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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
5 l1tOccupancyClient = cms.EDAnalyzer("L1TOccupancyClient",
6  verbose = cms.bool(False),
7  testParams = cms.VPSet(
8  #---------------------------------------------
9  # Example configuration
10  #---------------------------------------------
11  #cms.PSet(
12  #testName = cms.string('TauJetsOccEtaPhi'), #test name
13  #algoName = cms.string('XYSymmetry'), #test to be performed
14  #algoType = cms.int32(1), #0=qTest, 1=intrinsic
15  #algoParams = cms.PSet(
16  #currDir = cms.string('L1T/L1TGCT'), #dir of histogram to be inspected
17  #histo = cms.string('TauJetsOccEtaPhi'), #histogram to be inspected
18  #rebinFactorX = cms.int32(1), # Rebin factor (X Axis) to apply over tested histogram
19  #rebinFactorY = cms.int32(1), # Rebin factor (Y Axis) to apply over tested histogram
20  #axis = cms.int32(1), # Symetry axis is 1=vertical, 2=horizontal
21  #takeCenter = cms.bool(True), # Take central bin (odd bins) or first bin to the right of center (even bins) as axisSymmetryValue
22  #axisSymmetryValue = cms.double(10.5), #symmetry point on axis to be checked, neglected if takeCenter=true
23  #averageMode = cms.int32(2), #reference formula for average (0=testCase, 1=arithmetic average, 2=median)
24  #factorlow = cms.double(0.1), #factor f : mu1=f*mu0
25  #factorup = cms.double(2.0), #factor f : mu1=f*mu0
26  #params_mu0_low = mu0_x0p1, #parameters for determination of mu0_min
27  #params_mu0_up = mu0_x2, #parameters for determination of mu0_min
28  #params_chi2_low = chi2_x0p1, #parameters for determination of chi2-threshold
29  #params_chi2_up = chi2_x2, #parameters for determination of chi2-threshold
30  #markers = cms.VPSet(
31  #0=Histogram Units, 1=Bin Units (starting with 1,1)
32  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(2),xmin=cms.double(1), xmax=cms.double(4), ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18)),
33  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(2),xmin=cms.double(19),xmax=cms.double(22),ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18))
34  #)
35  #)
36  #),
37  cms.PSet(
38  testName = cms.string('dttf_01_tracks_occupancy_test_summary'), #test name
39  algoParams = cms.PSet(
40  histPath = cms.string('L1T/L1TDTTF/09-TEST/dttf_01_tracks_occupancy_test_summary'),
41  maskedAreas = cms.VPSet(
42  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(3) ,xmax=cms.double(3) ,ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(12)),
43  )
44  )
45  ),
46  cms.PSet(
47  testName = cms.string('TauJetsOccEtaPhi'), #test name
48  algoParams = cms.PSet(
49  histPath = cms.string('L1T/L1TGCT/TauJetsOccEtaPhi'),
50  maskedAreas = cms.VPSet(
51  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(1) ,xmax=cms.double(4) ,ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18)),
52  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(19),xmax=cms.double(22),ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18))
53  )
54  )
55  ),
56  cms.PSet(
57  testName = cms.string('AllJetsOccEtaPhi'), #test name
58  algoParams = cms.PSet(
59  histPath = cms.string('L1T/L1TGCT/AllJetsOccEtaPhi'),
60  maskedAreas = cms.VPSet()
61  )
62  ),
63  cms.PSet(
64  testName = cms.string('RctRegionsOccEtaPhi'), #test name
65  algoParams = cms.PSet(
66  histPath = cms.string('L1T/L1TRCT/RctRegionsOccEtaPhi'),
67  maskedAreas = cms.VPSet()
68  )
69  ),
70  cms.PSet(
71  testName = cms.string('RctEmIsoEmOccEtaPhi'), #test name
72  algoParams = cms.PSet(
73  histPath = cms.string('L1T/L1TRCT/RctEmIsoEmOccEtaPhi'),
74  maskedAreas = cms.VPSet(
75  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(1), xmax=cms.double(4), ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18)),
76  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(19),xmax=cms.double(22),ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18))
77  )
78  )
79  ),
80  cms.PSet(
81  testName = cms.string('RctEmNonIsoEmOccEtaPhi'), #test name
82  algoParams = cms.PSet(
83  histPath = cms.string('L1T/L1TRCT/RctEmNonIsoEmOccEtaPhi'),
84  maskedAreas = cms.VPSet(
85  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(1), xmax=cms.double(4), ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18)),
