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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 # Module for 4D rechit building
4 # The block of the reconstruction algo
6 dt4DSegments = cms.EDProducer("DTRecSegment4DProducer",
7  # The reconstruction algo and its parameter set
8  DTCombinatorialPatternReco4DAlgo_LinearDriftFromDB,
9  # debuggin opt
10  debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
11  # name of the rechit 1D collection in the event
12  recHits1DLabel = cms.InputTag("dt1DRecHits"),
13  # name of the rechit 2D collection in the event
14  recHits2DLabel = cms.InputTag("dt2DSegments")
15 )
17 #add cosmics reconstruction in collisions
19 dt4DCosmicSegments = cms.EDProducer("DTRecSegment4DProducer",
20  # The reconstruction algo and its parameter set
21  DTCombinatorialPatternReco4DAlgo_LinearDriftFromDB_CosmicData,
22  # debuggin opt
23  debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
24  # name of the rechit 1D collection in the event
25  recHits1DLabel = cms.InputTag("dt1DCosmicRecHits"),
26  # name of the rechit 2D collection in the event
27  recHits2DLabel = cms.InputTag("dt2DCosmicSegments")
28 )