Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # automatically generated by
2 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
5 nanoDQM = cms.EDAnalyzer("NanoAODDQM",
6  vplots = cms.PSet(
7  CaloMET = cms.PSet(
8  sels = cms.PSet(),
9  plots = cms.VPSet(
10  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
11  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 400, 'pt'),
12  Plot1D('sumEt', 'sumEt', 20, 200, 3000, 'scalar sum of Et'),
13  )
14  ),
15  Electron = cms.PSet(
16  sels = cms.PSet(
17  Good = cms.string('pt > 15 && abs(dxy) < 0.2 && abs(dz) < 0.5 && cutBased >= 3 && miniPFRelIso_all < 0.4')
18  ),
19  plots = cms.VPSet(
20  Count1D('_size', 8, -0.5, 7.5, 'slimmedElectrons after basic selection (pt > 5 )'),
21  Plot1D('charge', 'charge', 3, -1.5, 1.5, 'electric charge'),
22  Plot1D('cleanmask', 'cleanmask', 1, 0.5, 1.5, 'simple cleaning mask with priority to leptons'),
23  Plot1D('convVeto', 'convVeto', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'pass conversion veto'),
24  Plot1D('cutBased', 'cutBased', 5, -0.5, 4.5, 'cut-based ID (0:fail, 1:veto, 2:loose, 3:medium, 4:tight)'),
25  Plot1D('cutBased_HEEP', 'cutBased_HEEP', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'cut-based HEEP ID'),
26  Plot1D('deltaEtaSC', 'deltaEtaSC', 20, -0.2, 0.2, 'delta eta (SC,ele) with sign'),
27  Plot1D('dr03EcalRecHitSumEt', 'dr03EcalRecHitSumEt', 20, 0, 30, 'Non-PF Ecal isolation within a delta R cone of 0.3 with electron pt > 35 GeV'),
28  Plot1D('dr03HcalDepth1TowerSumEt', 'dr03HcalDepth1TowerSumEt', 20, 0, 20, 'Non-PF Hcal isolation within a delta R cone of 0.3 with electron pt > 35 GeV'),
29  Plot1D('dr03TkSumPt', 'dr03TkSumPt', 20, 0, 40, 'Non-PF track isolation within a delta R cone of 0.3 with electron pt > 35 GeV'),
30  Plot1D('dxy', 'dxy', 20, -0.1, 0.1, 'dxy (with sign) wrt first PV, in cm'),
31  Plot1D('dxyErr', 'dxyErr', 20, 0, 0.2, 'dxy uncertainty, in cm'),
32  Plot1D('dz', 'dz', 20, -0.3, 0.3, 'dz (with sign) wrt first PV, in cm'),
33  Plot1D('dzErr', 'dzErr', 20, 0, 0.2, 'dz uncertainty, in cm'),
34  Plot1D('eCorr', 'eCorr', 20, 0.6, 1.6, 'ratio of the calibrated energy/miniaod energy'),
35  Plot1D('eInvMinusPInv', 'eInvMinusPInv', 20, -0.1, 0.1, '1/E_SC - 1/p_trk'),
36  Plot1D('energyErr', 'energyErr', 20, 0, 90, 'energy error of the cluster-track combination'),
37  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -3, 3, 'eta'),
38  Plot1D('genPartFlav', 'genPartFlav', 20, 0, 30, 'Flavour of genParticle for MC matching to status==1 electrons or photons: 1 = prompt electron (including gamma*->mu mu), 15 = electron from prompt tau, 22 = prompt photon (likely conversion), 5 = electron from b, 4 = electron from c, 3 = electron from light or unknown, 0 = unmatched'),
39  NoPlot('genPartIdx'),
40  Plot1D('hoe', 'hoe', 20, 0, 1, 'H over E'),
41  Plot1D('ip3d', 'ip3d', 20, 0, 0.2, '3D impact parameter wrt first PV, in cm'),
42  Plot1D('isPFcand', 'isPFcand', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'electron is PF candidate'),
43  NoPlot('jetIdx'),
44  Plot1D('lostHits', 'lostHits', 4, -0.5, 3.5, 'number of missing inner hits'),
45  NoPlot('mass'),
46  Plot1D('miniPFRelIso_all', 'miniPFRelIso_all', 20, 0, 1, 'mini PF relative isolation, total (with scaled rho*EA PU corrections)'),
47  Plot1D('miniPFRelIso_chg', 'miniPFRelIso_chg', 20, 0, 1, 'mini PF relative isolation, charged component'),
48  Plot1D('mvaFall17Iso', 'mvaFall17Iso', 20, -1, 1, 'MVA Iso ID score'),
49  Plot1D('mvaFall17Iso_WP80', 'mvaFall17Iso_WP80', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'MVA Iso ID WP80'),
50  Plot1D('mvaFall17Iso_WP90', 'mvaFall17Iso_WP90', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'MVA Iso ID WP90'),
51  Plot1D('mvaFall17Iso_WPL', 'mvaFall17Iso_WPL', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'MVA Iso ID loose WP'),
52  Plot1D('mvaFall17noIso', 'mvaFall17noIso', 20, -1, 1, 'MVA noIso ID score'),
53  Plot1D('mvaFall17noIso_WP80', 'mvaFall17noIso_WP80', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'MVA noIso ID WP80'),
54  Plot1D('mvaFall17noIso_WP90', 'mvaFall17noIso_WP90', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'MVA noIso ID WP90'),
55  Plot1D('mvaFall17noIso_WPL', 'mvaFall17noIso_WPL', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'MVA noIso ID loose WP'),
56  Plot1D('mvaTTH', 'mvaTTH', 20, -1, 1, 'TTH MVA lepton ID score'),
57  Plot1D('pdgId', 'pdgId', 27, -13.5, 13.5, 'PDG code assigned by the event reconstruction (not by MC truth)'),
58  Plot1D('pfRelIso03_all', 'pfRelIso03_all', 20, 0, 2, 'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, total (with rho*EA PU corrections)'),
