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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 l1tSync_Offline = cms.EDAnalyzer("L1TSync_Offline",
4  dqmStore = cms.untracked.bool(True),
5  disableROOToutput = cms.untracked.bool(True),
6  verbose = cms.untracked.bool(False),
7  inputTagScalersResults = cms.InputTag("scalersRawToDigi"),
8  inputTagL1GtDataDaq = cms.InputTag("gtDigis"),
9  inputTagtEvmSource = cms.InputTag("gtEvmDigis"),
11  # Online
12  oracleDB = cms.string("oracle://CMS_OMDS_LB/CMS_TRG_R"),
13  pathCondDB = cms.string("/nfshome0/centraltspro/secure/"),
15  # Offline
16  #oracleDB = cms.string("oracle://cms_orcoff_prod/CMS_COND_31X_L1T")
17  #pathCondDB = cms.string("/afs/"),
19  # Index for the prescale set to be used
20  # as reference
21  refPrescaleSet = cms.int32(0),
23  # Categories to process
24  Categories = cms.PSet(
26  # Global parameters for algo selection
27  forceGlobalParameters = cms.bool(False), # Force use of global over bit-by-bit parameters
28  doGlobalAutoSelection = cms.bool(False), # Do automatic/fixed algo selection for all monitored algos
30  BPTX = cms.PSet(
31  monitor = cms.bool(True),
32  algo = cms.string("Tech_BPTX_AND"),
33  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(50),
34  ),
35  Mu = cms.PSet(
36  monitor = cms.bool(True),
37  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
38  algo = cms.string(""),
39  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
40  ),
41  EG = cms.PSet(
42  monitor = cms.bool(True),
43  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
44  algo = cms.string(""),
45  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
46  ),
47  IsoEG = cms.PSet(
48  monitor = cms.bool(True),
49  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
50  algo = cms.string(""),
51  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
52  ),
53  Jet = cms.PSet(
54  monitor = cms.bool(True),
55  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
56  algo = cms.string(""),
57  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
58  ),
59  CenJet = cms.PSet(
60  monitor = cms.bool(False),
61  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
62  algo = cms.string(""),
63  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(50),
64  ),
65  ForJet = cms.PSet(
66  monitor = cms.bool(False),
67  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
68  algo = cms.string(""),
69  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
70  ),
71  TauJet = cms.PSet(
72  monitor = cms.bool(False),
73  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
74  algo = cms.string(""),
75  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
76  ),
77  ETM = cms.PSet(
78  monitor = cms.bool(True),
79  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
80  algo = cms.string(""),
81  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
82  ),
83  ETT = cms.PSet(
84  monitor = cms.bool(True),
85  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
86  algo = cms.string(""),
87  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
88  ),
89  HTT = cms.PSet(
90  monitor = cms.bool(True),
91  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
92  algo = cms.string(""),
93  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
94  ),
95  HTM = cms.PSet(
96  monitor = cms.bool(True),
97  doAutoSelection = cms.bool(True),
98  algo = cms.string(""),
99  CertMinEvents = cms.int32(20),
100  ),
101  ),
104 )