, float posSimSegment, float posRecSegment, float etaSimSegment, float phiSimSegment, float sigmaPos, float sigmaAngle)
Definition: Histograms.h:245
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
float xx() const
Definition: LocalError.h:24
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > range
iterator range
Definition: RangeMap.h:50
HEff2DHit * h2DHitEff_RZ_W0
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:17
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Local2DPoint &lp) const
Conversion to the global R.F. from the R.F. of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:54
void fill(float etaSimSegm, float phiSimSegm, float posSimSegm, float angleSimSegm, bool fillRecHit)
Definition: Histograms.h:309
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:69
HRes2DHit * h2DHitRPhi
def setup(process, global_tag, zero_tesla=False)
DTSegment2DQuality(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
HRes2DHit * h2DHitRZ_W0
static std::map< DTWireId, const PSimHit * > mapMuSimHitsPerWire(const std::map< DTWireId, edm::PSimHitContainer > &simHitWireMap)
Create a map between the Mu SimHits and corresponding MuBarWireId ;.
HEff2DHit * h2DHitEff_RZ_W2
static std::pair< const PSimHit *, const PSimHit * > findMuSimSegment(const std::map< DTWireId, const PSimHit * > &mapWireAndMuSimHit)
Find Innermost and outermost SimHit from Mu in a SL (they identify a simulated segment) ...
HEff2DHit * h2DHitEff_RPhi
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
HRes2DHit * h2DHitRZ_W1
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:74
static std::pair< double, double > findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(const LocalVector &direction)
void dqmAnalyze(edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &, Histograms const &) const override
Perform the real analysis.
static std::pair< LocalVector, LocalPoint > findMuSimSegmentDirAndPos(const std::pair< const PSimHit *, const PSimHit * > &inAndOutSimHit, const DetId detId, const DTGeometry *muonGeom)
Find direction and position of a segment (in local RF) from outer and inner mu SimHit in the RF of ob...
LocalPoint localPosition() const override
local position in SL frame
HEff2DHit * h2DHitEff_RZ
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::ConcurrentBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &, Histograms &) const override
Book the DQM plots.
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:59
T eta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:76
HEff2DHit * h2DHitEff_RZ_W1
HLT enums.
LocalVector localDirection() const override
the local direction in SL frame
std::vector< PSimHit > PSimHitContainer
static std::map< DTWireId, edm::PSimHitContainer > mapSimHitsPerWire(const edm::PSimHitContainer &simhits)
HRes2DHit * h2DHitRZ
LocalError localDirectionError() const override
the local direction error (xx,xy,yy) in SL frame: only xx is not 0.
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
Definition: Run.h:43
HRes2DHit * h2DHitRZ_W2
const DTSuperLayer * superLayer(const DTSuperLayerId &id) const
Return a DTSuperLayer given its id.