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PackerHelp.h File Reference
#include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalElectronicsId.h"
#include "DataFormats/HcalDigi/interface/HcalDigiCollections.h"
#include "DataFormats/FEDRawData/interface/FEDNumbering.h"
#include "DataFormats/FEDRawData/interface/FEDRawData.h"
#include "DataFormats/FEDRawData/interface/FEDHeader.h"
#include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalElectronicsMap.h"
#include "DataFormats/HcalDigi/interface/QIE10DataFrame.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  HCalFED
class  UHTRpacker




static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::FIXED_LSB = 0x0
static const uint64_t CDFHeaderSpec::FIXED_MSB = 0x5
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_AMC_NO = 0xF
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_AMCN_SIZE = 0xFFFFFF
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_BLK_NO = 0xFF
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::MASK_BX_ID = 0xFFF
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_C = 0x1
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::MASK_CAPID = 0x3
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::MASK_CAPID = 0x3
static const int TPHeaderSpec::MASK_CHANID = 0xFF
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_CRATE_ID = 0xFF
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_E = 0x1
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::MASK_EVT_TY = 0xF
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::MASK_FIBER = 0x1F
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::MASK_FIBER = 0x1F
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::MASK_FIBER = 0x1F
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::MASK_FIBERCHAN = 0x3
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::MASK_FIBERCHAN = 0x7
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::MASK_FIBERCHAN = 0x7
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::MASK_FIBERERR = 0x3
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::MASK_FIBERERR = 0x3
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_FIXED = 0xF
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::MASK_FIXED_LSB = 0xF
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::MASK_FIXED_MSB = 0xF
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::MASK_FLAVOR = 0x7
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::MASK_FLAVOR = 0x7
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::MASK_FLAVOR = 0x7
static const int TPHeaderSpec::MASK_FLAVOR = 0x7
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::MASK_FOV = 0xF
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::MASK_H = 0x8
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::MASK_HEADER_BIT = 0x1
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::MASK_HEADER_BIT = 0x1
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::MASK_HEADER_BIT = 0x1
static const int TPHeaderSpec::MASK_HEADER_BIT = 0x1
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_L = 0x1
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::MASK_LE = 0x1
static const int TPHeaderSpec::MASK_LINK = 0xF
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::MASK_LV1_ID = 0xFFFFFF
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_M = 0x1
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::MASK_MP = 0x1
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::MASK_NAMC = 0xF
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::MASK_ORN = 0xFFFFFFFF
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_P = 0x1
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_PRESAMPLES = 0xF
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::MASK_RES = 0xF
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::MASK_RESERV = 0x3
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::MASK_RESERVED = 0xFFFF
static const int TPHeaderSpec::MASK_RESV = 0x3
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_S = 0x1
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_SLOT_ID = 0xF
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::MASK_SOURCE_ID = 0xFFF
static const int TPHeaderSpec::MASK_TOWER = 0xF
static const int TPHeaderSpec::MASK_TPERR = 0x3
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::MASK_UFOV = 0xF
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::MASK_V = 0x1
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_AMC_NO = 16
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_AMCN_SIZE = 32
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_BLK_NO = 20
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::OFFSET_BX_ID = 20
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_C = 56
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::OFFSET_CAPID = 8
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::OFFSET_CAPID = 8
static const int TPHeaderSpec::OFFSET_CHANID = 0
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_CRATE_ID = 0
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_E = 59
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::OFFSET_EVT_TY = 56
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIBER = 2
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIBER = 3
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIBER = 3
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIBERCHAN = 0
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIBERCHAN = 0
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIBERCHAN = 0
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIBERERR = 10
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIBERERR = 10
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIXED = 28
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIXED_LSB = 0
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::OFFSET_FIXED_MSB = 60
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FLAVOR = 12
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FLAVOR = 12
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::OFFSET_FLAVOR = 12
static const int TPHeaderSpec::OFFSET_FLAVOR = 12
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::OFFSET_FOV = 4
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::OFFSET_H = 0
static const int QIE8HeaderSpec::OFFSET_HEADER_BIT = 15
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::OFFSET_HEADER_BIT = 15
static const int QIE11HeaderSpec::OFFSET_HEADER_BIT = 15
static const int TPHeaderSpec::OFFSET_HEADER_BIT = 15
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_L = 62
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::OFFSET_LE = 11
static const int TPHeaderSpec::OFFSET_LINK = 4
static const uint64_t CDFHeaderSpec::OFFSET_LV1_ID = 32
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_M = 61
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::OFFSET_MP = 8
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::OFFSET_NAMC = 52
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::OFFSET_ORN = 4
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_P = 58
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_PRESAMPLES = 12
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::OFFSET_RES = 56
static const int QIE10HeaderSpec::OFFSET_RESERV = 9
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::OFFSET_RESERVED = 36
static const int TPHeaderSpec::OFFSET_RESV = 8
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_S = 60
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_SLOT_ID = 8
static const int CDFHeaderSpec::OFFSET_SOURCE_ID = 8
static const int TPHeaderSpec::OFFSET_TOWER = 0
static const int TPHeaderSpec::OFFSET_TPERR = 10
static const int AMC13HeaderSpec::OFFSET_UFOV = 60
static const int AMCHeaderSpec::OFFSET_V = 57