86  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(19),xmax=cms.double(22),ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18))
87  )
88  )
89  ),
90  cms.PSet(
91  testName = cms.string('NonIsoEmOccEtaPhi'), #test name
92  algoParams = cms.PSet(
93  histPath = cms.string('L1T/L1TGCT/NonIsoEmOccEtaPhi'),
94  maskedAreas = cms.VPSet(
95  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(1), xmax=cms.double(4), ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18)),
96  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(19),xmax=cms.double(22),ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18))
97  )
98  )
99  ),
100  cms.PSet(
101  testName = cms.string('IsoEmOccEtaPhi'), #test name
102  algoParams = cms.PSet(
103  histPath = cms.string('L1T/L1TGCT/IsoEmOccEtaPhi'),
104  maskedAreas = cms.VPSet(
105  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(1), xmax=cms.double(4), ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18)),
106  cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(19),xmax=cms.double(22),ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(18))
107  )
108  )
109  )
111  #----------------------------------------------------
112  # Other tests that may be activated in the future
113  #----------------------------------------------------
114  #cms.PSet(
115  #testName = cms.string('GMT_etaphi'), #test name
116  #algoParams = cms.PSet(
117  #currDir = cms.string('L1T/L1TGMT/GMT_etaphi'), #dir of histogram to be inspected
118  #maskedAreas = cms.VPSet()
119  #)
120  #),
121  #cms.PSet(
122  #testName = cms.string('RPCTF_muons_eta_phi_bx0'), #test name
123  #algoParams = cms.PSet(
124  #currDir = cms.string('L1T/L1TRPCTF/RPCTF_muons_eta_phi_bx0'),
125  #rebinFactorX = cms.int32(1), # Rebin factor (X Axis) to apply over tested histogram
126  #rebinFactorY = cms.int32(12),# Rebin factor (Y Axis) to apply over tested histogram
127  #maskedAreas = cms.VPSet(
128  #1...units of histogram, 2...x-/y-internal coordinates (starting with 1,1) (rebinned!)
129  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(1), xmax=cms.double(4), ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(12)),
130  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(30),xmax=cms.double(33),ymin=cms.double(1),ymax=cms.double(12))
131  #)
132  #)
133  #),
134  #cms.PSet(
135  #testName = cms.string('CSCTF_Chamber_Occupancies'), #test name
136  #algoParams = cms.PSet(
137  #currDir = cms.string('L1T/L1TCSCTF/CSCTF_Chamber_Occupancies'),
138  #axis = cms.int32(2), #which axis should be checked? 1=eta, 2=phi
139  #maskedAreas = cms.VPSet(
140  #1...units of histogram, 2...x-/y-internal coordinates (starting with 1,1)
141  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(4), xmax=cms.double(9), ymin=cms.double(1), ymax=cms.double(1)),
142  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(4), xmax=cms.double(9), ymin=cms.double(10),ymax=cms.double(10)),
143  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(22),xmax=cms.double(27),ymin=cms.double(1), ymax=cms.double(1)),
144  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(22),xmax=cms.double(27),ymin=cms.double(10),ymax=cms.double(10)),
145  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(40),xmax=cms.double(45),ymin=cms.double(1), ymax=cms.double(1)),
146  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(40),xmax=cms.double(45),ymin=cms.double(10),ymax=cms.double(10)),
147  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(49),xmax=cms.double(54),ymin=cms.double(1), ymax=cms.double(1)),
148  #cms.PSet(kind=cms.int32(1),xmin=cms.double(49),xmax=cms.double(54),ymin=cms.double(10),ymax=cms.double(10))
149  #)
150  #)
151  #),
152  #cms.PSet(
153  #testName = cms.string('dttf_03_tracks_occupancy_summary'), #test name
154  #algoParams = cms.PSet(
155  #currDir = cms.string('L1T/L1TDTTF/01-INCLUSIVE/dttf_03_tracks_occupancy_summary'),
156  #maskedAreas = cms.VPSet()
157  #)
158  #),
159  #cms.PSet(
160  #testName = cms.string('dttf_12_phi_vs_eta'), #test name
161  #algoParams = cms.PSet(
162  #currDir = cms.string('L1T/L1TDTTF/01-INCLUSIVE/dttf_12_phi_vs_eta'),
163  #maskedAreas = cms.VPSet()
164  #)
165  #)
166  )
167 )