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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 stringResolution = cms.ESProducer("StringResolutionProviderESProducer",
4  ## specify parametrization (see
5  ## SWGuidePATKinematicResolutions for more details)
6  parametrization = cms.string ('EtEtaPhi'),
7  functions = cms.VPSet(
8  cms.PSet(
9  ## set the eta bin as selection string.(optional)
10  ## See SWGuidePhysicsCutParser for more details
11  bin = cms.string(""),
12  ## define resolution functions of each parameter
13  et = cms.string("et * (sqrt(0.08^2 + (1./sqrt(et))^2 + (5./et)^2))"),
14  eta = cms.string("sqrt(0.008^2 + (1.5/et)^2)"),
15  phi = cms.string("sqrt(0.008^2 + (2.6/et)^2)"),
16  ),
17  ),
18  ## add constraints (depending on the choice of para-
19  ## metrization); for et/eta/phi this has to be set
20  ## to 0 (have a look at SWGuidePATKinematicResolutions
21  ## for more details)
22  constraints = cms.vdouble(0)
23 )