59  Plot1D('pfRelIso03_chg', 'pfRelIso03_chg', 20, 0, 2, 'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, charged component'),
60  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
61  NoPlot('photonIdx'),
62  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt (corrected)'),
63  Plot1D('r9', 'r9', 20, 0, 1.1, 'R9 of the supercluster, calculated with full 5x5 region'),
64  Plot1D('sieie', 'sieie', 20, 0, 0.05, 'sigma_IetaIeta of the supercluster, calculated with full 5x5 region'),
65  Plot1D('sip3d', 'sip3d', 20, 0, 20, '3D impact parameter significance wrt first PV, in cm'),
66  Plot1D('tightCharge', 'tightCharge', 3, -0.5, 2.5, 'Tight charge criteria (0:none, 1:isGsfScPixChargeConsistent, 2:isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent)'),
67  NoPlot('vidNestedWPBitmap'),
68  )
69  ),
70  FatJet = cms.PSet(
71  sels = cms.PSet(),
72  plots = cms.VPSet(
73  Count1D('_size', 6, -0.5, 5.5, 'slimmedJetsAK8, i.e. ak8 fat jets for boosted analysis'),
74  Plot1D('area', 'area', 20, 2, 4, 'jet catchment area, for JECs'),
75  Plot1D('btagCMVA', 'btagCMVA', 20, -1, 1, 'CMVA V2 btag discriminator'),
76  Plot1D('btagCSVV2', 'btagCSVV2', 20, -1, 1, ' pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2 b-tag discriminator (aka CSVV2)'),
77  Plot1D('btagDeepB', 'btagDeepB', 20, -1, 1, 'Deep B+BB btag discriminator'),
78  Plot1D('btagHbb', 'btagHbb', 20, -1, 1, 'Higgs to BB tagger discriminator'),
79  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -4, 4, 'eta'),
80  Plot1D('jetId', 'jetId', 8, -0.5, 7.5, 'Jet ID flags bit1 is loose (always false in 2017 since it does not exist), bit2 is tight, bit3 is tightLepVeto'),
81  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, 0, 300, 'mass'),
82  Plot1D('msoftdrop', 'msoftdrop', 20, -300, 300, 'Soft drop mass'),
83  Plot1D('n2b1', 'n2b1', 20, 0, 1, 'N2 (beta=1)'),
84  Plot1D('n3b1', 'n3b1', 20, 0, 5, 'N3 (beta=1)'),
85  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
86  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 800, 'pt'),
87  NoPlot('subJetIdx1'),
88  NoPlot('subJetIdx2'),
89  Plot1D('tau1', 'tau1', 20, 0, 1, 'Nsubjettiness (1 axis)'),
90  Plot1D('tau2', 'tau2', 20, 0, 1, 'Nsubjettiness (2 axis)'),
91  Plot1D('tau3', 'tau3', 20, 0, 1, 'Nsubjettiness (3 axis)'),
92  Plot1D('tau4', 'tau4', 20, 0, 1, 'Nsubjettiness (4 axis)'),
93  )
94  ),
95  Flag = cms.PSet(
96  sels = cms.PSet(),
97  plots = cms.VPSet(
98  Plot1D('BadChargedCandidateFilter', 'BadChargedCandidateFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
99  Plot1D('BadChargedCandidateSummer16Filter', 'BadChargedCandidateSummer16Filter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
100  Plot1D('BadPFMuonFilter', 'BadPFMuonFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
101  Plot1D('BadPFMuonSummer16Filter', 'BadPFMuonSummer16Filter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
102  Plot1D('CSCTightHalo2015Filter', 'CSCTightHalo2015Filter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
103  Plot1D('CSCTightHaloFilter', 'CSCTightHaloFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
104  Plot1D('CSCTightHaloTrkMuUnvetoFilter', 'CSCTightHaloTrkMuUnvetoFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
105  Plot1D('EcalDeadCellBoundaryEnergyFilter', 'EcalDeadCellBoundaryEnergyFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
106  Plot1D('EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter', 'EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
107  Plot1D('HBHENoiseFilter', 'HBHENoiseFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
108  Plot1D('HBHENoiseIsoFilter', 'HBHENoiseIsoFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
109  Plot1D('HcalStripHaloFilter', 'HcalStripHaloFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
110  Plot1D('METFilters', 'METFilters', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
111  Plot1D('chargedHadronTrackResolutionFilter', 'chargedHadronTrackResolutionFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
112  Plot1D('ecalBadCalibFilter', 'ecalBadCalibFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
113  Plot1D('ecalLaserCorrFilter', 'ecalLaserCorrFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
114  Plot1D('eeBadScFilter', 'eeBadScFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
115  Plot1D('globalSuperTightHalo2016Filter', 'globalSuperTightHalo2016Filter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
116  Plot1D('globalTightHalo2016Filter', 'globalTightHalo2016Filter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
