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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 patJets = cms.EDProducer("PATJetProducer",
4  # input
5  jetSource = cms.InputTag("ak4PFJetsCHS"),
6  # add user data
7  userData = cms.PSet(
8  # add custom classes here
9  userClasses = cms.PSet(
10  src = cms.VInputTag('')
11  ),
12  # add doubles here
13  userFloats = cms.PSet(
14  src = cms.VInputTag('')
15  ),
16  # add ints here
17  userInts = cms.PSet(
18  src = cms.VInputTag('')
19  ),
20  # add candidate ptrs here
21  userCands = cms.PSet(
22  src = cms.VInputTag('')
23  ),
24  # add "inline" functions here
25  userFunctions = cms.vstring(),
26  userFunctionLabels = cms.vstring()
27  ),
28  # embedding of RECO items (do not use on AOD input!)
29  #embedCaloTowers = cms.bool(False), # optional
30  # embedding of AOD items
31  embedPFCandidates = cms.bool(False),
32  # jet energy corrections
33  addJetCorrFactors = cms.bool(True),
34  jetCorrFactorsSource = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("patJetCorrFactors") ),
35  # btag information
36  addBTagInfo = cms.bool(True), ## master switch
37  addDiscriminators = cms.bool(True), ## addition btag discriminators
38  discriminatorSources = cms.VInputTag(
39  cms.InputTag("pfJetBProbabilityBJetTags"),
40  cms.InputTag("pfJetProbabilityBJetTags"),
41  cms.InputTag("pfTrackCountingHighPurBJetTags"),
42  cms.InputTag("pfTrackCountingHighEffBJetTags"),
43  cms.InputTag("pfSimpleSecondaryVertexHighEffBJetTags"),
44  cms.InputTag("pfSimpleSecondaryVertexHighPurBJetTags"),
45  cms.InputTag("pfCombinedSecondaryVertexV2BJetTags"),
46  cms.InputTag("pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2BJetTags"),
47  cms.InputTag("softPFMuonBJetTags"),
48  cms.InputTag("softPFElectronBJetTags"),
49  cms.InputTag("pfCombinedMVABJetTags"),
50  cms.InputTag("pfCombinedMVAV2BJetTags"),
51  #CTagging
52  cms.InputTag('pfCombinedCvsLJetTags'),
53  cms.InputTag('pfCombinedCvsBJetTags')
54  ),
55  # clone tag infos ATTENTION: these take lots of space!
56  # usually the discriminators from the default algos
57  # are sufficient
58  addTagInfos = cms.bool(False),
59  tagInfoSources = cms.VInputTag(),
60  # track association
61  addAssociatedTracks = cms.bool(True),
62  trackAssociationSource = cms.InputTag("ak4JetTracksAssociatorAtVertexPF"),
63  # jet charge
64  addJetCharge = cms.bool(True),
65  jetChargeSource = cms.InputTag("patJetCharge"),
66  # add jet ID for calo jets. This should be of type ak4JetID, ak7JetID, ...
67  addJetID = cms.bool(False),
68  jetIDMap = cms.InputTag("ak4JetID"),
69  # mc matching
70  addGenPartonMatch = cms.bool(True), ## switch on/off matching to quarks from hard scatterin
71  embedGenPartonMatch = cms.bool(True), ## switch on/off embedding of the GenParticle parton for this jet
72  genPartonMatch = cms.InputTag("patJetPartonMatch"), ## particles source to be used for the matching
73  addGenJetMatch = cms.bool(True), ## switch on/off matching to GenJet's
74  embedGenJetMatch = cms.bool(True), ## switch on/off embedding of matched genJet's
75  genJetMatch = cms.InputTag("patJetGenJetMatch"), ## GenJet source to be used for the matching
76  addPartonJetMatch = cms.bool(False), ## switch on/off matching to PartonJet's (not implemented yet)
77  partonJetSource = cms.InputTag("NOT_IMPLEMENTED"), ## ParticleJet source to be used for the matching
78  # jet flavour idetification configurables
79  getJetMCFlavour = cms.bool(True),
80  useLegacyJetMCFlavour = cms.bool(False),
81  addJetFlavourInfo = cms.bool(True),
82  JetPartonMapSource = cms.InputTag("patJetFlavourAssociationLegacy"),
83  JetFlavourInfoSource = cms.InputTag("patJetFlavourAssociation"),
84  # efficiencies
85  addEfficiencies = cms.bool(False),
86  efficiencies = cms.PSet(),
87  # resolution
88  addResolutions = cms.bool(False),
89  resolutions = cms.PSet()
90 )