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1 #!/bin/env python
2 from math import *
3 import ROOT
4 #from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.signedSip import *
8 objectFloat = NTupleObjectType("builtInType", variables = [
9  NTupleVariable("", lambda x : x),
10 ])
11 objectInt = NTupleObjectType("builtInType", variables = [
12  NTupleVariable("", lambda x : x,int),
13 ])
15 twoVectorType = NTupleObjectType("twoVector", variables = [
16  NTupleVariable("pt", lambda x :,
17  NTupleVariable("phi", lambda x : x.phi()),
18 ])
20 fourVectorType = NTupleObjectType("fourVector", variables = [
21  NTupleVariable("pt", lambda x :,
22  NTupleVariable("eta", lambda x : x.eta()),
23  NTupleVariable("phi", lambda x : x.phi()),
24  NTupleVariable("mass", lambda x : x.mass()),
25  NTupleVariable("p4", lambda x : x, "TLorentzVector", default=ROOT.reco.Particle.LorentzVector(0.,0.,0.,0.), filler = lambda vector, obj: vector.SetPtEtaPhiM(, obj.eta(), obj.phi(), obj.mass())),
26  # ^^^^------- Note: p4 normally is not saved unless 'saveTLorentzVectors' is enabled in the tree producer
27 ])
28 tlorentzFourVectorType = NTupleObjectType("tlorentzFourVectorType", variables = [
29  NTupleVariable("pt", lambda x : x.Pt()),
30  NTupleVariable("eta", lambda x : x.Eta()),
31  NTupleVariable("phi", lambda x : x.Phi()),
32  NTupleVariable("energy", lambda x : x.E()),
33 ])
34 particleType = NTupleObjectType("particle", baseObjectTypes = [ fourVectorType ], variables = [
35  NTupleVariable("pdgId", lambda x : x.pdgId(), int),
36 ])
38 weightsInfoType = NTupleObjectType("WeightsInfo", mcOnly=True, variables = [
39  NTupleVariable("id", lambda x :, int),
40  NTupleVariable("wgt", lambda x : x.wgt),
41 ])
43 ##------------------------------------------
44 ## LEPTON
45 ##------------------------------------------
48 leptonType = NTupleObjectType("lepton", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], variables = [
49  NTupleVariable("charge", lambda x : x.charge(), int),
50  # Identification
51  NTupleVariable("tightId", lambda x : x.tightId(), int, help="POG Tight ID (for electrons it's configured in the analyzer)"),
52  NTupleVariable("eleCutIdCSA14_25ns_v1", lambda x : (1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_25ns_v1_Veto") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_25ns_v1_Loose") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_25ns_v1_Medium") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_25ns_v1_Tight")) if abs(x.pdgId()) == 11 else -1, int, help="Electron cut-based id (POG CSA14_25ns_v1): 0=none, 1=veto, 2=loose, 3=medium, 4=tight"),
53  NTupleVariable("eleCutIdCSA14_50ns_v1", lambda x : (1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_50ns_v1_Veto") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_50ns_v1_Loose") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_50ns_v1_Medium") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_CSA14_50ns_v1_Tight")) if abs(x.pdgId()) == 11 else -1, int, help="Electron cut-based id (POG CSA14_50ns_v1): 0=none, 1=veto, 2=loose, 3=medium, 4=tight"),
54  NTupleVariable("eleCutIdSpring15_25ns_v1", lambda x : (1*x.electronID("cutBasedElectronID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-veto") + 1*x.electronID("cutBasedElectronID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-loose") + 1*x.electronID("cutBasedElectronID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-medium") + 1*x.electronID("cutBasedElectronID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-tight")) if abs(x.pdgId()) == 11 and x.isElectronIDAvailable("cutBasedElectronID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-veto") else -1, int, help="Electron cut-based id (POG Spring15_25ns_v1): 0=none, 1=veto, 2=loose, 3=medium, 4=tight"),
