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1 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version:
3 # Higgs decays
5 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
8 generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
9  pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),
10  # put here the efficiency of your filter (1. if no filter)
11  filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0),
12  pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
13  # put here the cross section of your process (in pb)
14  crossSection = cms.untracked.double(0.05),
15  comEnergy = cms.double(10000.0),
16  maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(3),
17  PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
18  pythiaUESettingsBlock,
19  processParameters = cms.vstring('PMAS(25,1)=130.0 !mass of Higgs',
20  'MSEL=0 ! user selection for process',
21  'MSUB(102)=1 !ggH',
22  'MSUB(123)=0 !ZZ fusion to H',
23  'MSUB(124)=0 !WW fusion to H',
24  'MSUB(24)=0 !ZH production',
25  'MSUB(26)=0 !WH production',
26  'MSUB(121)=0 !gg to ttH',
27  'MSUB(122)=0 !qq to ttH',
28  'MDME(210,1)=0 !Higgs decay into dd',
29  'MDME(211,1)=0 !Higgs decay into uu',
30  'MDME(212,1)=0 !Higgs decay into ss',
31  'MDME(213,1)=0 !Higgs decay into cc',
32  'MDME(214,1)=0 !Higgs decay into bb',
33  'MDME(215,1)=0 !Higgs decay into tt',
34  'MDME(216,1)=0 !Higgs decay into',
35  'MDME(217,1)=0 !Higgs decay into Higgs decay',
36  'MDME(218,1)=0 !Higgs decay into e nu e',
37  'MDME(219,1)=0 !Higgs decay into mu nu mu',
38  'MDME(220,1)=0 !Higgs decay into tau nu tau',
39  'MDME(221,1)=0 !Higgs decay into Higgs decay',
40  'MDME(222,1)=0 !Higgs decay into g g',
41  'MDME(223,1)=1 !Higgs decay into gam gam',
42  'MDME(224,1)=0 !Higgs decay into gam Z',
43  'MDME(225,1)=0 !Higgs decay into Z Z',
44  'MDME(226,1)=0 !Higgs decay into W W'),
45  # This is a vector of ParameterSet names to be read, in this order
46  parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',
47  'processParameters')
48  )
49 )