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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 #
4 # ctf tracks parameter-set entries for module
5 #
6 # TrackListMerger
7 #
8 # located in
9 #
10 # RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors
11 #
12 #
13 # sequence dependency:
14 #
15 #
16 #
17 # cleans and merges ctf and rs Track lists and put new list back in Event
19 trackListMerger = cms.EDProducer("TrackListMerger",
20  # minimum shared fraction to be called duplicate for tracks between collections
21  ShareFrac = cms.double(0.19),
22  # best track chosen by chi2 modified by parameters below:
23  FoundHitBonus = cms.double(5.0),
24  LostHitPenalty = cms.double(5.0),
25  # minimum pT in GeV/c
26  MinPT = cms.double(0.05),
27  # minimum difference in rechit position in cm
28  # negative Epsilon uses sharedInput for comparison
29  Epsilon = cms.double(-0.001),
30  # maximum chisq/dof
31  MaxNormalizedChisq = cms.double(1000.0),
32  # minimum number of RecHits used in fit
33  MinFound = cms.int32(3),
34  # always override these in the clone
35  TrackProducers = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag(''),cms.InputTag('')),
36  hasSelector = cms.vint32(0,0),
37  # minimum shared fraction to be called duplicate
38  indivShareFrac = cms.vdouble(1.0,1.0),
39  selectedTrackQuals = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag(""),cms.InputTag("")),
40  setsToMerge = cms.VPSet( cms.PSet( tLists=cms.vint32(0,1), pQual=cms.bool(False)),
41  cms.PSet( tLists=cms.vint32(2,3), pQual=cms.bool(True) ),
42  cms.PSet( tLists=cms.vint32(4,5), pQual=cms.bool(True) ),
43  cms.PSet( tLists=cms.vint32(2,3,4,5), pQual=cms.bool(True) ),
44  cms.PSet( tLists=cms.vint32(0,1,2,3,4,5), pQual=cms.bool(True) )
45  ),
47  # set new quality for confirmed tracks for each merged pair and then for the final pair
48  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool(True),
49  newQuality = cms.string('confirmed'),
50  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool(False),
51  writeOnlyTrkQuals = cms.bool(False),
52  copyMVA = cms.bool(True)
53 )