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1 from PhysicsTools.SelectorUtils.centralIDRegistry import central_id_registry
3 # Common functions and classes for ID definition are imported here:
6 #
7 # This is the first round of Spring15 25ns cuts, optimized on Spring15 25ns samples.
8 #
9 # The ID cuts below are optimized IDs for Spring15 Scenario with 25ns bunch spacing
10 # The cut values are taken from the twiki:
11 #
12 # (where they may not stay, if a newer version of cuts becomes available for these
13 # conditions)
14 # See also the presentation explaining these working points (this will not change):
15 #
16 #
17 # First, define cut values
18 #
20 # Veto working point Barrel and Endcap
21 idName = "cutBasedElectronID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-veto"
22 WP_Veto_EB = EleWorkingPoint_V2(
23  idName , # idName
24  0.0152 , # dEtaInCut
25  0.216 , # dPhiInCut
26  0.0114 , # full5x5_sigmaIEtaIEtaCut
27  0.181 , # hOverECut
28  0.0564 , # dxyCut
29  0.472 , # dzCut
30  0.207 , # absEInverseMinusPInverseCut
31  0.126 , # relCombIsolationWithEALowPtCut
32  0.126 , # relCombIsolationWithEAHighPtCut
33  # conversion veto cut needs no parameters, so not mentioned
34  2 # missingHitsCut
35  )
37 WP_Veto_EE = EleWorkingPoint_V2(
38  idName , # idName
39  0.0113 , # dEtaInCut
40  0.237 , # dPhiInCut
41  0.0352 , # full5x5_sigmaIEtaIEtaCut
42  0.116 , # hOverECut
43  0.222 , # dxyCut
44  0.921 , # dzCut
45  0.174 , # absEInverseMinusPInverseCut
46  0.144 , # relCombIsolationWithEALowPtCut
47  0.144 , # relCombIsolationWithEAHighPtCut
48  # conversion veto cut needs no parameters, so not mentioned
49  3 # missingHitsCut
50  )
52 # Loose working point Barrel and Endcap
53 idName = "cutBasedElectronID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-loose"
54 WP_Loose_EB = EleWorkingPoint_V2(
55  idName , # idName
56  0.0105 , # dEtaInCut
57  0.115 , # dPhiInCut
58  0.0103 , # full5x5_sigmaIEtaIEtaCut
59  0.104 , # hOverECut
60  0.0261 , # dxyCut
61  0.41 , # dzCut
62  0.102 , # absEInverseMinusPInverseCut
63  0.0893 , # relCombIsolationWithEALowPtCut
64  0.0893 , # relCombIsolationWithEAHighPtCut
65  # conversion veto cut needs no parameters, so not mentioned
66  2 # missingHitsCut
67  )
69 WP_Loose_EE = EleWorkingPoint_V2(
70  idName , # idName
71  0.00814 , # dEtaInCut
72  0.182 , # dPhiInCut
73  0.0301 , # full5x5_sigmaIEtaIEtaCut
74  0.0897 , # hOverECut
75  0.118 , # dxyCut
76  0.822 , # dzCut
77  0.126 , # absEInverseMinusPInverseCut
78  0.121 , # relCombIsolationWithEALowPtCut
79  0.121 , # relCombIsolationWithEAHighPtCut
80  # conversion veto cut needs no parameters, so not mentioned
81  1 # missingHitsCut
82  )
84 # Medium working point Barrel and Endcap
85 idName = "cutBasedElectronID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-medium"
86 WP_Medium_EB = EleWorkingPoint_V2(
87  idName , # idName
88  0.0103 , # dEtaInCut
89  0.0336 , # dPhiInCut
90  0.0101 , # full5x5_sigmaIEtaIEtaCut
91  0.0876 , # hOverECut
92  0.0118 , # dxyCut
93  0.373 , # dzCut
94  0.0174 , # absEInverseMinusPInverseCut
95  0.0766 , # relCombIsolationWithEALowPtCut
96  0.0766 , # relCombIsolationWithEAHighPtCut
97  # conversion veto cut needs no parameters, so not mentioned
98  2 # missingHitsCut
99  )
101 WP_Medium_EE = EleWorkingPoint_V2(
102  idName , # idName
103  0.00733 , # dEtaInCut
104  0.114 , # dPhiInCut
105  0.0283 , # full5x5_sigmaIEtaIEtaCut
106  0.0678 , # hOverECut
107  0.0739 , # dxyCut
108  0.602 , # dzCut
109  0.0898 , # absEInverseMinusPInverseCut
