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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 l1EmulatorErrorFlagClient = cms.EDAnalyzer("L1EmulatorErrorFlagClient",
4  #
5  # for each L1 system, give:
6  # - SystemLabel: system label
7  # - HwValLabel: system label as used in hardware validation package
8  # (the package producing the ErrorFlag histogram)
9  # - SystemMask: system mask: if 1, the system is masked in the summary plot
10  # - SystemFolder: the folder where the ErrorFlag histogram is looked for
11  #
12  # the position in the parameter set gives, in reverse order, the position in the reportSummaryMap
13  # in the emulator column (left column)
14  L1Systems = cms.VPSet(
15  cms.PSet(
16  SystemLabel = cms.string("ECAL"),
17  HwValLabel = cms.string("ETP"),
18  SystemMask = cms.uint32(1),
19  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
20  ),
21  cms.PSet(
22  SystemLabel = cms.string("HCAL"),
23  HwValLabel = cms.string("HTP"),
24  SystemMask = cms.uint32(1),
25  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
26  ),
27  cms.PSet(
28  SystemLabel = cms.string("RCT"),
29  HwValLabel = cms.string("RCT"),
30  SystemMask = cms.uint32(0),
31  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
32  ),
33  cms.PSet(
34  SystemLabel = cms.string("GCT"),
35  HwValLabel = cms.string("GCT"),
36  SystemMask = cms.uint32(0),
37  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
38  ),
39  cms.PSet(
40  SystemLabel = cms.string("DTTF"),
41  HwValLabel = cms.string("DTF"),
42  SystemMask = cms.uint32(0),
43  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
44  ),
45  cms.PSet(
46  SystemLabel = cms.string("DTTPG"),
47  HwValLabel = cms.string("DTP"),
48  SystemMask = cms.uint32(1),
49  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
50  ),
51  cms.PSet(
52  SystemLabel = cms.string("CSCTF"),
53  HwValLabel = cms.string("CTF"),
54  SystemMask = cms.uint32(1),
55  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
56  ),
57  cms.PSet(
58  SystemLabel = cms.string("CSCTPG"),
59  HwValLabel = cms.string("CTP"),
60  SystemMask = cms.uint32(1),
61  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
62  ),
63  cms.PSet(
64  SystemLabel = cms.string("RPC"),
65  HwValLabel = cms.string("RPC"),
66  SystemMask = cms.uint32(0),
67  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
68  ),
69  cms.PSet(
70  SystemLabel = cms.string("GMT"),
71  HwValLabel = cms.string("GMT"),
72  SystemMask = cms.uint32(0),
73  SystemFolder = cms.string("")
74  ),
75  cms.PSet(
76  SystemLabel = cms.string("GT"),
77  HwValLabel = cms.string("GT"),
78  SystemMask = cms.uint32(1),
79  SystemFolder = cms.string("L1TEMU/GTexpert")
80  )
82  )
83 )