55  # Impact parameter
56  NTupleVariable("dxy", lambda x : x.dxy(), help="d_{xy} with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
57  NTupleVariable("dz", lambda x : , help="d_{z} with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
58  NTupleVariable("edxy", lambda x : x.edB(), help="#sigma(d_{xy}) with respect to PV, in cm"),
59  NTupleVariable("edz", lambda x : x.edz(), help="#sigma(d_{z}) with respect to PV, in cm"),
60  NTupleVariable("ip3d", lambda x : x.ip3D() , help="d_{3d} with respect to PV, in cm (absolute value)"),
61  NTupleVariable("sip3d", lambda x : x.sip3D(), help="S_{ip3d} with respect to PV (significance)"),
62  # Conversion rejection
63  NTupleVariable("convVeto", lambda x : x.passConversionVeto() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else 1, int, help="Conversion veto (always true for muons)"),
64  NTupleVariable("lostHits", lambda x : (x.gsfTrack() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else x.innerTrack()).hitPattern().numberOfLostHits(ROOT.reco.HitPattern.MISSING_INNER_HITS), int, help="Number of lost hits on inner track"),
65  # Isolations with the two radia
66  NTupleVariable("relIso03", lambda x : x.relIso03, help="PF Rel Iso, R=0.3, pile-up corrected"),
67  NTupleVariable("relIso04", lambda x : x.relIso04, help="PF Rel Iso, R=0.4, pile-up corrected"),
68  NTupleVariable("miniRelIso", lambda x : x.miniRelIso if hasattr(x,'miniRelIso') else -999, help="PF Rel miniRel, pile-up corrected"),
69  NTupleVariable("relIsoAn04", lambda x : x.relIsoAn04 if hasattr(x,'relIsoAn04') else -999, help="PF Activity Annulus, pile-up corrected"),
70  # Charge flip rejection criteria
71  NTupleVariable("tightCharge", lambda lepton : ( lepton.isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent() + lepton.isGsfScPixChargeConsistent() ) if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 11 else 2*(lepton.innerTrack().ptError()/lepton.innerTrack().pt() < 0.2), int, help="Tight charge criteria: for electrons, 2 if isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent, 1 if only isGsfScPixChargeConsistent, 0 otherwise; for muons, 2 if ptError/pt < 0.20, 0 otherwise "),
72  # MC-match info
73  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
74  NTupleVariable("mcMatchAny", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchAny', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to any final state leptons: 0 if unmatched, 1 if light flavour (including prompt), 4 if charm, 5 if bottom"),
75  NTupleVariable("mcMatchTau", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchTau', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="True if the leptons comes from a tau"),
76  NTupleVariable("mcPt", lambda x : if getattr(x,"mcLep",None) else 0., mcOnly=True, help="p_{T} of associated gen lepton"),
77  NTupleVariable("mediumMuonId", lambda x : x.muonID("POG_ID_Medium") if abs(x.pdgId())==13 else 1, int, help="Muon POG Medium id"),
78 ])
81 leptonTypeExtra = NTupleObjectType("leptonExtra", baseObjectTypes = [ leptonType ], variables = [
82  # Extra isolation variables
83  NTupleVariable("chargedHadRelIso03", lambda x : x.chargedHadronIsoR(0.3)/, help="PF Rel Iso, R=0.3, charged hadrons only"),
84  NTupleVariable("chargedHadRelIso04", lambda x : x.chargedHadronIsoR(0.4)/, help="PF Rel Iso, R=0.4, charged hadrons only"),
85  # Extra muon ID working points
86  NTupleVariable("softMuonId", lambda x : x.muonID("POG_ID_Soft") if abs(x.pdgId())==13 else 1, int, help="Muon POG Soft id"),
87  NTupleVariable("pfMuonId", lambda x : x.muonID("POG_ID_Loose") if abs(x.pdgId())==13 else 1, int, help="Muon POG Loose id"),
88  # Extra electron ID working points
