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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 ## EMTF emulator configuration
4 ## Three options for CSCInput
5 ## * 'simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis','MPCSORTED' : simulated trigger primitives (LCTs) from re-emulating CSC digis
6 ## * 'csctfDigis' : real trigger primitives as received by CSCTF (legacy trigger)
7 ## * 'emtfStage2Digis' : real trigger primitives as received by EMTF, unpacked in EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/
8 ## Two options for RPCInput
9 ## * 'simMuonRPCDigis' : simulated trigger primitives (LCTs) from emulating RPCs
10 ## * 'muonRPCDigis' : real trigger primitives from RPCs, but not unpacked by EMTF
11 ## Two options for CSCInputBxShift
12 ## * -2 when using simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis re-emulated from data
13 ## * 0 in all other cases (MC, csctfDigis or emtfStage2Digis input)
14 simEmtfDigis = cms.EDProducer("L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer",
15  CSCInput = cms.InputTag('simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis','MPCSORTED'),
16  RPCInput = cms.InputTag('simMuonRPCDigis'),
17  CSCInputBxShift = cms.untracked.int32(0),
18  )