Go to the documentation of this file.
7  unsigned sector, unsigned subsector,
8  unsigned chamber,
9  const edm::ParameterSet& conf)
10  : CSCGEMMotherboard(endcap, station, sector, subsector, chamber, conf)
11  , allLCTs(match_trig_window_size)
12  , dropLowQualityCLCTsNoGEMs_(tmbParams_.getParameter<bool>("dropLowQualityCLCTsNoGEMs"))
13  , dropLowQualityALCTsNoGEMs_(tmbParams_.getParameter<bool>("dropLowQualityALCTsNoGEMs"))
14  , buildLCTfromALCTandGEM_(tmbParams_.getParameter<bool>("buildLCTfromALCTandGEM"))
15  , buildLCTfromCLCTandGEM_(tmbParams_.getParameter<bool>("buildLCTfromCLCTandGEM"))
16 {
17  // set LUTs
18  tmbLUT_.reset(new CSCGEMMotherboardLUTME21());
19 }
25 {
26 }
30 {
31 }
35 {
39  for (int bx = 0; bx < CSCConstants::MAX_LCT_TBINS; bx++) {
40  for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++) {
41  for (int i=0;i<CSCConstants::MAX_LCTS_PER_CSC;i++) {
42  allLCTs(bx,mbx,i).clear();
43  }
44  }
45  }
46 }
48 void
50  const CSCComparatorDigiCollection* compdc,
51  const GEMPadDigiCollection* gemPads)
52 {
53  clear();
54  setupGeometry();
55  debugLUTs();
57  if (gem_g != nullptr) {
58  if (infoV >= 0) edm::LogInfo("L1CSCTPEmulatorSetupInfo")
59  << "+++ run() called for GEM-CSC integrated trigger! +++ \n";
60  gemGeometryAvailable = true;
61  }
63  // check for GEM geometry
64  if (not gemGeometryAvailable){
65  if (infoV >= 0) edm::LogError("L1CSCTPEmulatorSetupError")
66  << "+++ run() called for GEM-CSC integrated trigger without valid GEM geometry! +++ \n";
67  return;
68  }
69  gemCoPadV = coPadProcessor->run(gemPads); // run copad processor in GE1/1
71  if (!( alct and clct))
72  {
73  if (infoV >= 0) edm::LogError("L1CSCTPEmulatorSetupError")
74  << "+++ run() called for non-existing ALCT/CLCT processor! +++ \n";
75  return;
76  }
78  alct->setCSCGeometry(csc_g);
79  clct->setCSCGeometry(csc_g);
81  alctV = alct->run(wiredc); // run anodeLCT
82  clctV = clct->run(compdc); // run cathodeLCT
84  // if there are no ALCTs and no CLCTs, it does not make sense to run this TMB
85  if (alctV.empty() and clctV.empty()) return;
87  int used_clct_mask[20];
88  for (int c=0;c<20;++c) used_clct_mask[c]=0;
90  // retrieve pads and copads in a certain BX window for this CSC
92  retrieveGEMPads(gemPads, gemId);
95  const bool hasPads(!pads_.empty());
96  const bool hasCoPads(!coPads_.empty());
98  // ALCT centric matching
99  for (int bx_alct = 0; bx_alct < CSCConstants::MAX_ALCT_TBINS; bx_alct++)
100  {
101  if (alct->bestALCT[bx_alct].isValid())
102  {
103  const int bx_clct_start(bx_alct - match_trig_window_size/2);
104  const int bx_clct_stop(bx_alct + match_trig_window_size/2);
105  const int bx_copad_start(bx_alct - maxDeltaBXCoPad_);
106  const int bx_copad_stop(bx_alct + maxDeltaBXCoPad_);
108  if (debug_matching){
109  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "========================================================================" << std::endl;
110  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "ALCT-CLCT matching in ME2/1 chamber: " << cscChamber->id() << std::endl;
111  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
112  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "+++ Best ALCT Details: ";
113  alct->bestALCT[bx_alct].print();
114  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "+++ Second ALCT Details: ";
115  alct->secondALCT[bx_alct].print();
117  printGEMTriggerPads(bx_clct_start, bx_clct_stop, CSCPart::ME21);
