Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 TrackerOfflineValidation = cms.EDAnalyzer("TrackerOfflineValidation",
4  useInDqmMode = cms.bool(False), # Switch between Standalone tool (using TFileService) and DQM-based version (using DQMStore)
5  moduleDirectoryInOutput = cms.string(""), # at present adopted only in DQM mode (TFileService attaches the ModuleName as directory automatically)
6  Tracks = cms.InputTag("TrackRefitter"),
7  trajectoryInput = cms.string('TrackRefitter'), # Only needed in DQM mode
8  localCoorHistosOn = cms.bool(False),
9  moduleLevelHistsTransient = cms.bool(False), # Do not switch on in DQM mode, TrackerOfflineValidationSummary needs it
10  moduleLevelProfiles = cms.bool(False), # Do not switch on in DQM mode
11  localCoorProfilesOn = cms.bool(False),
12  stripYResiduals = cms.bool(False),
13  useFwhm = cms.bool(True),
14  useFit = cms.bool(False), # Unused in DQM mode, where it has to be specified in TrackerOfflineValidationSummary
15  useCombinedTrajectory = cms.bool(False),
16  useOverflowForRMS = cms.bool(False),
17  # Normalized X Residuals, normal local coordinates (Strip)
18  TH1NormXResStripModules = cms.PSet(
19  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
20  ),
22  # X Residuals, normal local coordinates (Strip)
23  TH1XResStripModules = cms.PSet(
24  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
25  ),
27  # Normalized X Residuals, native coordinates (Strip)
28  TH1NormXprimeResStripModules = cms.PSet(
29  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
30  ),
32  # X Residuals, native coordinates (Strip)
33  TH1XprimeResStripModules = cms.PSet(
34  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
35  ),
37  # Normalized Y Residuals, native coordinates (Strip -> hardly defined)
38  TH1NormYResStripModules = cms.PSet(
39  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
40  ),
41  # -> very broad distributions expected
42  TH1YResStripModules = cms.PSet(
43  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-11.0), xmax = cms.double(11.0)
44  ),
46  # Normalized X residuals normal local coordinates (Pixel)
47  TH1NormXResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
48  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
49  ),
50  # X residuals normal local coordinates (Pixel)
51  TH1XResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
52  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
53  ),
54  # Normalized X residuals native coordinates (Pixel)
55  TH1NormXprimeResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
56  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
57  ),
58  # X residuals native coordinates (Pixel)
59  TH1XprimeResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
60  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
61  ),
62  # Normalized Y residuals native coordinates (Pixel)
63  TH1NormYResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
64  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-5.0), xmax = cms.double(5.0)
65  ),
66  # Y residuals native coordinates (Pixel)
67  TH1YResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
68  Nbinx = cms.int32(100), xmin = cms.double(-0.5), xmax = cms.double(0.5)
69  ),
70  # X Residuals vs reduced local coordinates (Strip)
71  TProfileXResStripModules = cms.PSet(
72  Nbinx = cms.int32(20), xmin = cms.double(-1.0), xmax = cms.double(1.0)
73  ),
74  # X Residuals vs reduced local coordinates (Strip)
75  TProfileYResStripModules = cms.PSet(
76  Nbinx = cms.int32(20), xmin = cms.double(-1.0), xmax = cms.double(1.0)
77  ),
78  # X Residuals vs reduced local coordinates (Pixel)
79  TProfileXResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
80  Nbinx = cms.int32(20), xmin = cms.double(-1.0), xmax = cms.double(1.0)
81  ),
82  # X Residuals vs reduced local coordinates (Pixel)
83  TProfileYResPixelModules = cms.PSet(
84  Nbinx = cms.int32(20), xmin = cms.double(-1.0), xmax = cms.double(1.0)
85  )
86 )