Go to the documentation of this file. 2 Created on Jun 26, 2013 3 @author: Mantas Stankevicius 4 @contact: mantas.stankevicius@cern.ch 5 http://cmsdoxy.web.cern.ch/cmsdoxy/dataformats/ 13 "title":
"RecoVertex collections (in RECO and AOD)",
16 "instance":
17 "container":
"reco::VertexCollection ",
18 "desc":
"Primary vertex reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection, and imposing the offline beam spot as a constraint in the fit of the vertex position." 21 "instance":
22 "container":
"reco::VertexCollection ",
23 "desc":
"Primary vertex reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection" 26 "instance":
28 "desc":
"No documentation" 31 "instance":
33 "desc":
"No documentation" 36 "instance":
37 "container":
"reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection ",
38 "desc":
"Lambda0 candidate collection reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection" 41 "instance":
42 "container":
"reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection ",
43 "desc":
"K0S candidate collection reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection" 46 "instance":
47 "container":
48 "desc":
"Primary vertex reconstructed using the CKF tracks, taken from the ctfWithMaterialTracks collection" 51 "instance":
52 "container":
53 "desc":
"Identical to the offlinePrimaryVertices collection." 56 "instance":
57 "container":
58 "desc":
"Primary vertex reconstructed using the CKF tracks, taken from the rsWithMaterialTracks collection" 63 "title":
"RecoVertex collections (in AOD only)",
66 "instance":
68 "desc":
"No documentation" 71 "instance":
72 "container":
73 "desc":
"Primary vertex reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection" 76 "instance":
78 "desc":
"No documentation" 81 "instance":
83 "desc":
"No documentation" 88 "title":
"RecoVertex collections (in RECO only)",
91 "instance":
92 "container":
"reco::VertexCollection ",
93 "desc":
"Primary vertex reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection, and imposing the offline beam spot as a constraint in the fit of the vertex position." 96 "instance":
97 "container":
98 "desc":
"Primary vertex reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection" 101 "instance":
103 "desc":
"No documentation" 106 "instance":
108 "desc":
"No documentation"