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GEMCSCSegAlgoRR Class Reference

#include <GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h>

Inheritance diagram for GEMCSCSegAlgoRR:

Public Member Functions

 GEMCSCSegAlgoRR (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
 Constructor. More...
std::vector< GEMCSCSegmentrun (const std::map< uint32_t, const CSCLayer * > &csclayermap, const std::map< uint32_t, const GEMEtaPartition * > &gemrollmap, const std::vector< const CSCSegment * > &cscsegments, const std::vector< const GEMRecHit * > &gemrechits)
 ~GEMCSCSegAlgoRR ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from GEMCSCSegmentAlgorithm
 GEMCSCSegmentAlgorithm (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~GEMCSCSegmentAlgorithm ()
 Destructor. More...

Private Member Functions

std::vector< GEMCSCSegmentbuildSegments (const CSCSegment *cscsegment, const std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > &rechits)
std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > 
chainHitsToSegm (const CSCSegment *cscsegment, const std::vector< const GEMRecHit * > &gemrechits)
 Utility functions. More...

Private Attributes

bool debug
 Configuration parameters. More...
double dPhiChainBoxMax
double dRChainBoxMax
double dThetaChainBoxMax
double dXclusBoxMax
double dYclusBoxMax
int maxRecHitsInCluster
unsigned int minHitsPerSegment
const std::string myName
 Member variables. More...
bool preClustering
bool preClustering_useChaining
std::map< uint32_t, const
CSCLayer * > 
std::map< uint32_t, const
GEMEtaPartition * > 

Detailed Description

This algorithm is very basic, there is no attempt to deal with ambiguities, such as noise etc. The GEMCSC track segment is built starting from a CSC segment and trying to match GEM rechits. The GEM rechits are searched inside a conigurable (eta,phi) window and associated to the segment. This collection of GEM rechits and CSC semgent is called the GEMCSC Ensemble.

Raffaella Radogna

Definition at line 26 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::GEMCSCSegAlgoRR ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)



Definition at line 32 of file

References debug, dPhiChainBoxMax, dRChainBoxMax, dThetaChainBoxMax, dXclusBoxMax, dYclusBoxMax, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), maxRecHitsInCluster, minHitsPerSegment, preClustering, and preClustering_useChaining.

32  : GEMCSCSegmentAlgorithm(ps), myName("GEMCSCSegAlgoRR"), sfit_(0)
33 {
34  debug = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("GEMCSCDebug");
35  minHitsPerSegment = ps.getParameter<unsigned int>("minHitsPerSegment");
36  preClustering = ps.getParameter<bool>("preClustering");
37  dXclusBoxMax = ps.getParameter<double>("dXclusBoxMax");
38  dYclusBoxMax = ps.getParameter<double>("dYclusBoxMax");
39  preClustering_useChaining = ps.getParameter<bool>("preClusteringUseChaining");
40  dPhiChainBoxMax = ps.getParameter<double>("dPhiChainBoxMax");
41  dThetaChainBoxMax = ps.getParameter<double>("dThetaChainBoxMax");
42  dRChainBoxMax = ps.getParameter<double>("dRChainBoxMax");
43  maxRecHitsInCluster = ps.getParameter<int>("maxRecHitsInCluster");
44 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
bool preClustering_useChaining
GEMCSCSegFit * sfit_
const std::string myName
Member variables.
unsigned int minHitsPerSegment
GEMCSCSegmentAlgorithm(const edm::ParameterSet &)
bool debug
Configuration parameters.
double dThetaChainBoxMax



Definition at line 51 of file

51 {}

Member Function Documentation

std::vector< GEMCSCSegment > GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::buildSegments ( const CSCSegment cscsegment,
const std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > &  rechits 

Build the GEMCSCSegment.

This algorithm uses a Minimum Spanning Tree (ST) approach to build endcap muon track segments from the rechits in the 6 layers of a CSC and the 2 layers inside a GE1/1 GEM. Fit is implemented in

Definition at line 293 of file

References CSCSegment::chi2(), GEMCSCSegFit::chi2(), GEMCSCSegFit::covarianceMatrix(), CSCSegment::cscDetId(), GEMCSCSegFit::fit(), MuonSubdetId::GEM, GEMCSCSegFit::intercept(), GEMCSCSegFit::localdir(), minHitsPerSegment, sfit_, CSCSegment::specificRecHits(), theCSCLayers_, theGEMEtaParts_, and tmp.

Referenced by run().

