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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
6 GammaJetAnalysis = cms.EDAnalyzer('GammaJetAnalysis',
7  rhoColl = cms.InputTag("fixedGridRhoFastjetAll"),
8  PFMETColl = cms.InputTag("pfMet"),
9  PFMETTYPE1Coll = cms.InputTag("pfType1CorrectedMet"),
10  photonCollName = cms.string('gedPhotons'),
11  pfJetCollName = cms.string('ak4PFJetsCHS'),
12  pfJetCorrName = cms.string('ak4PFCHSL2L3'),
13  genJetCollName = cms.string('ak4GenJets'),
14  genParticleCollName = cms.string('genParticles'),
15  genEventInfoName = cms.string('generator'),
16  hbheRecHitName = cms.string('hbhereco'),
17  hfRecHitName = cms.string('hfreco'),
18  hoRecHitName = cms.string('horeco'),
19  rootHistFilename = cms.string('PhotonPlusJet_tree.root'),
20  pvCollName = cms.string('offlinePrimaryVertices'),
21  beamSpotName= cms.string('offlineBeamSpot'),
22  conversionsName= cms.string('allConversions'),
23  electronCollName= cms.string('gedGsfElectrons'),
24  photonIdTightName= cms.InputTag('PhotonIDProdGED','PhotonCutBasedIDTight'),
25  photonIdLooseName= cms.InputTag('PhotonIDProdGED','PhotonCutBasedIDLoose'),
26  prodProcess = cms.untracked.string('reRECO'),
27  allowNoPhoton = cms.bool(False),
28  photonJetDPhiMin = cms.double(2.0), # 0.75 pi= 2.356, 0.7 pi=2.2
29  photonPtMin = cms.double(15.),
30  jetEtMin = cms.double(15.),
31  jet2EtMax = cms.double(100.),
32  jet3EtMax = cms.double(50.),
33  photonTriggers = cms.vstring(''), #HLT_Photon20_*, HLT_Photon135*'),
34  jetTriggers = cms.vstring(''), #HLT_Jet30*'),
35  writeTriggerPrescale= cms.bool(False),
36  doPFJets = cms.bool(True),
37  doGenJets = cms.bool(True),
38  debug = cms.untracked.int32(0),
39  debugHLTTrigNames = cms.untracked.int32(2),
40  workOnAOD = cms.int32(0)
41  )