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distMuonMETValueMapProducer_cff Namespace Reference


tuple distmuonMETValueMapProducer

Variable Documentation

tuple distMuonMETValueMapProducer_cff.distmuonMETValueMapProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("MuonMETValueMapProducer",
2  TrackAssociatorParameterBlock,
3  muonInputTag = cms.InputTag("distortedMuons"),
4  beamSpotInputTag = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
5  useTrackAssociatorPositions = cms.bool(True),
6  useRecHits = cms.bool(False), #if True, will use deposits in 3x3 recHits
7  useHO = cms.bool(False), #if True, will correct for deposits in HO
8  isAlsoTkMu = cms.bool(True), #does the mu have to be a tracker mu?
9  towerEtThreshold = cms.double(0.3), #default MET calculated using towers with Et > 0.5 GeV only
10  minPt = cms.double(10.0),#min global Mu Pt is 10 GeV
11  maxEta = cms.double(2.4), #max global |Eta| is 2.4
12  maxNormChi2 = cms.double(10.0),#max global chi2/ndof
13  maxd0 = cms.double(0.2), #max global d0
14  minnHits = cms.int32(11), #minimum # of si hits
15  minnValidStaHits = cms.int32(1) #minimum # of valid hits in the muon system used in the global muon fit
16 )

Definition at line 6 of file