1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
4 rhoTable = cms.EDProducer(
6 fixedGridRhoFastjetAll =
ExtVar( cms.InputTag(
"double", doc =
"rho from all PF Candidates, used e.g. for JECs" ),
7 fixedGridRhoFastjetCentralNeutral =
ExtVar( cms.InputTag(
"double", doc =
"rho from neutral PF Candidates with |eta| < 2.5, used e.g. for rho corrections of some lepton isolations" ),
8 fixedGridRhoFastjetCentralCalo =
ExtVar( cms.InputTag(
"double", doc =
"rho from calo towers with |eta| < 2.5, used e.g. egamma PFCluster isolation" ),
12 puTable = cms.EDProducer(
13 src = cms.InputTag(
14 cut = cms.string(
15 name= cms.string(
16 doc = cms.string(
"pileup information for bunch crossing 0"),
17 singleton = cms.bool(
18 extension = cms.bool(
20 nTrueInt =
"getTrueNumInteractions()", int, doc=
"the true mean number of the poisson distribution for this event from which the number of interactions each bunch crossing has been sampled" ),
21 nPU =
"getPU_NumInteractions()", int, doc=
"the number of pileup interactions that have been added to the event in the current bunch crossing" ),
25 globalTables = cms.Sequence(rhoTable)
26 globalTablesMC = cms.Sequence(puTable)
def ExtVar(tag, valtype, compression=None, doc=None, mcOnly=False, precision=-1)
def Var(expr, valtype, compression=None, doc=None, mcOnly=False, precision=-1)