118  printGEMTriggerCoPads(bx_clct_start, bx_clct_stop, CSCPart::ME21);
120  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
121  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "Attempt ALCT-CLCT matching in ME2/1 in bx range: [" << bx_clct_start << "," << bx_clct_stop << "]" << std::endl;
122  }
124  // ALCT-to-CLCT
125  int nSuccessFulMatches = 0;
126  for (int bx_clct = bx_clct_start; bx_clct <= bx_clct_stop; bx_clct++)
127  {
128  if (bx_clct < 0 or bx_clct >= CSCConstants::MAX_CLCT_TBINS) continue;
129  if (drop_used_clcts and used_clct_mask[bx_clct]) continue;
130  if (clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].isValid())
131  {
132  // clct quality
133  const int quality(clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].getQuality());
134  // low quality ALCT
135  const bool lowQualityALCT(alct->bestALCT[bx_alct].getQuality() == 0);
136  // low quality ALCT or CLCT
137  const bool lowQuality(quality<4 or lowQualityALCT);
138  if (debug_matching) LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "++Valid ME21 CLCT: " << clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct] << std::endl;
140  // pick the pad that corresponds
141  matches<GEMPadDigi> mPads;
142  matchingPads<GEMPadDigi>(clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct], clct->secondCLCT[bx_clct],
143  alct->bestALCT[bx_alct], alct->secondALCT[bx_alct], ME21, mPads);
144  matches<GEMCoPadDigi> mCoPads;
145  matchingPads<GEMCoPadDigi>(clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct], clct->secondCLCT[bx_clct],
146  alct->bestALCT[bx_alct], alct->secondALCT[bx_alct], ME21, mCoPads);
148  if (dropLowQualityCLCTsNoGEMs_ and lowQuality and hasPads){
149  int nFound(mPads.size());
150  const bool clctInEdge(clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].getKeyStrip() < 5 or clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].getKeyStrip() > 155);
151  if (clctInEdge){
152  if (debug_matching) LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "\tInfo: low quality CLCT in CSC chamber edge, don't care about GEM pads" << std::endl;
153  }
154  else {
155  if (nFound != 0){
156  if (debug_matching) LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "\tInfo: low quality CLCT with " << nFound << " matching GEM trigger pads" << std::endl;
157  }
158  else {
159  if (debug_matching) LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "\tWarning: low quality CLCT without matching GEM trigger pad" << std::endl;
160  continue;
161  }
162  }
163  }
165  ++nSuccessFulMatches;
167  int mbx = bx_clct-bx_clct_start;
168  correlateLCTsGEM(alct->bestALCT[bx_alct], alct->secondALCT[bx_alct],
169  clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct], clct->secondCLCT[bx_clct],
170  mPads, mCoPads,
171  allLCTs(bx_alct,mbx,0), allLCTs(bx_alct,mbx,1), CSCPart::ME21);
172  if (debug_matching) {
173  // if (infoV > 1) LogTrace("CSCMotherboard")
174  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "Successful ALCT-CLCT match in ME21: bx_alct = " << bx_alct
175  << "; match window: [" << bx_clct_start << "; " << bx_clct_stop
176  << "]; bx_clct = " << bx_clct << std::endl;
177  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "+++ Best CLCT Details: ";
178  clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].print();
179  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "+++ Second CLCT Details: ";
180  clct->secondCLCT[bx_clct].print();
181  }
182  if (allLCTs(bx_alct,mbx,0).isValid()) {
183  used_clct_mask[bx_clct] += 1;