89  NTupleVariable("eleCutId2012_full5x5", lambda x : (1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_2012_full5x5_Veto") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_2012_full5x5_Loose") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_2012_full5x5_Medium") + 1*x.electronID("POG_Cuts_ID_2012_full5x5_Tight")) if abs(x.pdgId()) == 11 else -1, int, help="Electron cut-based id (POG 2012, full5x5 shapes): 0=none, 1=veto, 2=loose, 3=medium, 4=tight"),
90  # Extra tracker-related variables
91  NTupleVariable("trackerLayers", lambda x : (x.track() if abs(x.pdgId())==13 else x.gsfTrack()).hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement(), int, help="Tracker Layers"),
92  NTupleVariable("pixelLayers", lambda x : (x.track() if abs(x.pdgId())==13 else x.gsfTrack()).hitPattern().pixelLayersWithMeasurement(), int, help="Pixel Layers"),
93  NTupleVariable("trackerHits", lambda x : (x.track() if abs(x.pdgId())==13 else x.gsfTrack()).hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits(), int, help="Tracker hits"),
94  NTupleVariable("lostOuterHits", lambda x : (x.gsfTrack() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else x.innerTrack()).hitPattern().numberOfLostHits(ROOT.reco.HitPattern.MISSING_OUTER_HITS), int, help="Number of lost hits on inner track"),
95  NTupleVariable("innerTrackValidHitFraction", lambda x : (x.gsfTrack() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else x.innerTrack()).validFraction(), help="fraction of valid hits on inner track"),
96  NTupleVariable("innerTrackChi2", lambda x : (x.gsfTrack() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else x.innerTrack()).normalizedChi2(), help="Inner track normalized chi2"),
97  # Extra muon ID variables
98  NTupleVariable("nStations", lambda lepton : lepton.numberOfMatchedStations() if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 13 else 4, help="Number of matched muons stations (4 for electrons)"),
99  NTupleVariable("caloCompatibility", lambda lepton : lepton.caloCompatibility() if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 13 else 0, help="Calorimetric compatibility"),
100  NTupleVariable("globalTrackChi2", lambda lepton : lepton.globalTrack().normalizedChi2() if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 13 and lepton.globalTrack().isNonnull() else 0, help="Global track normalized chi2"),
101  NTupleVariable("trkKink", lambda lepton : lepton.combinedQuality().trkKink if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 13 else 0, help="Tracker kink-finder"),
102  NTupleVariable("segmentCompatibility", lambda lepton : lepton.segmentCompatibility() if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 13 else 0, help="Segment-based compatibility"),
103  NTupleVariable("chi2LocalPosition", lambda lepton : lepton.combinedQuality().chi2LocalPosition if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 13 else 0, help="Tracker-Muon matching in position"),
104  NTupleVariable("chi2LocalMomentum", lambda lepton : lepton.combinedQuality().chi2LocalMomentum if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 13 else 0, help="Tracker-Muon matching in momentum"),
105  NTupleVariable("glbTrackProbability", lambda lepton : lepton.combinedQuality().glbTrackProbability if abs(lepton.pdgId()) == 13 else 0, help="Global track pseudo-probability"),
106  # Extra electron ID variables
107  NTupleVariable("sigmaIEtaIEta", lambda x : x.full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else 0, help="Electron sigma(ieta ieta), with full5x5 cluster shapes"),
108  NTupleVariable("dEtaScTrkIn", lambda x : x.deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else 0, help="Electron deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx (without absolute value!)"),
109  NTupleVariable("dPhiScTrkIn", lambda x : x.deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else 0, help="Electron deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx (without absolute value!)"),