117  Plot1D('goodVertices', 'goodVertices', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
118  Plot1D('hcalLaserEventFilter', 'hcalLaserEventFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
119  Plot1D('muonBadTrackFilter', 'muonBadTrackFilter', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
120  Plot1D('trkPOGFilters', 'trkPOGFilters', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
121  Plot1D('trkPOG_logErrorTooManyClusters', 'trkPOG_logErrorTooManyClusters', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
122  Plot1D('trkPOG_manystripclus53X', 'trkPOG_manystripclus53X', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
123  Plot1D('trkPOG_toomanystripclus53X', 'trkPOG_toomanystripclus53X', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'Trigger/flag bit'),
124  )
125  ),
126  GenDressedLepton = cms.PSet(
127  sels = cms.PSet(),
128  plots = cms.VPSet(
129  Count1D('_size', 25, -0.5, 24.5, 'Dressed leptons from Rivet-based ParticleLevelProducer'),
130  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -7, 7, 'eta'),
131  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, 0, 200, 'mass'),
132  Plot1D('pdgId', 'pdgId', 40, -20, 20, 'pdgId'),
133  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
134  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
135  )
136  ),
137  GenJet = cms.PSet(
138  sels = cms.PSet(),
139  plots = cms.VPSet(
140  Count1D('_size', 25, -0.5, 24.5, 'slimmedGenJets, i.e. ak4 Jets made with visible genparticles'),
141  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -7, 7, 'eta'),
142  Plot1D('hadronFlavour', 'hadronFlavour', 6, -0.5, 5.5, 'flavour from hadron ghost clustering'),
143  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, 0, 200, 'mass'),
144  Plot1D('partonFlavour', 'partonFlavour', 40, -9.5, 30.5, 'flavour from parton matching'),
145  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
146  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
147  )
148  ),
149  GenJetAK8 = cms.PSet(
150  sels = cms.PSet(),
151  plots = cms.VPSet(
152  Count1D('_size', 25, -0.5, 24.5, 'slimmedGenJetAK8, i.e. ak8 Jets made with visible genparticles'),
153  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -7, 7, 'eta'),
154  Plot1D('hadronFlavour', 'hadronFlavour', 6, -0.5, 5.5, 'flavour from hadron ghost clustering'),
155  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, 0, 200, 'mass'),
156  Plot1D('partonFlavour', 'partonFlavour', 40, -9.5, 30.5, 'flavour from parton matching'),
157  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
158  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
159  )
160  ),
161  GenMET = cms.PSet(
162  sels = cms.PSet(),
163  plots = cms.VPSet(
164  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
165  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 400, 'pt'),
166  )
167  ),
168  GenPart = cms.PSet(
169  sels = cms.PSet(),
170  plots = cms.VPSet(
171  Count1D('_size', 40, -0.5, 124.5, 'interesting gen particles '),
172  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -30000, 30000, 'eta'),
173  NoPlot('genPartIdxMother'),
174  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, 0, 300, 'Mass stored for all particles with mass > 10 GeV and photons with mass > 1 GeV. For other particles you can lookup from PDGID'),
175  Plot1D('pdgId', 'pdgId', 20, -6000, 6000, 'PDG id'),
176  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
177  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
178  Plot1D('status', 'status', 20, 0, 100, 'Particle status. 1=stable'),
179  Plot1D('statusFlags', 'statusFlags', 32768, 0, 32768, 'gen status flags stored bitwise, bits are: 0 : isPrompt, 1 : isDecayedLeptonHadron, 2 : isTauDecayProduct, 3 : isPromptTauDecayProduct, 4 : isDirectTauDecayProduct, 5 : isDirectPromptTauDecayProduct, 6 : isDirectHadronDecayProduct, 7 : isHardProcess, 8 : fromHardProcess, 9 : isHardProcessTauDecayProduct, 10 : isDirectHardProcessTauDecayProduct, 11 : fromHardProcessBeforeFSR, 12 : isFirstCopy, 13 : isLastCopy, 14 : isLastCopyBeforeFSR, '),
180  )
181  ),
182  GenVisTau = cms.PSet(
183  sels = cms.PSet(),
184  plots = cms.VPSet(
185  Count1D('_size', 4, -0.5, 3.5, 'gen hadronic taus '),
186  Plot1D('charge', 'charge', 3, -1.5, 1.5, 'charge'),
187  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -5, 5, 'eta'),
188  NoPlot('genPartIdxMother'),
189  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, 0, 2, 'mass'),
190  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
191  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