184  if (match_earliest_clct_only) break;
185  }
186  }
187  }
189  // ALCT-to-GEM matching
190  int nSuccessFulGEMMatches = 0;
191  if (nSuccessFulMatches==0 and buildLCTfromALCTandGEM_){
192  if (debug_matching) LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "++No valid ALCT-CLCT matches in ME21" << std::endl;
193  for (int bx_gem = bx_copad_start; bx_gem <= bx_copad_stop; bx_gem++) {
194  if (not hasCoPads) {
195  continue;
196  }
198  // find the best matching copad
199  matches<GEMCoPadDigi> copads;
200  matchingPads<CSCALCTDigi, GEMCoPadDigi>(alct->bestALCT[bx_alct], alct->secondALCT[bx_alct], ME21, copads);
202  if (debug_matching) LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "\t++Number of matching GEM CoPads in BX " << bx_alct << " : "<< copads.size() << std::endl;
203  if (copads.empty()) {
204  continue;
205  }
207  CSCGEMMotherboard::correlateLCTsGEM(alct->bestALCT[bx_alct], alct->secondALCT[bx_alct],
208  copads, allLCTs(bx_alct,0,0), allLCTs(bx_alct,0,1), CSCPart::ME21);
209  if (allLCTs(bx_alct,0,0).isValid()) {
210  ++nSuccessFulGEMMatches;
211  if (match_earliest_clct_only) break;
212  }
213  if (debug_matching) {
214  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "Successful ALCT-GEM CoPad match in ME21: bx_alct = " << bx_alct << std::endl << std::endl;
215  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl;
216  }
217  }
218  }
220  if (debug_matching) {
221  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "========================================================================" << std::endl;
222  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "Summary: " << std::endl;
223  if (nSuccessFulMatches>1)
224  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "Too many successful ALCT-CLCT matches in ME21: " << nSuccessFulMatches
225  << ", CSCDetId " << cscChamber->id()
226  << ", bx_alct = " << bx_alct
227  << "; match window: [" << bx_clct_start << "; " << bx_clct_stop << "]" << std::endl;
228  else if (nSuccessFulMatches==1)
229  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "1 successful ALCT-CLCT match in ME21: "
230  << " CSCDetId " << cscChamber->id()
231  << ", bx_alct = " << bx_alct
232  << "; match window: [" << bx_clct_start << "; " << bx_clct_stop << "]" << std::endl;
233  else if (nSuccessFulGEMMatches==1)
234  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "1 successful ALCT-GEM match in ME21: "
235  << " CSCDetId " << cscChamber->id()
236  << ", bx_alct = " << bx_alct
237  << "; match window: [" << bx_clct_start << "; " << bx_clct_stop << "]" << std::endl;
238  else
239  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "Unsuccessful ALCT-CLCT match in ME21: "
240  << "CSCDetId " << cscChamber->id()
241  << ", bx_alct = " << bx_alct
242  << "; match window: [" << bx_clct_start << "; " << bx_clct_stop << "]" << std::endl;
243  }
244  }
245  // at this point we have invalid ALCTs --> try GEM pad matching
246  else{
247  auto coPads(coPads_[bx_alct]);
248  if (!coPads.empty() and buildLCTfromCLCTandGEM_) {
249  const int bx_clct_start(bx_alct - match_trig_window_size/2);
250  const int bx_clct_stop(bx_alct + match_trig_window_size/2);
252  if (debug_matching){
253  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "========================================================================" << std::endl;
254  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") <<"GEM-CLCT matching in ME2/1 chamber: "<< cscChamber->id()<< "in bx:"<<bx_alct<<std::endl;