294 {
296  std::vector<GEMCSCSegment> gemcscsegmentvector;
297  std::vector<const GEMRecHit*> gemrechits;
299  // Leave the function if the amount of rechits in the EnsembleHitContainer < min required
300  if (rechits.size() < minHitsPerSegment)
301  {
302  return gemcscsegmentvector;
303  }
305  // Extract the GEMRecHits from the TrackingRecHit vector
306  for(std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*>::const_iterator trhIt = rechits.begin(); trhIt!=rechits.end(); ++trhIt)
307  {
308  if (DetId((*trhIt)->rawId()).subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::GEM) { gemrechits.push_back( ((GEMRecHit*)*trhIt) ); }
309  }
311  // The actual fit on all hits of the vector of the selected Tracking RecHits:
312  delete sfit_;
314  sfit_->fit();
316  // obtain all information necessary to make the segment:
317  LocalPoint protoIntercept = sfit_->intercept();
318  LocalVector protoDirection = sfit_->localdir();
319  AlgebraicSymMatrix protoErrors = sfit_->covarianceMatrix();
320  double protoChi2 = sfit_->chi2();
322  edm::LogVerbatim("GEMCSCSegAlgoRR") << "[GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::buildSegments] fit done, will now try to make GEMCSC Segment from CSC Segment in "<<cscsegment->cscDetId()
323  << " made of "<<cscsegment->specificRecHits().size()<<" rechits and with chi2 = "<<cscsegment->chi2()<<" and with "<<gemrechits.size()<<" GEM RecHits";
325  // save all information inside GEMCSCSegment
326  GEMCSCSegment tmp(cscsegment, gemrechits, protoIntercept, protoDirection, protoErrors, protoChi2);
328  edm::LogVerbatim("GEMCSCSegAlgoRR") << "[GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::buildSegments] GEMCSC Segment made";
329  gemcscsegmentvector.push_back(tmp);
330  return gemcscsegmentvector;
331 }
CSCDetId cscDetId() const
Definition: CSCSegment.h:69
GEMCSCSegFit * sfit_
static const int GEM
Definition: MuonSubdetId.h:15
unsigned int minHitsPerSegment
void fit(void)
LocalVector localdir() const
Definition: GEMCSCSegFit.h:129
AlgebraicSymMatrix covarianceMatrix(void)
std::map< uint32_t, const GEMEtaPartition * > theGEMEtaParts_
const std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > & specificRecHits() const
Definition: CSCSegment.h:65
Definition: DetId.h:18
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
double chi2(void) const
Definition: GEMCSCSegFit.h:126
double chi2() const
Chi2 of the segment fit.
Definition: CSCSegment.h:57
std::map< uint32_t, const CSCLayer * > theCSCLayers_
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix AlgebraicSymMatrix
LocalPoint intercept() const
Definition: GEMCSCSegFit.h:128
std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::chainHitsToSegm ( const CSCSegment cscsegment,
const std::vector< const GEMRecHit * > &  gemrechits 

Utility functions.

Search for GEMHits inside a Box around the position extrapolated from the CSC segment.

Chain hits :: make a TrackingRecHit vector containing both CSC and GEM rechits take the hits from the CSCSegment and add a clone of them take the hits from the GEM RecHit vector and check whether they are compatible with the CSC segment extrapolation to the GEM plane. If they are compatible, add these GEM rechits

Definition at line 157 of file

References CSCLayer::chamber(), GEMRecHit::clone(), dPhiChainBoxMax, dThetaChainBoxMax, CSCSegment::localDirection(), CSCSegment::localPosition(), GEMRecHit::localPosition(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), edm::second(), CSCSegment::specificRecHits(), theCSCLayers_, theGEMEtaParts_, GeomDet::toGlobal(), GeomDet::toLocal(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x().

Referenced by run().