192  Plot1D('status', 'status', 16, -0.5, 15.5, 'Hadronic tau decay mode. 0=OneProng0PiZero, 1=OneProng1PiZero, 2=OneProng2PiZero, 10=ThreeProng0PiZero, 11=ThreeProng1PiZero, 15=Other'),
193  )
194  ),
195  IsoTrack = cms.PSet(
196  sels = cms.PSet(),
197  plots = cms.VPSet(
198  Count1D('_size', 5, -0.5, 4.5, 'isolated tracks after basic selection (pt > 10 && abs(dxy) < 0.02 && abs(dz) < 0.1 && isHighPurityTrack && miniPFIsolation.chargedHadronIso/pt < 0.2) and lepton veto'),
199  Plot1D('dxy', 'dxy', 20, -0.02, 0.02, 'dxy (with sign) wrt first PV, in cm'),
200  Plot1D('dz', 'dz', 20, -0.09, 0.09, 'dz (with sign) wrt first PV, in cm'),
201  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -3, 3, 'eta'),
202  Plot1D('isHighPurityTrack', 'isHighPurityTrack', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'track is high purity'),
203  Plot1D('isPFcand', 'isPFcand', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'if isolated track is a PF candidate'),
204  Plot1D('miniPFRelIso_all', 'miniPFRelIso_all', 20, 0, 2, 'mini PF relative isolation, total (with scaled rho*EA PU corrections)'),
205  Plot1D('miniPFRelIso_chg', 'miniPFRelIso_chg', 20, 0, 2, 'mini PF relative isolation, charged component'),
206  Plot1D('pdgId', 'pdgId', 20, -300, 300, 'PDG id of PF cand'),
207  Plot1D('pfRelIso03_all', 'pfRelIso03_all', 20, 0, 2, 'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, total (deltaBeta corrections)'),
208  Plot1D('pfRelIso03_chg', 'pfRelIso03_chg', 20, 0, 2, 'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, charged component'),
209  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
210  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
211  )
212  ),
213  Jet = cms.PSet(
214  sels = cms.PSet(
215  CentralPt30 = cms.string('abs(eta) < 2.4 && pt > 30'),
216  ForwardPt30 = cms.string('abs(eta) > 2.4 && pt > 30')
217  ),
218  plots = cms.VPSet(
219  Count1D('_size', 20, -0.5, 19.5, 'slimmedJets, i.e. ak4 PFJets CHS with JECs applied, after basic selection (pt > 15)'),
220  Plot1D('area', 'area', 20, 0.2, 0.8, 'jet catchment area, for JECs'),
221  Plot1D('bReg', 'bReg', 20, 30, 500, 'pt corrected with b-jet regression'),
222  Plot1D('btagCMVA', 'btagCMVA', 20, -1, 1, 'CMVA V2 btag discriminator'),
223  Plot1D('btagCSVV2', 'btagCSVV2', 20, -1, 1, ' pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2 b-tag discriminator (aka CSVV2)'),
224  Plot1D('btagDeepB', 'btagDeepB', 20, -1, 1, 'Deep B+BB btag discriminator'),
225  Plot1D('btagDeepC', 'btagDeepC', 20, 0, 1, 'DeepCSV charm btag discriminator'),
226  Plot1D('chEmEF', 'chEmEF', 20, 0, 1, 'charged Electromagnetic Energy Fraction'),
227  Plot1D('chHEF', 'chHEF', 20, 0, 2, 'charged Hadron Energy Fraction'),
228  Plot1D('cleanmask', 'cleanmask', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'simple cleaning mask with priority to leptons'),
229  NoPlot('electronIdx1'),
230  NoPlot('electronIdx2'),
231  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -6, 6, 'eta'),
232  NoPlot('genJetIdx'),
233  Plot1D('hadronFlavour', 'hadronFlavour', 6, -0.5, 5.5, 'flavour from hadron ghost clustering'),
234  Plot1D('jetId', 'jetId', 8, -0.5, 7.5, 'Jet ID flags bit1 is loose (always false in 2017 since it does not exist), bit2 is tight, bit3 is tightLepVeto'),
235  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, 0, 200, 'mass'),
236  NoPlot('muonIdx1'),
237  NoPlot('muonIdx2'),
238  Plot1D('nConstituents', 'nConstituents', 20, 0, 80, 'Number of particles in the jet'),
239  Plot1D('nElectrons', 'nElectrons', 5, -0.5, 4.5, 'number of electrons in the jet'),
240  Plot1D('nMuons', 'nMuons', 4, -0.5, 3.5, 'number of muons in the jet'),
241  Plot1D('neEmEF', 'neEmEF', 20, 0, 1, 'charged Electromagnetic EnergyFraction'),
242  Plot1D('neHEF', 'neHEF', 20, 0, 1, 'neutral Hadron Energy Fraction'),
243  Plot1D('partonFlavour', 'partonFlavour', 40, -9.5, 30.5, 'flavour from parton matching'),
244  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
245  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 400, 'pt'),
246  Plot1D('puId', 'puId', 8, -0.5, 7.5, 'Pilup ID flags'),
247  Plot1D('qgl', 'qgl', 20, 0, 1, 'Quark vs Gluon likelihood discriminator'),
248  Plot1D('rawFactor', 'rawFactor', 20, 0.5, 1.5, '1 - Factor to get back to raw pT'),
249  )
250  ),
251  MET = cms.PSet(
252  sels = cms.PSet(),
253  plots = cms.VPSet(
254  Plot1D('MetUnclustEnUpDeltaX', 'MetUnclustEnUpDeltaX', 20, -20, 20, 'Delta (METx_mod-METx) Unclustered Energy Up'),
255  Plot1D('MetUnclustEnUpDeltaY', 'MetUnclustEnUpDeltaY', 20, -10, 10, 'Delta (METy_mod-METy) Unclustered Energy Up'),
