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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 pythia6CUEP6S1SettingsBlock = cms.PSet(
4  pythia6CUEP6S1Settings = cms.vstring('MSTU(21)=1 ! Check on possible errors during program execution',
5  'MSTJ(22)=2 ! Decay those unstable particles',
6  'PARJ(71)=10 . ! for which ctau 10 mm',
7  'MSTP(33)=0 ! no K factors in hard cross sections',
8  'MSTP(2)=1 ! which order running alphaS',
9  'MSTP(51)=10042 ! structure function chosen (external PDF CTEQ6L1)',
10  'MSTP(52)=2 ! work with LHAPDF',
11  'PARP(82)=1.9096 ! pt cutoff for multiparton interactions',
12  'PARP(89)=1800. ! sqrts for which PARP82 is set',
13  'PARP(90)=0.2479! Multiple interactions: rescaling power',
14  'MSTP(95)=6 ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',
15  'PARP(77)=0.6646 ! CR',
16  'PARP(78)=0.5454 ! CR',
17  'PARP(80)=0.1 ! Prob. colored parton from BBR',
18  'PARP(83)=0.8217 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',
19  'PARP(84)=0.651 ! Multiple interactions: matter distribution parameter',
20  'PARP(62)=1.025 ! ISR cutoff',
21  'MSTP(91)=1 ! Gaussian primordial kT',
22  'PARP(93)=10.0 ! primordial kT-max',
23  'MSTP(81)=21 ! multiple parton interactions 1 is Pythia default',
24  'MSTP(82)=4 ! Defines the multi-parton model',
25  'PARJ(1) = 0.08 ! HAD diquark suppression',
26  'PARJ(2) = 0.21 ! HAD strangeness suppression',
27  'PARJ(3) = 0.94 ! HAD strange diquark suppression',
28  'PARJ(4) = 0.04 ! HAD vectior diquark suppression',
29  'PARJ(11) = 0.35 ! HAD P(vector meson), u and d only',
30  'PARJ(12) = 0.35 ! HAD P(vector meson) contains ',
31  'PARJ(13) = 0.54 ! HAD P(vector meson), heavy quarks',
32  'PARJ(21) = 0.34 ! HAD fragmentation pt',
33  'PARJ(25) = 0.63 ! HAD eta0 suppression',
34  'PARJ(26) = 0.12 ! HAD eta0 suppression'
35  )
36 )