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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 # configuration to model pileup for initial physics phase
4 from SimGeneral.MixingModule.mixObjects_cfi import theMixObjects
8 mix = cms.EDProducer("MixingModule",
9  digitizers = cms.PSet(theDigitizers),
10  LabelPlayback = cms.string(''),
11  maxBunch = cms.int32(3),
12  minBunch = cms.int32(-12), ## in terms of 25 nsec
14  bunchspace = cms.int32(25), ##ns
15  mixProdStep1 = cms.bool(False),
16  mixProdStep2 = cms.bool(False),
18  playback = cms.untracked.bool(False),
19  useCurrentProcessOnly = cms.bool(False),
21  input = cms.SecSource("EmbeddedRootSource",
22  type = cms.string('probFunction'),
23  nbPileupEvents = cms.PSet(
24  probFunctionVariable = cms.vint32(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52),
25  probValue = cms.vdouble(
26  4.8551E-07,
27  1.74806E-06,
28  3.30868E-06,
29  1.62972E-05,
30  4.95667E-05,
31  0.000606966,
32  0.003307249,
33  0.010340741,
34  0.022852296,
35  0.041948781,
36  0.058609363,
37  0.067475755,
38  0.072817826,
39  0.075931405,
40  0.076782504,
41  0.076202319,
42  0.074502547,
43  0.072355135,
44  0.069642102,
45  0.064920999,
46  0.05725576,
47  0.047289348,
48  0.036528446,
49  0.026376131,
50  0.017806872,
51  0.011249422,
52  0.006643385,
53  0.003662904,
54  0.001899681,
55  0.00095614,
56  0.00050028,
57  0.000297353,
58  0.000208717,
59  0.000165856,
60  0.000139974,
61  0.000120481,
62  0.000103826,
63  8.88868E-05,
64  7.53323E-05,
65  6.30863E-05,
66  5.21356E-05,
67  4.24754E-05,
68  3.40876E-05,
69  2.69282E-05,
70  2.09267E-05,
71  1.5989E-05,
72  4.8551E-06,
73  2.42755E-06,
74  4.8551E-07,
75  2.42755E-07,
76  1.21378E-07,
77  4.8551E-08),
78  histoFileName = cms.untracked.string('histProbFunction.root'),
79  ),
80  sequential = cms.untracked.bool(False),
81  manage_OOT = cms.untracked.bool(True), ## manage out-of-time pileup
82  ## setting this to True means that the out-of-time pileup
83  ## will have a different distribution than in-time, given
84  ## by what is described on the next line:
85  OOT_type = cms.untracked.string('Poisson'), ## generate OOT with a Poisson matching the number chosen for in-time
86  #OOT_type = cms.untracked.string('fixed'), ## generate OOT with a fixed distribution
87  #intFixed_OOT = cms.untracked.int32(2),
88  fileNames = FileNames
89  ),
90  mixObjects = cms.PSet(theMixObjects)
91 )