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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 hcalZDCMonitorTask = cms.PSet(
4  debug = cms.untracked.int32(0),
5  online = cms.untracked.bool(False),
6  AllowedCalibTypes = cms.untracked.vint32(0), # by default, don't include calibration events
7  mergeRuns = cms.untracked.bool(False),
8  enableCleanup = cms.untracked.bool(False),
9  subSystemFolder = cms.untracked.string("Hcal/"),
10  TaskFolder = cms.untracked.string("ZDCMonitor_Hcal/"),
11  skipOutOfOrderLS = cms.untracked.bool(False),
12  NLumiBlocks = cms.untracked.int32(4000),
14  # Collections to get
16  digiLabel = cms.InputTag("hcalDigis"), # what label is used for ZDC? ZDC digis?
17  rechitLabel = cms.InputTag("zdcreco"),
18  makeDiagnostics = cms.untracked.bool(False),
24  ZDC_OnlineColdThreshold = cms.untracked.int32(250), #can change this later if we wnat each section to have a different number of events before being called cold
26  ZDC_OnlineDeadThreshold = cms.untracked.int32(250), #same as above
28  ZDC_OfflineColdThreshold = cms.untracked.int32(250), #same as above
30  ZDC_OfflineDeadThreshold = cms.untracked.int32(250), #same as above
32  ZDC_ColdADCThreshold = cms.untracked.int32(20), #This is the threshold for which a channel will be called cold
34  ZDC_ChannelWeighting = cms.untracked.vdouble(0.1, #ZDC+ EM1 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC+
35  0.1, #ZDC+ EM2 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC+
36  0.1, #ZDC+ EM3 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC+
37  0.1, #ZDC+ EM4 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC+
38  0.1, #ZDC+ EM5 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC+
39  0.125, #ZDC+ HAD1 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC+
40  0.125, #ZDC+ HAD2 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC+
41  0.125, #ZDC+ HAD3 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC+
42  0.125, #ZDC+ HAD4 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC+
43  0.1, #ZDC- EM1 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC-
44  0.1, #ZDC- EM2 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC-
45  0.1, #ZDC- EM3 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC-
46  0.1, #ZDC- EM4 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC-
47  0.1, #ZDC- EM5 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC-
48  0.125, #ZDC- HAD1 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC-
49  0.125, #ZDC- HAD2 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC-
50  0.125, #ZDC- HAD3 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC-
51  0.125 #ZDC- HAD4 contributes this much to the quality index (QI) for the ZDC-
52  ),
53  ZDC_AcceptableChannelErrorRates = cms.untracked.vdouble(0.1, #ZDC+ EM1 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
54  0.1, #ZDC+ EM2 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
55  0.1, #ZDC+ EM3 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
56  0.1, #ZDC+ EM4 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
57  0.1, #ZDC+ EM5 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
58  0.1, #ZDC+ HAD1 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
59  0.1, #ZDC+ HAD2 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
60  0.1, #ZDC+ HAD3 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
61  0.1, #ZDC+ HAD4 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
62  0.1, #ZDC- EM1 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
63  0.1, #ZDC- EM2 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
64  0.1, #ZDC- EM3 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
65  0.1, #ZDC- EM4 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
66  0.1, #ZDC- EM5 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
67  0.1, #ZDC- HAD1 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
68  0.1, #ZDC- HAD2 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
69  0.1, #ZDC- HAD3 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
70  0.1 #ZDC- HAD4 can have this fractional error rate before being called bad
71  )
72 )