158 {
160  std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> chainedRecHits;
162  // working with layers makes it here a bit more difficult:
163  // the CSC segment points to the chamber, which we cannot ask from the map
164  // the CSC rechits point to the layers, from which we can ask the chamber
166  auto segLP = cscsegment->localPosition();
167  auto segLD = cscsegment->localDirection();
168  auto cscrhs = cscsegment->specificRecHits();
170  // Loop over the CSC Segment rechits
171  // and save a copy in the chainedRecHits vector
172  for (auto crh = cscrhs.begin(); crh!= cscrhs.end(); crh++)
173  {
174  chainedRecHits.push_back(crh->clone());
175  }
177  // now ask the layer id of the first CSC rechit
178  std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*>::const_iterator trhIt = chainedRecHits.begin();
179  // make sure pointer is valid
180  if(trhIt == chainedRecHits.end()) {
181  edm::LogVerbatim("GEMCSCSegFit") << "[GEMCSCSegFit::chainHitsToSegm] CSC segment has zero rechits ... end function here";
182  return chainedRecHits;
183  }
184  const CSCLayer * cscLayer = theCSCLayers_.find((*trhIt)->rawId())->second;
185  // now ask the chamber id of the first CSC rechit
186  if(!cscLayer) {
187  edm::LogVerbatim("GEMCSCSegFit") << "[GEMCSCSegFit::chainHitsToSegm] CSC rechit ID was not found back in the CSCLayerMap ... end function here";
188  return chainedRecHits;
189  }
190  const CSCChamber* cscChamber = cscLayer->chamber();
192  // For non-empty GEM rechit vector
193  if(gemrechits.size()!=0)
194  {
195  float Dphi_min_l1 = 999;
196  float Dphi_min_l2 = 999;
197  float Dtheta_min_l1 = 999;
198  float Dtheta_min_l2 = 999;
200  std::vector<const GEMRecHit*>::const_iterator grhIt = gemrechits.begin();
202  const GEMRecHit* gemrh_min_l1= *grhIt;
203  const GEMRecHit* gemrh_min_l2= *grhIt;
205  // Loop over GEM rechits from the EnsembleGEMHitContainer
206  for(grhIt = gemrechits.begin(); grhIt != gemrechits.end(); ++grhIt)
207  {
208  // get GEM Rechit Local & Global Position
209  auto rhLP = (*grhIt)->localPosition();
210  const GEMEtaPartition* rhRef = theGEMEtaParts_.find((*grhIt)->gemId())->second;
211  auto rhGP = rhRef->toGlobal(rhLP);
212  // get GEM Rechit Local position w.r.t. the CSC Chamber
213  // --> we are interessed in the z-coordinate
214  auto rhLP_inSegmRef = cscChamber->toLocal(rhGP);
215  // calculate the extrapolation of the CSC segment to the GEM plane (z-coord)
216  // to get x- and y- coordinate
217  float xe = 0.0, ye = 0.0, ze = 0.0;
218  if(segLD.z() != 0)
219  {
220  xe = segLP.x()+segLD.x()*rhLP_inSegmRef.z()/segLD.z();
221  ye = segLP.y()+segLD.y()*rhLP_inSegmRef.z()/segLD.z();
222  ze = rhLP_inSegmRef.z();
223  }
224  // 3D extrapolated point in the GEM plane
225  LocalPoint extrPoint(xe,ye,ze);
227  // get GEM Rechit Global Position, but obtained from CSC Chamber
228  // --> this should be the same as rhGP = rhRef->toGlobal(rhLP);
229  auto rhGP_fromSegmRef = cscChamber->toGlobal(rhLP_inSegmRef);
230  float phi_rh = rhGP_fromSegmRef.phi();
231  float theta_rh = rhGP_fromSegmRef.theta();
232  // get Extrapolat Global Position, also obtained from CSC Chamber
233  auto extrPoinGP_fromSegmRef = cscChamber->toGlobal(extrPoint);