255  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
256  }
257  // GEM-to-CLCT
258  int nSuccessFulMatches = 0;
259  for (int bx_clct = bx_clct_start; bx_clct <= bx_clct_stop; bx_clct++)
260  {
261  if (bx_clct < 0 or bx_clct >= CSCConstants::MAX_CLCT_TBINS) continue;
262  if (drop_used_clcts and used_clct_mask[bx_clct]) continue;
263  if (clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].isValid())
264  {
265  const int quality(clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].getQuality());
266  // only use high-Q stubs for the time being
267  if (quality < 4) continue;
269  ++nSuccessFulMatches;
271  int mbx = std::abs(clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].getBX()-bx_alct);
272  int bx_gem = (coPads[0].second).bx(1)+lct_central_bx;
273  CSCGEMMotherboard::correlateLCTsGEM(clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct], clct->secondCLCT[bx_clct], coPads,
274  allLCTs(bx_gem,mbx,0), allLCTs(bx_gem,mbx,1), CSCPart::ME21);
275  if (debug_matching) {
276  // if (infoV > 1) LogTrace("CSCGEMMotherboardME21")
277  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "Successful GEM-CLCT match in ME21: bx_alct = " << bx_alct <<std::endl;
278  //<< "; match window: [" << bx_clct_start << "; " << bx_clct_stop
279  //<< "]; bx_clct = " << bx_clct << std::endl;
280  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "+++ Best CLCT Details: ";
281  clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].print();
282  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "+++ Second CLCT Details: ";
283  clct->secondCLCT[bx_clct].print();
284  }
285  if (allLCTs(bx_gem,mbx,0).isValid()) {
286  used_clct_mask[bx_gem] += 1;
287  if (match_earliest_clct_only) break;
288  }
289  }
290  }
291  }
292  }
293  }
294  // reduction of nLCTs per each BX
295  for (int bx = 0; bx < CSCConstants::MAX_LCT_TBINS; bx++)
296  {
297  // counting
298  unsigned int n=0;
299  for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++)
300  for (int i=0;i<CSCConstants::MAX_LCTS_PER_CSC;i++)
301  {
302  int cbx = bx + mbx - match_trig_window_size/2;
303  if (allLCTs(bx,mbx,i).isValid())
304  {
305  ++n;
306  if (infoV > 0) LogDebug("CSCGEMMotherboardME21")
307  << "LCT"<<i+1<<" "<<bx<<"/"<<cbx<<": "<<allLCTs(bx,mbx,i)<<std::endl;
308  }
309  }
311  // some simple cross-bx sorting algorithms
312  if (tmb_cross_bx_algo == 1 and (n>2))
313  {
314  n=0;
315  for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++)
316  for (int i=0;i<CSCConstants::MAX_LCTS_PER_CSC;i++)
317  {
318  if (allLCTs(bx,pref[mbx],i).isValid())
319  {
320  n++;
321  if (n>2) allLCTs(bx,pref[mbx],i).clear();
322  }
323  }
325  n=0;
326  for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++)
327  for (int i=0;i<CSCConstants::MAX_LCTS_PER_CSC;i++)
328  {
329  int cbx = bx + mbx - match_trig_window_size/2;
330  if (allLCTs(bx,mbx,i).isValid())
331  {
332  n++;
333  if (infoV > 0) LogDebug("CSCGEMMotherboardME21")
334  << "LCT"<<i+1<<" "<<bx<<"/"<<cbx<<": "<<allLCTs(bx,mbx,i)<< std::endl;
335  }
336  }
337  if (infoV > 0 and n>0) LogDebug("CSCGEMMotherboardME21")
338  <<"bx "<<bx<<" nnLCT:"<<n<<" "<<n<<std::endl;
339  } // x-bx sorting
340  }
342  bool first = true;
343  unsigned int n=0;
344  for (const auto& p : readoutLCTs()) {
345  if (debug_matching and first){
346  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "========================================================================" << std::endl;