256  Plot1D('covXX', 'covXX', 20, 0, 40000, 'xx element of met covariance matrix'),
257  Plot1D('covXY', 'covXY', 20, -8000, 8000, 'xy element of met covariance matrix'),
258  Plot1D('covYY', 'covYY', 20, 0, 50000, 'yy element of met covariance matrix'),
259  Plot1D('fiducialGenPhi', 'fiducialGenPhi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
260  Plot1D('fiducialGenPt', 'fiducialGenPt', 20, 0, 400, 'pt'),
261  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
262  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 400, 'pt'),
263  Plot1D('significance', 'significance', 20, 0, 200, 'MET significance'),
264  Plot1D('sumEt', 'sumEt', 20, 600, 5000, 'scalar sum of Et'),
265  )
266  ),
267  Muon = cms.PSet(
268  sels = cms.PSet(
269  Good = cms.string('pt > 15 && abs(dxy) < 0.2 && abs(dz) < 0.5 && mediumId && miniPFRelIso_all < 0.4')
270  ),
271  plots = cms.VPSet(
272  Count1D('_size', 5, -0.5, 4.5, 'slimmedMuons after basic selection (pt > 3 && track.isNonnull && isLooseMuon)'),
273  Plot1D('charge', 'charge', 3, -1.5, 1.5, 'electric charge'),
274  Plot1D('cleanmask', 'cleanmask', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'simple cleaning mask with priority to leptons'),
275  Plot1D('dxy', 'dxy', 20, -0.1, 0.1, 'dxy (with sign) wrt first PV, in cm'),
276  Plot1D('dxyErr', 'dxyErr', 20, 0, 0.1, 'dxy uncertainty, in cm'),
277  Plot1D('dz', 'dz', 20, -0.3, 0.3, 'dz (with sign) wrt first PV, in cm'),
278  Plot1D('dzErr', 'dzErr', 20, 0, 0.2, 'dz uncertainty, in cm'),
279  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -2.5, 2.5, 'eta'),
280  Plot1D('genPartFlav', 'genPartFlav', 16, -0.5, 15.5, 'Flavour of genParticle for MC matching to status==1 muons: 1 = prompt muon (including gamma*->mu mu), 15 = muon from prompt tau, 5 = muon from b, 4 = muon from c, 3 = muon from light or unknown, 0 = unmatched'),
281  NoPlot('genPartIdx'),
282  Plot1D('highPtId', 'highPtId', 3, -0.5, 2.5, 'POG highPt muon ID (1 = tracker high pT, 2 = global high pT, which includes tracker high pT)'),
283  Plot1D('ip3d', 'ip3d', 20, 0, 0.2, '3D impact parameter wrt first PV, in cm'),
284  Plot1D('isPFcand', 'isPFcand', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'muon is PF candidate'),
285  NoPlot('jetIdx'),
286  NoPlot('mass'),
287  Profile1D('mediumId', 'mediumId', 'pt', 16, 0, 80, 'POG Medium muon ID (using the relaxed cuts in the data Run 2016 B-F periods, and standard cuts elsewhere)'),
288  Plot1D('miniPFRelIso_all', 'miniPFRelIso_all', 20, 0, 1, 'mini PF relative isolation, total (with scaled rho*EA PU corrections)'),
289  Plot1D('miniPFRelIso_chg', 'miniPFRelIso_chg', 20, 0, 1, 'mini PF relative isolation, charged component'),
290  Plot1D('mvaTTH', 'mvaTTH', 20, -1, 1, 'TTH MVA lepton ID score'),
291  Plot1D('nStations', 'nStations', 5, -0.5, 4.5, 'number of matched stations with default arbitration (segment & track)'),
292  Plot1D('nTrackerLayers', 'nTrackerLayers', 15, 2.5, 17.5, 'number of layers in the tracker'),
293  Plot1D('pdgId', 'pdgId', 27, -13.5, 13.5, 'PDG code assigned by the event reconstruction (not by MC truth)'),
294  Plot1D('pfRelIso03_all', 'pfRelIso03_all', 20, 0, 2, 'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, total (deltaBeta corrections)'),
295  Plot1D('pfRelIso03_chg', 'pfRelIso03_chg', 20, 0, 2, 'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, charged component'),
296  Plot1D('pfRelIso04_all', 'pfRelIso04_all', 20, 0, 2, 'PF relative isolation dR=0.4, total (deltaBeta corrections)'),
297  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
298  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
299  Plot1D('ptErr', 'ptErr', 20, 0, 20, 'ptError of the muon track'),
300  Plot1D('segmentComp', 'segmentComp', 20, 0, 1, 'muon segment compatibility'),
301  Plot1D('sip3d', 'sip3d', 20, 0, 20, '3D impact parameter significance wrt first PV'),
302  Profile1D('softId', 'softId', 'pt', 20, 0, 40, 'POG Soft muon ID (using the relaxed cuts in the data Run 2016 B-F periods, and standard cuts elsewhere)'),
303  Plot1D('tightCharge', 'tightCharge', 1, 1.5, 2.5, 'Tight charge criterion using pterr/pt of muonBestTrack (0:fail, 2:pass)'),
304  Profile1D('tightId', 'tightId', 'pt', 16, 0, 80, 'POG Tight muon ID'),
305  )
306  ),
307  OtherPV = cms.PSet(
308  sels = cms.PSet(),
309  plots = cms.VPSet(
310  NoPlot('_size'),
311  Plot1D('z', 'z', 20, -20, 20, 'Z position of other primary vertices, excluding the main PV'),
312  )
313  ),
314  PV = cms.PSet(
315  sels = cms.PSet(),
316  plots = cms.VPSet(
317  Plot1D('chi2', 'chi2', 20, 0.5, 3, 'main primary vertex reduced chi2'),
