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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
5 # module to produce tau-jet energy correction factors
6 patTauJetCorrFactors = cms.EDProducer("TauJetCorrFactorsProducer",
7  # input collection of jets
8  src = cms.InputTag('hpsPFTauProducer'),
9  # mapping of tau decay modes to payloads:
10  # for reco::PFTaus, the decay modes are defined in DataFormats/TauReco/interface/PFTau.h ;
11  # 'other' is taken for all reconstructed decay modes not explicitely specified
12  # for reco::CaloTaus, for which no decay mode reconstruction has been implemented yet,
13  # 'other' is taken for all tau-jet candidates
14  parameters = cms.VPSet(
15  cms.PSet(
16  payload = cms.string('AK5tauHPSlooseCombDBcorrOneProng0Pi0'),
17  decayModes = cms.vstring('%i' % tauToOneProng0PiZero)
18  ),
19  cms.PSet(
20  payload = cms.string('AK5tauHPSlooseCombDBcorrOneProng1Pi0'),
21  decayModes = cms.vstring('%i' % tauToOneProng1PiZero)
22  ),
23  cms.PSet(
24  payload = cms.string('AK5tauHPSlooseCombDBcorrOneProng2Pi0'),
25  decayModes = cms.vstring('%i' % tauToOneProng2PiZero)
26  ),
27  cms.PSet(
28  payload = cms.string('AK5tauHPSlooseCombDBcorrThreeProng0Pi0'),
29  decayModes = cms.vstring('%i' % tauToThreeProng0PiZero)
30  ),
31  cms.PSet(
32  payload = cms.string('AK5tauHPSlooseCombDBcorr'),
33  decayModes = cms.vstring('*')
34  )
35  ),
36  # correction levels
37  levels = cms.vstring(
38  # tags for the individual jet corrections;
39  # when not available the string should be set to 'none'
40  'L2Relative', 'L3Absolute'
41  )
42 )