This is the complete list of members for UHTRpacker, including all inherited members.
addChannel(int uhtrIndex, edm::SortedCollection< HFDataFrame >::const_iterator &qiedf, const HcalElectronicsMap *readoutMap, int verbosity=0) | UHTRpacker | inline |
addChannel(int uhtrIndex, edm::SortedCollection< HBHEDataFrame >::const_iterator qiedf, const HcalElectronicsMap *readoutMap, int verbosity=0) | UHTRpacker | inline |
addChannel(int uhtrIndex, edm::SortedCollection< HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi >::const_iterator qiedf, int channelid, int verbosity=0) | UHTRpacker | inline |
addChannel(int uhtrIndex, QIE11DataFrame qiedf, const HcalElectronicsMap *readoutMap, int verbosity=0) | UHTRpacker | inline |
addChannel(int uhtrIndex, QIE10DataFrame qiedf, const HcalElectronicsMap *readoutMap, int verbosity=0) | UHTRpacker | inline |
exist(int uhtrIndex) | UHTRpacker | inline |
finalizeHeadTail(uhtrData *uhtr, bool verbosity) | UHTRpacker | inline |
MASK_BCN | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_CRATE_ID | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_DATA_LENGTH | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_EVENT_TYPE | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_EVN | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_FILED_BY_AMC13 | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_FW_FLAVOR | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_FW_VERSION | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_ORN | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_PAYLOAD_FORMAT | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_PRESAMPLES | UHTRpacker | static |
MASK_SLOT_ID | UHTRpacker | static |
newUHTR(int uhtrIndex, int ps=0, int orn=0, int bcn=0, uint64_t evt=0) | UHTRpacker | inline |
OFFSET_BCN | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_CRATE_ID | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_DATA_LENGTH | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_EVENT_TYPE | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_EVN | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_FILED_BY_AMC13 | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_FW_FLAVOR | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_FW_VERSION | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_ORN | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_PRESAMPLES | UHTRpacker | static |
OFFSET_SLOT_ID | UHTRpacker | static |
packQIE10header(const HcalElectronicsId &eid) | UHTRpacker | inline |
packQIE11header(const QIE11DataFrame &qiedf, const HcalElectronicsId &eid) | UHTRpacker | inline |
packQIE8header(const HcalQIESample &qieSample, const HcalElectronicsId &eid) | UHTRpacker | inline |
packTPheader(const HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample &tpSample, int channelid) | UHTRpacker | inline |
uhtrData typedef | UHTRpacker | |
UHTRMap typedef | UHTRpacker | |
UHTRpacker() | UHTRpacker | inline |
uhtrs | UHTRpacker | |