318  Plot1D('ndof', 'ndof', 20, 0, 500, 'main primary vertex number of degree of freedom'),
319  Plot1D('npvs', 'npvs', 20, 0, 60, 'total number of reconstructed primary vertices'),
320  Plot1D('npvsGood', 'npvsGood', 20, 0, 60, 'total number of Good primary vertices'),
321  Plot1D('score', 'score', 20, 0, 300000, 'main primary vertex score, i.e. sum pt2 of clustered objects'),
322  Plot1D('x', 'x', 20, -0.3, 0.3, 'main primary vertex position x coordinate'),
323  Plot1D('y', 'y', 20, -0.3, 0.3, 'main primary vertex position y coordinate'),
324  Plot1D('z', 'z', 20, -20, 20, 'main primary vertex position z coordinate'),
325  )
326  ),
327  Photon = cms.PSet(
328  sels = cms.PSet(),
329  plots = cms.VPSet(
330  Count1D('_size', 9, -0.5, 8.5, 'slimmedPhotons after basic selection (pt > 5 )'),
331  Plot1D('charge', 'charge', 1, -0.5, 0.5, 'electric charge'),
332  Plot1D('cleanmask', 'cleanmask', 1, 0.5, 1.5, 'simple cleaning mask with priority to leptons'),
333  Plot1D('cutBasedBitmap', 'cutBasedBitmap', 8, -0.5, 7.5, 'cut-based ID bitmap, 2^(0:loose, 1:medium, 2:tight)'),
334  Plot1D('eCorr', 'eCorr', 20, 0.6, 1.6, 'ratio of the calibrated energy/miniaod energy'),
335  NoPlot('electronIdx'),
336  Plot1D('electronVeto', 'electronVeto', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'pass electron veto'),
337  Plot1D('energyErr', 'energyErr', 20, 0, 300, 'energy error of the cluster from regression'),
338  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -3, 3, 'eta'),
339  Plot1D('genPartFlav', 'genPartFlav', 14, -0.5, 13.5, 'Flavour of genParticle for MC matching to status==1 photons or electrons: 1 = prompt photon, 13 = prompt electron, 0 = unknown or unmatched'),
340  NoPlot('genPartIdx'),
341  Plot1D('hoe', 'hoe', 20, 0, 0.6, 'H over E'),
342  Plot1D('isScEtaEB', 'isScEtaEB', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'is supercluster eta within barrel acceptance'),
343  Plot1D('isScEtaEE', 'isScEtaEE', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'is supercluster eta within endcap acceptance'),
344  NoPlot('jetIdx'),
345  NoPlot('mass'),
346  Plot1D('mvaID', 'mvaID', 20, -1, 1, 'MVA ID score'),
347  Plot1D('mvaID_WP80', 'mvaID_WP80', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'MVA ID WP80'),
348  Plot1D('mvaID_WP90', 'mvaID_WP90', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'MVA ID WP90'),
349  Plot1D('pdgId', 'pdgId', 1, 21.5, 22.5, 'PDG code assigned by the event reconstruction (not by MC truth)'),
350  Plot1D('pfRelIso03_all', 'pfRelIso03_all', 20, 0, 2, 'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, total (with rho*EA PU corrections)'),
351  Plot1D('pfRelIso03_chg', 'pfRelIso03_chg', 20, 0, 2, 'PF relative isolation dR=0.3, charged component (with rho*EA PU corrections)'),
352  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
353  Plot1D('pixelSeed', 'pixelSeed', 2, -0.5, 1.5, 'has pixel seed'),
354  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt (corrected)'),
355  Plot1D('r9', 'r9', 20, 0, 1.1, 'R9 of the supercluster, calculated with full 5x5 region'),
356  Plot1D('sieie', 'sieie', 20, 0, 0.05, 'sigma_IetaIeta of the supercluster, calculated with full 5x5 region'),
357  NoPlot('vidNestedWPBitmap'),
358  )
359  ),
360  Pileup = cms.PSet(
361  sels = cms.PSet(),
362  plots = cms.VPSet(
363  Plot1D('nPU', 'nPU', 20, 0, 60, 'the number of pileup interactions that have been added to the event in the current bunch crossing'),
364  Plot1D('nTrueInt', 'nTrueInt', 20, 0, 60, 'the true mean number of the poisson distribution for this event from which the number of interactions each bunch crossing has been sampled'),
365  Plot1D('sumEOOT', 'sumEOOT', 20, 0, 800, 'number of early out of time pileup'),
366  Plot1D('sumLOOT', 'sumLOOT', 20, 0, 300, 'number of late out of time pileup'),
367  )
368  ),
369  PuppiMET = cms.PSet(
370  sels = cms.PSet(),
371  plots = cms.VPSet(
372  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
373  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 400, 'pt'),
374  Plot1D('sumEt', 'sumEt', 20, 200, 3000, 'scalar sum of Et'),
375  )
376  ),
377  RawMET = cms.PSet(
378  sels = cms.PSet(),
379  plots = cms.VPSet(
380  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
381  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 400, 'pt'),
382  Plot1D('sumEt', 'sumEt', 20, 400, 4000, 'scalar sum of Et'),
383  )
384  ),
385  SV = cms.PSet(
386  sels = cms.PSet(),
387  plots = cms.VPSet(
388  Count1D('_size', 14, -0.5, 13.5),
389  Plot1D('chi2', 'chi2', 20, -2000, 2000, 'reduced chi2, i.e. chi/ndof'),
390  Plot1D('dlen', 'dlen', 20, 0, 4, 'decay length in cm'),