110  NTupleVariable("hadronicOverEm", lambda x : x.hadronicOverEm() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else 0, help="Electron hadronicOverEm"),
111  NTupleVariable("eInvMinusPInv", lambda x : ((1.0/x.ecalEnergy() - x.eSuperClusterOverP()/x.ecalEnergy()) if x.ecalEnergy()>0. else 9e9) if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else 0, help="Electron 1/E - 1/p (without absolute value!)"),
112 # new version used by EGM in Spring15, 7_4_14:
113  NTupleVariable("eInvMinusPInv_tkMom", lambda x: ((1.0/x.ecalEnergy()) - (1.0 / x.trackMomentumAtVtx().R() ) if (x.ecalEnergy()>0. and x.trackMomentumAtVtx().R()>0.) else 9e9) if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else 0, help="Electron 1/E - 1/p_tk_vtx (without absolute value!)"),
114  NTupleVariable("etaSc", lambda x : x.superCluster().eta() if abs(x.pdgId())==11 else -100, help="Electron supercluster pseudorapidity"),
115 ])
118 ##------------------------------------------
119 ## TAU
120 ##------------------------------------------
122 tauType = NTupleObjectType("tau", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], variables = [
123  NTupleVariable("charge", lambda x : x.charge(), int),
124  NTupleVariable("decayMode", lambda x : x.decayMode(), int),
125  NTupleVariable("idDecayMode", lambda x : x.idDecayMode, int),
126  NTupleVariable("idDecayModeNewDMs", lambda x : x.idDecayModeNewDMs, int),
127  NTupleVariable("dxy", lambda x : x.dxy(), help="d_{xy} of lead track with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
128  NTupleVariable("dz", lambda x : , help="d_{z} of lead track with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
129  NTupleVariable("idMVA", lambda x : x.idMVA, int, help="1,2,3,4,5,6 if the tau passes the very loose to very very tight WP of the MVA3oldDMwLT discriminator"),
130  NTupleVariable("idMVANewDM", lambda x : x.idMVANewDM, int, help="1,2,3,4,5,6 if the tau passes the very loose to very very tight WP of the MVA3newDMwLT discriminator"),
131  NTupleVariable("idCI3hit", lambda x : x.idCI3hit, int, help="1,2,3 if the tau passes the loose, medium, tight WP of the By<X>CombinedIsolationDBSumPtCorr3Hits discriminator"),
132  NTupleVariable("idAntiMu", lambda x : x.idAntiMu, int, help="1,2 if the tau passes the loose/tight WP of the againstMuon<X>3 discriminator"),
133  NTupleVariable("idAntiE", lambda x : x.idAntiE, int, help="1,2,3,4,5 if the tau passes the v loose, loose, medium, tight, v tight WP of the againstElectron<X>MVA5 discriminator"),
134  NTupleVariable("isoCI3hit", lambda x : x.tauID("byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits"), help="byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits raw output discriminator"),
135  # MC-match info
136  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
137 ])
139 ##------------------------------------------
141 ##------------------------------------------
143 isoTrackType = NTupleObjectType("isoTrack", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], variables = [
144  NTupleVariable("charge", lambda x : x.charge(), int),
145  NTupleVariable("dz", lambda x : , help="d_{z} of lead track with respect to PV, in cm (with sign)"),
146  NTupleVariable("absIso", lambda x : x.absIso, float, mcOnly=False, help="abs charged iso with condition for isolation such that Min(0.2*pt, 8 GeV)"),
147  NTupleVariable("relIsoAn04", lambda x : x.relIsoAn04 if hasattr(x,'relIsoAn04') else -999, help="PF Activity Annulus, pile-up corrected"),
148  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
149 ])
152 ##------------------------------------------
153 ## PHOTON
154 ##------------------------------------------