234  float phi_ext = extrPoinGP_fromSegmRef.phi();
235  float theta_ext = extrPoinGP_fromSegmRef.theta();
237  // GEM 1st Layer :: Search for GEM Rechit with smallest Delta Eta and Delta Phi
238  // and save it inside gemrh_min_l1
239  if ((*grhIt)->gemId().layer()==1)
240  {
241  float Dphi_l1 = fabs(phi_ext-phi_rh);
242  float Dtheta_l1 = fabs(theta_ext-theta_rh);
243  if (Dphi_l1 <= Dphi_min_l1)
244  {
245  Dphi_min_l1 = Dphi_l1;
246  Dtheta_min_l1 = Dtheta_l1;
247  gemrh_min_l1 = *grhIt;
248  }
249  }
250  // GEM 2nd Layer :: Search for GEM Rechit with smallest Delta Eta and Delta Phi
251  // and save it inside gemrh_min_l2
252  if ((*grhIt)->gemId().layer()==2)
253  {
254  float Dphi_l2 = fabs(phi_ext-phi_rh);
255  float Dtheta_l2 = fabs(theta_ext-theta_rh);
256  if (Dphi_l2 <= Dphi_min_l2)
257  {
258  Dphi_min_l2 = Dphi_l2;
259  Dtheta_min_l2 = Dtheta_l2;
260  gemrh_min_l2 = *grhIt;
261  }
262  }
264  } // end loop over GEM Rechits
266  // Check whether GEM rechit with smallest delta eta and delta phi
267  // w.r.t. the extrapolation of the CSC segment is within the
268  // maxima given by the configuration of the algorithm
269  bool phiRequirementOK_l1 = Dphi_min_l1 < dPhiChainBoxMax;
270  bool thetaRequirementOK_l1 = Dtheta_min_l1 < dThetaChainBoxMax;
271  if(phiRequirementOK_l1 && thetaRequirementOK_l1 && gemrh_min_l1!=0)
272  {
273  chainedRecHits.push_back(gemrh_min_l1->clone());
274  }
275  bool phiRequirementOK_l2 = Dphi_min_l2 < dPhiChainBoxMax;
276  bool thetaRequirementOK_l2 = Dtheta_min_l2 < dThetaChainBoxMax;
277  if(phiRequirementOK_l2 && thetaRequirementOK_l2 && gemrh_min_l2!=0)
278  {
279  chainedRecHits.push_back(gemrh_min_l2->clone());
280  }
281  } // End check > 0 GEM rechits
283  return chainedRecHits;
284 }
virtual LocalPoint localPosition() const
Return the 3-dimensional local position.
Definition: GEMRecHit.h:53
virtual GEMRecHit * clone() const
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Local2DPoint &lp) const
Conversion to the global R.F. from the R.F. of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:52
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:69
LocalPoint toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
Conversion to the R.F. of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:67
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
LocalPoint localPosition() const
Definition: CSCSegment.h:38
LocalVector localDirection() const
Local direction.
Definition: CSCSegment.h:41
std::map< uint32_t, const GEMEtaPartition * > theGEMEtaParts_
const std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > & specificRecHits() const
Definition: CSCSegment.h:65
std::map< uint32_t, const CSCLayer * > theCSCLayers_
double dThetaChainBoxMax
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
const CSCChamber * chamber() const
Definition: CSCLayer.h:52
std::vector< GEMCSCSegment > GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::run ( const std::map< uint32_t, const CSCLayer * > &  csclayermap,
const std::map< uint32_t, const GEMEtaPartition * > &  gemrollmap,
const std::vector< const CSCSegment * > &  cscsegments,
const std::vector< const GEMRecHit * > &  gemrechits 

