std::string m_digiProducer
secondary name given to collection of digis
Transient container Store all the pedestal values depending on the gain and pedestal offset $Date: $R...
int getHeaderSMId(const int headerId)
std::string m_headerProducer
name of module/plugin/producer making digis
virtual ~testChannel()
void subscribe(void)
Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Monitoring Elements.
int m_DACmin
name of the xml file to be saved
std::string m_digiCollection
testChannel(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
std::string m_xmlFile
name of module/plugin/producer making headers
Transient container right DAC values for each crystal and each gain $Date: $Revision: ...
void analyze(edm::Event const &event, edm::EventSetup const &eventSetup)
! Analyze
calculate the best DAC value to obtain a pedestal = 200