156 photonType = NTupleObjectType("gamma", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], variables = [
157  NTupleVariable("idCutBased", lambda x : x.idCutBased, int, help="1,2,3 if the gamma passes the loose, medium, tight WP of PhotonCutBasedID"),
158  NTupleVariable("hOverE", lambda x : x.hOVERe(), float, help="hoverE for photons"),
159  NTupleVariable("r9", lambda x : x.full5x5_r9(), float, help="r9 for photons"),
160  NTupleVariable("sigmaIetaIeta", lambda x : x.full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta(), float, help="sigmaIetaIeta for photons"),
161  NTupleVariable("chHadIso04", lambda x : x.chargedHadronIso(), float, help="chargedHadronIsolation for photons (PAT method, deltaR = 0.4)"),
162 # NTupleVariable("chHadIso", lambda x : x.chargedHadronIso('rhoArea'), float, help="chargedHadronIsolation for photons with footprint removal and pile-up correction"),
163 # NTupleVariable("phIso", lambda x : x.photonIso('rhoArea'), float, help="gammaIsolation for photons with footprint removal and pile-up correction"),
164 # NTupleVariable("neuHadIso", lambda x : x.neutralHadronIso('rhoArea'), float, help="neutralHadronIsolation for photons with footprint removal and pile-up correction"),
165  NTupleVariable("chHadIso", lambda x : x.chargedHadronIso(), float, help="chargedHadronIsolation for photons with footprint removal"),
166  NTupleVariable("phIso", lambda x : x.photonIso(), float, help="gammaIsolation for photons with footprint removal"),
167  NTupleVariable("neuHadIso", lambda x : x.neutralHadronIso(), float, help="neutralHadronIsolation for photons with footprint removal"),
168  NTupleVariable("relIso", lambda x : x.ftprRelIso03 if hasattr(x,'ftprRelIso03') else x.relIso, float, help="relativeIsolation for photons with footprint removal and pile-up correction"),
169  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
170  NTupleVariable("mcPt", lambda x : if getattr(x,"mcGamma",None) else 0., mcOnly=True, help="p_{T} of associated gen photon"),
171 ])
173 ##------------------------------------------
174 ## JET
175 ##------------------------------------------
177 jetType = NTupleObjectType("jet", baseObjectTypes = [ fourVectorType ], variables = [
178  NTupleVariable("id", lambda x : x.jetID("POG_PFID") , int, mcOnly=False,help="POG Loose jet ID"),
179  NTupleVariable("puId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'puJetIdPassed', -99), int, mcOnly=False, help="puId (full MVA, loose WP, 5.3.X training on AK5PFchs: the only thing that is available now)"),
180  NTupleVariable("btagCSV", lambda x : x.btag('pfCombinedInclusiveSecondaryVertexV2BJetTags'), help="CSV-IVF v2 discriminator"),
181  NTupleVariable("btagCMVA", lambda x : x.btag('pfCombinedMVABJetTags'), help="CMVA discriminator"),
182  NTupleVariable("rawPt", lambda x : * x.rawFactor(), help="p_{T} before JEC"),
183  NTupleVariable("mcPt", lambda x : if getattr(x,"mcJet",None) else 0., mcOnly=True, help="p_{T} of associated gen jet"),
184  NTupleVariable("mcFlavour", lambda x : x.partonFlavour(), int, mcOnly=True, help="parton flavour (physics definition, i.e. including b's from shower)"),
185  NTupleVariable("hadronFlavour", lambda x : x.hadronFlavour(), int, mcOnly=True, help="hadron flavour (ghost matching to B/C hadrons)"),
186  NTupleVariable("mcMatchId", lambda x : getattr(x, 'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=True, help="Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
187  NTupleVariable("corr_JECUp", lambda x : getattr(x, 'corrJECUp', -99), float, help=""),
188  NTupleVariable("corr_JECDown", lambda x : getattr(x, 'corrJECDown', -99), float,help=""),
189  NTupleVariable("corr", lambda x : getattr(x, 'corr', -99), float, help=""),
190  NTupleVariable("corr_JERUp", lambda x : getattr(x, 'corrJERUp', -99), float, mcOnly=True, help=""),