347  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "Counting the final LCTs" << std::endl;
348  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "========================================================================" << std::endl;
349  first = false;
350  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "tmb_cross_bx_algo: " << tmb_cross_bx_algo << std::endl;
351  }
352  n++;
353  if (debug_matching)
354  LogTrace("CSCGEMCMotherboardME21") << "LCT "<<n<<" " << p <<std::endl;
355  }
356 }
358 //readout LCTs
359 std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> CSCGEMMotherboardME21::readoutLCTs() const
360 {
361  std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> result;
362  allLCTs.getMatched(result);
365  return result;
366 }
370  CSCCLCTDigi& bestCLCT, CSCCLCTDigi& secondCLCT,
371  const GEMPadDigiIds& pads, const GEMCoPadDigiIds& copads,
372  CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi& lct1, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi& lct2, enum CSCPart p) const
373 {
374  // assume that always anodeBestValid and cathodeBestValid
375  if (secondALCT == bestALCT) secondALCT.clear();
376  if (secondCLCT == bestCLCT) secondCLCT.clear();
378  if (!copads.empty() or !pads.empty()){
380  // check matching copads
381  const GEMCoPadDigi& bb_copad = bestMatchingPad<GEMCoPadDigi>(bestALCT, bestCLCT, copads, p);
382  const GEMCoPadDigi& bs_copad = bestMatchingPad<GEMCoPadDigi>(bestALCT, secondCLCT, copads, p);
383  const GEMCoPadDigi& sb_copad = bestMatchingPad<GEMCoPadDigi>(secondALCT, bestCLCT, copads, p);
384  const GEMCoPadDigi& ss_copad = bestMatchingPad<GEMCoPadDigi>(secondALCT, secondCLCT, copads, p);
386  // check matching pads
387  const GEMPadDigi& bb_pad = bestMatchingPad<GEMPadDigi>(bestALCT, bestCLCT, pads, p);
388  const GEMPadDigi& bs_pad = bestMatchingPad<GEMPadDigi>(bestALCT, secondCLCT, pads, p);
389  const GEMPadDigi& sb_pad = bestMatchingPad<GEMPadDigi>(secondALCT, bestCLCT, pads, p);
390  const GEMPadDigi& ss_pad = bestMatchingPad<GEMPadDigi>(secondALCT, secondCLCT, pads, p);
392  // evaluate possible combinations
393  const bool ok_bb_copad = bestALCT.isValid() and bestCLCT.isValid() and bb_copad.isValid();
394  const bool ok_bs_copad = bestALCT.isValid() and secondCLCT.isValid() and bs_copad.isValid();
395  const bool ok_sb_copad = secondALCT.isValid() and bestCLCT.isValid() and sb_copad.isValid();
396  const bool ok_ss_copad = secondALCT.isValid() and secondCLCT.isValid() and ss_copad.isValid();
398  const bool ok_bb_pad = (not ok_bb_copad) and bestALCT.isValid() and bestCLCT.isValid() and bb_pad.isValid();
399  const bool ok_bs_pad = (not ok_bs_copad) and bestALCT.isValid() and secondCLCT.isValid() and bs_pad.isValid();
400  const bool ok_sb_pad = (not ok_sb_copad) and secondALCT.isValid() and bestCLCT.isValid() and sb_pad.isValid();
401  const bool ok_ss_pad = (not ok_ss_copad) and secondALCT.isValid() and secondCLCT.isValid() and ss_pad.isValid();
403  // possible cases with copad
404  if (ok_bb_copad or ok_ss_copad){
405  if (ok_bb_copad) lct1 = constructLCTsGEM(bestALCT, bestCLCT, bb_copad, p, 1);
406  if (ok_ss_copad) lct2 = constructLCTsGEM(secondALCT, secondCLCT, ss_copad, p, 2);
407  }
408  else if(ok_bs_copad or ok_sb_copad){
409  if (ok_bs_copad) lct1 = constructLCTsGEM(bestALCT, secondCLCT, bs_copad, p, 1);
410  if (ok_sb_copad) lct2 = constructLCTsGEM(secondALCT, bestCLCT, sb_copad, p, 2);
411  }
413  // done processing?