391  Plot1D('dlenSig', 'dlenSig', 20, 0, 50, 'decay length significance'),
392  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -3, 3, 'eta'),
393  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, 0, 8, 'mass'),
394  Plot1D('ndof', 'ndof', 20, -1, 19, 'number of degrees of freedom'),
395  Plot1D('pAngle', 'pAngle', 20, -3.1416, 3.1416, 'pointing angle, i.e. acos(p_SV * (SV - PV)) '),
396  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
397  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
398  Plot1D('x', 'x', 20, -0.5, 0.5, 'secondary vertex X position, in cm'),
399  Plot1D('y', 'y', 20, -0.5, 0.5, 'secondary vertex Y position, in cm'),
400  Plot1D('z', 'z', 20, -10, 10, 'secondary vertex Z position, in cm'),
401  )
402  ),
403  SoftActivityJet = cms.PSet(
404  sels = cms.PSet(),
405  plots = cms.VPSet(
406  Count1D('_size', 7, -0.5, 6.5, 'jets clustered from charged candidates compatible with primary vertex (charge()!=0 && pvAssociationQuality()>=5 && vertexRef().key()==0)'),
407  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -3, 3, 'eta'),
408  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
409  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
410  )
411  ),
412  SubJet = cms.PSet(
413  sels = cms.PSet(),
414  plots = cms.VPSet(
415  Count1D('_size', 9, -0.5, 8.5, 'slimmedJetsAK8, i.e. ak8 fat jets for boosted analysis'),
416  Plot1D('btagCMVA', 'btagCMVA', 20, -1, 1, 'CMVA V2 btag discriminator'),
417  Plot1D('btagCSVV2', 'btagCSVV2', 20, -1, 1, ' pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2 b-tag discriminator (aka CSVV2)'),
418  Plot1D('btagDeepB', 'btagDeepB', 20, -1, 1, 'Deep B+BB btag discriminator'),
419  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -4, 4, 'eta'),
420  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, -200, 200, 'mass'),
421  Plot1D('n2b1', 'n2b1', 20, 0, 1, 'N2 (beta=1)'),
422  Plot1D('n3b1', 'n3b1', 20, 0, 5, 'N3 (beta=1)'),
423  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
424  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
425  Plot1D('tau1', 'tau1', 20, 0, 1, 'Nsubjettiness (1 axis)'),
426  Plot1D('tau2', 'tau2', 20, 0, 1, 'Nsubjettiness (2 axis)'),
427  Plot1D('tau3', 'tau3', 20, 0, 1, 'Nsubjettiness (3 axis)'),
428  Plot1D('tau4', 'tau4', 20, 0, 1, 'Nsubjettiness (4 axis)'),
429  )
430  ),
431  Tau = cms.PSet(
432  sels = cms.PSet(),
433  plots = cms.VPSet(
434  Count1D('_size', 7, -0.5, 6.5, "slimmedTaus after basic selection (pt > 18 && tauID('decayModeFindingNewDMs') && (tauID('byLooseCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorr3Hits') || tauID('byVLooseIsolationMVArun2v1DBoldDMwLT') || tauID('byVLooseIsolationMVArun2v1DBnewDMwLT') || tauID('byVLooseIsolationMVArun2v1DBdR03oldDMwLT')))"),
435  Plot1D('charge', 'charge', 3, -1.5, 1.5, 'electric charge'),
436  Plot1D('chargedIso', 'chargedIso', 20, 0, 200, 'charged isolation'),
437  Plot1D('cleanmask', 'cleanmask', 1, 0.5, 1.5, 'simple cleaning mask with priority to leptons'),
438  Plot1D('decayMode', 'decayMode', 12, -0.5, 11.5, 'decayMode()'),
439  Plot1D('dxy', 'dxy', 20, -1000, 1000, 'd_{xy} of lead track with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)'),
440  Plot1D('dz', 'dz', 20, -20, 20, 'd_{z} of lead track with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)'),
441  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -3, 3, 'eta'),
442  Plot1D('genPartFlav', 'genPartFlav', 6, -0.5, 5.5, 'Flavour of genParticle for MC matching to status==2 taus: 1 = prompt electron, 2 = prompt muon, 3 = tau->e decay, 4 = tau->mu decay, 5 = hadronic tau decay, 0 = unknown or unmatched'),
443  NoPlot('genPartIdx'),
444  Plot1D('idAntiEle', 'idAntiEle', 32, -0.5, 31.5, 'Anti-electron MVA discriminator V6: bitmask 1 = VLoose, 2 = Loose, 4 = Medium, 8 = Tight, 16 = VTight'),
445  Plot1D('idAntiMu', 'idAntiMu', 4, -0.5, 3.5, 'Anti-muon discriminator V3: : bitmask 1 = Loose, 2 = Tight'),
446  Plot1D('idDecayMode', 'idDecayMode', 2, -0.5, 1.5, "tauID('decayModeFinding')"),
447  Plot1D('idDecayModeNewDMs', 'idDecayModeNewDMs', 2, -0.5, 1.5, "tauID('decayModeFindingNewDMs')"),
448  Plot1D('idMVAnewDM2017v2', 'idMVAnewDM2017v2', 128, -0.5, 127.5, 'IsolationMVArun2v1DBnewDMwLT ID working point (2017v2): bitmask 1 = VVLoose, 2 = VLoose, 4 = Loose, 8 = Medium, 16 = Tight, 32 = VTight, 64 = VVTight'),
449  Plot1D('idMVAoldDM', 'idMVAoldDM', 64, -0.5, 63.5, 'IsolationMVArun2v1DBoldDMwLT ID working point: bitmask 1 = VLoose, 2 = Loose, 4 = Medium, 8 = Tight, 16 = VTight, 32 = VVTight'),
