This is the complete list of members for tensorflow::TBBSession, including all inherited members.
cancellation_manager_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
CheckNotClosed() | tensorflow::TBBSession | inlineprivate |
Close() override | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
CloseCallback typedef | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
closed_lock_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
cost_model_manager_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
Create(const GraphDef &graph) override | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
CreateDebuggerState(const DebugOptions &debug_options, int64 session_run_index, int64 executor_step_index, const std::vector< string > &input_names, const std::vector< string > &output_names, const std::vector< string > &target_names, std::unique_ptr< DebuggerStateInterface > *debugger_state) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
CreateGraphs(const BuildGraphOptions &options, std::unordered_map< string, std::unique_ptr< Graph >> *outputs, std::unique_ptr< FunctionLibraryDefinition > *flib_def, RunStateArgs *run_state_args, DataTypeVector *input_types, DataTypeVector *output_types) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
DebugGateway class | tensorflow::TBBSession | friend |
DecorateAndPublishGraphForDebug(const DebugOptions &debug_options, Graph *graph, Device *device) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
device_mgr_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
device_set_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
devices_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
edge_name_counter_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
executor_lock_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
ExportCostModels(CostModelManager::CostModelMap *cost_models) | tensorflow::TBBSession | inline |
Extend(const GraphDef &graph) override | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
ExtendLocked(const GraphDef &graph) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(graph_def_lock_) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
factory_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
flib_def_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
GetOrCreateExecutors(gtl::ArraySlice< string > inputs, gtl::ArraySlice< string > outputs, gtl::ArraySlice< string > target_nodes, ExecutorsAndKeys **executors_and_keys, RunStateArgs *run_state_args) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
graph_def_lock_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
GUARDED_BY(graph_def_lock_) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
GUARDED_BY(graph_def_lock_) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
GUARDED_BY(executor_lock_) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
GUARDED_BY(executor_lock_) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
GUARDED_BY(graph_def_lock_) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
GUARDED_BY(graph_def_lock_) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
GUARDED_BY(closed_lock_) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
handle_name_counter_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
init_error_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
ListDevices(std::vector< DeviceAttributes > *response) override | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
MaybeInitializeExecutionState(const GraphDef &graph, bool *out_already_initialized) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(graph_def_lock_) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
ME typedef | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
NamedTensorList typedef | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
NameNodeMap typedef | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
node_outputs_callback_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
operation_timeout_in_ms_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
options_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
Reset(const std::vector< string > &containers) | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
ResourceHandleToInputTensor(const Tensor &resource_tensor, Tensor *retrieved_tensor) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
Run(const NamedTensorList &inputs, const std::vector< string > &output_names, const std::vector< string > &target_nodes, std::vector< Tensor > *outputs) override | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
Run(const ::tensorflow::RunOptions &run_options, const NamedTensorList &inputs, const std::vector< string > &output_names, const std::vector< string > &target_nodes, std::vector< Tensor > *outputs, RunMetadata *run_metadata) override | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
SchedClosure(tbb::task_arena &arena, tbb::task_group &g, std::function< void()> c) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
session_handle_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
session_state_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
step_id_counter_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | privatestatic |
sync_on_finish_ | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
TBBSession(const SessionOptions &options, const DeviceMgr *device_mgr, TBBSessionFactory *factory) | tensorflow::TBBSession | |
TF_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TBBSession) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
WaitForNotification(Notification *n, int64 timeout_in_ms) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
WaitForNotification(tbb::task_arena &arena, tbb::task_group &group, RunState *run_state, CancellationManager *cm, int64 timeout_in_ms) | tensorflow::TBBSession | private |
~TBBSession() override | tensorflow::TBBSession |