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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 TrackerTrackHitFilter = cms.EDProducer("TrackerTrackHitFilter",
4  src = cms.InputTag("generalTracks"),
5  minimumHits =cms.uint32(3), ##min number of hits for refit
6  ## # layers to remove
7  commands = cms.vstring(
8  "drop PXB", "drop PXE" ### same works for TIB, TID, TOB, TEC,
9  #"drop TIB 3", ## you can also drop specific layers/wheel/disks
10  #"keep PXB 3", ## you can also 'keep' some layer after
11  ##having dropped the whole structure
12  ),
14  ###list of individual detids to turn off, in addition to the structures above
15  detsToIgnore = cms.vuint32( ),
17  ### what to do with invalid hits
18  replaceWithInactiveHits =cms.bool(False), ## instead of removing hits replace
19  ## them with inactive hits, so you still
20  ## consider the multiple scattering
21  stripFrontInvalidHits =cms.bool(False), ## strip invalid & inactive hits from
22  stripBackInvalidHits =cms.bool(False), ## any end of the track
24  stripAllInvalidHits = cms.bool(False), ##not sure if it's better 'true' or 'false'
25  ## might be dangerous to turn on
26  ## as you will forget about MS
28  ### hit quality cuts
29  rejectBadStoNHits = cms.bool(False),
30  CMNSubtractionMode = cms.string("Median"), ## "TT6"
31  StoNcommands = cms.vstring(
32  "TIB 1.0 ", "TOB 1.0 999.0"
33  ),
34  useTrajectories=cms.bool(False),
35  rejectLowAngleHits=cms.bool(False),
36  TrackAngleCut=cms.double(0.25), ## in radians
37  tagOverlaps=cms.bool(False),
38  usePixelQualityFlag=cms.bool(False),
39  PxlTemplateProbXYCut=cms.double(0.000125), #recommended by experts
40  PxlTemplateProbXYChargeCut=cms.double(-99.), #recommended by experts
41  PxlTemplateqBinCut =cms.vint32(0, 3), #recommended by experts
42  PxlCorrClusterChargeCut = cms.double(-999.0)
43  )####end of module