414  if (lct1.isValid() and lct2.isValid()) return;
416  // possible cases with pad
417  if ((ok_bb_pad or ok_ss_pad) and not (ok_bs_copad or ok_sb_copad)){
418  if (ok_bb_pad) lct1 = constructLCTsGEM(bestALCT, bestCLCT, bb_pad, p, 1);
419  if (ok_ss_pad) lct2 = constructLCTsGEM(secondALCT, secondCLCT, ss_pad, p, 2);
420  }
421  else if((ok_bs_pad or ok_sb_pad) and not (ok_bb_copad or ok_ss_copad)){
422  if (ok_bs_pad) lct1 = constructLCTsGEM(bestALCT, secondCLCT, bs_pad, p, 1);
423  if (ok_sb_pad) lct2 = constructLCTsGEM(secondALCT, bestCLCT, sb_pad, p, 2);
424  }
425  } else {
426  // run without gems - happens in less than 0.04% of the time
427  lct1 = constructLCTs(bestALCT, bestCLCT, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::ALCTCLCT);
428  lct1.setTrknmb(1);
430  lct2 = constructLCTs(secondALCT, secondCLCT, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::ALCTCLCT);
431  lct2.setTrknmb(2);
432  }
433 }
#define LogDebug(id)
bool isValid() const
void retrieveGEMPads(const GEMPadDigiCollection *pads, unsigned id)
void run(const CSCWireDigiCollection *wiredc, const CSCComparatorDigiCollection *compdc, const GEMPadDigiCollection *gemPads) override
unsigned int match_trig_window_size
CSCDetId id() const
Get the (concrete) DetId.
Definition: CSCChamber.h:37
GEMCoPadDigiIdsBX coPads_
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi constructLCTsGEM(const CSCALCTDigi &alct, const GEMCoPadDigi &gem, enum CSCPart, int i) const
void clear()
clear this ALCT
static bool sortLCTsByQuality(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &, const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &)
int pref[CSCConstants::MAX_LCT_TBINS]
const CSCChamber * cscChamber
matches< GEMCoPadDigi > GEMCoPadDigiIds
std::vector< GEMCoPadDigi > gemCoPadV
std::vector< CSCALCTDigi > alctV
bool isValid() const
void sortLCTs(std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > &lcts, bool(*sorter)(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &, const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &)) const
std::unique_ptr< GEMCoPadProcessor > coPadProcessor
const CSCGeometry * csc_g
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
void correlateLCTsGEM(T &best, T &second, const GEMCoPadDigiIds &coPads, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct1, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct2, enum CSCPart) const
static bool sortLCTsByGEMDphi(const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &, const CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &)
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
void printGEMTriggerCoPads(int bx_start, int bx_stop, enum CSCPart)
void correlateLCTsGEM(CSCALCTDigi &bestALCT, CSCALCTDigi &secondALCT, CSCCLCTDigi &bestCLCT, CSCCLCTDigi &secondCLCT, const GEMPadDigiIds &pads, const GEMCoPadDigiIds &copads, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct1, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct2, enum CSCPart p) const
std::unique_ptr< CSCGEMMotherboardLUTME21 > tmbLUT_
#define LogTrace(id)
void getMatched(std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > &) const
bool isValid() const
return valid pattern bit
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > readoutLCTs() const
GEMPadDigiIdsBX pads_
std::unique_ptr< CSCAnodeLCTProcessor > alct
std::vector< CSCCLCTDigi > clctV
std::unique_ptr< CSCCathodeLCTProcessor > clct
void clear()
clear this CLCT
matches< GEMPadDigi > GEMPadDigiIds
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi constructLCTs(const CSCALCTDigi &aLCT, const CSCCLCTDigi &cLCT, int type) const
const GEMGeometry * gem_g
void setTrknmb(const uint16_t number)
Set track number (1,2) after sorting LCTs.
void printGEMTriggerPads(int bx_start, int bx_stop, enum CSCPart)