110  0.0678 , # relCombIsolationWithEALowPtCut
111  0.0678 , # relCombIsolationWithEAHighPtCut
112  # conversion veto cut needs no parameters, so not mentioned
113  1 # missingHitsCut
114  )
116 # Tight working point Barrel and Endcap
117 idName = "cutBasedElectronID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-tight"
118 WP_Tight_EB = EleWorkingPoint_V2(
119  idName , # idName
120  0.00926 , # dEtaInCut
121  0.0336 , # dPhiInCut
122  0.0101 , # full5x5_sigmaIEtaIEtaCut
123  0.0597 , # hOverECut
124  0.0111 , # dxyCut
125  0.0466 , # dzCut
126  0.012 , # absEInverseMinusPInverseCut
127  0.0354 , # relCombIsolationWithEALowPtCut
128  0.0354 , # relCombIsolationWithEAHighPtCut
129  # conversion veto cut needs no parameters, so not mentioned
130  2 # missingHitsCut
131  )
133 WP_Tight_EE = EleWorkingPoint_V2(
134  idName , # idName
135  0.00724 , # dEtaInCut
136  0.0918 , # dPhiInCut
137  0.0279 , # full5x5_sigmaIEtaIEtaCut
138  0.0615 , # hOverECut
139  0.0351 , # dxyCut
140  0.417 , # dzCut
141  0.00999 , # absEInverseMinusPInverseCut
142  0.0646 , # relCombIsolationWithEALowPtCut
143  0.0646 , # relCombIsolationWithEAHighPtCut
144  # conversion veto cut needs no parameters, so not mentioned
145  1 # missingHitsCut
146  )
148 # Second, define what effective areas to use for pile-up correction
149 isoInputs = IsolationCutInputs_V2(
150  # phoIsolationEffAreas
151  "RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/data/Spring15/effAreaElectrons_cone03_pfNeuHadronsAndPhotons_25ns.txt"
152 )
155 #
156 # Set up VID configuration for all cuts and working points
157 #
159 cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_veto = configureVIDCutBasedEleID_V2(WP_Veto_EB, WP_Veto_EE, isoInputs)
160 cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_loose = configureVIDCutBasedEleID_V2(WP_Loose_EB, WP_Loose_EE, isoInputs)
161 cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_medium = configureVIDCutBasedEleID_V2(WP_Medium_EB, WP_Medium_EE, isoInputs)
162 cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_tight = configureVIDCutBasedEleID_V2(WP_Tight_EB, WP_Tight_EE, isoInputs)
165 # The MD5 sum numbers below reflect the exact set of cut variables
166 # and values above. If anything changes, one has to
167 # 1) comment out the lines below about the registry,
168 # 2) run "calculateMD5 <this file name> <one of the VID config names just above>
169 # 3) update the MD5 sum strings below and uncomment the lines again.
170 #
172 central_id_registry.register(cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_veto.idName,
173  '202030579ee3eec90fdc2d236ba3de7e')
174 central_id_registry.register(cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_loose.idName,
175  '4fab9e4d09a2c1a36cbbd2279deb3627')
176 central_id_registry.register(cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_medium.idName,
177  'aa291aba714c148fcba156544907c440')
178 central_id_registry.register(cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_tight.idName,
179  '4e13b87c0573d3c8ebf91d446fa1d90f')
182 ### for now until we have a database...
183 cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_veto.isPOGApproved = cms.untracked.bool(True)
184 cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_loose.isPOGApproved = cms.untracked.bool(True)
185 cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_medium.isPOGApproved = cms.untracked.bool(True)
186 cutBasedElectronID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_tight.isPOGApproved = cms.untracked.bool(True)