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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 #
4 # Egamma specific data, currently empty
5 #
6 egammaSkimEventContent = cms.PSet(
7  outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring()
8 )
9 #
10 # Loose Z selection (originally from EWK group) for electron validation
11 #
12 egammaLooseZEventSelection = cms.PSet(
13  SelectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
14  SelectEvents = cms.vstring('egammaLooseZCluster',
15  'egammaLooseZTrack')
16  )
17 )
18 #
19 # keep only very high pt clusters for control studies
20 #
21 egammaVeryHighEtEventSelection = cms.PSet(
22  SelectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
23  SelectEvents = cms.vstring('egammaVeryHighEt')
24  )
25 )
26 #
27 # W + EM object or Jet for fake rate studies
28 #
29 egammaWPlusEMOrJetEventSelection = cms.PSet(
30  SelectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
31  SelectEvents = cms.vstring('electronFilterWPath',
32  'muonFilterWPath')
33  )
34 )
35 #
36 # Z + EM object or Jet for fake rate studies
37 #
38 egammaZPlusEMOrJetEventSelection = cms.PSet(
39  SelectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
40  SelectEvents = cms.vstring('electronFilterZPath',
41  'muonFilterZPath')
42  )
43 )