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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 BeamHaloGenFilter = cms.EDFilter("BHFilter",
4  scintillators_type = cms.int32(-1),
5  # How to setup the "trigger" conditions
6  #
7  # Trig Type = -1 only minus MSC
8  # 0 both + and - side
9  # 1 only plus BSC
10  #
11  # Scintillators Type -1 only PADs
12  # 0 both PADs and DISK
13  # +1 only DISKs
14  #
15  trig_type = cms.int32(0),
16  # bool filter = true
17  # Fast magnetic-field propagator **** not yet used ****
18  # Beam Halo muons are straight propagated
19  # untracked bool InTK=true
20  # The radii of the cylinders for propagation
21  radii = cms.vdouble(700.0, 638.0, 597.0, 536.0, 491.0,
22  462.0, 403.0, 385.0, 340.0, 329.0,
23  315.0, 200.0, 96.5, 61.0, 41.8,
24  34.2),
25  # The corresponding values of the magnetic field
26  bfiel = cms.vdouble(-0.05, -1.78, -0.01, -1.75, -0.02,
27  -1.86, -0.02, -1.99, -0.05, 1.0,
28  3.1, 4.16, 4.1, 4.07, 4.07,
29  4.07),
30  # The overall reduction factor for the magnetic field
31  factor = cms.double(1.0),
32  # The zeds of the cylinders for propagation :
33  zeds = cms.vdouble(600.0, 600.0, 600.0, 600.0, 600.0,
34  600.0, 600.0, 600.0, 600.0, 600.0,
35  600.0, 600.0, 600.0, 600.0, 600.0,
36  600.0)
37 )