Go to the documentation of this file.
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <sstream>
18 #include <iomanip>
19 #include <ext/algorithm>
21 using namespace std;
23 namespace Phase2Tracker {
26  runNumber_(0),
27  cabling_(nullptr),
28  cacheId_(0)
29  {
30  // define product
31  produces< edm::DetSetVector<Phase2TrackerDigi> >("ProcessedRaw");
32  token_ = consumes<FEDRawDataCollection>(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ProductLabel"));
33  }
36  {
37  }
40  {
41  }
44  {
45  // fetch cabling from event setup
47  es.get<Phase2TrackerCablingRcd>().get( c );
48  cabling_ = c.product();
49  }
52  {
53  }
56  {
57  // empty vectors for the next event
58  proc_work_registry_.clear();
59  proc_work_digis_.clear();
61  // Retrieve FEDRawData collection
63  event.getByToken( token_, buffers );
65  // Analyze strip tracker FED buffers in data
66  size_t fedIndex;
67  for( fedIndex = Phase2Tracker::FED_ID_MIN; fedIndex < Phase2Tracker::CMS_FED_ID_MAX; ++fedIndex )
68  {
69  const FEDRawData& fed = buffers->FEDData(fedIndex);
70  if(fed.size()!=0)
71  {
72  // construct buffer
74  buffer = new Phase2Tracker::Phase2TrackerFEDBuffer(,fed.size());
76  #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
77  std::ostringstream ss;
78  ss << " -------------------------------------------- " << endl;
79  ss << " buffer debug ------------------------------- " << endl;
80  ss << " -------------------------------------------- " << endl;
81  ss << " buffer size : " << buffer->bufferSize() << endl;
82  ss << " fed id : " << fedIndex << endl;
83  ss << " -------------------------------------------- " << endl;
84  ss << " tracker header debug ------------------------" << endl;
85  ss << " -------------------------------------------- " << endl;
86  LogTrace("Phase2TrackerDigiProducer") << ss.str(); ss.clear(); ss.str("");
88  Phase2TrackerFEDHeader tr_header = buffer->trackerHeader();
89  ss << " Version : " << hex << setw(2) << (int) tr_header.getDataFormatVersion() << endl;
90  ss << " Mode : " << hex << setw(2) << tr_header.getDebugMode() << endl;
91  ss << " Type : " << hex << setw(2) << (int) tr_header.getEventType() << endl;
92  ss << " Readout : " << hex << setw(2) << tr_header.getReadoutMode() << endl;
93  ss << " Condition Data : " << ( tr_header.getConditionData() ? "Present" : "Absent") << "\n";
94  ss << " Data Type : " << ( tr_header.getDataType() ? "Real" : "Fake" ) << "\n";
95  ss << " Status : " << hex << setw(16)<< (int) tr_header.getGlibStatusCode() << endl;
96  ss << " FE stat : " ;
97  for(int i=15; i>=0; i--)
98  {
99  if((tr_header.frontendStatus())[i])
100  {
101  ss << "1";
102  }
103  else
104  {
105  ss << "0";
106  }
107  }
108  ss << endl;
109  ss << " Nr CBC : " << hex << setw(16)<< (int) tr_header.getNumberOfCBC() << endl;
110  ss << " CBC stat : ";
111  for(int i=0; i<tr_header.getNumberOfCBC(); i++)
112  {
113  ss << hex << setw(2) << (int) tr_header.CBCStatus()[i] << " ";
114  }
115  ss << endl;
116  LogTrace("Phase2TrackerDigiProducer") << ss.str(); ss.clear(); ss.str("");
117  ss << " -------------------------------------------- " << endl;
118  ss << " Payload ----------------------------------- " << endl;
119  ss << " -------------------------------------------- " << endl;
120  #endif
122  // loop channels
123  int ichan = 0;
124  for ( int ife = 0; ife < MAX_FE_PER_FED; ife++ )
125  {
126  for ( int icbc = 0; icbc < MAX_CBC_PER_FE; icbc++ )
127  {
128  const Phase2TrackerFEDChannel& channel = buffer->channel(ichan);
129  if(channel.length() > 0)
130  {
131  // get fedid from cabling
132  const Phase2TrackerModule mod = cabling_->findFedCh(std::make_pair(fedIndex, ife));
133  uint32_t detid = mod.getDetid();
134  #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
135  ss << dec << " id from cabling : " << detid << endl;
136  ss << dec << " reading channel : " << icbc << " on FE " << ife;
137  ss << dec << " with length : " << (int) channel.length() << endl;
138  #endif
140  // container for this channel's digis
141  std::vector<Phase2TrackerDigi> stripsTop;
142  std::vector<Phase2TrackerDigi> stripsBottom;
144  // unpacking data
146  while (unpacker.hasData())
147  {
148  if(unpacker.stripOn())
149  {
150  if (unpacker.stripIndex()%2)
