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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 conversionTrackMerger = cms.EDProducer("ConversionTrackMerger",
4  # minimum shared fraction to be called duplicate
5  ShareFrac = cms.double(0.19),
6  TrackProducer1 = cms.string(''),
7  TrackProducer2 = cms.string(''),
8  allowFirstHitShare = cms.bool(True),
9  checkCharge = cms.bool(True),
10  minProb = cms.double(1e-6),
11  #prefer collection settings:
12  #-1: propagate output/flag from both input collections
13  # 0: propagate output/flag from neither input collection
14  # 1: arbitrate output/flag (remove duplicates by shared hits), give precedence to first input collection
15  # 2: arbitrate output/flag (remove duplicates by shared hits), give precedence to second input collection
16  # 3: arbitrate output/flag (remove duplicates by shared hits), arbitration first by number of hits, second by chisq/ndof
17  outputPreferCollection = cms.int32(-1),
18  trackerOnlyPreferCollection = cms.int32(-1),
19  arbitratedEcalSeededPreferCollection = cms.int32(-1),
20  arbitratedMergedPreferCollection = cms.int32(3),
21  arbitratedMergedEcalGeneralPreferCollection = cms.int32(-1),
22 )