450  Plot1D('idMVAoldDM2017v1', 'idMVAoldDM2017v1', 128, -0.5, 127.5, 'IsolationMVArun2v1DBoldDMwLT ID working point (2017v1): bitmask 1 = VVLoose, 2 = VLoose, 4 = Loose, 8 = Medium, 16 = Tight, 32 = VTight, 64 = VVTight'),
451  Plot1D('idMVAoldDM2017v2', 'idMVAoldDM2017v2', 128, -0.5, 127.5, 'IsolationMVArun2v1DBoldDMwLT ID working point (2017v2): bitmask 1 = VVLoose, 2 = VLoose, 4 = Loose, 8 = Medium, 16 = Tight, 32 = VTight, 64 = VVTight'),
452  Plot1D('idMVAoldDMdR032017v2', 'idMVAoldDMdR032017v2', 128, -0.5, 127.5, 'IsolationMVArun2v1DBdR03oldDMwLT ID working point (217v2): bitmask 1 = VVLoose, 2 = VLoose, 4 = Loose, 8 = Medium, 16 = Tight, 32 = VTight, 64 = VVTight'),
453  NoPlot('jetIdx'),
454  Plot1D('leadTkDeltaEta', 'leadTkDeltaEta', 20, -0.1, 0.1, 'eta of the leading track, minus tau eta'),
455  Plot1D('leadTkDeltaPhi', 'leadTkDeltaPhi', 20, -0.1, 0.1, 'phi of the leading track, minus tau phi'),
456  Plot1D('leadTkPtOverTauPt', 'leadTkPtOverTauPt', 20, 0, 2, 'pt of the leading track divided by tau pt'),
457  Plot1D('mass', 'mass', 20, 0, 5, 'mass'),
458  Plot1D('neutralIso', 'neutralIso', 20, 0, 200, 'neutral (photon) isolation'),
459  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
460  Plot1D('photonsOutsideSignalCone', 'photonsOutsideSignalCone', 20, 0, 30, 'sum of photons outside signal cone'),
461  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt'),
462  Plot1D('puCorr', 'puCorr', 20, 0, 90, 'pileup correction'),
463  Plot1D('rawAntiEle', 'rawAntiEle', 20, -100, 100, 'Anti-electron MVA discriminator V6 raw output discriminator'),
464  Plot1D('rawAntiEleCat', 'rawAntiEleCat', 17, -1.5, 15.5, 'Anti-electron MVA discriminator V6 category'),
465  Plot1D('rawIso', 'rawIso', 20, 0, 200, 'combined isolation (deltaBeta corrections)'),
466  Plot1D('rawIsodR03', 'rawIsodR03', 20, 0, 200, 'combined isolation (deltaBeta corrections, dR=0.3)'),
467  Plot1D('rawMVAnewDM2017v2', 'rawMVAnewDM2017v2', 20, -1, 1, 'byIsolationMVArun2v1DBnewDMwLT raw output discriminator (2017v2)'),
468  Plot1D('rawMVAoldDM', 'rawMVAoldDM', 20, -1, 1, 'byIsolationMVArun2v1DBoldDMwLT raw output discriminator'),
469  Plot1D('rawMVAoldDM2017v1', 'rawMVAoldDM2017v1', 20, -1, 1, 'byIsolationMVArun2v1DBoldDMwLT raw output discriminator (2017v1)'),
470  Plot1D('rawMVAoldDM2017v2', 'rawMVAoldDM2017v2', 20, -1, 1, 'byIsolationMVArun2v1DBoldDMwLT raw output discriminator (2017v2)'),
471  Plot1D('rawMVAoldDMdR032017v2', 'rawMVAoldDMdR032017v2', 20, -1, 1, 'byIsolationMVArun2v1DBdR03oldDMwLT raw output discriminator (2017v2)'),
472  )
473  ),
474  TkMET = cms.PSet(
475  sels = cms.PSet(),
476  plots = cms.VPSet(
477  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
478  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 20, 0, 400, 'pt'),
479  Plot1D('sumEt', 'sumEt', 20, 0, 2000, 'scalar sum of Et'),
480  )
481  ),
482  TrigObj = cms.PSet(
483  sels = cms.PSet(
484  Electron = cms.string('id == 11'),
485  HT = cms.string('id == 3'),
486  Jet = cms.string('id == 1'),
487  MET = cms.string('id == 2'),
488  MHT = cms.string('id == 4'),
489  Muon = cms.string('id == 13'),
490  Photon = cms.string('id == 22'),
491  Tau = cms.string('id == 15')
492  ),
493  plots = cms.VPSet(
494  Count1D('_size', 28, -0.5, 27.5),
495  Plot1D('eta', 'eta', 20, -5, 5, 'eta'),
496  Plot1D('filterBits', 'filterBits', 512, -0.5, 511.5, 'extra bits of associated information: 1 = CaloIdL_TrackIdL_IsoVL, 2 = WPLoose, 4 = WPTight, 8 = OverlapFilter PFTau for Electron (PixelMatched e/gamma); 1 = TrkIsoVVL, 2 = Iso, 4 = OverlapFilter PFTau for Muon; 1 = LooseChargedIso, 2 = MediumChargedIso, 4 = TightChargedIso, 8 = TightID OOSC photons, 16 = L2p5 pixel iso, 32 = OverlapFilter IsoMu, 64 = OverlapFilter IsoEle, 128 = L1-HLT matched, 256 = Dz for Tau; 1 = VBF cross-cleaned from loose iso PFTau for Jet'),
497  Plot1D('id', 'id', 20, 0, 30, 'ID of the object: 11 = Electron (PixelMatched e/gamma), 22 = Photon (PixelMatch-vetoed e/gamma), 13 = Muon, 14 = Tau, 1 = Jet, 2 = MET, 3 = HT, 4 = MHT'),
498  Plot1D('l1charge', 'l1charge', 3, -1.5, 1.5, 'charge of associated L1 seed'),
499  Plot1D('l1iso', 'l1iso', 4, -0.5, 3.5, 'iso of associated L1 seed'),
500  Plot1D('l1pt', 'l1pt', 20, 0, 200, 'pt of associated L1 seed'),
501  Plot1D('l1pt_2', 'l1pt_2', 20, 0, 200, 'pt of associated secondary L1 seed'),
502  Plot1D('l2pt', 'l2pt', 20, 0, 200, "pt of associated 'L2' seed (i.e. HLT before tracking/PF)"),
503  Plot1D('phi', 'phi', 20, -3.14159, 3.14159, 'phi'),
504  Plot1D('pt', 'pt', 40, 0, 400, 'pt'),
505  )
506  ),
507  )
508 )
def Count1D(name, nbins, xmin, xmax, title="")
def Profile1D(name, ycolumn, xcolumn, nbins, xmin, xmax, title="")