151  {
152  stripsTop.push_back(Phase2TrackerDigi( (int) (STRIPS_PER_CBC*icbc + unpacker.stripIndex())/2, 0));
153  #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
154  ss << "t";
155  #endif
156  }
157  else
158  {
159  stripsBottom.push_back(Phase2TrackerDigi( (int) (STRIPS_PER_CBC*icbc + unpacker.stripIndex())/2, 0));
160  #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
161  ss << "b";
162  #endif
163  }
164  }
165  else
166  {
167  #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
168  ss << "_";
169  #endif
170  }
171  unpacker++;
172  }
173  #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
174  ss << endl;
175  LogTrace("Phase2TrackerDigiProducer") << ss.str(); ss.clear(); ss.str("");
176  #endif
178  // store beginning and end of this digis for this detid and add this registry to the list
179  // and store data
180  Registry regItemTop(detid+1, STRIPS_PER_CBC*icbc/2, proc_work_digis_.size(), stripsTop.size());
181  proc_work_registry_.push_back(regItemTop);
182  proc_work_digis_.insert(proc_work_digis_.end(),stripsTop.begin(),stripsTop.end());
183  Registry regItemBottom(detid+2, STRIPS_PER_CBC*icbc/2, proc_work_digis_.size(), stripsBottom.size());
184  proc_work_registry_.push_back(regItemBottom);
185  proc_work_digis_.insert(proc_work_digis_.end(),stripsBottom.begin(),stripsBottom.end());
186  }
187  ichan ++;
188  }
189  } // end loop on channels
190  // store digis in edm collections
191  std::sort( proc_work_registry_.begin(), proc_work_registry_.end() );
192  std::vector< edm::DetSet<Phase2TrackerDigi> > sorted_and_merged;
196  std::vector<Registry>::iterator it = proc_work_registry_.begin(), it2 = it+1, end = proc_work_registry_.end();
197  while (it < end)
198  {
199  sorted_and_merged.push_back( edm::DetSet<Phase2TrackerDigi>(it->detid) );
200  std::vector<Phase2TrackerDigi> & digis = sorted_and_merged.back().data;
201  // first count how many digis we have
202  size_t len = it->length;
203  for (it2 = it+1; (it2 != end) && (it2->detid == it->detid); ++it2) { len += it2->length; }
204  // reserve memory
205  digis.reserve(len);
206  // push them in
207  for (it2 = it+0; (it2 != end) && (it2->detid == it->detid); ++it2)
208  {
209  digis.insert( digis.end(), & proc_work_digis_[it2->index], & proc_work_digis_[it2->index + it2->length] );
210  }
211  it = it2;
212  }
214  edm::DetSetVector<Phase2TrackerDigi> proc_raw_dsv( sorted_and_merged, true );
215  pr->swap( proc_raw_dsv );
216  event.put(std::unique_ptr<edm::DetSetVector<Phase2TrackerDigi>>(pr), "ProcessedRaw");
217  delete buffer;
218  }
219  }
220  }
221 }
std::vector< uint8_t > CBCStatus() const
static const char runNumber_[]
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
const Phase2TrackerFEDChannel & channel(const uint8_t internalPhase2TrackerFEDChannelNum) const
const Phase2TrackerModule & findFedCh(std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > fedch) const
void reserve(size_t s)
Definition: DetSetVector.h:150
static const uint16_t CMS_FED_ID_MAX
Definition: utils.h:19
#define nullptr
edm::EDGetTokenT< FEDRawDataCollection > token_
void swap(DetSetVector &other)
size_t size() const
Lenght of the data buffer in bytes.
Definition: FEDRawData.h:47
const FEDRawData & FEDData(int fedid) const
retrieve data for fed
std::vector< bool > frontendStatus() const
void produce(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
uint32_t getDetid() const
static const int MAX_CBC_PER_FE
Definition: utils.h:25
std::vector< Phase2TrackerDigi > proc_work_digis_
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:39
#define LogTrace(id)
Phase2TrackerDigiProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
void beginRun(edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:58
~Phase2TrackerDigiProducer() override
default constructor
const unsigned char * data() const
Return a const pointer to the beginning of the data buffer.
static const int STRIPS_PER_CBC
Definition: utils.h:26
static const uint16_t FED_ID_MIN
Definition: utils.h:17
Phase2TrackerFEDHeader trackerHeader() const
T mod(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: ecalDccMap.h:4
static const int MAX_FE_PER_FED
Definition: utils.h:24
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
Definition: Run.h:43