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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 pfElectronDQMAnalyzer = cms.EDAnalyzer("PFCandidateDQMAnalyzer",
4  InputCollection = cms.InputTag('pfAllElectrons'),
5  MatchCollection = cms.InputTag('gensource'),
6  BenchmarkLabel = cms.string('PFElectronValidation/PFElecVsGenElec'),
7  deltaRMax = cms.double(0.2),
8  matchCharge = cms.bool(True),
9  mode = cms.int32( 1 ),
10  CreateReferenceHistos = cms.bool(True),
11  CreateEfficiencyHistos = cms.bool(True),
12  ptMin = cms.double( 2.0 ), # since pT_reco seem to have this threshold
13  ptMax = cms.double( 999999 ),
14  etaMin = cms.double(-2.5),
15  etaMax = cms.double(2.5),
16  phiMin = cms.double(-3.14),
17  phiMax = cms.double(3.14),
18  slimmedLikeSelection = cms.bool(False),
19  # Histogram Parameters related to pt
20  #VariablePtBins = cms.vdouble(0.,1.,2.,5.,10.,20.,50.,100.,200.,400.,1000.),
21  VariablePtBins = cms.vdouble(0.), # if only one entry PtHistoParameter used
22  PtHistoParameter = cms.PSet(
23  switchOn = cms.bool(True),
24  nBin = cms.int32(60),
25  xMin = cms.double(0.0),
26  xMax = cms.double(120.0)
27  ),
28  DeltaPtHistoParameter = cms.PSet(
29  switchOn = cms.bool(True),
30  nBin = cms.int32(100),
31  xMin = cms.double(-30.0),
32  xMax = cms.double(30.0)
33  ),
34  DeltaPtOvPtHistoParameter = cms.PSet(
35  switchOn = cms.bool(True),
36  BROn = cms.bool(False), BREtaMin = cms.double(0.0), BREtaMax = cms.double(1.4),
37  EROn = cms.bool(False), EREtaMin = cms.double(1.6), EREtaMax = cms.double(2.4),
38  slicingOn = cms.bool(False),
39  nBin = cms.int32(160), #200
40  xMin = cms.double(-1.0),
41  xMax = cms.double(1.0)
42  ),
43 # Histogram Parameters related to Eta
44  EtaHistoParameter = cms.PSet(
45  switchOn = cms.bool(True),
46  nBin = cms.int32(100),
47  xMin = cms.double(-5.0),
48  xMax = cms.double(5.0)
49  ),
50  DeltaEtaHistoParameter = cms.PSet(
51  switchOn = cms.bool(True),
52  nBin = cms.int32(400),
53  xMin = cms.double(-0.2),
54  xMax = cms.double(0.2)
55  ),
56 # Histogram Parameters related to Phi
57  PhiHistoParameter = cms.PSet(
58  switchOn = cms.bool(True),
59  nBin = cms.int32(100),
60  xMin = cms.double(-3.1416),
61  xMax = cms.double(3.1416)
62  ),
63  DeltaPhiHistoParameter = cms.PSet(
64  switchOn = cms.bool(True),
65  nBin = cms.int32(400),
66  xMin = cms.double(-0.2),
67  xMax = cms.double(0.2)
68  ),
69  DeltaRHistoParameter = cms.PSet(
70  switchOn = cms.bool(True),
71  nBin = cms.int32(150),
72  xMin = cms.double(0.0),
73  xMax = cms.double(1.0)
74  ),
75 # Histogram Parameters related to Charge
76  ChargeHistoParameter = cms.PSet(
77  switchOn = cms.bool(False),
78  nBin = cms.int32(3),
79  xMin = cms.double(-1.5),
80  xMax = cms.double(1.5)
81  )
82 )