Build segments for all desired groups of hits

Run the algorithm

Implements GEMCSCSegmentAlgorithm.

Definition at line 58 of file

References buildSegments(), chainHitsToSegm(), CSCDetId, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, theCSCLayers_, theGEMEtaParts_, and tmp.

60 {
62  // This function is called for each CSC Chamber (ME1/1) associated with a GEM chamber in which GEM Rechits were found
63  // This means that the csc segment vector can contain more than one segment and that all combinations with the gemrechits have to be tried
66  // assign the maps < detid, geometry object > to the class variables
67  theCSCLayers_ = csclayermap;
68  theGEMEtaParts_ = gemrollmap;
71  // LogDebug info about reading of CSC Chamber map and GEM Eta Partition map
72  edm::LogVerbatim("GEMCSCSegAlgoRR") << "[GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::run] cached the csclayermap and the gemrollmap";
74  // --- LogDebug for CSC Layer map -----------------------------------------
75  std::stringstream csclayermapss; csclayermapss<<"[GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::run] :: csclayermap :: elements ["<<std::endl;
76  for(std::map<uint32_t, const CSCLayer*>::const_iterator mapIt = theCSCLayers_.begin(); mapIt != theCSCLayers_.end(); ++mapIt)
77  {
78  csclayermapss<<"[CSC DetId "<<mapIt->first<<" ="<<CSCDetId(mapIt->first)<<", CSC Layer "<<mapIt->second<<" ="<<(mapIt->second)->id()<<"],"<<std::endl;
79  }
80  csclayermapss<<"]"<<std::endl;
81  std::string csclayermapstr = csclayermapss.str();
82  edm::LogVerbatim("GEMCSCSegAlgoRR") << csclayermapstr;
83  // --- End LogDebug -------------------------------------------------------
85  // --- LogDebug for GEM Eta Partition map ---------------------------------
86  std::stringstream gemetapartmapss; gemetapartmapss<<"[GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::run] :: gemetapartmap :: elements ["<<std::endl;
87  for(std::map<uint32_t, const GEMEtaPartition*>::const_iterator mapIt = theGEMEtaParts_.begin(); mapIt != theGEMEtaParts_.end(); ++mapIt)
88  {
89  gemetapartmapss<<"[GEM DetId "<<mapIt->first<<" ="<<GEMDetId(mapIt->first)<<", GEM EtaPart "<<mapIt->second<<"],"<<std::endl;
90  }
91  gemetapartmapss<<"]"<<std::endl;
92  std::string gemetapartmapstr = gemetapartmapss.str();
93  edm::LogVerbatim("GEMCSCSegAlgoRR") << gemetapartmapstr;
94  // --- End LogDebug -------------------------------------------------------
97  std::vector<GEMCSCSegment> segmentvectorfinal;
98  std::vector<GEMCSCSegment> segmentvectorchamber;
99  std::vector<GEMCSCSegment> segmentvectorfromfit;
100  std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> chainedRecHits;
103  // From the GEMCSCSegmentBuilder we get
104  // - a collection of CSC Segments belonging all to the same chamber
105  // - a collection of GEM RecHits belonging to GEM Eta-Partitions close to this CSC
106  //
107  // Now we have to loop over all CSC Segments
108  // and see to which CSC segments we can match the GEM rechits
109  // if matching fails we will still keep those segments in the GEMCSC segment collection
110  // but we will assign -1 to the matched parameter --> 2B implemented in the DataFormat
111  // 1 for matched, 0 for no GEM chamber available and -1 for not matched
113  // empty the temporary gemcsc segments vector
114  // segmentvectortmp.clear();
116  for(std::vector<const CSCSegment*>::const_iterator cscSegIt = cscsegments.begin(); cscSegIt != cscsegments.end(); ++cscSegIt)
117  {
119  // chain hits :: make a vector of TrackingRecHits
120  // that contains the CSC and GEM rechits
121  // and that can be given to the fitter
122  chainedRecHits = this->chainHitsToSegm(*cscSegIt, gemrechits);
124  // if gemrechits are associated, run the buildSegments step
125  if(chainedRecHits.size() > (*cscSegIt)->specificRecHits().size())
126  {
127  segmentvectorfromfit = this->buildSegments(*cscSegIt, chainedRecHits);
128  }
130  // if no gemrechits are associated, wrap the existing CSCSegment in a GEMCSCSegment class
131  else
132  {
133  std::vector<const GEMRecHit*> gemRecHits_noGEMrh; // empty GEMRecHit vector
134  GEMCSCSegment tmp(*cscSegIt, gemRecHits_noGEMrh, (*cscSegIt)->localPosition(), (*cscSegIt)->localDirection(), (*cscSegIt)->parametersError(), (*cscSegIt)->chi2());
135  segmentvectorfromfit.push_back(tmp);
136  }
138  segmentvectorchamber.insert( segmentvectorchamber.end(), segmentvectorfromfit.begin(), segmentvectorfromfit.end() );
139  segmentvectorfromfit.clear();
140  }
142  // add the found gemcsc segments to the collection of all gemcsc segments and return
143  segmentvectorfinal.insert( segmentvectorfinal.end(), segmentvectorchamber.begin(), segmentvectorchamber.end() );
144  segmentvectorchamber.clear();
145  edm::LogVerbatim("GEMCSCSegAlgoRR") << "[GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::run] GEMCSC Segments fitted or wrapped, size of vector = "<<segmentvectorfinal.size();
146  return segmentvectorfinal;
147 }
std::vector< GEMCSCSegment > buildSegments(const CSCSegment *cscsegment, const std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > &rechits)
std::map< uint32_t, const GEMEtaPartition * > theGEMEtaParts_
std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > chainHitsToSegm(const CSCSegment *cscsegment, const std::vector< const GEMRecHit * > &gemrechits)
Utility functions.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
std::map< uint32_t, const CSCLayer * > theCSCLayers_

Member Data Documentation

bool GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::debug

Configuration parameters.

Definition at line 58 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

double GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::dPhiChainBoxMax

Definition at line 64 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by chainHitsToSegm(), and GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

double GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::dRChainBoxMax

Definition at line 66 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

double GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::dThetaChainBoxMax

Definition at line 65 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by chainHitsToSegm(), and GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

double GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::dXclusBoxMax

Definition at line 61 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

double GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::dYclusBoxMax

Definition at line 62 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

int GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::maxRecHitsInCluster

Definition at line 67 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

unsigned int GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::minHitsPerSegment

Definition at line 59 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by buildSegments(), and GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

const std::string GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::myName

Member variables.

Definition at line 70 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

bool GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::preClustering

Definition at line 60 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

bool GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::preClustering_useChaining

Definition at line 63 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by GEMCSCSegAlgoRR().

GEMCSCSegFit* GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::sfit_

Definition at line 74 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by buildSegments().

std::map<uint32_t, const CSCLayer*> GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::theCSCLayers_

Definition at line 72 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by buildSegments(), chainHitsToSegm(), and run().

std::map<uint32_t, const GEMEtaPartition*> GEMCSCSegAlgoRR::theGEMEtaParts_

Definition at line 73 of file GEMCSCSegAlgoRR.h.

Referenced by buildSegments(), chainHitsToSegm(), and run().