191  NTupleVariable("corr_JERDown", lambda x : getattr(x, 'corrJERDown', -99), float, mcOnly=True, help=""),
192  NTupleVariable("corr_JER", lambda x : getattr(x, 'corrJER', -99), float, mcOnly=True, help=""),
193 ])
194 jetTypeExtra = NTupleObjectType("jetExtra", baseObjectTypes = [ jetType ], variables = [
195  NTupleVariable("area", lambda x : x.jetArea(), help="Catchment area of jet"),
196  # QG variables:
197  NTupleVariable("qgl", lambda x :x.qgl() , float, mcOnly=False,help="QG Likelihood"),
198  NTupleVariable("ptd", lambda x : getattr(x.computeQGvars(),'ptd', 0), float, mcOnly=False,help="QG input variable: ptD"),
199  NTupleVariable("axis2", lambda x : getattr(x.computeQGvars(),'axis2', 0) , float, mcOnly=False,help="QG input variable: axis2"),
200  NTupleVariable("mult", lambda x : getattr(x.computeQGvars(),'mult', 0) , int, mcOnly=False,help="QG input variable: total multiplicity"),
201  NTupleVariable("partonId", lambda x : getattr(x,'partonId', 0), int, mcOnly=True, help="parton flavour (manually matching to status 23 particles)"),
202  NTupleVariable("partonMotherId", lambda x : getattr(x,'partonMotherId', 0), int, mcOnly=True, help="parton flavour (manually matching to status 23 particles)"),
203  NTupleVariable("nLeptons", lambda x : len(x.leptons) if hasattr(x,'leptons') else 0 , float, mcOnly=False,help="Number of associated leptons"),
204 ])
207 ##------------------------------------------
208 ## MET
209 ##------------------------------------------
211 metType = NTupleObjectType("met", baseObjectTypes = [ fourVectorType ], variables = [
212  NTupleVariable("sumEt", lambda x : x.sumEt() ),
213  NTupleVariable("rawPt", lambda x : x.uncorPt() ),
214  NTupleVariable("rawPhi", lambda x : x.uncorPhi() ),
215  NTupleVariable("rawSumEt", lambda x : x.uncorSumEt() ),
216  NTupleVariable("genPt", lambda x : x.genMET().pt() if x.genMET() else 0 , mcOnly=True ),
217  NTupleVariable("genPhi", lambda x : x.genMET().phi() if x.genMET() else 0, mcOnly=True ),
218  NTupleVariable("genEta", lambda x : x.genMET().eta() if x.genMET() else 0, mcOnly=True ),
219 ])
221 ##------------------------------------------
223 ##------------------------------------------
225 genParticleType = NTupleObjectType("genParticle", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], mcOnly=True, variables = [
226  NTupleVariable("charge", lambda x : x.threeCharge()/3.0, float),
227  NTupleVariable("status", lambda x : x.status(),int),
228 ])
229 genParticleWithMotherId = NTupleObjectType("genParticleWithMotherId", baseObjectTypes = [ genParticleType ], mcOnly=True, variables = [
230  NTupleVariable("motherId", lambda x : x.mother(0).pdgId() if x.mother(0) else 0, int, help="pdgId of the mother of the particle"),
231  NTupleVariable("grandmotherId", lambda x : x.mother(0).mother(0).pdgId() if x.mother(0) and x.mother(0).mother(0) else 0, int, help="pdgId of the grandmother of the particle")
232 ])
233 genParticleWithAncestryType = NTupleObjectType("genParticleWithAncestry", baseObjectTypes = [ genParticleType ], mcOnly=True, variables = [
234  NTupleVariable("motherId", lambda x : x.motherId, int, help="pdgId of the mother of the particle"),
235  NTupleVariable("grandmotherId", lambda x : x.grandmotherId, int, help="pdgId of the grandmother of the particle"),
236  NTupleVariable("sourceId", lambda x : x.sourceId, int, help="origin of the particle (heaviest ancestor): 6=t, 25=h, 23/24=W/Z"),
237 ])
238 genParticleWithLinksType = NTupleObjectType("genParticleWithLinks", baseObjectTypes = [ genParticleWithAncestryType ], mcOnly=True, variables = [
239  NTupleVariable("motherIndex", lambda x : x.motherIndex, int, help="index of the mother in the generatorSummary")
240 ])
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22